[#] Decreased the default average violation to improve false positives
[#] Fixed a console error related to integer to object casting
[#] Fixed webhooks being sent when a detection or its check was disabled
[#] Adjusted the notifications and prevention levels for almost all checks
[#] Fixed a few MorePackets teleport false positives
[#] Fixed a null pointer console error with the Spartan Edition handler
[#] Improved upon the existing statistics to make them faster and more accurate
Nice to meet you everyone, my name is Nick. As of today, Vagdedes will be stepping down from owner of the Spartan AntiCheat project and I will be taking charge in his place, with him becoming a developer. As a result of this change, our username on BuiltByBit, Polymart & SpigotMC will soon be set to
CheatSolutions and on Discord as spartananticheat. I personally am a very community driven individual and I think this will have a positive effect in this community.
So, let's begin! I'd like to give attention to 2 important issues:
1. The 1st issue we knew is the anti-cheat's Machine Learning. Don't get me wrong, it is working but is difficult to coherently explain, so we replaced it with simple statistics accompanied by a classic anti-cheat violation system.
2. Upon downgrading from the Machine Learning, we discovered that the Machine Learning algorithms were correcting many false positives. As a result, we had to go through and correct them ourselves, making the native detections more stable. (Some detections that were too unstable have been temporarily disabled and will return in the future)
These 2 fundamental changes seem to have worked wonders. Beyond them, the plugin was found in an excellent state. Now that Spartan is under new management, pawsashatoy and I hope those of you who are unhappy with the project or have completely given up on it to give it another shot.
[#] Fixed a few simulation speed console errors
[#] Made the packet-world handler partly async to avoid blocking threads
[#] Removed suspicion notifications as they were barely being used
[#] Introduced a violation system and removed much of the wave statistics
[#] Fixed a rare config utils console error
[#] Removed historical statistics so also removed the Main menu
[#] Removed coordinates from the SQL database structure
[#] Fixed FastClicks false positives when entities were not around
Disclaimer to staff team:
Accounts on BuiltByBit, Polymart & SpigotMC will still be managed by Vagdedes due to rules and policies
[#] Fixed a few slime false positives
[#] Removed certain cloud features that were not being used
[#] Fixed a few checks console errors
[#] Fixed an issue with probabilities beyond 100%
[#] Fixed a few temporary player permission console errors
[#] Fixed a Speed check array console error
[#] Fixed a few rare XRay false punishments
[#] Potentially fixed the issue with high probabilities in webhooks
[#] Fixed teleport false positives related to the IrregularMovements jump detection
[#] Implemented a copy of the velocity event to avoid certain version errors
[#] Removed a lot of legacy code from the plugin and replaced it with better and newer code
[#] Rewrote part of the plugin's base to be more coherent and allow for more organized development
[#] Potentially fixed certain XRay false positives
[#] Fixed error with bukkit speed detection
[#] Fixed error with packets vehicle detection
[#] Introduced data samples to drop the statistics requirement to 1 player
[+] New recoded vehicle movement checks
[+] New elytra movement checks
[#] Fixed some falses with semi-solid blocks
[#] Fixed NoSlow falses
[#] Fixed a null message error
[#] Fixed many others minor falses
[#] Fixed nearby entities console errors
[#] Fixed issue with big number probabilities in Discord webhooks
[#] Fixed Discord webhooks firing for disabled checks
[#] Improved the preventions by abstracting the method responsible for every detection
Hey everyone! As a followup to our recent Spartan vs Vulcan anti-cheat comparison, we acknowledge the need to keep on improving Spartan to retain a superior anticheat. Here are some of the recent improvements we've made:
Added '/spartan verbose': Toggle verbose to see either important only or all notifications. This also means that you now get to distinguish notifications between detecting and learning, minimizing the amount of false positives you thought existed.
We keep verbose enabled on the test server because almost everyone there is hacking so its pointless to rely on statistics.
Rewrote FastClicks Check: We've observed complaints about the FastClicks check not supporting Butterfly, jitter, e.t.c, so we rewrote its detections from the start to improve upon this.
Statistics Improvements You can now enjoy Spartan's detections within the day (most likely). New statistics require only 3 recorded players per detection to work compared to previously needing 9. We've achieved this by modifying the prevention and punishment probabilities.
Countless of other fixes: errors, warnings, bugs, bypasses, false positives, e.t.c
Clearing some fuss: Spartan's detections mostly attempt to reverse engineer MC code. The statistics come after the detections as a way to manage the detections. Our Machine Learning (ML) is a form of managing detection outcome, not a form of understanding MC gameplay.
[+] Added check for hits through the wall
[#] Removed some more busy task warnings
[#] Fixed an overflow bug that lead to high probabilities in certain cases
[#] Fixed a few remaining GhostHand false positives
[#] Fixed issue with old ProtocolLib
[#] Fixed another minor falses
[#] Introduced the command '/spartan verbose' to differentiate between important or not notifications
[#] Made detection information shorter for almost all checks
[#] Made detections without options to have more deterministic names
[#] Improved ProtocolLib packet support by checking if certain packets exist
[#] Suspicion Notifications and Discord Webhooks will now notify at higher probabilities to reduce spam
[#] Fixed a few scaffold false positives
[#] Improved the identifications of NPC players
[#] Fixed a few detection null errors
[#] Prompted statistics to recalculated when max data has been updated
[#] Prevented certain statistics from running when not needed
[#] Pushed the requirements of statistics to their minimum
[#] Fixed punishments toggle not working via the menu
[#] Made probabilities of hardcoded detections to decay over time
[#] Changed certain detections from probabilistic to hardcoded
[#] Properly listed a few detections to their respective packets/bukkit category
[#] Removed the bukkit gravity detection
[#] Fixed a null console error
[#] Removed time warnings from runnables
[#] Corrected certain mistakes in the statistics
[#] Added detection types to improve the statistics and the menu descriptions
[#] Added attempt to stop detections when a player is a NPC
[#] Disabled certain detections of FastClicks when on packets
[#] Fixed console errors related to bubble columns
[#] Fixed minor issues related to asynchronous activity
[+] New AutoClicker (FastClicks) checks
[#] Major performance improvements
[#] Potentially fixed a ProtocolLib world change error
[#] Other minor code fixes
[#] Fixed GhostHand check false positives
[-] Removed the punishments webhook URL option as it was not used
[#] Rewrote the line of sight block method because bukkit's method caused crashes
[#] Fixed an iterator console error caused by copy-on-array-list implementation
[#] Fixed inventory utils rare console error related to missing material
[#] Fixed certain false positives with the old gravity detection
[#] Fixed FastBreak false positives
[-] Removed the settings.yml option 'Punishments.broadcast_on_punishment'
[#] Improved notifications by reducing their spam and increasing their importance
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia server error that prevented the plugin from loading
[#] Disabled the XRay check for custom worlds
[#] Optimized how detections/statistics run when requested by multiple threads
[#] Improved suspicion notifications by removing unlikely parts
[#] Improved when a check's execution runs and when it doesn't
[#] Fixed water speed bypass
[#] Fixed potential lag issue related to thread usage
[#] Improved the stability of certain statistics
[#] Fixed false positives caused by incorrect usage of threads
[#] Decreased the amount of calls for certain statistical methods
[#] Fixed speed ground/fastclimb bypasses
[#] Fixed many speed/gravity falses
[#] Fixed falses with collision
[#] Fixed falses with vehicles
[#] Fixed falses with minecarts
[#] Fixed falses with ender pearls
[#] Fixed a vehicle related false with HitReach
[#] Fixed a vehicle related console error
[#] Accelerated the learning time of the statistics by introducing data assumptions
[#] Detections will still collect data regardless of them or the check being disabled.
[#] Improved the time statistics take to calculate certain time distances.
[#] Fixed certain FastClicks false positives related to items dropping.
[#] Fixed a nearby entities method bug where it could include the player himself.
[-] Removed the ItemDrops detection as it wasn't really helping anywhere.
[#] Fixed a few FastPlace false positives.
[+] New Velocity handling for Speed checks
[#] Fixed null exception error
[#] Fixed annoying flaw deep in the plugin (because of which there was a disabler)
[#] Made detections reset when a player rejoined the server.
[#] Fixed an Exploits dead-chat-usage false positive.
[#] Fixed desync NoSlow flaws
[#] Fixed 1.13< errors
[#] Fixed false positives when teleporting/spawn
[#] Fixed false positives with some interactions
[#] Fixed other minor things
[#] Fixed some critical flaws in simulation gravity/accel
[#] Fixed simulation gravity/accel bypasses
[#] Fixed NoSlow flaws
[#] Fixed Jesus bypasses
[#] Fixed flaws with horse
Many updates today folks, we are working hard to get the best version out for you.
Update at your own pace, no need to rush, but we will do <3
[+] Added NoSlow detection in Speed check with shield/food support
[#] Optimized many multi-thread methods
[#] Fixed a few console errors
[#] Fixed collision false positives
[#] Fixed some speed false positives
[#] Fixed slime punch infinity speed bypass
[+] Added EntityFly detections to IrregularMovements check
[#] Fixed critical issues with simulation gravity IrregularMovements detection
[#] Fixed false positives with semi-solid blocks
[#] Fixed false positives with vehicle entities
[#] Fixed false positives with teleportation
[#] Fixed false positives with breaking unbreakable blocks (Ghost blocks)
[#] Fixed false positives with speed after receiving velocity
[#] Fixed false positives with certain 1.21+ interactions
[#] Other minor fixes that were not mentioned in this changelog
[#] Fixed a data pending missing description in the inventory menus
[#] Updated the default notifications to look better and contain less info
[#] Fixed concurrent console errors
- IrregularMovements: Speed, Gravity/Flight & Strafe
- KillAura
- Velocity: Anti-Knockback
- FastClicks: Auto-Clicker
- HitReach: Reach
- ImpossibleActions: Scaffold & Tower
- Exploits: BackTrack, Ground-Spoof & Movement-Spoof
[#] Improved how certain statistical outcomes are calculated.
[#] Improved when certain logs are stored that lead to additional statistical improvements.
[#] Added timezone support to log dates so that when time changes, statistics don't break.
[#] Removed Chunk snapshots and instead relied on checking if a chunk is loaded to get data needed.
[#] Optimized and at the same time improved the measurement of online and AFK time.
[#] Changed the structure of certain logs to make them easier and faster to decode and understand.
[#] Data collection remaining time is now available in all inventory menus of the plugin.
[#] Data collection of a check will now be true only if at least half of its detections have collected data.
[#] Fixed bugs with the Player Info menu where some data would not show.
[#] Potentially fixed a rare console error related to the player's latency.
[-] Removed time precision from log dates that led to extra space and potential reading flaws.
[-] As a result of this update, your statistics will start from scratch, but that is for the better good.
[#] Fixed rare async chunk Spartan data accessing console error.
[#] Added packet notification via the optional Awareness Notification feature.
[#] Corrected Velocity false positives caused by lag delay.
[#] Improved handling of Ghost blocks.
[#] Fixed some false positives related to the IrregularMovements Gravity detection.
[#] Fixed false teleportation with boat vehicles.
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia console error.
[#] Optimized the plugin's chunk collector for getting block data asynchronously.
[#] Fixed a few ProtocolLib related console errors.
[#] Optimized the plugin's chunk collector for getting block data asynchronously.
[#] Fixed a few ProtocolLib related console errors.
[#] Combined the Speed check into the IrregularMovements check.
[#] Fixed the 0-0-0 coordinate bug causing teleportation and more issues.
[#] Decreased the amount of location calls in all of the plugin's code.
[#] Balanced the probability positions that judge notifications, preventions & punishments.
[#] Fixed packets console error caused by reading the ProtocolLib handlers.
[#] Updated the Player Info inventory menu to be more easily understood.
[#] Added tracking for players connecting and disconnecting but also AFK to improve statistical accuracy.
[#] Made data pending mentions clearer to understand.
[#] Added new configuration named advanced.yml for more generalized options.
[#] Made learning 2x faster for every of player of every detection of every check.
[#] Spartan can now hold 2x the data with about 2x less space taken in memory.
[#] Fixed an ImpossibleActions detection error caused by outdated block face bukkit object.
[#] Fixed a null location error caused by the protocol utils not returning an empty location.
[#] Separated detections into probabilistic and hardcoded to differentiate functionality for developers.
[#] All Spartan commands will now run synchronously so no issues are caused.
[#] When a command fails, it will now appear in the failed message so the executor is not confused.
[#] Added additional information to Discord Webhooks such as check certainty percentages.
[#] Made notifications go through even if probability of hacking is super low.
[#] Added remaining time to complete training in the inventory menus to avoid confusion.
[#] Updated the configuration syntax to be more consistent language-wise.
[#] Fixed a few inventory menu bugs.
Phase 537.6 and later introduced a lot of changes for the best of the plugin's future. This update fixes all issues caused by the previous update, thanks for reporting and being supportive.
[#] Made notifications appear less frequently by tracking the certainty of someone hacking.
[#] Fixed null errors caused by missing synchronization in update of executor protocols.
[#] Fixed console errors, thanks for reporting.
[#] Fixed ProtocolLib temporary player console error related to player profiles.
[#] Added back-track detections to the Exploits check.
[#] Fixed a no detection stored check executor object console error.
[#] Fixed a stack overflow error caused by the player profile object.
[#] Fixed a stack overflow error caused by the spartan player object.
[#] Improved the identification of detection in cross server notifications.
[#] Separated once again the data of java and bedrock players.
[#] Made statistics run the same with less information stored in the memory.
[#] Made the plugin require less data to start comparing and taking action.
[#] Improved the SQL functionality to not execute when connection is closed.
[#] Spartan will no longer send unlikely notifications to the console.
[#] Fixed a null pointer console error related to the ImpossibleActions tower detection.
[#] Corrected a color typo in the Manage Checks inventory menu.
[#] Rewrote how the plugin deals with detection hashing to improve and optimize statistics.
[#] Fixed IrregularMovements baritone false positives for bedrock players.
[#] Fixed MorePackets bukkit detection false positives for bedrock players.
[#] Fixed a console error caused in byte conversion related to jumping calculation.
[#] Removed not needed information from the Player Info inventory menu.
[#] Heavily rewrote the part of the base of the plugin to improve violation analysis.
[#] Added more examples and improved current ones in the Spartan GitHub repository.
[#] Fixed several MorePackets false positives caused by low multipliers.
[#] Fixed a location reading console error on ProtocolLib packets functionality.
[#] Allowed damage preventions to take place when packets through protocollib are enabled.
[#] Improved the violation increase of many detections to improve statistical analysis.
[#] Fixed IrregularMovements new baritone detection false positives.
[#] Fixed several Exploits ground-spoof detection false positives.
[#] Fixed KillAura block-raytrace detection console error.
[#] Fixed IrregularMovements teleportation by breaking blocks false positives.
[#] Fixed MorePackets teleportation by breaking blocks false positives.
[#] Moved the IrregularMovements move-length detection to the KillAura check and fixed non-combat false positives.
[#] Potentially fixed several movement water and water-logged block false positives.
[#] Fixed bubble water being identified even if block was blocking the falling path.
[#] Improved the support for attributes introduced in recent updates but earlier too.
[#] Fixed several movement liquid false positives caused by broken utility method.
[#] Fixed several console errors caused by ProtocolLib temporary players in relation to floodgate bedrock players.
[#] Fixed an OldCombatMechanics compatibility Speed check false positive.
[-] Removed the Detection Slots, more on this on the announcement on Discord.
[#] Added additional information to the Manage Checks inventory menu/gui.
[+] Implemented a new ImpossibleActions scaffold detection that contains deep analysis.
[+] New Scaffold analysis checks
[#] Optimized the collection of entities on Folia fork & packet-based Spartan.
[#] Fundamentally changed how Spartan implements detections for more productive development.
[#] Options in the checks.yml file will now all be loaded the moment a player joins the server.
[#] Fixed several Speed random false positives.
[#] Added more detection options in the checks.yml configuration.
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia fork unloaded world entity removal error.
[#] Fixed several IrregularMovements liquid block false positives.
[#] The plugin will now totally measure time in more accurate terms allowing for higher accuracy.
[#] Fixed several MorePackets teleportation due to action false positives.
[#] Fixed several Exploits, Velocity & IrregularMovements bouncing block false positives.
[+] New Baritone checks
[#] Fixed several Speed piston related false positives.
[#] Fixed several FastClicks block breaking false positives.
[#] Fixed several FastBreak no enchantment accounting false positives.
[#] Fixed several Speed server flight related false positives.
[#] Attempted to create certain IrregularMovements jump(ticks) cross-version false positives.
[#] Fixed an Exploits ground-spoof cancelled building false positive.
[#] Optimised the Player Profile object with fewer & faster methods and less memory used.
[#] Potentially fixed a Folia loading console error.
[#] Fixed a mathematical mistake in the Velocity check.
[#] Fixed several Speed elytra related false positives.
[#] Fixed several Speed trident related false positives.
[#] Fixed a Vehicle console error caused by wrong object casting.
[#] Made Suspicion Notifications not be sent in certain unavailable data circumstances.
[#] Removed violation information from the Player Info menu as it is not important.
[+] Added method to the developer API to get violation certainty for a check.
[#] Fixed remaining Detection Slots not being calculated properly in all cases.
[#] Limited the amount of violations stored per player to optimize the time of statistics.
[#] Attempted to re-fix running out of memory due to Bukkit's method of getting the target block across a distance.
[#] Fixed a temporary player active potion effects console error.
[#] Fixed a FastBreak standing above block false positive.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements bubble water soul-sand false positive.
[#] Made the mining logs not take place once the XRay check is disabled.
[#] Fixed a Folia loading console error caused by enums not initialized properly.
[#] Fixed several IrregularMovements step false positives caused by ridding camels.
[#] Fixed an EntityDeathEvent console error caused by missing method.
[-] Removed the measuring of violations as it has not been useful for a while to any check.
[#] Fixed a temporary-player console error related to protocol version.
[#] Fixed a concurrent modification exception in the packet combat listeners.
[#] Fixed a concurrent modification exception in the player utilities.
[#] Decreased redundant code in player utils by using existing useful libraries.
[#] Fixed a line of sight array growth error by limiting the distance checked for the GhostHand check.
[#] Fixed a concurrent modification exception in the player object related to potion effects.
[#] Fixed a library console error caused by the inventory utils on older server versions.
[+] New Exploits ground-spoof checks (1:1).
[+] New HitReach checks (0.1+ reach/hitbox detection).
[+] New Timer checks (lag compensation, almost instantaneous triggering, positive or negative timer detection)
[+] Killaura MoveDirection "heuristic[interpolation]" check, designed for newest aura bypasses
[#] Fixed many problems with combat checks.
[#] Improved stability of many checks.
[#] Fixed bug with DAMAGE_EVENT
[#] Fixed compatibility with older versions (1.8+)
[#] Removed the NoFall check and replaced it by the new Exploits ground-spoof detection.
[#] Almost all listeners now on packet-level.
[+] Split the check statistics into multiple factors to increase precision.
[#] Improved Velocity processing instead of deprecated damage.
[+] Added certainty measurement that a player is hacking to be saved in the plugin's logs to help for many reasons.
[-] Bedrock players will no longer be checked on the packet level due to incompatibilities.
[#] Made probabilities stricter to reduce the amount of notifications but also improve stability.
[#] Fixed synchronization console error related to the violation history.
[#] Fixed elytra & mobs collision false positives.
[#] Fixed a Speed console error caused by specific-version materials.
[+] Implemented a new KillAura detection which calculates the ratio of hits/damages for all entities.
[+] Implemented a new FastClicks detection which measures and compares patterns.
[#] Made notifications message in messages.yml not show the violation level by default because it is confusing.
[#] Fixed a few FastBreak false positives with sensitive blocks.
[#] Made the has-account notification optional.
[#] Made packets listeners not run when not supported or deprecated.
[#] Fixed a packet listener issue which caused players not being able to connect to the server.
[-] Removed the staff chat permission since it is no longer in use.
[#] Checks will no longer calculate or provide evidence when disabled.
[#] Punishments and preventions will no longer run if there's not enough data.
[+] Add prefix to messages.yml messages that should but didn't contain it.
[-] Removed messages.yml messages that were generated but had no practical use.
[#] Moved the settings.yml option 'max_supported_player_latency' from the Protections to the Important category.
[-] Removed the player-limit-per-ip feature and its settings.yml option as it is not in par with the anti-cheat's future path.
[#] Punishments for any check will now execute only if the check called has sufficient evidence.
[+] Added 2 new commands: toggle-prevention, toggle-punishment
[#] Made the plugin show its correct edition where it would be wrong in some cases.
[#] Made the ImpossibleActions scaffold detection more stable.
[#] Made many detections more stable by reworking parts of the plugin's base.
[#] Preventions will no longer take place when a check runs on packets because they cause false positives.
[+] Added NoWeb detection to the Speed check.
[#] Fixed a PlayerProfile inventory missing class console error.
Code (Text):
[+] Added {vls:percentage} configuration syntax/placeholder for the certainty of someone hacking for detection notifications.
[#] Fixed silent option not working in certain cases.
[#] Fixed a console error caused by missing class method.
[#] Improved the suspicion notifications with better discord webhooks
[#] Fixed a MACE material console error caused by the material missing.
[#] Notifications, preventions & punishments will now take place more accurately.
[-] Removed Speed check code that was outside of its responsible class.
[-] Removed redundant code from classes related to the player.
[#] Improved the base functionality of the plugin by improving the input of abstractions.
[#] Made part of the Exploits elytra detection a protection instead of a detection.
[+] Added has-account notification to help users get better access to our systems.
[+] Improved the tab completion of the plugin with more commands loaded.
[+] Implemented panic mode command for managing silent mode and check punishments for players.
[+] KillAura "BlockRaytrace" check (hitting through block)
[#] Fixed the java/bedrock edition message not showing properly.
[#] Fixed an internal code issue that caused a few checks such as Exploits & MorePackets to partly break.
[+] Added notification column in the SQL table to not cause SQL errors.
[+] Implemented new classes to handle modified constants of forks.
[#] Detection Slots will now be counted only for enabled checks per java/bedrock players.
[#] Fixed ImpossibleActions block-face console error.
[#] Fixed a BlockReach near block unusual detection false positive.
[#] Fixed a NoFall trident self propelling false positive.
[#] Fixed a Folia fork startup console error that prevented the plugin from loading.
[#] Fixed an ImpossibleActions tower false positive caused by a mathematical limit.
[#] Potentially fixed an ImpossibleActions scaffold false positive caused by a mathematical mistake.
[#] Fixed several IrregularMovements new mace item false positives.
[#] Fixed a ProtocolLib ping-pong transactions console error.
[#] Fixed a 1.8 get block direction console error.
[#] Fixed a Velocity material console error.
[#] Fixed a Velocity surrounding block false positive.
[#] Fixed a few BlockReach distance false positives.
[#] Improved how checks are loaded and reset to be faster and more memory efficient.
[#] Rewrote the statistics that judge who is hacking to use quantitative probability.
[#] Added java/bedrock split options to the punish & silent options in checks.yml.
[#] Generalized the KillAura move-length detection by moving it to the IrregularMovements check.
[#] Modified the SQL feature's table with updated columns and new columns, resetting your table is recommended.
[+] Add more information to the Player Info menu that should help with judging a player.
[+] Added back the 'cross server notifications' functionality by basing it on the SQL functionality.
[-] Removed the 'staff chat' functionality because it's not related to the anticheat's future path.
[-] Removed the 'chat protection' functionality because it's not related to the anticheat's future path.
[-] Removed the 'cross server information' cloud functionality to be replaced by the SQL functionality.
[-] Deprecated the 'setVerbose' Developer API method.
[#] Fixed a world unload chunk console error.
[#] Improved the accuracy of data in detection notifications.
[#] Fixed an ImpossibleActions scaffold yaw false positive.
[#] Made the Research Engine refresh as fast as possible without overloading.
[+] Implemented new statistics to judge how many violations a given check should ignore.
[#] Fixed a few IrregularMovements wind-charge item explosion false positives.
[+] Added new description to the Player Info inventory menu.
[+] Updated the verification of the Cloud feature, update to maintain access to it.
[#] Fixed a few Speed ground-invalid false positives
[#] Fixed a non-such method console error when retrieving server TPS.
[#] Fixed an issue where punishments repeat themselves after player is logged out.
[#] Made the NoFall check more lenient as far as its violations and preventions go.
[#] Improved the prevention system to consider configuration options in more scenarios.
[#] Fixed a BlockReach false positive caused by bedrock players.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements step false positive caused by several velocities.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements gravity false positive caused by elytra gliding.
[#] Fixed FastBreak false positives caused by latency and haste effects.
[#] Fixed many GhostHand false positives by making the check not retain violations for long.
[#] Potentially fixed an ImpossibleActions scaffold random block placement false positive.
[#] The Exploits check now belongs to the World category.
[#] Fixed a HitReach null-pointer error.
[#] Fixed a few ItemDrops & FastClicks false positives when dropping items.
[#] Fixed a comma typo in the logs of the plugin.
[#] Fixed an error when using the Floodgate compatibility with only Geyser.
[#] Removed unnecessary code from the Speed check.
[#] Fixed an Exploits movement(spoof) repeating false positive.
[#] Fixed a XRay false positive caused by wrongly implemented statistics.
[#] Improved the violation information of the IrregularMovements and NoFall checks.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements food-sprint false positive.
[#] Fixed an InventoryClicks shift clicking false positive.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements jump(height) low-ground false positive.
[#] Fixed an Exploits ground-spoof nearby-entities false positive.
[#] Fixed a NoFall bouncing blocks false positive related mostly to beds.
[+] Implemented ways to properly load data from blocks and worlds asynchronously. (off the main thread)
[+] All checks now support silent mode with the help of smarter preventions.
[+] When packets are enabled, movement checks will now run on packet events instead of bukkit events.
[#] Improved the use of memory relative to its synchronization requirements
[#] Simplified existing objects for less memory use and faster processing times.
[#] Fixed an issue that prevented the plugin to load on servers based on the Folia fork.
[#] Better synchronized notifications to reduce spam including cross-server ones.
[#] Largely improved the way evidence is calculated by calculating on the spot.
[#] Improved the object hierarchy to help objects communicate with each other faster.
[#] Rewrote the statistics of the XRay check so to serve you more reliably.
[-] Removed tracking of kicks and warnings as they did not help any of the statistics.
[-] Deprecated the 'ViolationResetEvent' API event as it is no longer needed.
[-] Deprecated the 'getTPS' API method as this is no longer something spartan will depend on.
[+] Spartan now optionally works with Packets. You need ProtocolLib for this.
[+] KillAura MoveDirection detection with the heuristics:
- basic
- low
- sync
- aim
- constant
- aggressive
- switch
- pattern(random)
- pattern(snap)
- pattern(gcd)
[+] Rewritten Criticals check
[+] Rewritten Velocity check (ProtocolLib Only)
[+] Rewritten HitReach check (Covers 3.01+ Distance) (ProtocolLib Only)
[+] KillAura HitTime detection (ProtocolLib Only)
[#] Fixed many false positives caused by several checks.
[#] Improved detection information in the KillAura & HitReach checks.
Added support for Minecraft 1.21
Fixed a few final issues, although the previous update was already stable.
Improved the memory consumption of the plugin and corrected console errors found by a few of you. Updating is necessary.
Fixed more remaining problems found by a few of you.
Fixed a few problems noticed by a few, updating is more than recommended.
Thank you to the many for patiently waiting. Here's a full rewrite of the movement checks. Words are few to describe the maze one has to go through to make such an update, try the movement checks and see for yourself the results! Make sure to report any issues via our Discord server at https://www.idealistic.ai/discord.
Code changes on GitHub:
This update once again brings huge improvements to Spartan.
- The Cancel Violation and False Positive Detection algorithms have been incorporated in the Live Violation algorithm, saving your server's resources in the process.
- The Machine Learning algorithm has been further developed and now uses less memory while running faster, plus I will be using to implement its first detections in the future.
- Violations are now uncapped where previously they would go up to 100 per minute and are time linear, meaning they will decrease as time passes if a player is not hacking. This will offer greater stability while improving long term statistics with undisputed evidence.
- Last but not least, the plugin was once again deeply maintained with outdated handlers and listeners being rewritten to track data better while consuming less resources from your server.
- The rest is history: https://github.com/IdealisticAI/Spartan-AntiCheat/commit/a0efe1eab03edeed1f442374c4740d93d8e50020
Hello everyone. There have been a few but concerning reports about Spartan's recent update degrading performance. The issue is not crystal clear yet but is nonetheless related to memory management. While I work to fix this with a few users, I recommend you downgrade from Phase 533 to Phase 532.2 to avoid potentially dealing with this. Thank you.
This hotfix fully stabilizes this update and is recommended for everyone. If you are still in Phase 532 or earlier, I urge you to update, but it will not be so necessary for the already stable Phase 532.1 update.
Fixed a few console errors. Sorry folks, this update was massive, it was kind of expected, but now all good.
Since I decided to bring Machine Learning to Spartan, it is necessary to do a deep cleaning and maintenance of the plugin's code, which is what I've done with this update. This could be my biggest update so far, although I won't make such a claim. However, the title is more than true, the plugin has been hugely improved from top to bottom with attention being paid down to specific details. Here are all the changes:
I will be conducting a Machine Learning project for Spartan in the future, if you wish to participate as a BETA Tester and help me train new algorithms but also get them ready for production, feel free to participate by joining at
https://www.idealistic.ai/discord and reacting in my recent news message. Thank you!
- Removed a forgotten debug message.
- Ignored always using isCancelled in the PlayerDeathEvent.
- Fixed a Damage Cause console error.
Hey folks, I hope you are all doing great. I wanted to notify that this update removes the Ban, Report, Debug & Spectate functionalities. I did this as my time is limited due to heavy workload and I want to focus only in what's important, which is checks and their respective detections that you should expect upgrades in the future. Unfortunately, moderation functionalities is not one of them and never has been, and I'd rather remove them than keep them there unmaintained with poorly implemented code of my younger self, with overall limited functionality and better alternatives available at many other places. Kicks and warnings still exist and should serve you well.
- Fixed a memory bug where messages would remain outdated and show Spartan 1.0 instead of 2.0.
- Added support for the “allowPublicKeyRetrieval” SQL option in sql.yml.
- Made the IrregularMovements equilibrium detection not increase violations when distance traveled is too low.
- Hackers will now require evidence from 2 checks instead of previously 3 checks.
- Removed the Detection Tick functionality and balanced the use of the Move event.
- Removed the default ‘spartan {player} if {tps} > 18.0 do’ unnecessary part of the punishment command.
- Spartan will no longer be responsible for measuring the stability of your server’s TPS.
- Removed the ban, unban, ban-info, report, spectate commands and their respective options because it’s not worth for Spartan to focus on low-quality moderation functionalities.
- Removed the spectate & debug functionalities and their respective options & items because it’s not worth for Spartan to focus on low-quality moderation functionalities.
We just reached 10k buyers, honestly I was never expecting to see a 5-digit number when I started this ❤️
Enter our Discord via
https://discord.gg/idealistic to participate in the all-resource giveaway!
Same version but with obfuscation corrections to fix a command error.
- Corrected an eco-enchants compatibility console error.
- Punishments will now be broadcasted by default.
- The False Positive Detection functionality will enable after a certain amount of collected data.
- Updated the Discord invite link and the inventory menu item arrangements.
- Cloud Staff Announcements will now be responsbile for the outdated version check.
- Did maintenance on the MorePackets check.
- Adjusted the Player Opponent object to be more precise and more frequently updated.
- Rewrote the Violation Statistics algorithm to be probability based.
- Fixed console errors related to packets and folia.
- Fixed log & wood false positives in ImpossilbeActions check.
- Optimized the Research Engine’s handler data flow and update rate.
- Separated evidence calculation into live and historical.
Corrected a console error related to the KillAura strafe detection.
- Bedrock compatibility will now consider the prefix regardless of Floodgate.
- Adjusted the SpartanPlayer object to be more async friendly in regards to the Folia fork.
- Added handler for bridge building to prevent false positives.
- Adjusted the SpartanPlayer object to collect certain data in a tick-based fashion for more accuracy.
- Adjusted certain tracking objects to get the precise amount of ticks remaining for more accuracy.
- Improved the accuracy of many handlers.
- Improved the accuracy and speed of false positive calculation.
- Corrected flaws in the IrregularMovements check.
- Removed unnecessary statistics of the Research Engine and imposed limits to remaining.
- Improved the identification of suspected & hacker players.
- Made the appropriate changes to the Velocity check so it can be slowly rewritten.
- Made the appropriate changes to the KillAura analysis detection so it can be slowly rewritten.
- Adjusted the description of certain checks to be more complete.
- Added detection for air block placement in the ImpossibleActions check.
- Added Staff Announcements to better handle issues that spread amongst many.
- Added more information to the inventory menu for staff members.
- Prepared certain checks to be rewritten, mainly the Velocity check.
- Added more information to the BlockReach check detections and adjusted it to be more lenient.
- Improved the support of the Folia fork when retrieving nearby entities and locations.
- Added support for more 1.20+ materials revolving around crops.
- Made the NoFall check more lenient with the heights it targets.
- Made the IrregularMovements check more lenient towards block placement.
- Removed the EntityMove check and incorporated it in other checks.
- Adjusted the Water Elevator handler to be more accurate
This is an announcement. The plugin supports 1.20.2 just fine with no need of a new file upload.
Adjusted the Player Limit Per IP feature so it doesn't fail.
- Adjusted the Cloud feature to work more efficiently.
- Corrected a rare 1.8 console error caused by a missing event.
- Rewrote the inventory menu system to work more efficiently.
- Adjusted the NoFall check to ignore certain detections when on fall damage.
- Limited the amount of violations when they happen to be identical.
- Adjusted the Player Limit Per IP feature to be more robust.
Adjusted the piracy prevention to be more lenient in certain circumstances.
- Saved performance on Folia by disabling certain chunk processes.
- Rewrote the base of the checks & configuration to be more object oriented.
- Adjusted the teleport event to not change the detection location so easily.
- Open sourced the project on GitHub, link on overview page.
- Adjusted the legacy configuration to be more compatible.
- Better synchronized the SpartanPlayer object.
- Diversified the memory storage to be more in par with the thread requirements.
- Partly rewrote the identification of the False Positive Detection to be time based.
- Adjusted the PlayerData and Combat utilities to support more outdated Minecraft versions.
- Removed a forgotten debug message in the plugin’s configuration sharing.
- Adjusted the Spartan Player object to calculate nearby entities faster.
- Adjusted the description of the Spartan Menu items to correct a typo.
- Removed the mass check toggle options of the settings.yml configuration.
Adjusted the EntityMove check, thanks for noticing @SonnenPingu.
Adjusted the configuration, updating is recommended. Thank you @Maxlego08 for noticing.
- The GhostHand check will now operate more strictly but in silent mode.
- Adjusted the Player Fight objects so as not to calculate absurdly big values.
- The Ground utilities will now be more aware when a player is active.
- The KillAura response detection will now require more than one opponent to work.
- Checks can now be toggled per detection type if available.
- Bouncing blocks will now be calculated regardless of liquid blocks.
Adjusted the Exploits elytra detection, updating is recommended.
- Improved the bedrock player identification method.
- Improved the configuration syntax information.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option “Important.load_player_head_textures”.
Further worked the crashing issue a few of you are experiencing, thanks for reporting.
Adjusted the ground teleportation method with limits in hopes of limiting a crash.
- Improved the recently rewritten IrregularMovements detections.
- Detection names will no longer be found in the configuration.
- Synchronized certain object methods for better data flow.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements imperfections.
- Updated the default bedrock player prefix to be the same as Geyser.
Small improvements and corrections.
- Rewrote 7 IrregularMovements detections for better detectability.
- Reordered and partly rewrote utilities for better information flow.
- Teleportations will now occur less frequently and more accurately.
- Commas can now be used to bypass multiple checks via command.
- Check data can now be reset via the inventory menu.
- False Positive identification is now more objective due to new limitations.
- Location calculations will now happen faster and more accurately.
- The XRay check will now collect data per world environment.
- Updated the database creation_date column from varchar(26) to varchar(30)
- Improved the ImpossibleInventory auto-totem detection.
- Improved the KillAura raytrace-of-blocks detection.
- Adjusted several handlers and identifiers which will result in less false positives.
- Optimized the way information is stored and analyzed for overall less performance usage.
- Introduced new context in the descriptions of the Manage Checks inventory menu.
- Used the Block utilities to create the Pattern utilities for significantly more performant block identification.
- Made the “Max Cancelled Violations” threshold dynamic per check.
- Threads will now refresh at different rates which will help save performance.
- Removed the “Important.violations_reset_seconds” settings.yml option, violations will now reset every minute.
- Problematic Detection prevention will no longer include hackers but suspected & legitimate players.
- Thanks everyone for reporting, especially: @Krepxinx @Daechler @ximuya @PaDo90 @Daphsquid @Folas
Adjusted the thread system to sleep when not needing to execute a task, updating is more than recommended.
- Problematic Detections have returned and are incorporated into the False Positive Detection feature.
- Rewrote the thread system using custom code so tasks are submitted & executed faster.
- Updated the Cancel Violation handler for more accurate prevention levels.
- The Research Engine will now calculate less information depending on the edition of Spartan.
- Checks that cannot punish will no longer be covered by the customer-support command.
- Adjusted the Ground utilities for faster calculation of on-ground movement.
Adjusted the obfuscation, updating is more than recommended.
- The MorePackets check will now check bedrock players on certain Spartan versions.
- The Maximum Checked Players will now work a tiny bit more accurately.
- Made all Folia interactions run synchronously so as not to encounter errors.
- Horses will now be identified properly in 1.20 servers.
Added support for Minecraft 1.20
Adjusted the "Maximum Checked Players" feature, downloading is more than recommended!
- The Detection Tick feature will now run in a broader amount of circumstances and save performance.
- Organized the Version utils to calculate more information mathematically instead of manually.
- Optimised the Maximum Checked Players feature to be more synchronised as a process.
- The Detection Tick feature will now run in a broader amount of circumstances and save performance.
- Organized the Version utils to calculate more information mathematically instead of manually.
- Optimised the Maximum Checked Players feature to be more synchronised as a process.
- The Chunk system will now organize data per world to save performance.
- The Spartan inventory menu will now show punished players next to reported players.
- Improved the Cloud feature by making it run faster and more reliably in regards to its processes.
- The Speed check will now contain more detection information in hopes of helping correct false positives more specifically.
- The IrregularMovements will now distinguish between more scenarios to offer better detection performance.
I had a few users test this update, one saw a whopping 45% improvement in performance. Moving forward, update logs will mention only what’s important, I will focus more on words and explaining in simple ways the progress that has taken place.
- Optimized code that is responsible for calculating bouncing, vehicles, collisions, elytra & liquids.
- Rewrote a significant part of the Wave feature after receiving useful user feedback.
- Decreased the amount of schedulers the plugin uses and improved support for the Folia fork.
- Detections that have been disabled will no longer be included in many calculations.
- Got some great ideas that you may see in future updates, for now enjoy this one.
- Added a new settings.yml option to toggle empty heads in the inventory menu.
- Rewrote a part of the NoFall check to make the check run more accurately.
- Implemented experimental support for the Folia fork, expect issues even though I paid attention to all code.
- Replaced tons of Java objects with their original interface to decrease memory usage.
- A lot more was changed that's not worth to document, enjoy.
- Enhanced the KillAura check with new and existing improved detections.
- Rewrote the Criticals damage detection to support players but also balanced its learning process.
- Enhanced the IrregularMovements hop & jump detections with more accurate calculations.
- Enhanced the MorePackets blink detection with better detection speeds.
- Provided extra stability to the learning process of the Velocity check.
- Updates will now contain what truly matters instead of roughly all changes made.
Provided the following additional optimisations to the player evidence algorithm:
1. The calculation will now have a 1 second cooldown.
2. The calculation objects will have their contents pre-calculated.
3. The calculation will be made using pre-calculated lists instead of calculated maps.
4. The calculation will only include checks that there is no evidence for.
5. The calculation will use a single thread if available to run or revert to run synchronously.
Did some deep optimisations to the hacker identification system for those of you who have servers with a lot of players/data. The rest of you should continue to be fine, but I recommend updating as always.
Made several incremental changes in how the plugin uses punishment categories with the calculated cancel-violation threshold, updating is more than recommended.
- Previously Spartan would take averages of all player violations, divide them by the days of data, and check who was ahead the average to consider them a hacker. This has several critical problems however, such as:
1. Averages do not account for the plugin version, which has an impact on the stability over a timespan.
2. Averages do not account for individual detections, which react differently per gameplay, etc.
3. Averages do not account for individual days, which can have vastly different data depending on the circumstances.
You get the point, Spartan is moving away from averages which create a black/white picture and will implement more advanced mathematics in order to get more variety and more precision at the same time.
- The False Positive identification algorithm has been rewritten to offer more accurate results but also better and faster stability.
- The Performance Optimizer feature has been incorporated into the Player Profile object as the whole profiling system has also been rewritten.
- Removed the Performance Optimizer settings.yml option as it will no longer cause players to bypass and thus won’t be of any benefit to configure.
- Removed a lot of unnecessary objects, enums & classes and replaced them with more organized code.
- The Information Analysis object has been incorporated into the Player Violation object to allow it to be warmed up and as a result take less resources from the CPU.
- The Cloud customer-support command feature will no longer send the messages.yml configuration as there’s no use for it.
- The Research Engine sub-cache will now be refreshed when its responsible thread is not currently being used to prevent overloading it and calculating unnecessarily.
- Adjusted the False Positive Detection to be slightly more lenient, especially with non-hacker players by using universal variables.
- Adjusted the False Positive Detection to take the memory it needs to avoid unnecessary iterations.
- Restored the mention of false positives in the detection notifications as originally supposed.
- Slightly improved the punishment algorithm by checking if a player had significant evidence in the past.
- Restored some of the description functionalities in the Manage Checks inventory menu.
- Removed the identification of problematic detections as it wasn’t being used to its full potential.
- Balanced the KillAura raytrace detection in regard to how close an entity should be to block the path of the hit.
- Slightly improved the Linear Regression math algorithm with better use of lists.
- Several of Spartan’s threads have been adjusted to run on the main thread if the thread is not free to avoid delaying important interactions.
- Rewritten all identifier handlers as objects and incorporated them into the Spartan Player object.
- Slightly rebalanced the Fishing Hook handler with replacement of barely efficient used methods.
- Slightly rebalanced the Game Mode handler with more conditions to consider before reaching an outcome.
- The FastClicks frequency and pattern detections will now be influenced by the clicks-per-second limit slightly if raised above the default.
- Slightly organized the Player info inventory menu to have a consistency with its item description.
- The config.yml/checks.yml configuration will now load significantly previously relative to when it’s used to help alleviate potential exceptions.
- Decreased the amount of threads the plugin uses by incorporating the ground & move utilities in the Spartan Player object.
- Increased the accuracy of the feedback of the punishment algorithm in regards to punishment cancellation via code.
- Added a new settings.yml option for toggling the Developer API:Important.enable_developer_api
- The Player Info inventory menu will now introduce a back item instead of close for those who use it in conjunction with the Spartan inventory menu.
- The anti-cheat will now use more the calculated Cancel Violation instead of the default one for more accurate results.
- Removed several parts of the Player Profile objects that were not contributing to significant parts of the code.
- The Cloud sub-feature Punished Players will now trust data from bedrock players.
- A lot of systematic limitations related to bedrock players have been removed due to the checks having improved.
- Rewritten important parts of the Maximum Checked Players and Detection Tick features to optimize performance more.
- Replaced several on-ground methods with the on-ground counter method of the Spartan Player object.
- Significantly improved the way the reporting system forms check relations when a player is reported.
- Noticeably improved the Config utilities by spreading the cache to each message for faster replacement.
- Removed complex replacing of syntax as it is no longer in use by any possible user.
Corrected an issue in the Player Velocity object that prevented some data collection, updating is more than recommended to help enrich the functionality of the Velocity check.
- When a check runs, multiple detections execute per player, which can sometimes have consequences in performance. From this update and on, Spartan will allocate a single reusable thread to run detections asynchronously. This thread will run only when it’s not busy with another detection and when the circumstances allow for it, otherwise the detection will revert to run synchronously. For example, when we run a detection asynchronously and the check has preventions enabled, we risk moving the prevention to the next server tick, which will allow the hack module to work for a bit and cause potential damages to one’s server, so Spartan will first make sure there’s enough time in the current server tick to ensure the prevention also runs before the server updates itself. Additionally, Spartan will respect the time left in the server tick by running asynchronously only what’s necessary such as mathematical calculations instead of trivial code such as checking the configuration or cache to see if a detection is enabled or buffered enough, of which code has already run previously as this algorithm has been placed methodically in the code for the possible maximum potential. Lastly, this algorithm will only target heavy and frequent detections such as the ones implemented in movement checks.
- Optimized the Spartan Player object in regards to its calculations related to the world border.
- Optimized the ImpossibleInventory & NoSlowdown checks and rebalanced their detections and performance.
- Improved the Spartan inventory menu with a more accurate statistics description.
- Detections will now be toggleable in certain versions of Spartan.
- The Velocity check will now support checking damage from entities but also more situations with players.
- Did some maintenance in the Player utilities as it caused some checks to misperform.
- The NoFall ratio detection will now start checking from the 3 fallen blocks instead of 4 but still be more lenient.
- Slightly improved the speed of the punishment algorithm by using regex instead of ordinary strings.
- Compatibilities will now refresh in memory when any plugin is loaded or unloaded, thus not having a problem when a plugin loads later.
- The IrregularMovements step detection will now apply more lenient downwards limits when a player was not recently falling.
- Completely rewritten the Speed sprint detection with the same but improved design.
- The KillAura raytrace detection will now start raytracing from the entity’s width and after.
- The punishment algorithm will no longer blame the first-party plugins when canceled as that’s not a plausible scenario.
- The punishment algorithm will now offer possible dependent plugins when canceled as a way to ease search.
- The Spartan’s inventory menu AntiCheat Updates item will no longer be considered clickable as it isn’t.
- The KillAura sensitivity abstract detection is far too sensitive and will only occur with suspected players and identified hackers.
- The KillAura sensitivity minimum detection has had its buffer separated but also increased in hopes of providing better stability.
- The ban system will now insert the actual name of the punisher and not its object name, causing varchar issues to the database as a result.
- The ban system will now distribute its keys using a list so less inconsistencies are created over time when modifying the code.
- Restored the functionality of the unban command as it seemed to not perform as expected for some users.
- The XRay detection has been rebalanced with faster and better calculations, and earlier signs in the inventory menus in the form of items.
- The KillAura pattern detection will now require more observations to make correlation assumptions, and the required correlation has increased for all its sub-detections.
- The KillAura pattern detection will now require the entity to be a player or monster and to not be blocked by a blocked behind.
- The Cloud feature Customer Support will now send less logs when used as a way to help prevent time waste when studying such information.
- The IrregularMovements climb detection will now apply different limits when climbing scaffolding blocks.
- Decreased the amount of threads the plugin uses by bringing processes to the main thread in an optimized manner.
- Suspicion Notifications will now run regardless of the Spartan inventory menu’s refresh rate.
- The Spartan inventory menu will now refresh only when it needs to instead periodically.
- The Explosion handler will now combine multiple events to calculate the players surrounding the location, which will dramatically decrease the amount of iterations and calculations needed.
- The KillAura and HitReach checks will no longer check wide entities as they seem to be problematic.
- Implemented a Ground utilities patch for miscalculations in the player’s remaining height position.
- Warnings, reports & kicks will no longer have any chance of being identified as violations.
- Did some maintenance to the Floor handler to make it more universal and accurate.
- Corrected a rare command-tab null pointer console error.
- The Item Attributes compatibility will now be enabled by default.
- The verification connection will now be processed asynchronously.
- The NoSlowdown bow shots detection will now be more lenient.
- Implemented a new KillAura sensitivity sub-detection that checks how abstract the player’s sensitivity is.
- The KillAura existing sensitivity detection will now be more lenient by decreasing violation points when not found to be hacking.
- Implemented several mathematical improvements to the Player Opponent object that automatically improve the KillAura distance detection.
- The KillAura rotations detection will no longer require stored pitch information to run and will be more lenient with wider entities.
- The KillAura direction and aim detections will now require 5x times less directional distance to function.
- Implemented a new KillAura detection named response that counts the ticks a player had at a close angle to an entity before hitting.
- Implemented a new KillAura detection named strafe that compares the directional distance of a player.
- Implemented a new KillAura detection named pattern (originally perspective) that uses linear algebra to compare one’s movement with predictions of that.
- The KillAura movement & rotations detections will now be more lenient to protect against instabilities.
- Further organized the code the KillAura check calls to run its movement-based detections.
- Generally polished remaining KillAura detections from the description to the mathematics as we get closer to the completed rewrite of this check.
- Implemented a new IrregularMovements liquids sub-detection named consistency.
- Adjusted the way the IrregularMovements step detection calculates its limit to have more accuracy.
- Restored the functionality of some of the raw commands.
- The Research Engine will now recalculate cache in different scenarios and in a more efficient order.
- False Positives will now be canceled by correct violations made by suspected & hackers to provide a balance.
- The FastPlace check will no longer check air blocks as it doesn’t need to and can cause incompatibilities.
- The Cancel Violation feature will now apply more appropriate limits based on a check’s problematic detections.
- The Awareness Notifications feature will now optionally notify when there is any problem with the punishment algorithm.
- Adjusted the code of the BlockReach check to run faster while forcing it to adopt greater limits when flying.
- Greatly improved the movement identification method of the Spartan Player object to include damage.
- Made some adjustments to the Spartan inventory menu so it’s more proper.
- Test servers will now calculate evidence based on live but not historical information.
- The Testing identification handler will now return more information to easier point out potential errors.
- The IrregularMovements will now be more lenient when the player was recently legitimately flying.
- The IrregularMovements check will now be more lenient with the hop detection.
- Improved the block material list of the Block utilities.
- Rewritten parts of the GhostHand check to work faster and more accurately.
- Rewritten and simplified the Block Break handler with new accurate utilities that account a broader situation of the player.
- The plugin will now calculate radians to degrees with higher precision.
- The Information Analysis algorithm will now be faster at identifying the positions of numbers & decimals.
- The Ground utilities will now consider all the bounding boxes of the snow block.
- Rewritten the KillAura analysis detection with a new algebra-based design.
- Rewritten the KillAura move-accuracy detection as Movement with a new logic-based design.
- Improved the Rotations, Sensitivity & Direction KillAura detections using combat buffering.
- Implemented more situations where the combat-based buffer of a player keeps running.
- Extended the functionality of the KillAura time detection to check consistency.
- The anti-cheat will now store its data in memory per check which will dramatically decrease unnecessary iterations but also CPU usage by requiring less hashing of keys.
- The Cache system will no longer clear data against a list and know automatically where important information is stored.
- The Cache system will now be able to clear data in the main thread without impacting performance and forcing single-threaded checks to be thread-friendly unnecessarily.
- The plugin will now use 2 less threads and rapidly move a lot of data in the main thread and save performance wasted to unnecessary concurrency checks on the main thread.
- The Ground utilities will now cache the block heights to decrease unnecessary logical comparisons.
- The Ground utilities now offers more diverse and progressive location calculation if a player rides an entity.
- The EntityMove check should now perform better when calculating the properties of a vehicle’s location.
- The Information Analysis object will now take data directly from the memory and not the storage of the server.
- Improved the stability of the IrregularMovements hop detection in regards to its jumping checks.
- The Speed check will now once again slightly increase its limit if found to be unstable.
- Further completed the KillAura direction detection with a buffered sub-detection.
- Updated the EcoEnchants compatibility class after being notified by its developer.
- Implemented a basic auto-totem detection via the ImpossibleInventory check.
- Adjusted the Spartan inventory menu to contain more and grammatically correct information.
- Improved the Combat Processing handler by calculating the max of the recently cached variables.
- Removed the Developer API method “warnPlayer” as it wasn’t used or consistent with other offerings of the API.
- Brought the {punisher} placeholder/syntax to the Kick & Warn commands to be consistent with the rest.
- Implemented a new method in Combat utilities to near precisely calculate the ticks per hit for more appropriate buffering.
- The Click Data object will now calculate cps and other click information on multiple circumstances for more accuracy and consistency.
- Movement checks will now create less strings & numbers and check less variables as a way to optimize performance.
- The customer-support command can now be run without providing a description and will send more organized information compared to previously.
- Improved the Research Engine handler’s method that’s responsible for identifying detection information for memory storage.
- Moved the calculation of directional locations entirely on the Spartan Location object.
- Rewritten the KillAura “modulo”, “yaw”, “pitch” & “stability” detections as part of a new simpler and more efficient detection named “sensitivity”.
- The proxy-command has been optimized by having fewer iterations of a loop.
- The spectate feature will now remove the player on its own instead of relying on third-party handlers aggressively.
- Part of the FastPlace check will now function even when block placing is disabled.
- Enabling individual-only notifications will disable suspicion notifications as they are unnecessary.
- Improved the limits of several bedrock detections so they run more in par with java detections.
- Improved the stability of the Killaura rotations and direction detections.
- Set a limit to the max supported entities for the KillAura raytrace detection.
- The Player Info inventory menu will now show information regardless of the player’s evidence state.
- Improved the cache of the Spartan Location object to be more universal.
- Completely rewritten the KillAura Aimbot detection with the new utilities and a pattern-based code design.
- Completely rewritten the KillAura rotations detection with new utilities and a historical-based code design.
- Dramatically improved the KillAura distance detection with more lenient but organized requirements.
- Implemented a new FastBreak detection named indirected-surroundings-per-second which studies blocks broken that are not close to the previous block.
- Delayed the Punishment Discord webhook slightly so other Discord webhooks can take its place if configured.
- The inventory menu of Spartan will now have its own entire thread so loading times are low.
- The staff player counters will refresh at least every minute instead of always when opening the menu.
- Increased the precision of the Movement utilities jump movement.
- Improved the decimal precision of the IrregularMovements hop detection.
- The Combat utilities will now use trigonometry instead of ray-tracing to accurately predict the location of a hit.
- The Math utilities have now been renamed to Algebra utilities and have received new methods.
- Created a new type of utilities named Trigonometry to help organize certain important equations.
- The KillAura check will no longer run when a player is gliding with an elytra.
- Implemented a new messages.yml option named “notifications_modified” for when changing the notification frequency.
- The Block utilities will now use the block breaking time calculator to understand whether a block is sensitive in newer versions.
- The difference between yaw and pitch will now be calculated entirely using trigonometry.
- Stopped using weak hashmaps for detections as they didn’t save nearly enough memory but caused minor inconsistencies.
- Checks will now clear their cache more properly by updating existing cache instead of removing it all together.
- Implemented a new “untested” command meant to be used to execute BungeeCord commands. (/spartan proxy-command <command>)
The customer-support command will now included more needed information for the resolution of a user-reported problem.
- Improved the documentation of the inventory menus.
- Introduced new methods to handle different connections in the Cloud feature.
- Implemented a new punishment webhook which lists the commands executed.
- The Spartan inventory menu’s max pages were limited to 999 instead of practically unlimited.
- The messages.yml configuration now has the configuration syntax {prefix} for mass plugin name replacement.
- Files will no longer be synchronized when just created to avoid manipulating important options to their defaults.
- The way responsible for calculating the min height of the world has been made a mass used method.
- The IrregularMovements will now treat bedrock players more properly in terms of accuracy.
- The Cloud feature customer-support command will now be more precise with the information it sends.
- Completely rewritten the FastClicks check as the previous one was great but did not meat certain expectations.
- Completely rewritten the Cps Counter handler as an object and renamed it to Click Data.
- The identification of jump movement has been adjusted for bedrock players.
- The Explosion protection will now properly calculate the time it needs to function.
- Reworked the Trident handler to be more universal and cross compatible.
- Certain parts of the FastPlace & MorePackets will disable when the server has competitive CPS.
- The Research Engine will now be able to cache for much longer so more data can be accounted for.
- The Suspicion-based algorithms such as punishments will now work even when the Research Engine is caching.
- Renamed the description of the Compatibilities item to not be so confusing.
- The KillAura time detection will no longer check in specific hit time delays.
- The KillAura raytrace detection will no longer check bedrock players due to their abstract line of sight.
- The HitReach check will no longer run its longer detection on bedrock players.
- The Customer Support command will now include configuration values when executed.
- Violation category will now appear as “unlikely” when a false positive has taken place.
- The configuration system will now accept text as logic, integers & decimals if typed correctly.
- Completely rewritten the way Spartan calculates CPS for more accuracy and new detections.
- Increased the near max falling motion of the IrregularMovements step detection as a way to improve stability.
- Added more information to the KillAura raytrace detection for more knowledge for the development.
- Optimized the punishment algorithm by forcing it to recalculate less information and in more needed circumstances.
- Adjusted the positioning of the Information Analysis object so the detection of a check is found successfully.
- The Research Engine will now longer attempt to calculate evidence for players who have been offline for long.
- Improved the accuracy of the IrregularMovements ground-up detection to match the possible expectations of some.
- Greatly optimized the way Spartan handles its violations in its cache for faster performance and less memory usage.
- Made the Player Info inventory menu look into the player’s online state in more situations.
- Adjusted the Minigame Maker compatibility after the project was transferred to another developer.
- The IrregularMovements step detection will now resort to greater limits in certain situations.
- Big entities will no longer be checked by the KillAura raytrace detection as it’s too risky stability-wise.
- Implemented more new KillAura detections and replaced their old ones.
- Made a few corrections to the Combat Processing handler related to how it handles cache.
- Adjusted how the plugin uses its threads for more appropriate processing times and queues.
- Adjusted the ImpossibleInventory check to be more accurate and functional.
- Adjusted the False Positive Detection feature and mostly removed the Problematic Detections feature due to problems.
- The Research Engine will now recalculate the False Positives by removing redundant violations.
- Added the X Y Z coordinates in the plugin’s logs since they were already added in the SQL feature.
- The IrregularMovements will no longer run when in liquid blocks as it doesn’t need to.
- Improved the protection of the NoSlowdown check of using a bow in combination with specific movements.
- Optimized & improved the process the Velocity check uses to understand if it can check a player.
- The IrregularMovements will now treat its cache more appropriately with several improvements.
- The Punishment algorithm will now be more accurate due more frequent cache refreshes.
- Partly rewritten the Violation History object to handle violations & false positives more appropriately.
- The XRay check will no longer wait a minute for the next violation but will notify when the violation cycle resets.
- Added more information to the Player Info inventory menu about the evidence of the player.
- Removed the Performance.disable_problematic_detections settings.yml option as it no longer plays an important role.
- Improved the bedrock compatibility by better identifying offline players without necessarily accessing heavy offline player data.
- Rewritten how the Research Engine handlers cache works to optimize asynchronous performance but offer more main-thread updates at the same time.
- The No Hit Delay compatibility will now only account when a player recently received damage.
- Deleting a player’s stored data will instantly remove them from the inventory menus.
The Spartan inventory menu will now be able to again access the. data of offline players.
- Specific EntityMove horse detections will no longer when in liquid blocks as movement gets too abstract.
- The default and default minimum vertical limit for the HitReach check has been increased to 4.6 blocks.
- Problematic detections will now be included in low frequency notifications like false positives.
- Decreased the number of synchronized calls to the Information Analysis object by half.
- The Player Info inventory menu will now show more information to hopefully provide more inside to testers.
- Moved the settings.yml option maximum_checked_players_at_once from the Important to the Performance category.
- The Maximum Checked Players feature will no longer work on identified test servers.
- Improved the usage of the off-ground blocks counter in multiple classes.
- Optimized the Criticals check by replacing certain methods with faster and more accurate methods.
- Increased the accuracy of the EntityMove check’s search for ice blocks by checking the surrounding blocks.
- Removed the {plib} configuration syntax as ProtocolLib is no longer as important as it was in the past.
- Decreased the precision of the False Positive Detection feature due to work more appropriately when not needed.
- Adjusted the KillAura time detection to not be so strict in low time intervals.
- Adjusted the Spartan Player object to return more accurate results about surrounding entities.
- Reworked a Player Profile object method that caused the customer-support command to not work for some.
- Reposition the cache message of the Research Engine handler so it’s accurate to when the caching process finishes.
- Improved the accuracy and speed of the punishment algorithm after receiving a few complaints.
- Improved the Spartan inventory menu with more information about the server.
- The Spartan inventory menu will now load faster due to being processed in a less busy thread.
- The False Positive Detection feature and false positive collection of the Research Engine will not take place when the server has less than 5 players.
- Potential False Positives will now be considered with more strictness as it should have been from the start.
- Violations will be counted separately for false positives & problematic detections to notify about them more appropriately.
- Adjusted the FastBreak check to identify water blocks more accurately height-wise.
Unlike the previous hot-fix update, this one is not required to download, but it provides many incremental improvements in the internals of Spartan's processes, so it's definitely recommended.
Adjusted some code in the Combat Processing handler to prevent dealing with null parameters.
- The plugin will now max out its time division to 30 instead of 90 days.
- Completely rewritten a big part of KillAura check with new utilities and design, with the remaining awaiting completion.
- Introduced a new messages.yml configuration option named “console_name”.
- The Maximum Checked Players feature will now be more synchronized with its interactions.
- Major Incompatible plugins/features can now be toggled via compatibility.yml if you don’t want to account for them.
- Certain compatibilities were updated to work better on more recent versions of Minecraft.
- Completely rewritten the way the plugin understands yaw & pitch difference for more accurate calculations.
- Discordapp.com will now also work as a webhooks domain compared to only discord.com previously.
- Adjusted certain potion effect methods of the Player Data utilities to help improve detection stability.
- Adjusted the accuracy of the identification of jump movement down to 6 decimal places for less false positives.
- Did a general maintenance of many classes and replaced a lot of outdated & inefficient code.
- The previously secret option that allowed to toggle console logs has returned in settings.yml.
- Implemented new checks.yml options and removed old ones to adjust to the changes of the KillAura check.
Plugin maintenance & Preparation for the upcoming big changes
Replaced the entity-height method with the entity-eye-height method for 1.8, 1.9 & 1.10 Minecraft servers, since the original method is missing.
- Implemented additional bounding boxes to consider in the Ground utilities.
- Partly rewritten the HitReach check to be more accurate and faster.
- Completely rewritten the Teleport protection to be more consistent.
- Partly rewritten the Combat Processing handler to use recent systems of cache.
- Partly rewritten the Movement Processing handler to be more compact & reliable.
- Prepared the Combat utilities for the upcoming KillAura check rewrite.
- Removed the Item Teleporter & Enderpearl handler as it no longer had a significant purpose.
- Improved the False Fall Damage handler with checking for canceled & silent causes.
- The certain {detection} placeholders will now fallback to {detections} when no longer supported due to plural grammar.
- Stopped using the required-resource-pack method since it caused errors in some recent versions.
- False Positives & Hacker-Free players will now be calculated asynchronously in par with the remaining Research Engine cache types.
- Repositioned the way certain Configuration & Discord notifications are being sent to staff players.
- Rewrote some of the detection information of the Speed sprint detection to help organize the handlers around it.
- Detection Notifications will no longer forcefully add the detection information in the lowest frequency.
- Made the False Positive Detection less lenient to prevent it from overly detecting violations.
- The Hack Prevention object will now pass a lot of its information to the Moderation handler to prevent unecessary memory calls.
- Detection Notifications will now also replace Suspicion Notification when the Research Engine doesn’t have data or is caching.
- The Exploits undetected-movement detection will no longer function when major incompatible plugins are detected.
- Spartan Location objects will now clear their data every 3 ticks instead of 2 and will have more accurate comparisons.
- Removed the Automated Configuration functionality as it’s barely used and probably not desirable.
- Decreased the amount of threads Spartan is using, although this did not negatively impact performance.
- The Maximum Checked Players feature will now disable if configured with a zero or negative number.
- Decreased the violation cooldown of the XRay check for more frequent notifications.
- The evidence of a player will no longer be cleared when being updated but refreshed until the update takes place.
- Implemented a new feature named Skip Detection Ticks to help optimize performance when the Maximum Checked Players feature is inactive or ineffective.
- Updated the Spartan Player object to be able to limit the amount of nearby entities calculated to save crucial performance.
- The Spartan Player object will now cache its Player Profile object to prevent unnecessary memory calls.
- The KillAura check will no longer attempt to understand the legitimacy of a fight to allow detections to run more frequently.
- The Spartan inventory menu will now have one row for suspected & hackers, one for legitimate players and one for reports.
- The IrregularMovements check will now search for liquid blocks below the player when the player is falling.
- The Player Fight system will now be able to calculate the max hit combo of a player.
- Completely rewritten the EntityMove check with the use of vehicle attributes but also new calculations.
- Simplified the way cross-server notifications are distributed to avoid confusions between users.
- The Maximum Checked Players feature will now iterate properly though some of its information.
- Compatibilities will attempt to send Awareness Notifications when failing to load.
- The Cloud feature will no longer impact the “server_name” option in settings.yml.
- Potentially corrected a NoFall water bucket false positive. (MinecraftSGP message me if not fixed)
- Optimized the Cloud feature with less specific error handling.
- Implemented a new Cloud sub-feature to command the plugin to send customer-support information.
- The Cloud feature will now refresh for the first time after the Research Engine handler has completed its caching.
- Cache stored by the movement event will now be specific to the vehicle the player is riding.
- Improved the effectiveness of the False Positive Detection by making it run on violations not containing a prevention which will allow for premature learning.
- The False Positive Detection will now have a 2MB limit in the data it can retain in its memory, although there have been no reported issues.
- The False Positive Detection will now round integers to the nearest of 5 to improve stability.
- Improved the compatibility of Ultimate Statistics with more useful calls and less code checks.
- The Vehicles compatibility will now provide more accurate and less lenient results.
- Pistons will now be accounted for in the water detection of the Speed check.
- The evidence algorithm of the Player Profile object will now search for false positives instead of just problematic detections.
- The evidence algorithm of the Player Profile object will now calculate the days based on your first significant violation till now instead of days you had violations recorded.
- The evidence algorithm of the Player Profile object will now decide whether a player is suspected or a hacker based on the amount of suspicions instead of level of individual suspicions.
- Evidence of hacking or suspicion will now be held longer in the memory for offline players to save performance.
- Brought performance & accuracy improvements in the way the Speed check caches its limits.
- Inventory menus and certain calculations will now use more accurate results of a player’s violation history.
- The overall history of a player will now be based on the amount of unique dates instead of the total collected amount of dates.
- The main inventory menu will no longer process multiple versions of itself for a single players, which could potentially happen in a time of server lag or spam while already loading.
- Rewrote a part of the punishment algorithm to run faster, be more reliable with its results and have no limit to how many checks a player can be punished for.
- Combat-based calculations of the Research Engine handler will now be returned to their original values if not enough data is available.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option for the GhostHand check: check_fully_solid_blocks_only
This update is for those of you whom encounter this rare string replacement error. It's effectively harmless, but here you go.
Resource packs will now be identified when the Bukkit method is available.
- Bedrock players will now be treated more leniently in certain parts of the IrregularMovements check.
- Removed the Awareness Discord Webhooks as they were undesired by many users including myself.
- The Customer Support command will now complete being sent without the requirement for detection information.
- The FastBreak check will now be more lenient towards bedrock players.
- While the new EntityMove check is still being rewritten, the old one will stop checking bedrock players for stability.
- The ItemsAdder compatibility will no longer work if the DisguiseAPI class is not found to prevent console errors.
- Silent checks will now appear enchanted in the Manage Checks inventory menu.
- Implemented a new feature and settings.yml option for it: Important.maximum_checked_players_at_once
- The Discord Webhooks feature will now appear more frequently as many of you suggested it needed this.
- The Spartan inventory menu has been optimized to refresh itself again.
- Potentially corrected an IrregularMovements climbing jump false positive.
- Compatible plugins of mine will appear in the Spartan inventory menu.
- Decreased the amount of configuration calls & search algorithms in the settings.yml configuration.
- Modified an outdated value reply in one of the Developer API’s methods.
- The plugin will now exempt players from detections for a bit when the server has a resource pack.
- The False Positive Detection will now focus more on integers than just decimals to correct more issues.
- The Research Engine feature will now recalculate its cache much faster due to methods being combined in async mode.
- The SQL port configuration option will now modify a decimal format to an integer one.
- The Speed water detection will no longer check boats, this will be the job of the future rewritten EntityMove check.
- The Cloud feature will not attempt new connections if a recent one failed to complete for any reason.
- Hardcoded compatibilities will now show as functional if found to be loaded in the server.
- Balanced dozens of methods in the Research Engine handler with native methods and less unnecessary checks.
- When loading huge amounts of data, the Spartan Menu will no longer be performance intensive.
Following my reply to @md_5:
Made extra functionalities available to everyone natively via the plugin's code, older versions will continue to receive them via a web-server connection. Additionally, online documentation has returned the options of the extra functionalities.
- The Exploits undetected-movement detection will no longer check players in vehicles as it doesn’t need to.
- The Exploits undetected-movement detection will now check the configuration before running.
- The IrregularMovements check will now be more lenient when the scenario changes.
- The plugin will now convert text to decimals faster which will help when analyzing violation information data.
- The Inventory utilities will now use different methods to set the owning head of a player depending on the server version.
- Decreased the amount of threads the plugin uses for asynchronous tasks.
- The Information Analysis object will now remove numbers from detections and will try to correlate them to configuration options for more unique outcomes.
- The Cancel Violation handler will now be updated more frequently for more consistent and accurate calculations.
- The Cache system will no longer clear certain important types of data.
- The False Positive Detection feature will now create more simplified keys for higher chance of catching false positives.
- The False Positive Detection feature will now consider hackers & suspected players in its calculations in more strict terms.
- Corrected a few outdated messages related to the Research Engine handler.
- Completely rewritten the way Problematic Detections are calculated.
Did some critical optimisations to the Player Profiling objects to restore good performance for some users.
The SQL feature will no longer notify when it's not configured.
- Rewritten the Exploits undetected-movement detection.
- Removed unused methods from some objects.
- Made the chunk cache more thread safe by decreasing recurrency.
- Updated the Move utilities with more universal variables.
- Listed more dependent plugins in the plugin.yml file.
- Made some changes to the API’s events to adapt to the rewritten systems.
- Improved the management of the Cloud feature’s exceptions.
- The plugin will now update profile permission knowledge when permissions are checked.
- The Research Engine will now need both profile and log requirements to start functioning.
- Rebalanced the permissions that would identify staff players.
- Optimized the permissions feature by decreasing memory calls.
- Checks will not be silent by default, which was a mistake of the past update.
- Checks who do not support silent mode will not have the option, just like past the previous update.
- Removed the spartan.punishment permission as it was malfunctioning and wasn’t being used in general.
- Living entities will now need to have their AI enabled to be supported by Spartan’s checks.
- Removed the Low Violation handler as this is no longer considered a proper way to deal with violations.
- The API will now support giving bypass permissions to players via the addPermission method.
- The Player Info inventory menu will no longer update when there is no change in violations.
- The Check object’s silent method will no longer try to check world data twice.
- The entity AI method will no longer be used in versions that don’t offer it.
- Improved the SQL feature with better errors, less variables/memory used, and more protections against mistakes.
- Adjusted an invalid SQL query when deleting player information from the database.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option for the Exploits check to manage the building detection.
- Mining notifications will no longer be logged in the console.
- Improved how the plugin identifies player swimming.
- An API event will no longer be triggered asynchronously.
- The Speed & IrregularMovements will now be more lenient towards bouncing blocks in certain scenarios.
- Implemented a new type of utilities to manage characters in Java.
- Drastically improved & optimized the way the plugin handles its check data.
- Implemented a new awareness notification about the Discord Webhooks feature.
- Adjusted the colors of the Spartan command’s content depending on certain scenarios.
- Adjusted a Player Data utilities method that caused the Speed potion effect to not always be accounted.
Corrected a SQL table creation issue and a major check cancellation issue. Updating is more than recommended, sorry for the inconvenience, Phase 488 was a massive update.
Fixed an issue where the class of the Performance Optimizer feature wouldn't initiate.
- Many static class methods have been made part of new/existing objects to improve performance.
- Completely rewrote the Performance Optimizer feature to be more universal, more organized & better.
- The Speed ground detection will now account for a player’s building process.
- The unban command will now properly clear the cache of the ban feature.
- The SQL Config and SQL Logs are now combined as the SQL Feature.
- Potion Effects will now have their own organized cache to prevent false positives.
- The “Logs.log_file” option will now reappear in the settings.yml configuration.
- Decreased the amount of threads Spartan uses and replaced it with existing ones.
- Many checks.yml & config.yml options will now be generated when first used.
- Removed forgotten configuration options & functionalities from several checks.
- Removed Configuration Recommendations and replaced them with proper listing of problematic detections.
- The checks.yml configuration will no longer be existent when the config.yml configuration is used.
- Check with no ability to punish will now show punishments as disable in the inventory menus.
- All players will be treated as testers when the server is identified as a testing environment.
- Awareness notifications will now be delivered to all staff players.
- The XRay check will now notify staff players when it has insufficient data to work with.
- The plugin will now look for surrounding blocks when trying to identify if the player is in a water bubble elevator.
- The plugin will now detect decimals in detection information more accurately.
- Mining notifications will now be logged in the plugin’s files regardless of the check’s or player’s state.
- Added more information to be sent with the use of the customer-support command.
- Check objects will now handle more or less memory depending on their needs.
- Violations will no longer reset every minute for all players but individually.
- Removed the messages.yml option “violations_reset” as it’s no longer needed.
- Rewrote a big part of the Punished Players algorithm, mainly to improve consistency & security.
- Checks can no longer be named with the name of another check.
- The Research Engine will no longer cache for longer than a minute.
- The IrregularMovements check will now require the player to move slightly to be checked for a specific cobweb movement.
- The False Positive Detection will now adjust its decimal points for the MorePackets check also.
- Bedrock & Java player information will now be analyzed and structured separately.
- The Velocity check’s detection will now detect things more accurately by accounting for online hackers in the data flow.
- The Product Offer feature will no longer be so forceful with notifying staff users.
- The Cross Server Information feature will now work better.
- Improved the stability of the IrregularMovements check when it comes to bedrock players.
- The Bedrock Detections notification will now appear less frequently and when needed.
- Problematic Detections will no longer be included in hacker/suspected player calculations.
- Made the variables and functionalities of the compatibility configuration more universal.
- Players will no longer be able to pickup items when using Spartan’s spectator mode.
- The Player Info inventory menu will no longer use magic color codes when the user has opted out of the ecosystem options.
- Some information from the AntiCheat Updates item will now appear on other inventory menus.
- The File GUI will now appear as a recommendation in the Manage Configuration menu.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option to toggle bedrock detections for those that own it.
- The Suspicious Fights feature will now return more relevant results based on a pre-existing more organized algorithm.
- The HitReach check will now consider the average hit reach of the server’s players for better stability & detectability.
- Improved the tab completion by detecting what to recommend based on the command’s arguments.
- The Wave & Ban features will no longer do transfers from their old configurations due to them having been removed for a long time.
- Rewritten how the raw command feature works with an awareness notification to always support command options.
- Implemented a new awareness notification option to accompany the spectate command.
- The Wave feature’s API method is now a boolean and not a void.
- The Ban feature will now support SQL and also offer a creation date.
- Slightly optimized the item search of all inventory menus with a direct equals method.
- You can now dismiss reports via the inventory menu by clicking on the reported player item.
- Implemented an automatic calculation of the size of the Plugin Ecosystem inventory menu.
- The plugin will now identify its original platform when using a token.
- Extended the Cloud feature with more useful methods.
- Improved how the plugin shows URLs.
- Some product information will now be synchronized with the Cloud.
- Improved the plugin’s Awareness Notifications with new and more proper messages.
- The Piracy handler will now operate at much faster speeds due to the implementation of multiple threads.
- The plugin will now require more to ban a player via the Cloud feature.
- The String utilities methods will now return more fail-safe results.
- The Cross Server Information feature will now have better backwards option compatibility.
- The IrregularMovements levitation detection will no longer run when the player’s head is inside a block.
- A player’s check evidence will no longer be returned if they have bypass or are in other states of canceled checking.
- Listed additional bounding blocks for stonecutter blocks in the Ground utilities.
- Removed the Plugin Ecosystem inventory menu as it was rarely used by users.
- The Minigame Maker compatibility will now open its menu via commands.
- Adjusted the queries of the SQL feature to be less problematic & more universal.
Corrected some messages being sent incorrectly.
- Created a new settings.yml option named “Cloud.synchronise_files” to toggle cloud file changes.
- Removed the settings.yml option “Important.cloud_feature” as all Cloud features will fail properly if unavailable or not connected.
- Moved the settings.yml option “server_name” to the newly created “Cloud” category while maintaining backwards compatibility with the 2 older options.
- Awareness Notifications will now longer include the disabling message part when sent on Discord.
- The messages.yml option “notifications_clickable_command” has been transferred to settings.yml as “Notifications.message_clickable_command”.
- Improved the Auto Updater feature with universal variable outcomes.
- Adjusted some material libraries in the Block utilities for the better.
- Improved the notification of the Floodgate compatibility.
- Implemented additional awareness notifications.
- Potentially improved the compatibility of mcMMO & TreFeller plugins.
- The synchronization algorithm will now understand the type of variable it is dealing with.
- The synchronization algorithm will now be faster & account for when the server is unavailable.
- Adjusted the Research Engine handler to use the YAML configuration more properly.
- Custom check names will now be available for certain customers.
- Slightly improved the functionality of some of the items in the Spartan inventory menu.
- Changed how items are shown in the Spartan inventory menu to be simpler.
- Removed the MinecraftServerWebsite compatibility due to the plugin becoming outdated.
- Bedrock players will now be treated more leniently by the Lag Leniencies feature.
- The Extra Functionality system will now longer attempt to verify existing customers.
- The MorePackets check will now be more lenient with the CrackShot plugin features.
- Adjusted the settings.yml configuration system creation algorithm to be more universal.
- Some Awareness Notifications will now be sent in masses instead of one after another periodically.
- The Customer Support feature will no longer always fail when there’s an insufficient amount of data.
- Improved the Inventory utilities with new universal methods.
Corrected the query of the Research Engine handler.
- Spartan will now synchronize configurations via the Cloud for certain customers.
- Tightened the log requirements of the Research Engine handler.
- The Configuration system has been made less prone to exceptions.
- The SQL feature will no longer add data to a column when not needed.
- Certain check modifications & staff chat will no longer be logged.
- Implemented new Block utilities methods to judge water-logged blocks.
- Adjusted the IrregularMovements liquids detection to judge water-logged blocks more leniently.
- Implemented new Base64 methods in the String utilities.
- Certain Cross Server Logs will require to be retrieved from similar server types.
- Removed unused variables from the Cloud feature.
- Suspected/Hacking Evidence of disabled checks will no longer be calculated or shown.
- The XRay check will still use the memory but no longer log information if disabled.
- Optimized the plugin’s configurations with faster & more consistent codes.
- Improved the plugin’s player finder tab completion handler.
- Renamed the SQL table column “spartan_build” to “plugin_version”.
- Renamed the SQL table column “date” to “creation_date”.
- Renamed the SQL table column “info” to “information” and adjusted its max length to 4096.
- Renamed the SQL table column “hack_type” to “functionality”.
- Removed the SQL table column “silent_check” and will use “cancel_violation” set to NULL to represent silent checks.
- Removed the SQL table column “detection_information” and will use “information” in its place.
- Removed the SQL table column “mined_item” and will use “functionality in its place.
- Removed the SQL table column “false_positive” and will use “type in its place.
- Introduced a new SQL table column named “player_latency”.
- Completely rewritten the Step detection with chronic value storage.
- Further improved the Customer Support command with disallowance when the Cloud feature is disabled.
- Improved the String utilities with new useful methods for the SQL & Cloud functionalities.
- Improved the SQL feature with more fail-safe methods.
- Removed some unused variables from the Player Info inventory menu.
- Changed the developer-report tab completion to customer-support.
- Files will now be used as a backup when the SQL feature fails.
- Adjusted the Move utilities jump effect motion calculation method to be more precise.
- The Notifications.cross_server_notifications option has been changed to Important.server_name with backwards compatibility.
- To combat SQL connectivity issues, the Cloud feature will now automatically synchronize logs amongst your servers.
- A new sql.yml option has been introduced to allow the replacing of special characters.
- Adjusted the Modify Server Configuration option/feature to support the new folder changes.
- Suspicion Notifications will now be distributed via the Cross Server Notifications feature.
- Most of the Cloud feature will now work without it being enabled in the config to improve the ecosystem & synchronicity.
Corrected a connection issue with the Cloud feature, updating is strongly recommended.
Made some corrections to the newly introduced Customer Support feature.
- Rewritten the Developer Report feature with a more proper functionality and renamed it to Customer Support.
- The Information Analysis object will no longer return faulty decimals for small length strings.
- Provided some additional optimisations to the Player Profile object, Damage handler & Event listeners.
- The Damage & Explosion handlers will now be applied on passengers of vehicles for more universal methods.
- Implemented additional useful methods to the Damage handler to universally support damage causes.
- The Spartan command will now show information about the gift status.
- The Information Analysis object will now further check its variables to avoid exceptions.
- Implemented additional warnings to the Spartan inventory menu.
- Discord Webhooks will now always be processed to avoid confusions.
- Major incompatibilities detectors can now be toggled via compatibility.yml.
- Discord webhooks will now execute asynchronously to not cause issues with the server.
- Implemented new useful methods to the String utilities.
- Rewritten parts of the Command Execution handler to improve its readability & performance.
- The Discord Webhooks feature will now properly handle staff chat messages.
- Slightly increased the security of the Cloud feature with more proper inputs.
- Implemented new methods in the Buffer object to have more versatility.
- Rewrote parts of the NoFall check to improve its performance, readability & accuracy.
- Moved parts of the Player Violation object off the main thread to help with performance.
- Completely rewritten how Spartan judges a player as hacker or suspected.
- Updated the Spartan inventory menu to have shorter & easier item documentations.
- Suspected players will now be treated more strictly only in checks they are suspected for.
- Balanced out the default cancel-violation thresholds.
- The AntiCheat Progress item will now work and show the correct numbers.
- Further balanced the Suspicion Notifications feature with more accurate results.
- Made the codes of the combat legitimacy identifier & Building protection more universal.
- Made the item description of the Player Info inventory menu more consistent.
- Decreased the usage of heavy Move utilities methods in the checks.
- Removed unused codes from the Hack Prevention object.
- The Vehicle Access handler will now be more strict towards hackers & suspected players.
- The IrregularMovements bouncing blocks identification has improved thus leading to less bypasses.
- Suspicion Notifications will no longer notify you about yourself as a player.
- Suspicion Notifications will no longer take place together with Detection Notifications.
- Mangrove-door blocks have been listed & properly handled in the Block utilities.
- The IrregularMovements horizontal-detection will now be more lenient towards increased velocity scenarios.
- Updated the in-game join notifications to repeat and be more accurate.
- Ban and Warning messages will now be treated like other messages and forcefully include the prefix in some versions.
- The NoSwing break detection will no longer target sensitive held items.
- The IrregularMovements step detection will now be more lenient when the player is falling.
- The Research Engine will now do safety checks before reading logs data to prevent algorithmic failures.
- The Research Engine will no longer confuse yaw & pitch rates of winner players versus loser players.
- The Speed water detection will now be more lenient around ice blocks.
- The IrregularMovements downwards detection will now consider more variables when checking a player.
- The Speed check’s horizontal detection will now be more lenient towards ice blocks in certain scenarios.
- The Speed water detection will now return the entity type instead of the entity object in the detection information.
- The Speed water detection will now be more lenient when the player has been recently building/placing blocks.
- The SpartanWebhooks plugin recommendation has been removed from the inventory menus as it’s no longer valid.
- The Chat Protection feature will no longer consider only decimal messages as repetitions.
- Detection Notifications will now be sent instead of Suspicion Notifications when a player is likely testing.
- The KillAura direction detection will now be more lenient around many entities.
- The Cloud feature now supports decimal versioning so features like external auto updaters can work more properly.
- The Elytra handler will now be more lenient when the player was recently gliding.
- Mangrove-door blocks have been listed & properly handled in the Block utilities.
- The IrregularMovements horizontal-detection will now be more lenient towards increased velocity scenarios.
- Implemented an Auto Updater feature for users of my website.
- Introduced native Discord Webhooks feature implemented via the Cloud feature.
- Implemented additional configuration options in the settings.yml file for the Discord webhooks feature.
- Introduced more bounding boxes to grindstone blocks via the Ground utilities.
- The IrregularMovements jump detection will now be more lenient on ground interaction scenarios.
- Updated the Suspicion Notifications message to be more grammatically correct & universal.
- Mining data will no longer be logged in the console as there have been XRay notifications since a long time ago.
- Staff Chat & Reports will now be distributed via the Cross Server Notifications feature for all customers.
Further Balance of Notifications
- Reworked parts of the Liquid handler that may have caused issues with buckets.
- The False Fall Damage handler will no longer function when a player is using certain bucket items.
- Certain parts of the IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks detection will no longer consider past information.
- The IrregularMovements ground-up detection will no longer function near honey blocks.
- The Research Engine cache will now refresh more properly to allow menu data to be more consistent.
- Updated the outdated version message with more reliable information.
- The Ground utilities have received new bounding boxes for Lantern blocks.
- Increased the cooldown of the Suspicion Notifications to help alleviate spam.
The Speed water detection will now only show vehicles in the verbose when the player is using one.
- The FastPlace fast detection will no longer work when certain custom vehicles are being used.
- Mud blocks previously were considered sensitive, and now they are also considered semi-solid.
- Horses will now receive greater limits in the Speed water detection.
- Reworked the Vehicle Access handler with more calls for a more stable Speed water detection.
- The IrregularMovements horizontal-detection & air-up detections will no longer reach the lowest possible buffer.
- The KillAura fight-analysis detection has had its percentage threshold lowered for a more stable experience.
- Suspicion notifications and suspected player results have been balanced to prevent spam and faulty results.
- The Speed check will now account for extra speed after breaking a sensitive block.
- Upgraded the Block Break handler to be faster with its object calculations.
- Upgraded the Liquid handler to account the usage of water buckets.
- Upgraded the Violations feature to store the last violation time of a check individually.
- The XRay check will now notify once instead of twice and at a minimum of every 15 minutes.
- The preferred cancel violation will now be slightly higher to account for average inconsistencies.
- The IrregularMovements downwards detection will now be more lenient when the player is close to the ground time-wise.
- The EcoSkills plugin has been listed as an incompatibility to help checks be more lenient when found to be used.
- The IrregularMovements water sub-detections will now work concurrently in certain cases.
- Check object memory will now refresh properly when reloading the plugin and won't require restarting the server.
- Notifications will no longer be distributed to all players in certain situations.
Updated the bytecode version of the java classes.
- Adjusted some menu item descriptions.
- The notifications command will no longer result in a console null pointer exception.
- Adjusted some awareness notification messages to be more proper & organized.
- The IrregularMovements liquids detection will now have more dynamic limits when recently interacted with water.
- Certain forms of the software will require the Spartan keyword to be shown in most messages.
- The IrregularMovements check will no longer put its buffers as low as 1 to prevent inconsistencies.
- Improved the consistency of the messages.yml options with the inclusion of the plugin’s name.
- The Ground utilities will now consider more bounding boxes for azalea blocks.
- Adjusted the FastBreak check to better work with bedrock players.
- The NoSlowdown check will now prevent bow shots when the player was recently sprinting.
- Parts of the IrregularMovements downwards detection will no longer try to detect in close ground distances.
- The IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks detection will no longer try to detect when a block is above the player’s head.
- The Speed water detection will no longer try to detect when a player just entered a vehicle.
- Implemented a new Exploits checks.yml option. (Exploits.check_chat_messages)
- Suspicion Notifications will now be sent as ordinary messages and not as Awareness Notifications.
- Suspicion Notifications will now have individual cache per player & staff member instead of only staff members.
- Suspicion Notifications will now replace Detection Notifications on certain customers & default notification frequency.
- The ecosystem purchase will now let you know when expired.
- Mud is now considered a sensitive block and will not cause FastBreak check inconsistencies.
- Updated the Ground utilities to support all bounding boxes of mud blocks.
- Updated the Block utilities to not list mud blocks in some cases.
- Warden damage to a player will now be covered by the Velocity handler.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (Important.show_ecosystem)
- Potentially corrected a Speed ice block false positive.
- The Wave feature will now individually message staff members if the punishment broadcast option is disabled.
- The Wave feature will now execute punishments at greater speeds and will show the end outcome after their completion.
- Updated the contents of the plugin.yml, apart from the version column which is updated frequently.
- Adjusted some variables in the piracy prevention.
- Implemented support for the renamed version of the ServerFTP plugin to FileGUI.
- The Problematic Detections method will now identify more broader results of potential false positives.
- The IrregularMovements check will now check surrounding blocks when checking a player for inside block movements.
- The Block utilities will now consider the new 1.19 mud & sculk blocks as semi solid blocks.
- Updated the name of the versioning to better represent the state of the plugin.
- The Spartan menu will now show more proper content in regards to the gifted features.
- The Criticals damage detection will now only check players and not other entities.
- The IrregularMovements hop detection will now be more lenient in certain situations.
- The Research Engine will now clear some cache that it didn’t previously clear.
- The levitation effect movements will not be calculated more properly in the IrregularMovements check.
- The IrregularMovements check will no longer decrease its buffers if the check is found to be problematic.
- You can now type “/spectate” to exit the spectate mode, or alternatively get far away from the player.
- The ‘/kick’ command will now function if the raw-kick-command option is available & enabled.
- Implemented additional handlers to the Explosion protection feature.
- The Suspicion Notifications feature will now be configurable via the messages.yml configuration.
- The Item Attributes compatibility will now enable when ProjectKorra is detected.
- Server join notifications will now not be sent together to reduce spam.
Added support 1.19 Minecraft servers.
- The vanilla ground utility will now enable in more specific instability circumstances.
- The Information Analysis object will now implement additional caching to help with performance.
- The IrregularMovements will now account for slight downwards movement when in an elevator.
- The IrregularMovements check will now check faster when a player is using horizontal fly movements.
- The IrregularMovements check will no longer check bed/slime bouncing movements when close to the ground.
- Levitation movements will be checked indifferently when submerged in water.
- The Material utilities block breaking method will exempt checking for lava in certain circumstances.
- The IrregularMovements check will now reset many buffers when the player touches the ground.
- Implemented a 2 identical API methods, one part of the API class, and the other part of the PlayerViolation event.
- The IrregularMovements check will now account for the player’s crawling state.
- Adjusted the IrregularMovements horizontal liquids detection to account for greater speeds.
- The IrregularMovements horizontal detection will now be more lenient in low-ground circumstances.
- The IrregularMovements fall detection will now be more strict in certain circumstances.
- The Cloud feature will now disable the plugin in certain circumstances.
- Slightly adjusted the message of the Spartan inventory menu to be more accurate.
- Further progress was made to the new EntityMove check.
- Improved the accuracy of the Block utilities surrounding blocks method.
- The ImpossibleActions scaffold detection will now check less locations surrounding a block.
- Organized the Suspicion notifications under the general notifications permission.
- The Manage Checks inventory menu will now support shift instead of middle clicking.
- The gift will no longer appear in the inventory menu if the ecosystem plugins aren’t complete.*
- Check objects will now refresh their data when the plugin is reloaded.
- Adjusted the IrregularMovements liquids detections to be more lenient in some cases.
- The IrregularMovements ground-up detection will no longer work if the check is found to be problematic.
- The Bouncing Blocks handler will now support solid positions below 0 y-position/height.
- Updated the awareness notification of the Spartan inventory menu.
- Improved the identification of elytra usage by implementing additional handler calls.
- The IrregularMovements check will now be more lenient towards the levitation potion effect.
- Adjusted the Water Soul Sand handler to support the negative heights of 1.17+ servers.
- The Spartan Location object will now dismiss certain cached information when heavily modified.
- Adjusted the Cloud feature to cover a larger aspect of necessary information.
- The IrregularMovements will now be more lenient towards bedrock players on upwards motion.
- The Spartan inventory menu will now open by just running “/spartan” if allowed permission-wise.
- The Developer Report command will now prompt the user to join the Discord server to decrease the amount of insufficient explanations.
- The Research Engine will now support more older versions of the plugin.
- Suspicion Notifications will now always show when joining and periodically if notifications are enabled.
- Corrected a few text/string length checks in the notifications system that would prevent some notifications from showing.
- The IrregularMovements check will now be more lenient when a player is found in a water elevator.
- The IrregularMovements check will now understand complex differences between states such as water and levitation.
- Rewritten the Explosion protection in one singular & better method to help account for more inconsistencies.
Prevented a console error that made the Spartan inventory menu not open.
Adjusted some limits of the rewritten Jesus check to prevent instabilities.
- The Jesus check has been removed and is now part of the Speed & IrregularMovements checks.
- All Jesus checks.yml options have been removed and new ones were introduced as part of the Speed & IrregularMovements checks.
- The BlockReach unusual detection will now be more lenient towards the against-block distance requirement.
- Moved some check methods to their correct utilities to be used on a greater scale.
- Updated a faulty URL appearing in the Spartan & Ecosystem inventory menus.
- Some unnecessary IrregularMovements detection information will no longer show.
- The IrregularMovements check will now be more lenient with players who fall in the void.
- Server limitations messages will no longer be delivered to verified users.
- The Suspicious Fights feature will now shorten decimals and show averages for a better reading experience.
- The Spartan inventory menu will now offer items to navigate to different pages as the previous system may have confused a few.
- Noticeably improved the False Positive Detection feature with adaptive decimal points.
- Noticeably optimized the False Positive Detection with faster & less frequent methods.
- Completely rewritten parts of the configuration to be based on native Java algorithms.
- Noticeably optimized the Hack Prevention object, Violations feature & Cancel Violation handler.
- Noticeably improved the Combat & Move utilities with removal of redundant methods.
- Corrected a minor bug in the Combat utilities that would return an incorrect string.
- Potentially corrected a few HitReach horizontal false positives.
- Greatly optimized the Research Engine handler, Cloud feature & ProtocolLib compatibility.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements position-fall & position-down trident false positives.
- Noticeably improved the String utilities with recent & new methods.
- Corrected an incorrect Cloud feature port limitations message.
- Adjusted the sizes of some inventory menus.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements greater-fall & greater-down slow-falling effect false positives.
- Corrected a Research Engine decimal identification console error.
- Implemented compatibility for the ServerFTP plugin.
- Replaced all middle clicks with shift clicks for users without mouses.
Implemented some necessary optimisations to the rewritten False Positive Detection feature. Updating is optional but recommended.
Corrected a 1.8 no-such-method console error.
- The False Positive Detection was introduced years ago and has been significantly useful in resolving false positives & sometimes incompatibilities. This update takes this feature to the next level by completely rewriting it to be historical and based on the Research Engine, which has potential to fix most false positives, if not even plugin incompatibilities.
- Completely rewritten the False Positive Detection feature to be based on the Research Engine handler.
- Slightly improved the Player Velocity object and the Velocity check.
- The Research Engine handler’s cache will no longer consider all legitimate player violations as false positives.
- Corrected a bug where the console version of the reload command would return no reply.
- Slightly optimized the Cloud Developer Report feature with less memory usage.
- Completely rewritten the False Positives method of the Research Engine handler.
- Corrected a bug in the Player Info inventory menu where descriptions would show incorrectly.
- Corrected a few FastBreak delay sensitive block false positives.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements ground-up scaffolding block false positives.
- Corrected an issue in the Player Violation object where some data would not clear.
- Implemented a new object named Player Violation.
- Removed the settings.yml option “Notifications.send_silent_notifications” because it was being barely used.
- Greatly improved the EntityMove, FastBow & InventoryClicks check with better latency/lag calculations.
- Removed the API method “getDecimalVL” because it was not being used and had no place in the code due to categories.
- Noticeably optimized the Lag Leniencies feature with less schedulers & faster methods.
- Noticeably improved the Cancel Violation handler with better cache management.
- Completely removed the Violation Divisor system as it has been long replaced by the notifications command & automated algorithms.
- Removed the custom notifications command due to not being used and causing code issues.
- Slightly improved the Punishment algorithm with safer calculations.
- Removed the Fence Click & Invisible Block handlers as the bugs have been fixed by Mojang themselves.
- Noticeably improved the Violations feature & Hack Prevention object with less redundant & faster code.
- Corrected a bug in the Player Profile object where the XRay check would not show as hacking evidence.
- Corrected several bugs in the Research Engine that would cause the cache to be handled incorrectly.
- Corrected a few bugs in the Player Fight object in relation with how the data is stored.
- After the promising results of the recently implemented Velocity vertical learning detection, a horizontal one has been implemented in a similar way.
- Implemented a horizontal detection for the Velocity check.
- Corrected a few Speed overall false positives.
- Removed & transferred all checks.yml Sprint options to the Speed check.
- The Sprint check is now part of the Speed check.
- Corrected a few Speed hop(illegal) piston false positives.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements bedrock player void false positives.
- Corrected a few Sprint/Speed omnidirectional attributes compatibility false positives.
- Corrected a 1.7 & 1.8 Inventory utils player-head no-such-method console error.
- When a player is an identified hacker, the category will always return absolutely.
- This update corrects some console errors that have bothered several customers over the last week.
- Slightly optimized the Damage handler with less redundant calls.
- Noticeably optimized the Cache system with more universal methods and a new cache control system.
- Corrected a bug where the Chat Protection would not re-cache properly.
- The Criticals check will no longer clear its cache so frequently.
- Removed some unnecessary cache from the Wave feature.
- Updated the inventory menus with better descriptions about the plugin ecosystem.
- The IP/Port Limitations feature will now follow the refresh cooldown of the Cloud feature.
- Completely rewritten the AntiCheat Progress feature item description.
- Corrected a Material utilis null-pointer console error.
- Implemented a listener cooldown to limit the usage of the InventoryMoveItem event.
Sorry for the many hot-fixes folks, this update corrects an invalid notification issue, it's necessary you download it.
Corrected a Sprint check cross-world location console error.
- The Detection Notifications default messages.yml option has been replaced with a new message that implements two brand new configuration syntaxes, which take advantage of the config.yml category system to simplify the way the user perceives notifications.
- Corrected a bug that would prevent the FastClicks check from disabling.
- Upgraded the Automated Configuration feature of Spartan Syn to refresh the configuration per minute.
- Corrected a major IrregularMovements fly bypass caused by fall damage.
- Corrected a bug where the options of the removed Fly, Clip & ElytraMove checks would still get added.
- Updated the default checks.yml & config.yml configurations to provide more information to new users.
- Corrected a bug in the Research Engine handler that caused the cache limit to be less than expected.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements upwards & downwards explosion false positives.
- Corrected a major issue that caused the Research Engine handler to be in a constant calculating mode.
- Greatly improved the Config utilities with more use of the server memory.
- Removed all the “cancel_seconds” options from checks.yml and replaced them with dynamic calculations.
- Removed the Speed checks.yml options “check_sneaking” & “check_walking” and automated them via the code.
- Removed the HitReach checks.yml options “account_speed_effect” & “exempt_player_chasing” and automated them via the code.
- Removed the Jesus exit detection and its checks.yml configuration option “check_liquid_exit”.
- Removed the settings.yml options “self_report_message” & “server_name” and replaced them with other options.
- Removed unused checks.yml configuration options of the NoSlowdown & FastHeal checks.
- Slightly improved the KillAura, NoSlowdown & Sprint checks with more recent codes.
- Corrected a bug in the KillAura check that would cause the temporary legitimate identification to not work.
- Corrected a bug where the Velocity check could only be partly disabled.
- Noticeably improved the Player & Move utilities with more organized code & code removals of old methods.
- ProtocolLib will no longer be included in the File & SQL logs.
- Noticeably improved the Checks & Messages configurations with a more organized code structure.
- Noticeably improved the FastClicks check with more code protections & a dynamic CPS limit.
- Corrected a bug in the Combat Processing handler that caused some information to be returned incorrectly.
- Implemented two new configuration syntax. ( {category:detection}, {category:adverb:detection} )
- Slightly improved the accuracy of the Spartan Player object & the Movement Processing handler.
- Potentially corrected several MorePackets instant false positives caused by abstract scenarios & item usage.
- Corrected several FastBreak delay false positives by correcting bugs in the Material utilities breaking calculator method.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements levitation in combination with elytra false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Teleport protection with faster & more recent codes.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements low-ground false positives.
- The Spectate feature will now teleport the player when the spectator has moved far away.
- Completely archived the MinecraftServerWebsite and removed it from the Spartan inventory menu.
- Combined some of the Spartan Syn features in its inventory menu to save space & time.
- Slightly improved the UltimateStatistics compatibility with more precise methods.
- Noticeably improved the package structure of the plugin with more static variables and thus less redundancy.
- Implemented compatibility for the recently revamped plugins. (AntiAltAccount & UltimateStats)
- Noticeably improved the Research Engine with less and more compact methods.
- Completely rewritten the Command structure to be organized and compact.
- Removed a no longer needed messages.yml configuration option. (non_console_command)
- Partly rewritten the Spartan Syn verification algorithm and system that manages its features.
Corrected a concurrent-modification exception & memory leak caused by the Research Engine handler. Updating is NECESSARY.
- The Player Combat objects were introduced recently, and have been responsible for the creations of the new KillAura combat-analysis check, the rewritten Velocity check, the Player Fights inventory menu, and several other code optimisations in detection stability & performance usage. Now, the same objects have been used to create two new detections for the HitReach & FastClicks checks, which will co-exist with their predecessors to offer more accurate & guaranteed detections.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu with additional item descriptions.
- Noticeably improved the Research Engine handler with rewritten methods.
- Corrected several FastBreak delay low time false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few FastBreak delay false positives caused by the Material utilities.
- Corrected a bug where the Suspected Players command would not work for non Syn users.
- Noticeably improved the HitReach & FastClicks checks with new detections with the help of the Player Combat objects.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (FastClicks.check_fight)
- Corrected a message type in the Suspected Players feature.
- Noticeably improved the Player Profile object with more accurate methods.
- Slightly improved the Violation History object with better constructor methods.
Corrected a few Research Engine handlers console errors.
- Spartan is a capable plugin with many features. However, some of these features can become redundant or too many over time, leading to complexities for the user. Therefore, this update has led to the combination of the Player Info inventory menu with the Debug & Spectate features, which also causes the removal of many outdated & unnecessary permissions.
- The inventory menus now receive one more great update. Many unnecessary statistics & item descriptions have been removed and replaced with additional inventory menus for the user. The additional inventory menius were previously part of Spartan Syn, but now have been made available to the public in a limited edition form.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant timer bypass.
- Removed specific Cloud features that were not used.
- MinecraftServerWebsite is now an optional compatibility.
- Slightly increased the Speed check’s limit when wearing elytras.
- Adjusted the FastBreak delay detection’s limit to avoid a few false positives.
- Removed the Debug & Spectate commands and included them in the Player Info inventory menu.
- Noticeably improved the plugin’s commands with more precise tab completion & better command descriptions.
- Removed several outdated & unneeded permissions. (use_report, kick_message, ban_message, ban_info, debug, mining, ip_limit, toggle)
- Noticeably improved the Awareness Notifications feature with less and more precise notification messages.
- Updated the default messages.yml configuration to use the teleport instead of spectate command.
- Slightly improved the String utilities with new useful methods.
- Implemented support for both old & new MythicMobs API packages.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with faster & more universal methods.
- Slightly improved the mcMMO & TreeFeller compatibilities with better identification.
- Noticeably improved the Player Combat, Player Fight & Player Opponent objects with more data collection.
- Noticeably improved the KillAura fight-analysis detection with more detection variables.
- Corrected a bug in the Research Engine handler that prevented certain fights from being cached.
- Slightly improved the verbose information of the Exploits check.
- Noticeably improved the Research Engine handler with bug corrections.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (Velocity.cancel_seconds)
- Corrected a few Jesus check water elevator false positives.
Corrected a no-such-method error for old Minecraft server versions.
- The FastBreak check has been very reliable, but has often had issues with too much restriction or too much leniency. This is caused by the check’s code being hardcoded and not calculated, which prevents it from adapting and creates bugs as Minecraft releases new versions. This update completely rewrites a part of the check to be based on calculations, bringing ultimate precision with it.
- Many checks and their detections date back to 2016, which is the year Spartan released. Over time, Spartan’s system changes, and many of its components change in ways that can malfunction if not properly maintained. In this update, I returned to checks that have been untouched for long and maintained their codes, throwing away unneeded methods, variables & optimizing necessary ones.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the mcMMO & TreeFeller compatibilities from loading.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities to provide more universal methods.
- Corrected a bug in the Player Info inventory menu where some items would not work.
- Modernized the NoSwing check with a recent & rewritten code structure.
- Noticeably improved the mcMMO compatibility with more universal methods.
- Noticeably improved the FastBreak check with a rewritten delay detection and better verbose information.
- Noticeably improved many checks with better & rewritten verbose information.
- Removed the broken ImpossibleActions cactus detection and its checks.yml option. (ImpossibleActions.check_cactus)
- Removed the 2 checks.yml detection options of the FastHeal check and replaced them with a singular better detection. (check_unusual, check_illegal)
- Removed the 3 checks.yml detection options of the FastBreak check. (check_durability, check_moves_in_between, check_frequency)
- Greatly improved the Debug feature with more precise descriptions of a situation.
- Reverted some changes made to the Floodgate compatibility to improve the bedrock player identification.
- Corrected a bug in the Spectate feature where player flying would not enable if flight was allowed.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with more updates of its cache.
- Corrected a potential bug in the Player Swim handler that could have caused inconsistencies.
- Noticeably improved the Material utils with a method to judge the block breaking speed.
- Corrected dozens of elytra false positives caused by cache & Bukkit inconsistencies.
- The Spartan Player object is a replicate of the Player object Bukkit offers, but has increased variable speeds. In this update, the vast majority of remaining uses of the Player object were replaced to help unify many codes, and overall create a more organised environment for the future.
- Corrected a small bug in the KillAura advantage detection.
- Rewrote most classes to contain only the Spartan Player object.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with new methods & removal of redundant uses.
- Removed unnecessary variables from the Ban feature.
- Greatly improved the Cloud feature with more consistent methods.
- Corrected a few verbose misinformation & bugs in the new Velocity check.
- Slightly improved the Cache system with more detailed key lists.
- Greatly optimized the Spartan Location object with numerical instead of text memory keys.
- Slightly improved the Register handler with better memory allocation.
- Slightly improved the Floodgate compatibility with version-based optimisations.
- Bedrock Players will no longer have their heads/skulls cached in inventory menus.
- Noticeably improved the tracking handlers with less & more compact classes and universal methods.
- Removed an unused system object named Position.
- Slightly improved the Decimals object with more useful methods.
- Updated the title of the Player Info inventory menu to be more unique.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Open Inventory object with more accurate methods.
- With the recently introduced Velocity Analysis object, I was able to completely rewrite the Velocity check from scratch. The check is now 3x times smaller & significantly faster than its predecessor. It’s expected that it will catch a large variety of velocities, way more than its predecessor could even lightly detect, granted the anti-cheat is being used in a production environment where the Research Engine can collect information from players.
- The Spartan inventory menu has been rewritten to have less items, less item boxes, smaller descriptions, and overall give attention to what matters instead of everything. In addition, a new item was added for Syn customers to allow them to view historical fights.
- Corrected several HitReach bedrock player false positives.
- Completely rewritten the Velocity check with the help of the Research Engine & Player Profiling objects.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine with additional caching resulting in faster methods.
- Completely revamped the Spartan inventory menu with less & better items.
- Noticeably improved the AntiCheat Progress object with several new methods.
- The Hacker Finder & Suspected Players inventory menu will now show the configured check names.
- The Suspected Players inventory menu will now list online identified hacker players.
- Corrected a bug where the Hacker Finder inventory menu would not open if there were not enough logs.
- Created a new inventory menu for the Syn users named Player Fights.
- Corrected several TreeFeller incompatibility false positives caused by the mcMMO plugin’s abilities.
- Potentially corrected a MagicSpells plugin compatibility issue that would result in permanently canceled checks.
- Corrected a bug in the KillAura fight-analysis detection that caused certain data to be skipped.
- Noticeably improved the KillAura check with new ways of running some of its detections.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements fall & down slow-falling potion effect false positives.
- Slightly improved the Spartan Player object & Player Data utilities with better usage of potion effects.
- Slightly improved the Vehicle Access handler with more universal methods.
Provided the Research Engine with some necessary optimisations to return to the great performance of Build 448, or even better. Thanks for being patient and understanding.
- Implemented a Velocity Analysis System as part of the Fight Analysis System to further extend the capabilities of combat learning. This will allow me in the near future to design & program new checks/detections that will offer higher stability and better performance.
- Updated the verbose information of the IrregularMovements check to better fit the system.
- Potentially corrected a lag issue in the Search Engine handler.
- Corrected a few Criticals damage entity height false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine with new methods & more reliable usage of its parts.
- Corrected a bug where inventory menu heads would not load for Syn Mini customers.
- Noticeably improved the AntiCheat Progress feature with a more compact & organized code structure.
- Removed the messages.yml message and its uses (disabled_log_saving)
- Noticeably optimized the Search Engine with additional, bigger & smarter caching.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Syn inventory menu with less and more compact items.
- Slightly improved the Combat utilities with more universal variables.
- Greatly improved the Cloud feature with a more advanced Automatic Configuration Changes feature.
- Potentially corrected a few IrregularMovements step stair & stair-like block false positives.
- Corrected a bug in the Player Info inventory menu caused by the Search Engine handler.
Corrected a lag issue caused by the Search Engine and experienced by many users.
- This update improves the code in detail to prepare the plugin for upcoming major detection changes and new rewritten checks in the near future. Such a process is necessary to maintain high stability and a low rate of bugs & other issues.
- Corrected several MorePackets silent timer bypasses.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements no-down glide bypasses.
- Re-enabled the caching of player heads for the inventory menus.
- Corrected an issue where the Syn verification would take place after the Search Engine cache.
- The Search Engine handler will now cache files based on last-modification date.
- Corrected a bug where the fights would be stored without the correct string construction.
- Removed a lot of code waste to help improve performance & file size.
- Updated the Recommendations & Spartan inventory menu with different item replies.
- Corrected a bug where all enabled compatibilities would be listed on the menu.
- Corrected a bug where compatibilities would not function due to improper memory handling.
- Corrected a bug where the CPS Counter feature & Fast Clicks check would not count clicks.
- Spartan will now only cloud punish a player when the Performance Optimizer & False Positive Detection features are enabled.
Corrected another compatibility console error. Thanks for reporting, please re-download.
Corrected a KnockbackMaster compatibility console error.
- Spartan’s Hacker Identification feature was partly rewritten to be more accurate. Several critical mistakes were identified in the calculations of objects & handlers, and have now been corrected for good. You should now expect checks to be more lenient with legitimate players and the same aggressive with identified hackers. This will play a big role in the future, as checks are constantly receiving information about a player to judge wether they should be judged more aggressively.
- The Search Engine handler was partly rewritten it will now only semi-permanently cache object-oriented information. Any other information such as pure logs will be temporarily cached when necessary, such as when sending a developer-report. This will noticeably improve performance and decrease memory usage when not needed, aka most of the time.
- The Compatibility feature was partly rewritten to unify the way Spartan identifies a compatibility as functional. This replaces a previous abstract way of identifying them, which was often found to be buggy or incomplete after reviewing many of the past codes.
- Increased the incompatibility limit of the Speed check.
- Corrected dozens of IrregularMovements horizontal still movement false positives.
- Corrected a few EntityMove horse false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few Speed & IrregularMovements damage high ground false positives.
- Noticeably improved the BlockReach check with more universal codes.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option for the KillAura check. (KillAura.check_fight_analysis)
- Updated the Cloud Developer Report feature to include more information.
- Noticeably improved the IrregularMovements check with better detection handling when explosions take place.
- Noticeably improved the Hacker Identification Algorithm with better calculations.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine handler with better methods and no log caching.
- The Teleport protection will now forcefully run when changing worlds.
- Updated the Detection Notifications feature to be less spamful.
- Noticeably improved the Player Info inventory menu with more universal methods and additional item description.
- Noticeably improved the CPS Counter feature with better click calculations.
- Noticeably improved the FastClicks check with faster detections and better verbose information.
- Corrected a few MorePackets horizontal false positives.
- The KillAura Fight Analysis detection will now consider a player’s CPS.
- Slightly improved the Command handler to better support bedrock player name lengths.
- Slightly improved the Settings configuration with more null pointer protections.
- Corrected a bug where the HitReach check would not show in the Player Info inventory menu.
- Noticeably improved the Violations feature with cancellation cause information.
- Recently, Spartan started collecting detailed data about a player’s fight, which was so far used to judge whether a player’s combat is legitimate and temporarily exempt them from the KillAura check to eliminate false positives and save performance. In this update, I’ve implemented a new KillAura detection named fight-analysis, which will compare a player’s data against all other player’s “valid” data, and will most definitely easily find obvious combat hackers after just a few fights without need for many of the other combat detections to kick in.
- The IrregularMovements check will no longer check bedrock players for climbing due to severe false positives.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements up-climb vine false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Vehicles compatibility with better & more universal methods.
- Updated the developer API on the github website and maven repository.
- Fight information will no longer be logged into the console but remain cached and logged in Spartan logs.
- Made the hacker identification less lenient and more proper to avoid low violation false positives.
- Noticeably improved the command list with less commands and trivial documentation.
- The Spartan tempban command will remain executable but it has now been combined with the ban command.
- Potentially corrected several KillAura hit-distance many entities false positives.
- Extended the Suspicions Notifications feature with periodical instead of only-join notifications.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements fly bypasses.
- Partly rewritten the Violation Divisor handler to decrease notification spam.
- Corrected a bug where the False Positives notification would spam itself.
- Added the ability to bypass a player via the bypass command.
- Noticeably improved the Player Fight object with more accurate methods & results.
- Noticeably improved the Player Combat object with more decimal methods.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine handler with more comparison methods.
- Corrected a bug in the Search Engine handler that would return incorrect results about problematic detections.
- Corrected a bug in the Search Engine handler that prevented several problematic detections from disabling.
- Corrected some IrregularMovements levitation false positives caused by the potion effect wearing off.
- Implemented a new KillAura detection named fight-analysis based on the Search Engine handler.
- Slightly improved the KillAura check with better verbose information.
- Greatly improved the MorePackets check by modifying some lag calculations to help with false positives.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements incompatible plugin/feature false positives.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements ladder/vine ground-up false positives.
- The Clip check has been removed and included as part of the IrregularMovements check, which comes with two benefits, performance improvement & detection improvement due to the better code base.
- In the mean-time, the fight system has been collecting information that will be used in the near future to construct new KillAura detections. You can see how many fights have been collected in the Search Engine item of the Spartan inventory menu.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleActions scaffold bypasses.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements fly bypasses.
- Corrected dozens of IrregularMovements false positives.
- Decreased the connection distance of the Spectate feature.
- Corrected a few KillAura pitch false positives.
- Corrected a lag issue in the Check object with the dynamic silent feature.
- Corrected a typo in the Spartan Syn inventory menu.
- Slightly improved the SQL feature with bigger varchar variables.
- Removed the Clip check and included it in the IrregularMovements check.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (IrregularMovements.check_inside_blocks)
- Noticeably improved the Violations feature & Manage Checks inventory menu with more universal methods.
- Noticeably improved the Check object with a more universal code base.
- Corrected a bug in the Move utilities where the NoFall check wouldn’t be considered a movement check.
- Thank you to everyone who supported my recent bold changes by reporting issues. This update does not introduce something new, I am currently making sure the plugin is stable is enough so I can proceed in the near future to offer new functionalities. Have a good weekend.
- Corrected dozens of IrregularMovements movement false positives.
- Corrected dozens of Speed movement false positives with the help of the IrregularMovements check.
- Decrease the limit for incompatibilities for the Speed check.
- Updated the False Positive Detection feature with more recent information.
- Noticeably improved the KillAura check with better legitimate fight identification.
- Made all login events have high instead of highest priority to allow for more control.
- Commented out the Cloud chat-context feature to improve performance.
- Greatly improved the XRay check with additional notification capabilities and faster detections.
- Greatly improved the Block Break handler with the help of the Block utilities.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with array length checkers.
- Removed unneeded code from the Cache system and classes connected to it.
- Slightly improved the Sprint check with faster methods.
- Greatly improved the Spartan Player object with the help of the Search Engine handler.
- Noticeably improved the Performance Optimizer feature Hy combining methods with the Player Profile object.
- The Performance Optimizer feature will now run regardless of the configuration but will not take effect if configured to false.
- Removed the Towny semi compatibility as it did not serve any purpose.
- Corrected several underwater ImpossibleActions tower & potentially scaffold false positives.
- Slightly improved the Explosion protection with more accurate methods.
- Potentially corrected a few Criticals damage remaining false positives.
- Slightly improved the IrregularMovements & Criticals checks with additional verbose information.
- Removed unneeded code from the Violation Divisor & Moderation handlers.
- Corrected an issue where notifications would enable upon reloading the plugin.
- Cloud Punished Players will now only be checked when they can join the server.
- Enabled the bedrock detections of the IrregularMovements check.
- Corrected a bug in the Player Profile object in the hacker identification method.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements checks bypasses.
- Spartan’s Fly & IrregularMovements checks were designed many years ago, where the performance, quality & consistency of Spartan was significantly and rightfully worse. Due to continuous limitations, both checks have reached a plateau where they fail to reach the results I wish. This leads to this update, which introduces a completely rewritten IrregularMovements check with the Fly & part of the NoSlowdown check removed but included as part of IrregularMovements. The new design introduces scenario categorization & analytical verbose which allows for a tremendous amount of performance to be saved over time, while at the same time keeping all detections minimal, stable & accurate.
- In addition, two more checks that failed to meet many expectations but also have been sometimes known to be unstable are the MorePackets & ImpossibleActions scaffold/tower. After some research, I was able to find a new way to redesign the checks which resulted in their complete rewrite. The new checks are at least 2 times smaller compared to their predecessors, and takes advantage of all data objects to provide amazing stability and dramatically faster detections.
- Last but not least, this update introduces combat statistics to help improve the stability of the KillAura check, and in the future use it to improve checks and their detections. Stay tuned for more & enjoy the update, this is much bigger than it seems.
- Completely rewritten the IrregularMovements & MorePackets checks.
- Corrected dozens of EntityMove bypasses with the help of the rewritten MorePackets check.
- Removed the Fly checks and included them in the new IrregularMovements check.
- Rewritten the ImpossibleActions scaffold & tower detections.
- Greatly improved the Move utilities with new useful methods and more accurate calculations.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with more accurate methods.
- Slightly improved the Speed check with better detections and more verbose information.
- The Criticals check will now require data from at least 2 players to run.
- Corrected a few Criticals damage abnormal damage false positives.
- Corrected a few Speed normal old server version vehicle exit false positives.
- Removed & added new configuration options to checks.yml due to the check changes.
- Greatly improved the Spartan & Player Info inventory menu with better item descriptions.
- Corrected many Criticals damage random above damage false positives.
- The Criticals check will no longer collect information from players who are timed out by the Performance Optimizer feature.
- Greatly improved the Performance Optimizer feature with a new check state called “Testing.
- Removed the latency condition command from the default settings.yml & config.yml configurations.
- Potentially corrected a few rare Jesus ypos water elevator false positives.
- Slightly improved the Player Profile object with unused caching.
- Improved the KillAura check with better stability with the help of the Player Profile object.
- Corrected a Spartan Location object console error caused by asynchronous tasks.
- Corrected a bug where some utilities & handlers would not support heights below level zero.
- The Player Info inventory menu will now show more information and offer more control about offline players.
Corrected a console error caused by the Criticals check in 1.7 & 1.8 servers. Why you people still use these versions, only some god knows. If you are using a 1.9+ server, no need to download this update.
Corrected a console error caused by the IrregularMovements check.
- This update further improves Spartan while I keep completing the new movement detections. For now, I decided to rewrite the Criticals damage detection which has been problematic and failed to meet expectations for many for a while. The new detection uses memory and math to calculate the correct expected damage based on one’s server & gameplay.
- Rewritten the Criticals damage detection to be better and faster.
- The Spartan Location object will now implement decreased cache when run on 1.8 or older with timings enabled.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities with more publicly accessible methods.
- Noticeably improved the Configuration system with less methods and safer modification moments.
- Updated the Suspected Players notification message to be more accurate.
- Removed the Ping Spoof detection from the Exploits check as it doesn’t serve much of a purpose anymore.
- Decreased the limit of the Speed check when the CMI incompatibility is detected.
- Slightly improved the Lag Leniencies with better handling for player latency.
- Removed the web detection from NoSlowdown and moved it to the Speed & IrregularMovements check.
- Updated the synonyms in the Configuration Recommendations feature.
- Corrected a bug where the Cloud feature would repeat a message many times.
- Corrected a MinigameMaker compatibility console error.
- Noticeably improved the Speed check with new limits.
- Corrected a few Velocity enderpearl false positives.
- Modified the default settings.yml configuration.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option to allow for inventory menu refreshing.
- Inventory menus will now work even if the inventory-click event is cancelled.
- The Syn inventory menu will now notify less about existing purchases to reduce unnecessary messages.
- Removed an unnecessary Criticals checks.yml configuration option. (check_tools_only)
- Corrected a NoSwing damage hit/attack cooldown false positive.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with less memory usage and more accurate methods.
- Noticeably improved the Player Profile object with a more accurate legitimate player identification.
- Corrected a file detection bug in the Search Engine handler.
- Corrected a trivial text typo/bug in the Debug feature.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities with more accurate methods.
- Corrected the few remaining EntityMove boat vehicle stable & horizontal false positives.
- Noticeably optimised the Building protection with less logic being processed.
- Potentially corrected a cancellation bug in the Explosion handler.
Updated the anti-piracy system to meet new standards. Updating is optional.
Corrected a Lag Leniencies console error.
- This update corrects dozens of bugs and issues within the plugin to prepare the plugin for new upcoming detections and improvement of existing ones in the near future.
- Greatly improved the Speed check with false positive corrections.
- Updated an offer available on the Syn inventory menu.
- Potentially corrected a few InventoryClicks false positives.
- Noticeably improved the HitReach check with several detection improvements.
- Greatly improved the Explosion handler with new useful methods.
- Noticeably improved the Move utilities with new variables and bug corrections.
- Corrected a few Speed explosion false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Player Profile object with temporary hacker identification and better permanent identification.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine handler with more accurate calculations.
- Potentially corrected a few BoatMove stable false positives.
- Corrected a SQL error caused by the XRay check.
- Corrected a check punishment logic bug in the config.yml configuration.
- Noticeably improved the Bouncing Blocks handler with new useful methods, performance improvements and bug corrections.
- Noticeably improved the MorePackets check with better targeting towards players who are identified hackers.
- Potentially corrected a few KillAura hit-distance false positives.
- Corrected a few detection inconsistencies caused by unlisted semi-incompatibilities.
- Potentially corrected a few MorePackets vehicle false positives.
- Punishments and XRay notifications will now be shared via the Cross Server Notifications feature.
- Noticeably improved the Staff Chat feature with bug corrections and faster functionality.
- Corrected a bug in the counter of Configuration Recommendations feature.
- Slightly improved the Configuration & Lag Leniencies system with more universal methods.
- The GhostHand check will now be treated with a greater notification frequency.
- Corrected a minor rare bug in the NoHitDelay feature compatibility.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with ground and off-ground tick counting for vehicles.
- Corrected a bug in the Search Engine handler where a player’s data wouldn’t be cleared properly.
Corrected a Search Engine handler console error.
- Rightfully increased one of the Speed check’s limits to fix a few false positives.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (FastPlace.check_fast)
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine handler by correcting a potential hacker identification misjudgement.
- Unstable detections will now be cancelled by analysing the verbose and will not counter a check’s actions to maintain the highest of stability.
- Once a player is considered legitimate, their logs will be stored as potential false positives and used for counter measurements.
- Noticeably improved the AntiCheat Progress feature with more information provided by the Cloud feature.
- Implemented a new optional Awareness Notifications message as part of the Cloud feature.
- Implemented the ability to remove a legitimate player in the Legitimate Players inventory menu.
- Corrected a few KillAura hit distance low entity distance false positives.
- Corrected a non supported fork tab completion console error.
- Corrected a bug in the Water Soul Sand identification handler that potentially caused movement false positives.
- Cross Server Notifications will now be shared more frequently, such as when a player is considered a hacker or when a maximum threshold is reached.
- Noticeably improved the MorePackets check with significantly better limits and potential bypass patches.
- Implemented 2 new Developer API methods
- The Performance Optimizer is responsible for identifying and exempting legitimate players from checks via a long term and safe process. From this update and in the future, the Violations feature will collect timings about player violations and compare them at the end of each violation cycle. This will help identify more legitimate players and prevent many false positives in a shorter time and safer way.
- Noticeably improved the Player Profile object with bedrock player identification.
- Noticeably improved Search Engine handler with better cache management & faster methods.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives by no longer identifying bedrock players as hackers.
- Removed unnecessary variables from the Speed check.
- Corrected dozens of Fly bedrock player false positives.
- Bedrock players will no longer be punished by the Cloud feature.
- Corrected a few FastPlace fast bedrock player false positives.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with a more universal verification for Syn customers.
- Noticeably improved the Violations feature with new useful memory data gathering.
- Noticeably improved the Performance Optimizer feature with additional ways of verifying legitimate players and smart ways of using existing methods.
- Potentially corrected a few EntityMove boat entity ice block false positives.
- Corrected several ElytraMove physics, fly & speed false positives.
- Noticeably improved the new Player Info inventory menu with more information and configured check names.
- Slightly improved the AntiCheat Progress Statistics feature with better moments to clear its data.
- Slightly improved the Player Profile object with more capabilities and more & faster methods.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Location & Spartan Block objects with more final variables.
- Corrected a bug in the Check object relating to the XRay check.
- Noticeably improved the XRay object with more functionality but less data in the memory.
- Slightly improved the XRay check with better configuration management and potential bug corrections.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with more proper material libraries.
- Corrected a few FastBreak durability calcite block false positives.
- Corrected a bug where one of the IP/Ports/Server limits message would not disable.
- Corrected a word type in the Cloud Developer Report feature.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (FastClicks.cancel_seconds)
- Noticeably improved the Hack Prevention object with new methods, better methods & more capabilities.
- Noticeably improved the FastClicks check with support for silent mode.
- Corrected several amethyst block movement false positives.
- In this update time was spent improving and maintaining the Cloud feature & website pages related to Spartan. The plugin itself has shown to be stable, so only a few minor changes were required.
- Corrected a few KillAura area mob/animal false positives.
- Increased the connection time-out time for the Cloud feature.
- Updated the Spartan Syn URLs with more universal variables.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with a more organised backend system.
- A new KillAura detection has been implemented that combines movement and accuracy to mainly help against KillAura hack modules that combine themselves with hop movements to gain an extra advantage.
- Corrected a few Fly pre self bow damage false positives.
- Corrected several ImpossibleActions scaffold full glass block false positives.
- Corrected a few KillAura area false advantage false positives.
- Greatly improved the Move utilities with new useful tracking methods.
- Implemented a new KillAura detection that combines motion with direction to detect hop-like hacks.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (KillAura.check_move_accuracy)
- Corrected a few FastBreak CraftBook plugin compatibility false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Hack Prevention object with more logical handlers.
- Corrected a rare bug where the Violations feature would not consider the API.
- Corrected several Fly stable near max falling motion false positives.
- Several good changes reach this update. Spartan's API now has a Maven repository, the SQL feature now supports multiple TLS versions, configurations will no longer randomly reset, and many false positives were corrected.
- Corrected a few step semi-solid block false positives.
- Noticeably improved the documentation of the Developer API.
- Corrected several Fly & Speed self bow damage false positives.
- Corrected a bug in the Self Hit handler that prevented it from working properly.
- Noticeably improved the SQL feature with more capabilities.
- Corrected a few Fly stable fast downwards movement false positives.
- Spartan’s API now has a Maven repository.
- Nether Gold Ore blocks will no longer be considered by the XRay check & Mining Notifications feature.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements step low height movement false positives.
- Attempted correcting the rare file reset bug once again by reverting to older functional methods.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleInventory server flying false positives.
- Corrected a bug where the Search Engine handler would announce a message at the wrong situation.
- This update significantly improves the functionality of the SQL feature with more reconnection tries, several error corrections, and stack traces to help track one's connection issue.
- In addition, the inventory menus are optimised with faster loading times & eliminating the chance of the server crashing or thread dumping. This is due to relying less on the Bukkit libraries and more on custom ones.
- Corrected several Fly false positives caused by low air ticks.
- Updated the plugin.yml file with more soft dependencies.
- Noticeably improved the Performance Optimizer feature with more ways to find legitimate players.
- Corrected a few null-pointer console errors caused by the SQL Logs feature.
- The SQL Logs feature will now print error stacktraces related to connections for better understanding.
- Corrected a Hack Prevention object console error caused by a code bug.
- Corrected a few KillAura direction false positives.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named RampenDrills.
- Corrected many potential GhostHand false positives caused by the Vehicles plugin.
- Greatly improved the Vehicles compatibility with coverage for more checks.
- Slightly improved the Config utilities with more universal methods.
- Potentially corrected a rare configuration file reset issue caused by the inventory menus.
- Corrected a major Fly stable movement bypass.
- Noticeably optimised the Hacker Finder & Legitimate Players inventory menus with less native cache usage.
- Potentially corrected several Fly, IrregularMovements & Speed self bow damage false positives.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovement slime block false positives.
- Compatibility for a popular plugin named ItemsAdder has been implemented. Please keep in mind that positive results are not in any way promised/guaranteed, nor should they meet everyone’s expectations such as concurrent detections or future keeping of the compatibility. This is simply a try to make Spartan more universally applicable to servers.
- Corrected a few ElytraMove physics firework false positives.
- Corrected a few KillAura block raytrace mathematical inaccuracy false positives.
- The GhostHand check will now be disabled by default.
- Removed a checks.yml configuration option. (GhostHand.enable_only_on_minigame_servers)
- Updated the online documentation of the plugin with recent data.
- Slightly optimised the Damage handler with less logical statements.
- Greatly improved the Damage handler with coverage for more combat situations.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by elytras & off-hand riptide tridents.
- Corrected a console error caused by the AutoSync compatibility.
- Potentially corrected a Fly jump motion bypass.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named ItemsAdder.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with better cross version compatibility.
- Corrected a logical bug in the FastBreak check that prevented it from working fully.
- Corrected a few Jesus walking/sprinting on top of water bypasses.
- Slightly improved the False Positive Detection & Performance Optimizer features to be more strict with disabled logs.
- Greatly improved the Config utilities with better method calls, unneeded method removals & method improvements.
- Corrected a bug in the API methods that results in null-pointer console errors.
- The Criticals check will now disable when many entities are nearby, such as mob farms.
- Slightly improved the Search Engine handler with more organised methods.
- Corrected a bug where too many commands would be listed in the Manage Checks inventory menu.
- Slightly improved the Invisible Block handler to ignore bedrock blocks.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleActions tower sensitive block false positives.
- Slightly improved the Move utilities with better artificial fall damage.
- Slightly improved the Cancel Violation handler with more appropriate prevention selection.
- Slightly improved the From Location handler with more ways to update a location.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements jump building false positives.
- Slightly improved the Spartan Player object with more frequent cache updates.
- Part of the IrregularMovements step detection will disable when the Skript plugin is enabled.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine with new and more universal methods.
- Slightly improved the IrregularMovements hop detection with the help of the Search Engine handler.
- Implemented a new ElytraMove detection named physics to improve the overall performance of the check.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (ElytraMove.check_physics)
- This is a simple maintenance update, making sure the plugin is up to date and running correctly. Due to recent time limitations, an insignificant Jesus bypass will be fixed in a future update. I went past my update schedule this time, because why not. Any issues, report them privately via Discord, Platform or Email, and take care.
- Greatly improved the Search Engine handler with more useful methods.
- Slightly improved the Damage handler for better fireball entity coverage.
- Corrected a few bug in the Player utilities that prevented extra accuracy from kicking in.
- Greatly improved the Lag Leniences with more universal methods.
- Reworked parts of the Configuration system due to a rare issue where settings.yml will reset.
- Slightly optimised the Violations feature with fewer method calls.
- Slightly improved the Configuration system with a more universal punishment algorithm.
- Potentially corrected a few fireball explosion knockback movement false positives.
- Corrected a few KillAura block raytrance vehicle false positives.
- Corrected a few KillAura block raytrace bypasse caused by a semi-broken Block utilities method.
- Slightly optimised the Hack Prevention object with faster methods.
- Slightly improved the Hack Prevention object with better preventions.
- Potentially corrected a False Positive Detection concurrent modification console error.
- Corrected a few KillAura distance non-player entity false positives.
- Some Jesus walking movements will be prevented with a future update, despite not being advantageous for their version.
- Fly false positives caused by scaffolding blocks were researched but not found, most likely a cross-version issue.
- Preventions were studied but were already significantly good, so only a few improvements were made in delays & hacker identification consideration.
- Corrected a Hack Prevention object console error.
- Spartan will no longer appear in the kick, ban or warning reasons.
- Corrected a few Jesus ypos abstract liquid blocks false positives.
- TPS will now be strict with its requirement of 18 TPS or more.
- Search Engine data will be cleared when someone is unbanned by almost any plugin.
- Tracking handlers will no longer run when checks/detections cannot also run.
- Noticeably optimised the SQL feature with faster & more performant log retrieval times.
- Corrected a small frequency issue in the TPS system that caused the protection to not always work.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with more adaptive methods.
- Corrected a potential Cloud feature bug in the Player utilities.
- Noticeably optimised the Cloud feature with less requests being made.
- Potentially corrected a few IrregularMovements step above block false positives.
- Noticeably optimised the Configuration utilities with faster file modification methods.
Corrected a frequent console error caused by the Hack Prevention object.
- Many detections & utilities were partly written in this update, including ones from the Ground utilities. Fly check, IrregularMovements check & Speed check. These changes aim to solve instabilities that have been existing for a few updates now for several but not all of you.
- A lag issue was corrected by optimising a method of the Search Engine handler, specifically one responsible for detecting unstable checks & detections. Additional caching has been implemented to help this method now run as fast as possible.
- Since the Search Engine handler’s inception, it’s known that if you disable both File & SQL logs, it will disable, taking down an important analysis part of the anti-cheat. This update changes this by forcing the Search Engine to partly work despite all significant log options being disabled.
- A major bug was discovered in the Configuration system that prevented legacy commands from being executed in many scenarios. This update corrects this issue and any old configurations should once again function per usual.
- Corrected several BoatMove multiple passengers false positives.
- Corrected several FastBreak breaks-per-second entity block false positives.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by elytra gliding not being identified properly.
- Corrected an issue where players could not be unbanned due to a small bug in the system.
- Corrected dozens of GhostHand interact false positives caused by a small method bug in the Block utilities.
- Potentially corrected several IrregularMovements step jumping motion false positives.
- The Speed check will now account averages in its calculations for a more stable experience.
- Corrected some description inconsistencies in the Spartan & Player Info inventory menus.
- Corrected dozens of Fly stable jump motion false positives by improving specific calculations.
- Rewrote part of the IrregularMovements jump detection to be more stable & accurate.
- Slightly improved the Search Engine handler & AutoSync compatibility with more universal methods.
- Corrected a lag issue in the Search Engine handler caused by an unstable checks method.
- Corrected a log caching in the Search Engine handler persisting in non-Syn members.
- Noticeably optimised the Search Engine handler with issue/bug corrections & better memory usage.
- Noticeably optimised the Ground utilities with less method calls & faster methods.
- Noticeably improved the Ground utilities with 2-3x time increased accuracy.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with more calculations being cached.
- Corrected a no-such-method console error caused by the Invisible Block handler.
- Slightly improved the General Gameplay handler & Timer object with more capabilities.
- Slightly improved the Speed check with more detailed verbose information.
- Greatly improved the Low Violation handler by taking advantage of player analysis methods.
- Slightly improved the Check object with additional caching.
- Greatly optimised the Cancel Violation handler, Violations feature & Hack Prevention object with faster methods.
- Corrected a small bug in the False Positive Detection feature to help better moderate hackers.
- Slightly optimised the Cloud feature with faster methods.
- Corrected a spectate command argument bug in the Command Execution handler.
- The Search Engine will now partly work despite all log options being disabled.
- Corrected a major bug in the Configuration system that prevented legacy commands from being executed.
Corrected a major issue with elytra gliding not being correctly identified, resulting in several false positives.
- Slightly improved the Player Info inventory menu with better item descriptions.
- Noticeably optimised the SQL Logs feature with significantly less memory usage.
- Potentially corrected a bypass issue in the FastClicks check caused by the Block utilities.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with more accurate directional blocks methods.
- More detections will now automatically disable when being found overly problematic.
- Slightly optimised the InventoryClicks check with less memory usage.
- Noticeably optimised the Configuration system with a faster punishment algorithm.
- The FastBreak delay detection will no longer check for vine blocks due to their fast breaking speed.
- Corrected a few BoatMove ice bouncing-block false positives by correcting a bug in the Bouncing Blocks identifier.
- The Lag Leniencies protection will no longer require ProtocolLib to enable the ping/latency calculations.
- Configuration Syntax coordinates will now be rounded to prevent chat spam.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (GhostHand.enable_only_on_minigame_servers)
- The Test Server handler will now protect against changing specific options.
- Removed the Client Sided Block managing compatibility to save performance since it wasn’t used.
- Deprecated all Client Sided Block developer API methods.
- Improved the handling of elytras for many checks.
Corrected a Search Engine object refresh issue for a large variety of users. Updating is extremely recommended.
- Two new compatibilities were implemented in this update, both related to enchantment plugins, which are difficult to implement. Feel free to check them out via the compatibility disclaimer/docs.
- The Search Engine handler, responsible for analysing Spartan’s logs, will now update automatically via its objects, meaning performance usage will decrease and get more stable by significantly reducing CPU & RAM usage. This process will only still occur if Spartan has its SQL feature configured, which is necessary for the retrieval of external server data.
- Corrected a few rare & potential Violations feature null-pointer console errors.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by a Block utilities climbable block identification bug.
- Slightly improved the Configuration system with more proper codes.
- Slightly improved the Ground utilities with more supported bounding boxes.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (Performance.use_vanilla_ground_method)
- Corrected a few movement false positives caused by bugging thru doors at specific heights.
- Implemented compatibility for two custom enchantment plugins. (CustomEnchantPlus, EchoEnchants)
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine handler with new useful methods.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud Developer Report feature with more useful information.
- Slightly improved the Syn system’s verification method with more proper codes.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities with more proper use of existing methods.
- Corrected a Block utilities 1.7 no-such-method console error.
- Greatly improved the Cloud feature with faster codes.
- Potentially corrected several Fly stable jump effect false positives.
- Corrected several movement upwards building false positives caused by Block utilities inaccuracies.
- Slightly improved the Configuration system with a better constructor.
- Potentially corrected several Fly stable & packets CMI plugin false positives.
- Configuration Recommendations will now be offered if Problematic Detections are set to automatically disable.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (MorePackets.check_instant_movements)
- Potentially corrected several Jesus ypos semi-solid block jumping false positives.
- Potentially corrected several Fly low ground elytra false positives.
- Potentially corrected several Clip instant falling false positives by correcting an air-ticks reset bug.
- Implemented a new method for the API events.
- Corrected a Configuration replace reset bug.
- Corrected a Spartan inventory menu null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Violations feature potential null-pointer console error.
- Slightly optimised the Cancel Violation handler with faster math calculations and less memory usage.
- Potentially corrected a few Velocity near semi-solid block false positives.
- Spartan has long been able to detect problematic detections, therefore also problematic checks. This update takes this feature even further by allowing it to disable/modify specific detections in specific circumstances. Spartan runs in a large variety of servers, so despite the calculations that take place in the background, sometimes it’s best to disable a small part of a check to improve the overall stability.
- Spartan’s checks run on the main thread, but other codes such as systems, handlers, features may run asynchronously. Rarely, big servers would have issues with the Chunks system’s cache, as rapid loading/unloading would simply make it too heavy. This update corrects this issue but using native Java libraries that optimise the Chunks system, making it 3-4 times lighter.
- Corrected dozens of 1.17 datapack world y-position less than 0 false positives.
- Corrected several MorePackets instant identification low violation false positives.
- Decreased the amount of fixed threads being used from 15 to 14.
- Noticeably optimised the Ground utilities with less method calls.
- Corrected a few Clip vector high speed effect false positives.
- Greatly optimised the Notifications feature with less method calls.
- False Positive Detection will no longer automatically disable.
- Full information notifications will now be set if the server consists of one player.
- Greatly optimised the Spartan Player object with removal of unnecessary implementations.
- Potentially corrected a few Fly stable jump effect false positives.
- Corrected a small failed cache retention bug in the Cache system.
- Slightly optimised the Cache system with lighter methods.
- Switching from new to legacy configuration will now clear the new options from checks.yml & settings.yml.
- Abstract Java maps, sets & arrays will now have their capacity somewhat specified for better garbage collection.
- Slightly improved the detection preventions with specific check exemptions.
- Corrected a rare Scheduler listeners null parameter console error.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by the Ground utilities.
- Noticeably improved the IrregularMovements check with a better jump detection.
- Corrected a few minor check object method usage bugs.
- Specific problematic detections will now automatically disable.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (Performance.disable_problematic_detections)
- Implemented additional ways to identify when a check is problematic.
- Corrected a few Fly stable slow falling effect false positives.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with increased verification time for Syn.
- Noticeably improve the Chunks system with 3-4 times faster cache.
- Corrected a bug where Spartan’s tab completion would show vanished/hidden players.
- Potentially corrected several ElytraMove speed false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few FastBreak veinMiner compatibility false positives.
Update to this version only if you are using a 1.17 server with data-pack world/s, it will solve a great variety of false positives. Cross-version support remains.
- Last few updates were big, with two of them being major. Build 418 wasn’t very stable, so it’s recommended to update to Build 419. This update polishes the recent changes made to the code and improves existing ones that a few of you have been rightfully complaining about.
- Potentially corrected dozens of Jesus ypos above water building false positives.
- Disabled forceful preventions for the MorePackets check when violations are zero.
- Reversed some changes made to the Fly & IrregularMovements check to reduce false positives.
- Properly corrected the ProtocolLib no-such-method console error.
- Corrected a bug in the Spartan Location object where blocks below 0 y-position would be considered as stone.
- Reverted back to the Java math methods since they were found to be faster over the long term.
- Compatibilities will now load after the Cloud feature to prevent console errors.
- Punishment categories will no longer be shown in the Manage Checks inventory menu when using the new configuration.
- False Positive Detection feature will no longer automatically disable if there are problematic checks.
- Corrected a small potential bug in the False Positive Detection & Performance Optimizer features.
- Corrected a trap-door movement bypass caused by a Bukkit library issue.
- Noticeably optimised the Ground utilities with less method calls.
- Corrected several Speed normal low TPS false positives.
- Corrected a few FastBreak low violation false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Velocity handler with more covered velocities.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by pressure plates.
- Noticeably optimised the Material utilities with better usage of its methods.
- Slightly improved the mcMMO plugin compatibility with more error-proof methods.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities with more accurate methods.
- Corrected dozens of Fly false positives caused by the Spartan Location object.
- Spartan’s lag leniencies have largely improved by having their purpose rearranged. Many calculations were removed where they were no longer needed or simply never needed. This will help with dealing with hackers that use ping-spoof modules to increase their latency in order to give themselves an unfair advantage.
- A major was found in one of Spartan’s objects that caused a number to not increase, resulting in a big part of the KillAura check to not work properly or at all. This has been fixed, so you should expect better & faster detections.
- Completely rewritten the lag leniencies of the plugin to work in par with the server’s needs instead of limit calculations.
- Corrected several 1.17+ movement false positives caused by the brand new light block.
- Corrected a major bug in the Buffer object that prevented most of the KillAura check from working properly.
- Corrected several HitReach horizontal false positives caused by the MythicMobs plugin.
- Corrected a minor bug that kept unbanned players in the ban list.
- Greatly optimised the Violations feature & Player utils with unnecessary code removals & less memory usage.
- Slightly optimised the Permissions system & Hack Prevention object handler with less memory usage.
- Slightly optimised the Search Engine, Shulker Box handlers & Ground, Player utilities with faster methods.
- Slightly optimised the Timer, Cooldowns & Decimals objects with less method calls.
- Corrected a bug in the Latency system that allowed a small part of the protection to function regardless of being disabled.
- Corrected a cache bug in the Manage Checks inventory menu that prevented changes from taking place.
- Greatly improved the Math utilities by ditching java methods for more optimised custom methods.
- Slightly optimised the Movement listener with less variables per event.
- Slightly improved the Gamemode handler with prevention of unnecessary calls.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Location & Spartan Block objects with storage for the Spartan Player object.
- Noticeably optimised the Block utilities with more optimised directional & traced locations algorithms.
- Corrected a major Fly stable horizontal bypass.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib compatibility no-such-method console error.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan Location object with more useful methods.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan Location object with a faster block retrieval method.
- Greatly optimised the Minigame Maker compatibility to search for less incompatible items when not enabled.
- Potentially corrected several MorePackets instant movement false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Violations feature with a safer tick skipping method.
- Potentially corrected a few remaining Jesus ypos false positives.
- Significantly decreased the amount of location calls and ground calculations by using light Bukkit methods when possible.
- Potentially corrected several IrregularMovements step false positives caused by the Building handler.
- Removed the secret way to delete a player’s violation history and added it apparently in the Player Info inventory menu.
- Implemented a new messages.yml configuration option. (player_stored_data_delete_message)
- Noticeably improved & optimised the GhostHand check with faster performance and more stable calculations.
- Noticeably improved the Developer API with prevention of some calls in test servers.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu with removal of unnecessary descriptions.
- The Cancel Violation handler will now always prevent a player when they are identified as hackers.
- The Punishment algorithm will now be considered with higher severity when a check is found to be problematic.
Corrected a class initialisation issue caused by missing libraries in older server versions of the game.
- After many years, Spartan’s punishment system is finally changing. Spartan will no longer depend on the user’s configuration (config.yml) to understand when to punish players, but it will instead use its analysed stored data to confidently understand when a player should be punished. This means that you now only need to specify the punishments via the settings.yml configuration, and choose which checks you want to punish for via checks.yml. Due to this being a big change, the plugin will still use its legacy config.yml configuration if it exists, or if both File & SQL logs have been disabled.
- Player IP addresses via the Spartan Info inventory menu will now only be shown to users with the spartan.manage permission.
- Potentially corrected a few movement false positives by increasing the accuracy of the Spartan Player object.
- Greatly optimised the Exploits ping-spoof detection with the ability to skip specific tasks.
- Slightly optimised the TPS system with less schedulers running.
- Noticeably improved all schedulers with faster & more consistent code.
- Slightly improved the MorePackets check with better calculations.
- Noticeably optimised all the configurations with faster methods.
- The Config utilities will now always replace {ping} syntax with 1 when there’s a relation to the Exploits check.
- Slightly improved the Hacker Finder & Spartan inventory menu with less item description when not necessary.
- Completely rewritten the punishment system and removed the config.yml file, moving existing options to checks.yml & settings.yml.
- Slightly improved the Manage Checks inventory menu to make it apparent when a check punishes, and when it doesn’t.
- Deprecated 3 Developer API methods due to the changes made to the punishments system.
- Greatly improved the Search Engine handler with more capabilities per method.
- Corrected a bug where the silent option wouldn’t show up in the config.yml configuration.
- Corrected a few caching issues in the Search Engine handler.
- Slightly optimised the File Logs feature & Config utilities with less method calls.
- Noticeably optimised the Block utilities with significantly faster material libraries & new useful methods.
- Slightly improved the Player Reports inventory menu with a better dismiss functionality.
- Greatly optimised the Violations feature & NPC handler with less and faster methods.
- Implemented a new configuration syntax. {punish:detection}
- Implemented identification for Airplane server forks.
- Implemented method support for Paper only libraries.
- Greatly improved the Spartan Block object & Math utilities with new useful methods.
- Slightly optimised the FastBreak check with faster detections.
- Corrected several ElytraMove trident unsafe level false positives.
- Implemented a secret way to delete a player’s profile when necessary.
- Corrected a Permissions system bug where adding permission via the API wouldn't be counted in some cases.
Corrected a critical bug that prevented a fresh loaded Spartan from enabling all checks. It's more than recommended to download this hot-fix update.
- This update corrects several bugs and issues caused by the 2 recent updates, which the first was major, and the second quite major as well. Any features affected by these bugs have been automatically disabled via the Cloud feature and will automatically enable once you update the plugin. In addition, several micro optimisations have taken place which will show over the long term.
- The configurations wave.yml & bans.yml have been combined to storage.yml, each with its own category for easier management. In addition, the Syn configuration reports.yml has been removed and added in settings.yml as a configuration option.
- Greatly optimised the Player Profiling object, Search Engine handler & Performance Optimizer feature with faster methods.
- Corrected a bug in the Performance Optimizer feature that falsely judged many players as legitimate.
- Slightly improved the Search Engine with more dynamic status messages.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with better cache handling.
- Corrected a bug where checks would have no custom name in the inventory menus.
- Slightly optimised the Auto Respawn check with a faster scheduler.
- Decreased the amount of asynchronous threads to half of the previous amount.
- Registered all threads close to the plugin’s load/enable moment to prevent console errors.
- Slightly improved the Threads system with new more flexible methods.
- Slightly optimised the Test Server identification handler with the ability to skip the scheduled task.
- Hacker Finder, Player Reports & Legitimate Players menu will now open asynchronously.
- Slightly optimised the Configuration system with faster methods.
- Corrected a bug in the Check object that prevented checks from being silent.
- Greatly improved the Performance Optimizer feature with more accurate usefulness checks.
- Noticeably optimised the Spartan inventory menu with faster & more organised code.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with more accurate data.
- Slightly improved the Move utilities with unused method removals.
- Slightly optimised the Ground utilities with less method calls.
- Noticeably optimised the Movement handlers with less methods being processed.
- Slightly optimised the Exploits undetected-movement & head-position detections with more final variables.
- Slightly optimised the FastBreak check & ImpossibleActions cactus detection with more adaptable codes.
- Greatly optimised the IrregularMovements, Velocity, Clip, Speed, Jesus & NoSlowdown check with less method calls.
- Slightly optimised the KillAura aimbot detection with better method call order.
- Corrected a minor logical bug in the Movement handlers.
- Losing the permissions spartan.spectate will now remove you from spectator mode.
- Executing the command “/spartan spectate” will now remove you from spectator mode.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by knockback 3+ enchantments.
- Corrected a few HitReach false punishments by making the check less lenient.
- Removed some unnecessary description from the Player Info inventory menu.
- Slightly improved the Liquid protection with more capabilities.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with more straightforward methods.
- Removed wave.yml & bans.yml and combined them to storage.yml.
- Noticeably improved the Wave & Ban features with faster & more proper code.
- Corrected an issue where reports wouldn’t be cached if stored logs were less than 100.
- Moved the Piston handler to another thread in specific cases to prevent rare potential server lag.
- Corrected dozens of IrregularMovements jump ground jumping false positives.
- Corrected a Search Engine handler false-positives list null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several MorePackets instant identified movement false positives.
- Corrected a few movement false positives caused by a Block utilities candles & powder-snow blocks identification bug.
- Corrected a few movement false positives caused by a Ground utilities dripleaf block identification bug.
- Slightly improved the Spartan Player object with new 1.17 related methods.
Made a few changes to the Spectator feature to make it less confusing.
- A spectate command has been implemented with very specific functionality to allow you to teleport to players that are potentially hacking. Once you spectate a player, you will be automatically hidden from all players but staff members and will be reshown once you change world or get too far away from the spectated player. In addition, the default clickable command has changed to the spectate command.
- This update introduces Dynamic Silent Mode. To set it, simply go into config.yml, and in the silent option set it to dynamic instead of true or false. This will make the anti-cheat be silent when a player with notifications enabled is online, or will prevent otherwise. This should give more control to the staff team and how they manage their checks.
- Last but not least, the Configuration system was partly rewritten with object orientation. This will help save performance by reducing the calls made to the memory, which over time stack up very quickly.
- Implemented a new command to spectate players.
- Implemented 2 new messages.yml configuration options for the Spectate feature.
- Implemented dynamic silent mode in config.yml.
- Slightly optimised the Accuracy Processing handlers.
- Corrected a few KillAura block raytrance behind block false positives.
- Slightly improved the Violations feature & SpartanPlayer object with more organised methods.
- Noticeably improved the Config system with object oriented checks.
- Slightly improved the functionality of the Spartan & Manage Checks inventory menus with more accurate information.
- Greatly improved the functionality of the Detection Notifications feature & Config system.
- Slightly optimised the Fly, BoatMove, MorePackets, IrregularMovements, Jesus & ImpossibleActions check with more final variables.
- Slightly improved the functionality of the Hacker Finder & Player Reports inventory menus with additional functionality.
- Slightly improved the Configuration Diagnostics feature with additional messages.
- Corrected a few MorePackets high latency bypasses.
- Corrected a few Jesus water speed false positives caused by the CMI compatibility.
- Moved all plugin schedulers to their respective classes.
- Removed several unused methods from the Exploits ping-spoof detection.
- The False Positive Detection feature will now partly instead of fully disable if not useful enough.
- Corrected a few Fly glide stable movement bypasses.
- Slightly optimised the Enums system with more final variables.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with more ways to punish players via the Cloud.
- Noticeably improved the Developer Report feature with security & functionality upgrades.
- Noticeably optimised the Developer Report feature with faster log searching.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (ElytraMove.speed_limit_in_blocks)
- User & File IDs will now be hidden from public & semi-public parts of the plugin.
- Corrected several major BoatMove bypasses by correcting a bug in the Hack Prevention object.
- Slightly improved the API of the plugin with a method to get the license ID.
- Corrected an issue where the Developer Report feature would return logs from multiple versions.
- Noticeably improved the Suspected Players menu with support for x-ray suspicions.
- Slightly improved the Configuration Syntax with less data exemptions.
- Corrected a bug in the Search Engine where some data wouldn’t be updated.
- Corrected an issue where the Performance Optimizer feature would work with outdated data and make false judgements.
- Slightly improved the Teleport protection with a more proper code structure.
- Many Cloud & Syn messages will now consist of clickable messages that allow you to open specific menus.
- Replaced all Cloud feature messages with Awareness Notifications messages.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks bedrock player false positives.
- For years now, Spartan has been storing almost all its interactions with players in YAML files & SQL databases. Data such as this is then analysed, separated & cached by the Search Engine, which powers Spartan’s statistical analysis. This update ditches the Search Engine to a great extent and implements Player Profiling, which is fully object oriented, more organised, more scalable, and most importantly dramatically faster. On the outside, it may look the same, but on the inside a huge leap has just taken place.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine with a completely rewritten base.
- Noticeably optimised the Search Engine with faster caching.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements step buffer false positives.
- Removed the Developer API method getViolationHistory() due to handler changes.
- Corrected some more typos in the Spartan Inventory menu.
- Noticeably optimised all the Syn inventory menu features with faster loading times & more universal methods.
- Slightly optimised the Low Violation, Cancel Violation & Violation Divisor handlers with faster methods.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib no-such-field console error.
- Implemented several new objects to handle the Player Profiles.
- Slightly improved the Cache system with more accurate results.
- Slightly improved the Incompatible Item object with unique identifiers.
- The Player Info inventory menu will now show the Player’s IP and will be available with offline players for Syn members.
- Corrected several FastPlace false positives caused by the Vehicles plugin tractor vehicle.
- Notifications will now contain less information unless set to the lowest frequency.
- Slightly improved the MorePackets check with more ways to increase confidence and detect.
- Noticeably improved the KillAura check with a new detection named advantage.
- Added a new checks.yml configuration option. (KillAura.check_advantage)
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with more organised methods and updated libraries.
- Corrected dozens of Fly calculated jumping down hill false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Ground with more organised & accurate methods.
- Corrected an EntityMove major bypass caused by a bug in the Hack Prevention object & Player utilities.
- Corrected a few Criticals damage sharpness 6+ enchantment false positives.
- Greatly improved the Math utilities with new & more universal methods.
- Trident riptide enchantments beyond the 3rd level will no longer be handled.
- Greatly improved the KillAura distance & aimbot detections for 1.9+ pvp mechanics.
- Noticeably improved the Hack Prevention object with optimisations, less methods & bug corrections.
- Corrected several KillAura block-raytrace sweeping edge enchantment false positives.
- Corrected a bug where the player latency/ping would not be calculated in 1.17 servers.
- Corrected a major KillAura bypass with the brand new advantage detection.
- Slightly improved the Register class with more accurate methods.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with usage of safer & more secure separators.
- Corrected a few movement 1.17 cave vine block false positives.
Corrected a null-pointer console error caused only in 1.17 Minecraft servers.
- This update officially adds support for 1.17 Minecraft servers. Despite the update not being too difficult to implement, please keep in mind that it’s still very early for mass adoption, and it can take several weeks/months for that to happen. Enjoy the update, and any bugs, report them directly to me.
- Corrected a description typo in the Player Info inventory menu.
- Updated the plugin’s codes for 1.17 Bukkit-based servers.
- Corrected a MorePackets lag & 1.4 timer significant bypass.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step 2 block significant bypass.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine with a completely rewritten base.
- Slightly improved the messages.yml configuration with more universal methods.
- Implemented 5 new detailed objects to allow proper player profiling.
- Corrected a few typos in the daily progress statistics.
- Noticeably improved the Block utilities with more universal & organised libraries.
- Minecraft 1.17 has been released. As soon as a Spigot fork is released for it, I will be implementing support for it. Expect a few days up to a week or two for the codes to be properly updated.
- Due to recent compliance with the SpigotMC terms, the plugin’s inventory menu has become kind of ugly. Along with important changes such as false positive & bypass corrections, I took the time to revert to the original design of the menu by implementing useful statistics.
- Slightly improved the BoatMove check with less potential for bypasses.
- Potentially corrected a small ImpossibleActions scaffold bypass.
- Slightly optimised the Permissions system with less memory usage.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan inventory menu with a better design & backend system.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements jump false positives caused by a plugin named CMI.
- Noticeably improved the MythicMobs plugin compatibility with more enabled checks/detections.
- Corrected a NoFall check bug that corrected a bypass in its spoof detection.
- Greatly improved the MorePackets check with faster violations when detected.
- Greatly improved the Search Engine handler with a minor bug correction & additional handling.
- Potentially corrected several trident water-logged block movement false positives.
- Parts of the Search Engine handler & Legitimate Players menu will no longer enable if the Performance Optimizer feature is disabled.
- Corrected several Clip block-change & vector false positives caused by the Skript plugin.
- Noticeably improved the Teleport protection with handling of high y-position location changes.
- Inventory menus will now refresh every 3 seconds due to increased processing taking place.
- Corrected several Jesus speed, upwards & ypos false positives caused by the CMI plugin.
Corrected a critical issue with the Cloud feature. Updating is incredibly recommended.
- This update contains many improvements, corrections & optimisations, like all other regular updates. It was released prior to what I had originally planned due to the requirement to comply with a few SpigotMC rules/terms. More specifically, some off-platform content Spartan offers still exists but is no longer made known to a SpigotMC user in any way.
- Slightly improved the Search Engine handler with more precise methods.
- Slightly improved the False Positive Detection feature with increased leniency.
- Slightly optimised the False Positive Detection feature with less method calls.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold non-block item bypass.
- Noticeably improved the Move utilities with new methods & variables.
- Noticeably improved many important handlers with off ground block counting.
- Corrected many movement bypasses with the improvements made to many handlers.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with increased security & new capabilities.
- The FAQ command will now disable when the Cloud feature is disabled.
- Potentially corrected a few NoFall ratio bedrock player false positives.
- Corrected dozens of Fly stable bedrock player false positives.
- Slightly optimised the KillAura check & Configuration system with removal of unnecessary method calls.
- Potentially corrected several KillAura aimbot low violation false positives.
- Updated the Spartan inventory menu with recent content changes.
- Corrected a few Clip instant speed effect false positives.
- Greatly improved the Permissions system with new & improved methods.
- The Cloud feature will now send awareness notifications when a software copy has been loaded on more than 1 IP.
- Corrected a few BoatMove ground & Jesus speed lava block fire ticks false positives.
- Modified the functionality of the inventory menus & commands to comply with some SpigotMC rules.
- Corrected a few Speed limit explosion false positives.
- Potentially corrected a BoatMove ground small speed bypass.
- Corrected a few KillAura distance short entity distance false positives.
- Noticeably optimised the Hacker Finder & Legitimate Players features with less processing requirements.
- Corrected a few Velocity bypasses when using items with the knockback enchantment.
Corrected a FastBreak andesite block no-such-field console error.
- Spartan is very stable currently, with only 1 or 2 bypasses recently being discovered, which will be corrected in a future update. Thus, I’ve decided to polish the plugin by searching for inconsistencies in its details. New syntax were added, existing syntax were optimised & inventory menus received a massive update by becoming more minimal and organised.
- Noticeably improved the Fly check’s detections for bedrock players.
- Slightly optimised the Speed check with less usage of String variables.
- Potentially corrected a few Speed ice blocks & above blocks false positives.
- Noticeably optimised the Cloud feature by moving a specific connection asynchronously.
- Corrected a few uncommon damage event null-pointer console errors.
- Corrected a few FastBreak frequency andesite block false positives.
- Corrected a Cloud feature bug where the Developer-Report command would not consider outdated versions.
- Corrected a few remaining EntityMove vehicle access false positives.
- Corrected a potential cache issue in the Search Engine handler.
- Implemented 2 new configuration syntax. ( {warnings}, {reports} )
- Noticeably improved the Config utils with more error proof methods.
- Noticeably optimised the Config utils with more direct & specific methods and implementation of caching.
- Updated the Cloud feature to be compatible with the brand new GlobalBans plugins.
- Corrected a few MorePackets instant leaping/jump potion effect false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan & Manage Checks inventory menus with better item descriptions & new items.
- Noticeably improved the Recommended Plugins inventory menu with new item listings & new uses.
- Corrected a Clip vector trap-door & fence-gate blocks major bypass.
- Checks.yml Configuration Recommendations will now disappear from item descriptions if properly configured.
- Slightly improved the Material utils with addition of new multi-version items.
- Plugin utils will now refresh their cache when other plugins are loaded/unloaded.
- Live inventory menus will now refresh every 2 seconds to save performance and prevent annoyance.
- This update is dedicated to the Cloud feature. Server upgrades have taken place, server codes have been better optimised, and local codes were further organised to bring more reliable results. Thanks to everyone who has purchased Syn and has allowed this feature to stay fast, reliable, innovative and most importantly free.
- Cloud punished players will now have their information updated when they join a server running Spartan.
- Optimisations made in the Cloud feature will allow more players to be analysed and punished via the Cloud.
- Noticeably improved the Syn verification system with removal of unused methods.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with new useful methods & better use of existing ones.
- Updated Spartan’s plugin.yml file with more universal information.
- Slightly improved the Piracy system to be on par with some changes.
- Noticeably improved the Bouncing Blocks handler with block placing tracking.
- Noticeably improved the SQL feature with implementation for drivers.
- Potentially corrected some IrregularMovements step vehicle enter/exit false positives.
- Corrected a Daily Progress Syn feature null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a few NoSwing & Criticals false positives caused by the ProjectKorra plugin compatibility.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleActions scaffold semi-solid against block false positives.
- Corrected several FastBreak delay nylium & sponge block false positives.
- Corrected a Cloud feature issue where the Syn verification would run after the IP Limitations.
- Potentially corrected several BoatMove ground kelp block incorrect limit false positives.
- Slightly improved the Search Engine with more accurate and universal methods.
- Noticeably improved the Aurelium Skills plugin compatibility with wider time & check coverage.
- Corrected several MorePackets instant slime block piston false positives.
- Corrected a bug where one of the 3 developer-report commands could run without the required player permissions.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by a hit-box bug in the Ground utilities.
- Slightly optimised the Player Info & Suspected Players inventory menus with removal of unused variables and better use of existing ones.
- Slightly improved the SQL feature with more universal console messages.
- Spartan now supports Floodgate 2, which is already or soon expected to leave its beta stage. This will allow more Minecraft servers using Spartan to support bedrock players.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option to enable the raw kick command. (Punishments.enable_raw_kick_command)
- Noticeably improved the Essentials compatibility with the ability to detect AFK players.
- Corrected a few Velocity false positives and also reduced performance by identifying and exempting AFK players.
- Corrected a no-such-method console error caused by the recent MyPet plugin compatibility.
- Reversed the changes made in the Limit Server Flying protection.
- Corrected the inventory menu issue where the locked items were not clickable.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (EntityMove.check_donkeys)
- Potentially corrected several FastBreak delay soul-soil block false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan & Player Info inventory menus with additional & better item descriptions.
- Corrected the repeated issue where the {info} syntax would be forcefully re-added to detection notifications in all notification frequencies.
- Corrected several NoFall ratio low violation sensitive false positives.
- Corrected a few MorePackets jump effect false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few ImpossibleActions scaffold rapid inventory item movement bypasses.
- Noticeably improved the Bedrock Player compatibility with support for Floodgate 2.
- The Search Engine handler will now count less violations on problematic checks.
- Corrected a few major bugs in the Search Engine handler that prevented unnecessary data loss.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine feature with more optimised memory usage, faster methods & a better code structure.
- Noticeably improved the Default Configuration handler with new useful variables.
- Spartan will now use more ways to find hackers and punish them by listing them on the Cloud.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements jump shulker-box block false positives.
- Slightly optimised many Syn features with better objects resulting in less memory usage.
- Corrected several FastBreak delay lectern block false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with new and more direct methods.
Corrected a no-such-method console error caused by the recent MyPet plugin compatibility.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named “MyPet”.
- Corrected many EntityMove false positives with the brand new “MyPet” plugin compatibility.
- Noticeably improved the Limit Server Flying feature with better limitations.
- Slightly improved the Spartan & Player Info inventory menus with better item names.
- Slightly improved the Violations feature with more direct & safer methods.
- Implemented a new Cloud feature that will store punished players for future use.
- Corrected a bug in the Moderation handler that would cause the wrong part of a message to be shown.
- Greatly improved the Spartan Player object with new useful methods that will help decrease performance usage.
- Greatly improved the Cloud feature with more specific methods.
- Corrected a bug in the Cloud feature that would cause repeated console logging of connection errors.
- Slightly improved the Syn system with a faster & better verification method.
- Corrected a major Jesus speed packet-based bypass by resolving a bug in the MorePackets check.
- Enabled a limited/partial version of the Clip check for the ABC anti-cheat.
- Corrected a Cloud feature issue that prevented many statistics from being stored.
- This update focuses on improving the KillAura check. More specifically, the check’s detections have been better optimised for 1.9+ combat, which will help detect more varieties of this hack module.
- Corrected a few Fly down time usage false positives.
- Slightly improved the Combat utilities with more universal methods.
- Corrected a bug in the Spartan Player object where nearby entities would not be detected.
- Corrected a bug in the Buffer object that could have caused bypasses in the KillAura check.
- Noticeably improved the KillAura check for 1.9+ combat mechanics.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan inventory menu with new fresh item descriptions.
- Greatly improved the Compatibility configuration with more universal methods & more listing.
- Slightly improved the Velocity check to be faster and more accurate.
- Corrected a few Exploits elytra ProjectKorra compatibility false positives.
- Corrected a few NoSlowdown item use false positives where the food level would be full.
- Corrected a few NoFall ratio low ground bypasses by improving the check’s variables.
- Enabled a limited version of the Exploits & IrregularMovements checks for the ABC anti-cheat.
- Updated the plugin.yml file with better contents for both versions of this anti-cheat.
- Greatly improved the Piracy system with increased security and reliability.
- Corrected an issue where one of the API events would be accidentally obfuscated.
- The Latency/Ping protection will no longer be simply togglable via settings.yml. You can now specify the maximum supported latency, which can be from 1 to 2000. Setting it to 0 or less will simply disable this protection. This will help with better dealing with ping=spoof exploits as every server is different and so are its players. Please read the update logs to become aware of the configuration changes.
- Corrected several BoatMove water elevator false positives.
- Spartan’s punish permission will now function similar to the bypass permission.
- Corrected a console error caused by the Clickable Message feature.
- Corrected a small list duplication bug in the Command Tab Complete handler.
- Noticeably improved the ElytraMove check with bypass corrections.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with more universal methods.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu with more consistent item descriptions.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements step semi-solid block combinations false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few remaining Speed overall false positives.
- Greatly improved the Cloud feature with new replies for developer-report commands.
- Removed the Exploits ping-spoof ratio & ping-spoof prediction detections due to being unstable.
- Replaced the settings.yml option “Protections.use_ping_protection” with “Protections.max_supported_player_latency”.
Corrected an issue where the plugin would fail to properly enable by disabling shortly later.
- Corrected dozens of Speed overall false positives caused by the previous update.
- Corrected a few MorePackets instant buffer related false positives.
- Corrected several ImpossibleActions tower liquid false positives.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu with more detailed items.
- Implemented a new permission named “spartan.punishment” to exempt a player from punishments.
- Slightly optimised the Config.yml configuration with faster methods.
- Detection notifications will now contain important information regardless of the configuration when set at the lowest frequency.
- Slightly optimised the SQL feature with less method calls.
- Greatly improved the Clickable Message feature with more universal methods.
- Corrected dozens of FastEat interact bedrock player false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards liquid block enter false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus speed sprinting small limit false positives.
- Corrected a settings.yml default configuration faulty value.
- Updated Spartan’s plugin.yml configuration with more universal values.
- A new Syn feature has been added that will allow uses of the report command & staff chat features to be shared across a network of server via the Cross Server Notifications feature. This should allow for a more organised and professional plugin experience.
- Greatly improved the Violations system with faster & more universal methods.
- Corrected several Criticals damage false positives caused by the mcMMO compatibility.
- Slightly improved the KillAura, GhostHand, FastBreak, HitReach & BlockReach checks with more universal methods.
- Corrected several Criticals damage above block false positives.
- Slightly improved the ElytraMove check with more consistent verbose information.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan inventory menu by combining the “Reset Violations” & “Notifications” items to “Violation Management”.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan inventory menu with new items & more detailed item descriptions.
- Warnings will now be logged in Spartan’s files/database like the rest of moderation features.
- Greatly improved the Search Engine handler with new useful methods.
- Corrected a few Fly stable slow falling potion effect false positives.
- Corrected a major issue with the Cloud Developer Report feature that would cause irregular characters when a decimal was identified.
- Corrected a few FastBreak delay jack-o-lantern & soul-soil block false positives.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks, climbing & step slime in combination with climbable blocks false positives.
- Slightly optimised the Bouncing Blocks handler with less method calls.
- Greatly improved the Bouncing Blocks handler with more accurate results.
- Implemented 2 new configuration syntax values for space characters. ( {space}, %% )
- Bedrock players containing space characters can now be included in the commands with the syntax %% for spaces.
- Staff chat & report command messages will now be distributed across a network if a customer has purchased Syn.
- Corrected a few BoatMove villager passenger random false positives.
- Implemented plugin compatibility for a plugin named KnockbackMaster.
- Greatly improved the NoHitDelay compatibility with more consistent results.
- Corrected a bug where Mining Notifications would calculate results from the same broken block.
- Corrected a few Speed overall single block path false positives.
- Corrected a few NPC handler null-pointer console errors.
- Slightly optimised the Clip check with less method calls & calculations.
- Corrected a few Clip ypos full wall block false positives.
- Corrected an issue where the MorePackets check wouldn’t increase the violations of a player.
- Greatly improved the Move utilities with faster & more accurate methods.
- This update is released prematurely to cover a few very annoying false positives, but also add a major exploit protection, and a configuration option that will help Spartan be more compatible with unique gameplay mechanics. Apart from these issues, plugin remains perfectly stable.
- Corrected an exploit some servers may experience where you can join with the same account from another location.
- Noticeably improved the Floodgate bedrock player compatibility with forceful use of the backup option.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements step slime block bouncing motion false positives.
- Corrected several BoatMove stable & vertical bouncing block false positives.
- Corrected several BoatMove stable & horizontal hit-box false positives.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option for the exploits check named “Exploits.check_elytra”.
- Slightly optimised the Piracy, Syn & Configuration system, Register class, Plugin utils, Violations & Cloud feature, WorldGuard compatibility, Moderation handler with more universal and direct methods.
- Greatly improved the Register class with new & more universal methods.
- As plenty of you are aware, Spartan uses much math to identify & learn from its violations, either if that’s for applying a prevention in a major situation or correcting a false positive. This update largely optimises the Math utilities for faster identification of numbers, ultimately cutting the previous time in half or even less. In addition, new objects were implemented to improve cache and further reduce the already optimised math checks.
- A new Developer API event has been implemented by the name “PlayerFoundOreEvent”. It will be called when a player finds a special ore that is compatible with Spartan’s requirements and will result in a notification. For more information, read the API documentation on the plugin’s overview page.
- Removed the bStats metrics/statistics as Spartan has its own collected by its Cloud feature.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with more universal methods.
- Slightly optimised the Ground utilities with faster methods.
- Greatly improved the Ground utilities with more consistent methods.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump wall climbing bypass.
- Corrected a few Jesus upwards & speed boat stepping false positives.
- Slightly improved the Event Listeners with a more consistent code structure.
- Slightly optimised the Fly, IrregularMovements, Sprint, EntityMove, Speed, Jesus & Clip checks with more direct methods.
- Noticeably improved the Math utilities with apparently faster methods.
- Slightly optimised the Position object with more direct methods.
- Greatly optimised the Search Engine with less method calls.
- Greatly optimised the Hack Prevention object by forcing it to skip specific checks when a check is set to silent mode.
- Greatly improved the String utilities with new methods and older method replacements.
- Slightly optimised the Cancel Violation & Low Violation handlers with use of faster methods.
- Slightly optimised the False Positive Detection feature with use of faster methods.
- Slightly improved the NPC compatibility with more diversified methods to correct a few plugin full reload cache bugs.
- Implemented a new Developer API event named “PlayerFoundOreEvent” that will follow mining notifications.
- Greatly improved the Notifications feature with correct grammar when a mining notification is modified due to a fortune enchantment.
- Corrected a few Jesus ypos bedrock player false positives.
- Removed the warning commands from the config.yml configuration as they seem unnecessary for many users.
Corrected a console error caused by the checks.yml configuration file not existing in Spartan's folder.
- This may be considered a special update for many, so I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that has supported me over the years of me developing Spartan. This is no longer a race for the best anti-cheat but one for improvement. As for the update, several cool optimisations took place in features & checks that will help reduce CPU & RAM usage over the long & short term.
- The Exploits undetected movement detection will now run only with supported forks.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option named “Criticals.check_tools_only”.
- Corrected a few Speed carpet/snow combined with wall/anvil block false positives.
- Corrected a few FastBreak delay nether-wart block false positives.
- Greatly improved the Search Engine handler with more universal methods.
- The False Positive Detection & Performance Optimizer features will now automatically disable if their results are not helpful in order to save performance.
- Extended the functionality of the Settings configuration, Reconnect Cooldown feature & Spartan inventory menu for 1.7 servers.
- Slightly improved the Recommended Plugins inventory menu with item name improvements.
- Corrected dozens of Exploits ping-spoof random false positives.
- Corrected a bug in the ProtocolLib compatibility that would cause parts of the Exploits ping-spoof detection to not work.
- Noticeably optimised all checks with removal of much string manipulation and less memory usage.
- Corrected a few NoSlowdown packets speed potion effect false positives.
- Corrected dozens of Fly packets, Speed limit & Exploits ping-spoof bedrock player false positives.
- Slightly improved the Liquid handler with increased compatibility for bedrock players.
- Corrected a few Jesus exit & ImpossibleActions scaffold bedrock player false positives.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements step bouncing blocks false positives.
- Slightly optimised the Velocity & Criticals checks with more universal methods.
- Corrected several Criticals cob-web block false positives.
- Replaced the checks.yml IrregularMovements option “check_step_hacking” with “step_limit_in_blocks” to provide more functionality in the check’s detection.
- Noticeably improved the checks.yml configuration with backwards compatibility for specific options.
Checks.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
- This update corrects some code flaws that prevent specific features from functioning properly. Each flaw was unique and was resolved in its own relative way. Apart from that, Spartan seems to be in an extremely stable state, which can be seen from the few amount of logs included in this update.
- Corrected a Jesus llama entity no-such-method console error.
- Noticeably improved the Exploits check with better verbose information and preventions.
- Implemented a new Exploits detection to prevent players from rapidly toggling an elytra.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the FAQ system from working.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown packets potion item false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump bush block false positive.
- Corrected a typo in the Cloud feature that would prevent Cross Server Notifications from being sent.
- Potentially corrected a Speed normal player push false positive.
Corrected a bug which would cause the Configuration system to not cache the punishments & disabled/silent worlds of all checks. Apologies for the inconvenience.
- Corrected a few Speed air entity/block explosion false positives.
- Corrected a few morePackets timer & motion bypasses.
- Slightly optimised the Search Engine handler with decreased memory usage.
- Slightly optimised the Config configuration with decreased memory usage.
- Slightly optimised the Reports, Wave & Hacker Finder, Manage Configuration & Manage Checks inventory menus with decreased memory usage.
- Corrected a FastEat dried-kelp item no-such-method console error.
- Corrected several Exploits undetected movement player push false positives.
- Greatly improved the Awareness Notifications feature with more methods & more messages.
- Implemented a new language.yml configuration option named “configuration_recommendations”.
- Corrected an EntityMove llama entity null-pointer console error.
- Noticeably improved the SpartanPlayer, SpartanBlock & HackPrevention objects with better garbage collection.
- Corrected an EntityMove llama entity no-such-method console error.
- Removed an unintentional call of the garbage collector method that would run when new console messages would be sent by Spartan.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements step bouncing block false positives.
- Greatly optimised the Search Engine with faster and more cache friendly methods.
- Spartan is a popular plugin, and its popularity attracts masses of people wanting to learn more about it after making their purchase. This update implements an FAQ command, which stands for Frequently Asked Questions. You will essentially run the command along with a “proper question” and it will reply back with a few possible answers. This will also decrease the time I have to spend providing support, hence giving me more time for other implementations. For now, only several answers exist and more will be added in the near future.
- Noticeably improved the Exploits check with additional preventions in the illegal-position detection.
- Spartan will no longer fail to load if a compatibility fails to load.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named AureliumSkills.
- Console notifications will now appear as they would appear to a player and not like the plugin’s logs.
- Noticeably optimised the Detection Notifications with less location calls.
- Corrected a few EntityMove speed horse default speed limit false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few FastEat cake eating false positives.
- Implemented a new command to ask questions and get possible answers.
- Greatly improved the Command Execution handler with more proper code.
- Corrected a few MorePackets bouncing block false positives.
- Slightly optimised the MorePackets & Speed checks with less method calls.
- Corrected a few Speed overall 3 block height sprint jumping false positives.
- In the Minecraft server community, a known issue is servers not using and hosting services not offering proper garbage collection, which is responsible for freeing memory that’s no longer processed. For this reason, I’ve taken measures in this update to improve both performance and garbage collection by removing unnecessary cache that’s been replaced by recent more beneficial methods.
- Greatly improved the Spartan inventory menu with checks.yml recommendation descriptions.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleActions interact mediocre TPS false positives.
- Corrected a few EntityMove donkey speed false positives.
- Corrected a few KillAura aimbot false positives.
- Corrected a bug in the Compatibility configuration where almost all compatibilities would be disabled by default.
- Corrected an issue where the Velocity check would not function if OldCombatMechanics was enabled.
- Slightly improved the Cross Server Notifications feature with syntax support.
- Implemented a new configuration syntax named {motd} to retrieve the server list description.
- Noticeably optimised the Block utilities by removing the unnecessary directional locations cache.
- Noticeably optimised the Player utilities by removing the unnecessary ground location cache.
- Corrected several IrregularMovement jump random air false positives.
- Slightly improved the Speed with a better connection with the configuration.
- Slightly improved the SQL Logs feature with inconsistency corrections.
- The Fly check will now dynamically disable if TPS are 18 or lower.
- Corrected a few FastBreak delay clay shovel breaking false positives.
- Corrected a Fly stable movement bypass caused by a utility vulnerability.
- Corrected a few MorePackets vertical/step teleportation bypasses.
- Corrected a few Fly stable wall-block & trap-door false positives.
- Slightly improved the Move utilities with more precise methods.
- Corrected a few Cloud feature data length errors caused by the Cross Server Notification feature.
- Potentially corrected a few ImpossibleActions scaffold non-solid against-block placement.
- Corrected several Jesus low TPS false positives.
- Noticeably optimised the Spartan Player object when no players are online.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with a more consistent cache.
- Corrected several Jesus & Speed water tunnel false positives.
- Updated the AutoSync compatibility due to the recent command changes.
- Potentially corrected a few Jesus speed & upwards boat stepping false positives.
- Greatly optimised the Detection Notifications with more asynchronous processes.
- Spartan has in a few cases been suffering by time when it comes to its KillAura check. Main reason behind that is hack modules such as hop, timer & speed, which cause the player to move fast and get too close to the player, rendering some KillAura detections not useful. This update introduces new KillAura detections that will combat this by comparing distance between hits.
- Potentially corrected a few Speed liquid multiple speed features false positives.
- Corrected a few small Jesus bypasses caused by an optimisation in the check.
- Noticeably improved the SQL Logs feature with a limit on the amount of rows per query.
- Corrected a Move utilities null-pointer console error caused by the Sprint check.
- Corrected a Spartan Location object null-pointer console error.
- Slightly optimised the Movement listeners, Move utilities & Combat Processing handlers with faster methods.
- Noticeably optimised the Plugin Ticks handler by removing its scheduler.
- Greatly improved the Spartan Player object with more synchronised methods.
- Noticeably optimised the several checks of many categories with exemption capabilities.
- Slightly improved the Decimals object with less & more clear methods.
- Greatly improved the Awareness Notifications feature with pointers on how to disable it.
- Corrected a few BoatMove ice & semi-solid block false positives.
- Removed the settings.yml option Logs.log_sql as the SQL feature will now enable automatically when configured.
- Implemented a new KillAura detection named distance that will greatly help identify advantage caused by hop, timer & speed hack modules in combat situations.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option for the new KillAura detection named “KillAura.check_distance”.
- Noticeably improved the Lag Leniencies feature with categorised instead of abstract latencies.
- The SQL feature will now attempt to replace localhost with to increase the chance of the connection being successful.
- Attempted once more to prevent the Staff Cheat feature from working in the first minute when authentication plugins are detected.
- The BoatMove check will now support 2 player passengers instead of just one.
If you are using Aikar Flags, please ignore this update, it is not required for you. This version removes the manual Garbage Collector call made by Spartan that could help improve servers without proper arguments. Results are mixed, but I wish to not risk this any further.
- The Cloud features have shown to be useful for everyone and in many ways. This update allows me to set configuration changes via the Cloud for customers individually, which will help save time for everyone, but also make the customer experience even better than it already is.
- The Cloud Developer Report feature used to offer a command without arguments. This version of the command was removed due to it being inefficient and confusing. This update introduces this version of command back, which should be used by new customers, and will automatically find problematic checks and report them.
- Slightly improved the Hack Prevention object with violation dismissing bug corrections.
- Corrected several Clip instant low server TPS false positives.
- Search Engine will no longer collect data about Problematic Detections when the server’s TPS are low.
- Search Engine will now account disabled checks when looking for Problematic Detections.
- Corrected several BoatMove stable air & ground false positives.
- Improved the compatibility for Authentication plugins by temporarily disabling the Staff Chat feature.
- Corrected a few MorePackets instant & Exploits undetected-movement trident false positives.
- Corrected a few remaining Block utilities console errors by implementing more thread safe codes.
- WildTools compatibility will now be disabled by default due to issues with errors.
- Slightly improved the BlockReach check with faster detections.
- Slightly optimised the Block utilities with faster methods.
- Corrected a few NoFall ratio bouncing block landing false positives.
- Running the Developer Report command without arguments will force this Cloud feature to search for problematic checks.
- Spartan will no longer cause legacy support to occur by not calling specific methods.
- Corrected a few FastBreak delay observer block false positives.
- Greatly improved the NPC handler by making it more thread-safe error proof.
- Corrected a few InventoryClicks low TPS false positives.
- Corrected dozens of ElytraMove trident concurrent use false positives.
- Greatly improved the Elytra Glide handler by increasing its information sources.
- Corrected a player-weather data update bug in the Spartan Player object.
- Corrected a few Clip instant & IrregularMovements step external teleport false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Low Violation handler by disabling it when a player is using an elytra or trident.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks bed false positives.
- Corrected a few Exploits undetected movement false positives.
- Implemented a new feature named Automatic Configuration Changes as part of the Cloud feature.
- Corrected a few Jesus speed & upwards mediocre bypasses.
- Greatly improved the TPS Protection feature with more appropriate results in sudden TPS drops.
- SQL Logs feature will now create the database table when the plugin is loaded/reloaded to avoid confusions.
- Slightly optimised the SQL Logs feature with faster null information identifiers.
- Slightly improved the plugin.yml file with more soft-dependencies.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib plugin compatibility temporary-player console error.
- Slightly improved and optimised the MineBomb plugin compatibility.
- Slightly improved the Player utilities with more unified methods.
- Slightly optimised the Movement listeners with lighter main thread calls.
- All checks will now store individual data in weak ways that allow better garbage collection.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown null-pointer console error & bug that prevented the packets detection from working.
- Corrected a few MorePackets mediocre TPS false positives.
- Greatly optimised almost all API events with a better code structure.
- Noticeably improved the Geyser/Floodgate compatibility with an awareness notification.
- Spartan users can access the Manage Checks inventory menu and receive recommendations by the Configuration Recommendations feature. With this update, this feature will also do an analysis for problematic detections and let you know if you need to modify something to improve stability. In addition, the False Positive Detection feature will dynamically support problematic detections.
- In the past a cache implementation was attempted in the Spartan Location object but it did not work as expected. This update introduces a cache with a better design that will decrease the time a location takes to be retrieved by huge percentages.
- Corrected a few EntityMove speed donkey false positives.
- Corrected a few Fly block colliding bypasses caused by the Ground utilities.
- Slightly improved the Ground utilities with more dynamic methods.
- Slightly improved the File Logs feature with more consistent results.
- Corrected a few Fly false positives by increasing the checks’ cancel violation.
- Slightly optimised the FastBreak check with faster handlers.
- Slightly optimised the General Gameplay handler with faster methods.
- Corrected a minor Cloud Developer Report feature cooldown miscalculation bug.
- Set the checks.yml option “FastHeal.check_illegal” to false by default.
- Corrected several MorePackets latency false positives.
- Corrected a few BoatMove teleport bypasses caused by high thresholds.
- Noticeably improved the BoatMove & EntityMove checks with vehicle enter preventions.
- Noticeably improved the MorePackets check with a more stable detection.
- Corrected a Block utilities list size console error.
- Corrected a Violations feature null pointer console error.
- Noticeably optimised the Spartan Location object with a modification cache system & faster data retrieval.
- Implemented compatibility for Authentication plugins by temporarily disabling the Staff Chat feature.
- Slightly optimised the Notifications, Multi Version, Clickable Message & Ban features with faster methods.
- False Positive Notifications will now only appear when the frequency is manually or dynamically set to 1.
- Noticeably improved the Configuration Recommendations feature with analysis for problematic detections.
- Noticeably improved the False Positive Detection feature with dynamic support for problematic detections and better results.
- Noticeably improved the XRay check with more strict limits and uncertain notifications.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the Exploits undetected movement from working.
- Slightly optimised the Exploits check with faster detections.
- Corrected a bug where notifications wouldn’t be logged in the console if no staff player was available to receive them.
- Corrected a few FastBreak button & clay block false positives.
- Slightly improved the FastPlace check with faster detections.
- Greatly improved the Hack Prevention object with less aggressive preventions on low TPS servers & minor bug corrections.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with IP based license verification & many structural upgrades.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleActions interact & Speed normal low TPS false positives.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleActions scaffold hoe item false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud Developer Report feature with more information.
- Noticeably optimised the String utilities & File Logs feature with faster and more garbage collector friendly methods.
- Slightly improved the Spartan Player object with more specific methods.
- Corrected a few KillAura unsafe advantage false positives.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements jump climbable block false positives.
- Corrected a few Criticals damage recent PvP mechanic false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Buffer object with partially scheduler free functionality.
- Noticeably optimised the Buffer object with less memory calls.
- Noticeably improved the Chunks system with more universal and fail safe methods.
- Noticeably improved the General Gameplay handler with a packet counter.
- Noticeably improved the Player utilities with bug corrections & new useful methods.
- Greatly improved the Ping Protection feature with a better exemption method.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements step bypasses.
- Greatly improved the ProtocolLib compatibility with dynamic class identification & more universal structure.
- GhostHand check will no longer be included in Hacker/Legitimate player identification calculations.
- Brought back the NoSlowdown packets detection and resolved its issues.
- Greatly optimised the Hack Prevention object with faster methods.
- This update corrects false positives caused by the checks listed on the update’s title. It lists BlockReach to the False Positive Detection feature, implements new limits for more accuracy, balances out existing limits the anti-cheat uses to identify hackers, balances out important cache schedulers, and removes the applied velocity from many checks when Spartan teleports a player as prevention.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (Fly.check_packets)
- Item Attributes compatibility will now automatically enable when the SlimeFun plugin is detected.
- Slightly balanced the MorePackets check for a more appropriate performance.
- Corrected a bug that prevented a part of the Cancel Violation handler from not working.
- Noticeably optimised the Math utilities with many times faster decimal identification.
- Corrected dozens of Exploits ping-spoof abstract result false positives.
- Corrected an outdated awareness notification in the Violations system.
- Slightly improved the FastBreak check with better player latency calculations.
- Noticeably improved the Hack Prevention object’s handlers with more appropriate teleportations.
- Noticeably improved the Plugin utilities with a cache implementation to reduce CPU usage.
- Corrected a few ElytraMove speed firework false positives.
- Corrected dozens of Fly trident & ladder false positives.
- Corrected a few Fly stable speed related false positives.
- Slightly optimised the Chunks system with faster logic handlers.
- Noticeably improved the False Positive Detection feature with more unified methods.
- Corrected a bug where detected false positives would still increase in violations.
- Corrected a few KillAura hits-per-second low TPS false positives.
- Corrected several MorePackets instant vehicle false positives.
- Corrected dozens of BlockReach false positives caused by outdated cache.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with a more balanced scheduler & cache.
- Corrected a few Violations feature null-pointer console errors caused by non-thread safe methods.
- Slightly improved the File Logs feature with the ability to delete a file and not have it be re-created exactly as it was.
- Corrected a few NoFall ratio & land bouncing block related bypasses.
- Greatly improved the CPS Counter feature with more accurate results.
- Improved the Cache system with faster and more unified methods.
- Corrected a bug where Cross Server Notifications would include Mining Notifications when XRay check was disabled.
- Slightly optimised the Chat Protection with faster methods.
- Corrected several Fly stable & IrregularMovements jump false positives caused by the PlotSquared plugin.
- Corrected a bug in the Chunks system caused by cancelled events in older versions of Minecraft.
- Corrected a few Fly stable ladder high air tick false positives.
- Noticeably improved & optimised the Violations feature with more universal methods.
- Corrected a few Fly down old Minecraft versions jumping false positives.
- Slightly improved the Fly check with more detailed & accurate verbose information.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements step combat false positives.
- Implemented 2 new checks.yml configuration options for the Fly check.
- Corrected several Exploits ping-spoof random false positives.
- Noticeably improved the TPS Protection feature with more strict measurements when TPS are 10 or less.
- Corrected dozens of combat, movement & player low TPS false positives.
- Increased the priority and cancellation identification of almost all listeners.
- Noticeably improved the False Positive Detection feature by making it more lenient.
- Potentially corrected a few Clip speed & ypos wall block false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Piracy system with more organised methods & additional identification.
- Slightly improved the Violation Divisor handler with less individual player spam.
- Noticeably improved the Chunks system with faster mathematics methods.
- Slightly optimised the ViaRewind compatibility with less method calls.
- Noticeably improved the plugin.yml with more soft dependencies.
- Corrected a few remaining Speed trident false positives.
- Corrected a few Fly up, down & packets elytra false positives.
- Corrected a rare bug where mining notifications would appear even if the XRay check was disabled.
Checks.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
- A bug was found that prevented the Search Engine handler from correctly identifying and sending false positives to the Cloud. This has now been corrected, which should offer significant stability but also a little in performance improvements. In addition, the False Positive Detection feature has been partly rewritten and balanced.
- Corrected several KillAura hit-box mcMMO plugin false positives.
- Corrected a small typo in the Spartan inventory menu.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements jump Skript plugin false positives.
- Removed the memory usage Spartan menu item description to prevent unnecessary use of performance.
- Slightly improved the Cache system with more optimised methods.
- Noticeably optimised the Scheduler listeners by making them run less frequently.
- Corrected a few MorePackets water elevator false positives.
- Corrected dozens of MorePackets random false positives.
- Corrected dozens of Clip ypos & speed random false positives.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan Location object with additional caching.
- Corrected several Jesus, IrregularMovements, ElytraMove & Speed trident false positives.
- Greatly improved the Trident, Explosion & Elytra handlers with longer & safer cache retention.
- Noticeably optimised the Performance Optimizer feature by moving it off the main thread.
- Noticeably optimised the AutoSync compatibility with a dynamic scheduler.
- Greatly optimised the Exploits undetected movement detection with a better code structure.
- Corrected dozens of Fly stable half block height false positives.
- Slightly improved the Chunks system with more stable methods.
- Mining notifications will no longer be sent if the X-Ray check has been disabled.
- Corrected several Exploits ping-spoof prediction detection false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Check Protection handler with method delays.
- Noticeably optimised the Check Protection handler with scheduler free cooldowns.
- Noticeably improved the Cancel Violation handler with a faster & more specific system.
- Replaced all Bukkit asynchronous threads with a the custom & previously manual thread system.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements step head/skull block false positives.
- Corrected a Block utilities out of bounds console error.
- Noticeably improved the Search Engine hander & Cloud feature with major bug corrections.
- Greatly optimised the False Positive Detection with less memory usage & faster methods.
- Noticeably improved the False Positive Detection with more balanced variables.
- Greatly improved the Ground utilities with more universal methods.
- Corrected a few movement edge block false positives.
- Corrected a BlockReach unusual low TPS false positive.
- Corrected a few Jesus exit & ypos low TPS false positives.
Apologies for the many hot-fix updates, this should be the last. This update further optimises the Cache system that happened to cause lag to some servers while trying to calculate used memory.
Corrected a Ground utilities null-pointer console error, an API potential loading error, and a Cache system potential lag cause.
Corrected a Math utilities overflow console error and a Combat Processing handler null-pointer console error.
- Spartan’s Verbose & Mining notifications have been replaced by a unified notification system. A player can now only toggle notifications and change their frequency. If a player has the default notification frequency, they may be more notified about certain players depending on how close they are to them.
- Spartan’s movement processes are split in two, the ones who run in events and ones who run in schedulers. This update provides a significant & apparent performance improvement on top of all the previous, by moving 99% of movement processes to events, which will prevent unnecessary calls, reduce memory usage, and reduce performance waste from similarly collected data.
- Spartan’s data utilities, also known as Cooldown, Millis, Double, Attempts & Tracking, have been rewritten as objects, which will greatly help a server’s garbage collector to manage them and prevent high memory usage. This should also help the plugin’s general performance by requiring less cycles when searching for information.
- Corrected a few Clip instant trident false positives.
- Slightly reduced the method calls of the Cloud feature.
- Corrected a few Exploits undetected movement invulnerable player false positives.
- Corrected a rare Spartan Player object concurrent modification console error.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan Player object with more compact schedulers.
- Slightly improved the Debug feature with shorter & better descriptions.
- Noticeably improved the Movement listeners with replacement of schedulers with events.
- Corrected dozens of Exploits ping-spoof packets false positives caused by Purpur forks.
- Corrected a few Exploits ping-spoof prediction false positives caused by low calculations.
- Corrected a few Fly stable soul-sand false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few ElytraMove speed & fly firework false positives.
- Slightly improved the Cache system with more accurate usage statistics.
- Corrected a few KillAura area unsafe advantage false positives.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with less memory calls & more accurate methods.
- Corrected a few Jesus speed jumping in water false positives.
- Item Attributes compatibility will now automatically enabled if Mythic Mobs compatibility is detected.
- Potentially corrected a few Exploits undetected movement player push false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Elytra Glide handler with a new firework cooldown system.
- Greatly optimised the Sprint check with custom instead of native object calls.
- Noticeably optimised many Protections & Handlers by moving them off the main thread.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements jump auto-jump false positives.
- Corrected a few MorePackets instant detection elytra false positives.
- Completely rewritten the Cooldown, Millis, Double, Attempts & Tracking as objects.
- Slightly improved the Spartan Bukkit system with less memory calls and more dynamic methods.
- Slightly optimised the Plugin Ticks handler with more pre-calculated variables.
- Noticeably optimised the Clip check with less method calls.
- Corrected a few Exploits chunk updates vehicle false positives.
- Verbose & Mining notifications have been replaced by a single notification system that may adjust itself based on distance from the spectated player.
- Replaced some language.yml & settings.yml options with new ones.
- Deprecated 5 API methods and replaced them with 3 new ones.
- Implemented a new permission named “spartan.notifications” for the new unified notifications.
- Permissions “spartan.verbose” & “spartan.mining” will remain compatible and replace “spartan.notifications”.
- The Background API’s methods will no longer be accessible as it should have been from the beginning.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (Clip.check_abstract_blocks)
- Corrected a Fly stable 1.12 server semi-solid block bridging issue.
- Noticeably improved & optimised the Teleport Protection feature with a faster WorldGuard compatibility & vulnerability patches.
- Noticeably optimised the Block utilities with less location calls & less memory usage.
- Noticeably improved the Manage Checks inventory menu with more compact & organised item descriptions.
- Corrected a few BlockReach break sensitive block false positives.
- Greatly improved the BlockReach check with better calculations and more detailed verbose information.
- Slightly optimised the Default Configuration handler with faster methods.
- Greatly improved the Configuration Recommendations feature with more & better recommendations.
- Slightly improved the Math utilities with new useful methods.
Language.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
Settings.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
API Changes:
Code (Text):
setVerbose() x2
setNotifications() x2
- Spartan’s codes will now communicate better between threads with automated identifiers and accounting for variable differences. This will slightly improve the plugin’s performance & reduce false positives by providing more accurate method results.
- Potentially corrected several ElytraMove speed firework rocket false positives.
- Corrected a few Fly stable low air ticks & slow fall effect false positives.
- Slightly improved the Default Configuration configuration handler with more universal methods.
- Noticeably improved the Explosion protection with more organised & faster methods.
- Corrected a few Fly downwards & Exploits undetected movement false positives caused by other checks preventing a player from hacking.
- Slightly improved the 1.13 Event Listeners with less events running.
- Greatly improved the Teleport protection with more universal methods.
- Corrected several NoFall ratio player teleportation false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few Jesus speed false positives caused by exiting small areas of liquid blocks.
- Potentially corrected a few Fly, NoFall & MorePackets false positives caused by TNT explosions.
- Implemented a new Exploits ping-spoof sub-detection named prediction.
- Greatly improved the Configuration, Hack Prevention object, Cloud feature, Search Engine handler, Syn system & Attempts utilities with more universal methods.
- Corrected a minor bug in the Cloud feature that would cause some information to not be retrieved.
- Corrected a few FastBreak delay extremely fast breaking speed bypasses.
- Corrected a memory leak in the SQL Logs feature.
- Corrected a rare invisible block bug with the Update Block Upon Violation feature.
- Corrected a few Fly & MorePackets skipping movement bypasses.
- Slightly improved the Math utilities with more universal variables.
- Noticeably improved the MorePackets check with better detections & verbose information.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with automatic partial data updates every hour.
- Noticeably optimised the Spartan Location object with additional cache sharing & retaining.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements jump climbing block false positives.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with more accurate ground identification methods.
- Greatly optimised the Speed, Fly, NoFall & Jesus checks with better codes.
- Noticeably improved the Multi Version system with faster & more reliable methods.
- Corrected a few FastEat dried kelp inaccurate delay false positives.
- Corrected a few NoFall cancelled fall damage false positives.
- Corrected dozens of GhostHand semi-solid block interact false positives.
- Corrected a few FastBreak soul-soil block efficiency enchantment false positives.
- Slightly improved the Cache system with more specific data clearance.
- Noticeably improved the Move utilities with more reliable methods & variables.
- Corrected a few Fly down & Exploits undetected movement shulker box block false positives.
- Corrected a few Speed air parkour block jumping false positives.
- Some parts of processes were moved to the main thread in Build 386, cancelling some of the recent performance improvements. This update corrects this by improving the ways heavy synchronised information is processed.
- This update fixes many major issues created by recent updates. Build 386 did not create any new issues and served well as far as customers reported. However, it is time to go back to being extremely stable.
- Noticeably optimised the Spartan Player object with less memory usage and faster schedulers.
- Potentially corrected a few Fly ladder downwards movement uncertain false positives.
- Greatly optimised the NPC stability handler with faster methods.
- Corrected a few ImpossibleActions liquids placement on semi-solid block false positives.
- Corrected a bug that caused the GhostHand interact detection from properly running.
- Noticeably improved the Jesus with support for smaller and more abstract liquid depths.
- Slightly improved the Jesus check with faster environment & limit identification methods.
- Corrected a few remaining Jesus, MorePackets & IrregularMovements water elevator false positives.
- Noticeably improved the data update frequency of many protection handlers.
- Corrected a few Fly stable minor timer based bypasses.
- Corrected a few BlockReach false positives caused by Skript plugins.
- Potentially corrected dozens of Exploits undetected-movement false positives caused by Skript plugins & high player latency.
- Corrected a small issue in the Cloud feature that prevented it from delivering all information.
- The Search Engine configuration handler will now only notify when the plugin is reloaded.
- Corrected a small bug where the wrong violation-divisor would be supplied to the Verbose Notifications feature.
- Low player count Verbose Notifications will now be sent if the player is close to the staff member.
- Potentially corrected a rare Spartan Location object null-pointer-exception console error.
- Corrected a few KillAura angle unsafe advantage false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Register class & Threads system with more thread-safe methods.
- Brought back the implementation of the Chunks system to validate locations and prevent console errors.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Location object with more error proof methods.
- Slightly improved the Move utilities with more cache friendly methods.
- Slightly improved the Cloud Developer Report feature with better information structure.
- Slightly improved the Multi Version feature with more identifiable server types.
- Greatly improved the Criticals check with more precise location evaluation.
- Potentially corrected a few Criticals damage no held item false positives.
- Corrected a few FastBreak latency related false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Test Server stability handler with anticheat listing.
- Slightly improved the Plugin utilities with faster methods.
- Corrected a few MorePackets, Fly neutral & IrregularMovements step bouncing blocks false positives.
- Corrected a few NoSlowdown web boat stepping false positives.
- Corrected a few Fly above block blocked jumping false positives.
- Corrected a Ground utilities bug when a player was on top of fence/wall blocks.
- Noticeably improved the Attempts utilities with more thread-safe and error proof methods.
- Greatly optimised the Configuration Diagnostics feature & Syn system with scheduler free cooldowns.
- Slightly improved the Piracy system with minor bug corrections.
- Slightly improved the AutoRespawn check with less memory calls.
- Slightly improved the Violation Reset API event with faster methods.
- Slightly improved the Lag Leniencies feature with more universal methods.
- Greatly improved the Violations feature with more useful methods.
- Slightly improved the Math utilities with useful variables.
- Slightly improved the Player Info inventory menu with more information.
- Greatly improved the Spartan Player object with more useful methods.
- Corrected a major bug in the Scheduler listener that caused many kinds of problems.
- Slightly improved the Item Attributes compatibility with longer cache retention.
- Corrected a few Speed false positives caused by the Item Attributes compatibility.
- Corrected a few Speed false positives caused by the Item Attributes & Mythic Mobs compatibility.
- Corrected a few Spartan Player object world entities retrieval concurrent-modification console error.
- Corrected a few Attempts utilities null-pointer console error.
- Noticeably improved the Attempts utilities with less memory calls & a new scheduler system.
- Corrected several ImpossibleActions liquids semi-solid block placement false positives.
- Corrected a distant teleportation bug in the From Location stability handler.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements jump & step water elevator false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus exit water elevator false positives.
- Slightly improved the Liquid & Bouncing Blocks protection handlers with more frequent cache updates.
- Corrected a few Velocity zero distance knockback enchantment false positives.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements step CMI plugin false positives.
- Corrected a few KillAura hits-per-second CPS false positives.
- Corrected several Fly calculated ladder falling false positives.
- Potentially corrected a few ElytraMove speed semi-solid block false positives.
- Corrected a few climbable block movement false positives caused by the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a Scheduler listeners rare ignorance bug that allowed for a few movement bypasses.
- Corrected dozens of ElytraMove Skript plugin false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with a new scheduler system.
- Corrected a few KillAura false positives caused by cancelled damage listeners.
- Slightly improved the False Positive Detection with more simplified & secure methods.
Corrected an issue where specific servers would throw thread-dumps console errors while the plugin was trying to calculate the closest directional block.
It's recommend that everyone downloads this update.
- The KillAura check has had almost all its detections revamped with more reliable methods, more sensitive limits, higher accuracy & functionality corrections. In total, about 3 detections, one of them being major, were brought back to life. Expect noticeable improvements in detection speed.
- Slightly improved the Syn menu with better description.
- Noticeably improved the Hack-Prevention object with better exclusions on high distances.
- Corrected a Nuker delay verbose information typo.
- Corrected several Nuker delay low violation false positives.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib temporary-player remaining console error.
- Greatly improved the Cache system with better clearance.
- Implemented a new type of utilities named Tracking.
- Corrected a few GhostHand break wire block false positives.
- Corrected the functionality of the KillAura combined, aim-consistency & aim-accuracy detection.
- Noticeably improved the KillAura check with more sensitive & functional detections.
- Greatly improved the ItemDrops check with better command prevention compatibility.
- Slightly improved the plugin's obfuscation with less exceptions made.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step allow-flight false positive.
- Corrected several movement grindstone block false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Ground utilities with support for more hit-boxes & solid blocks.
- Potentially corrected several ElytraMove fly ender-dragon entity false positives.
- Removed the settings.yml option Detections.run_asynchronously and left it as a secret option.
- Corrected dozens of ElytraMove ratio firework boost false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step scaffolding block false positive.
- The Search-Engine feature will no longer consider zero numbers as statistics.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement low distance false positive.
- Potentially corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold direction false positive.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan-Player object with less CPU usage.
- Slightly optimised the Player utilities with removal of unused methods.
- Slightly optimised the Elytra-Gliding handler with broader identification.
- Corrected a Velocity jumping zero distance false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement damage situation false positive.
- Corrected a Fly calculated remaining cobweb block false positive.
- Corrected a Fly down & IrregularMovements jump above block false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step & bouncing-blocks long fall bouncing block false positive.
- Corrected several FastClicks directional block breaking false positives.
- Corrected a Fly packets long fall false positive.
- Corrected an issue where the plugin would shortly after disable for Songoda users.
- Noticeably improved the speed and reliability of the Syn verification handler.
- The ElytraMove check has been improved to react better when used concurrently with fireworks or tridents. Additionally, detections of it have been extended to handle speed deceleration.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan-Player object.
- Corrected several ElytraMove trident false positives.
- Corrected several Ender-Dragon push movement false positives.
- Slightly improved the Syn verification handler.
- Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with better debug.
- Corrected several horizontal-chain block movement false positives.
- Greatly improved the Ground utilities with support for more 1.14 & 1.16 blocks.
- Corrected all remaining Speed trident false positives.
- Corrected a BoatMove ice false positive.
- Noticeably improved the ElytraMove check when using firework & tridents.
- Noticeably optimised the ElytraMove check by using much less memory.
- Greatly improved the Verbose-Notifications feature with more advanced commands.
- Removed a checks.yml option. (Nuker.check_breaks_per_sec)
- Corrected a Nuker breaks-per-sec surface block false positive.
- Greatly improved the ElytraMove speed detection with deceleration handling.
- Noticeably improved the Violation-Divisor handler for low amounts of online players.
- Corrected a few movement false positives caused by bell blocks.
- Corrected a few potential IrregularMovements step height false positives.
- Removed the ban-list command and included its functionality in the ban-info command.
- Slightly improved the wave command by adding an exception message that was missing.
- Slightly improved the Violation system with better methods.
- Corrected dozens of KillAura block-raytrace & hits-per-second mob farm false positives.
- Greatly improved the ItemDrops check with better command prevention compatibility.
If you have a problem where the plugin disables shortly after loading, please download this update to correct it.
All customers are expected to have this issue, so downloading this update is considered necessary.
- The config.yml violation-divisor option has been removed. Like the cancel-after-violation feature, existing options will remain compatible. The default violation-divisor has been chosen by me for each check, but custom ones are now supported by the verbose-notifications command.
- Hot-fix updates now support decimal build numbers. However, Spartan's SQL "spartan_build" column only accepts integers. It's recommended you update the SQL "spartan_build" column to DOUBLE or ultimately delete the table and let it be recreated.
- The RAM-over-CPU feature has once more caused lag issues. For this reason, it has now been disabled and expected to be removed in the near future with a small chance of a revival. Those having lag issues, this update will resolve them.
- Corrected several NoSwing, BlockReach & Nuker false positives caused by the MineBomb plugin compatibility.
- Updated the Piracy system to support not only integers but decimals as Build versions.
- Corrected a bug where the Notifications.cross_server_notifications settings.yml option would only work if set to true.
- Corrected an asynchronous console error caused by the Piracy protection.
- Corrected a bug where the Developer-Report Command feature would have no cooldown after successful execution.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements step & Speed limit trident false positives.
- Updated the default settings.yml configuration with more reliable options names.
- Moved a messages.yml configuration options to the settings.yml configuration. (staff_chat_character)
- Slightly optimised the Configuration & Punishment systems.
- Slightly improved the Syn inventory menu with description corrections.
- Noticeably optimised the Cancel-Violation handler by making it refresh when necessary.
- Corrected an EntityMove vertical horse jumping false positive.
- Slightly optimised the Movement listeners with redundancy prevention.
- Potentially corrected a HitReach horizontal 1.9+ combat mechanics false positive.
- Corrected a major lag issue caused by the RAM-over-CPU feature.
- Corrected a FastEat eat high player latency false positive.
- Corrected an issue in the Cloud feature where it wouldn't support decimals as plugin version.
- Corrected a major functionality bug in the SQL feature that was caused by decimals being used as versions.
- Chat messages sent using the Staff-Chat feature will now be logged and be cross-server compatible.
- Corrected a few movement false positives caused by lantern blocks.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option to toggle the permission cache.
- Noticeably improved the Verbose-Notifications feature with more advanced commands.
- Implemented a new Developer API method. setVerbose()
- Corrected a minor API bug that required Verbose notified players to also have the permission.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named WildTools.
- The config.yml violation_divisor option has been removed.
- Corrected several step jump boost effect false positives.
- Slightly improved the Configuration system with more proper codes.
- Corrected a Velocity check null-pointer console error.
- Corrected an EntityMove horse vertical false positive.
- Corrected an ElytraMove ratio false positive.
- Corrected a bug in the Syn inventory menu where it would refer to the wrong price.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by Trident item use in a player weather.
- Corrected a Nuker mushroom-stem false positive.
- Updated the Block utilities material library to help correct false positives.
- Corrected a KillAura aimbot non-living-entity false positive.
- Corrected a KillAura aimbot multiple entities false positive.
- Potentially corrected a few Jesus swimming false positives.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos upward motion false positive.
- Corrected all remaining Speed soul-speed enchantment false positives.
- Potentially corrected several ElytraMove off-hand firework false positives.
- Incompatible-Items feature is no longer limited to 54 outside of the inventory menu.
Settings.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
Please keep in mind that hot-fix updates are not necessary for everyone. Corrected a number conversion console error that prevented the Search-Engine feature from caching logs.
If you don't use the Developer-Report Command feature, no need to download this update.
Corrected an asynchronous console error caused by the Piracy protection that may affect a few customers by preventing the plugin from being loaded.
If plugin loads correctly, no need to download this update.
For those using the Cross-Server Notifications feature, the settings.yml option will no longer require to be set to true in order to enable the feature, but any specified name.
If not using this feature, no need to download this update.
- A new KillAura detection has been implemented to properly prevent aimbot hack modules. It's been in the works for the past 2-3 updates, so it's expected to be stable and largely improved in the future.
- Two new Cloud features have been released. One of them being Forcefully Disabled Checks, a feature I control where I disable detections known to cause issues. The second one being Cross-Server Notifications, which has been requested many times this year.
- I have planned my vacation for the second half of this month, starting extremely soon, so expect this update to be magnificently stable and my support slower than usual.
- Corrected several Speed air honey-block false positives.
- Corrected several HitReach horizontal chasing left/right direction false positives.
- Slightly improved the Nuker delay detection with better limits.
- Corrected several Velocity latency false positives.
- Updated the default config.yml configuration of the ElytraMove check.
- Made the Daily-Progress feature refresh every 6 hours.
- Corrected a Move utilities null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements step movement & liquid false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan-Player object with faster cache.
- Corrected a Search-Engine & Cloud feature array console error.
- Updated the default settings.yml & config.yml configurations to be more customer friendly.
- Noticeably improved the Awareness-Notifications feature with less spam & console logging.
- Noticeably optimised almost all objects with final statements.
- Corrected a checks.yml configuration option replacement typo.
- Greatly optimised and improved several KillAura detections for PvE situations.
- Slightly improved the Misc category of the Debug feature.
- Corrected a GhostHand interact & break liquid false positives.
- Noticeably optimised the Search-Engine feature with more accurate cache limits.
- Removed the Exploits re-enchant detection due to causing unnecessary false positives.
- Slightly improved the Verbose-Notifications feature.
- Corrected several Jesus water-logged speed, walking & repeated false positives.
- Made the Piracy check connection asynchronous to prevent thread dumps for a few customers.
- Corrected several GhostHand break & interact false positives.
- Potentially corrected several remaining Speed soul-speed false positives.
- Corrected a Speed limit soul-soil false positive.
- Corrected a Hack-Prevention object violation exemption bug.
- Implemented a new KillAura detection to prevent aimbot.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (KillAura.aimbot_max_distance)
- Implemented a new Cloud feature named Forcefully-Disabled-Detections.
- Implemented a new Cloud feature named Cross-Server-Notifications.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (Notifications.cross_server_notifications)
- Corrected a bug in the Violations system related to the plugin's API.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold sneaking false positive.
- Removed the KillAura comparison detection due to being unstable.
- Corrected several movement upwards bypasses caused by the Liquid & Explosion protection.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold & tower TPS false positives.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold & tower entity-block false positives.
- Corrected several Nuker delay surface block false positives.
- Greatly improved the Spartan & Syn inventory menus with new items.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold soil/farmland block false positive.
- Corrected a bug in the Configurations inventory menu where color codes would be included in the config changes.
- Updated the default checks.yml to improve the accuracy of the HitReach check.
- The language.yml and mysql.yml configurations have been renamed accordingly to messages.yml and sql.yml. If you are using the old named configurations, you don't need to apply any changes, they will remain compatible.
- In config.yml, the option cancel_after_violation has been removed and will now be calculated automatically based on your punishments, server performance, gameplay performance & knowledge of my own. If you believe you have found the sweet spot of this option, don't remove it, it will remain compatible.
- Build 358 was a without a doubt not the most stable update but nothing game-breaking. From the number of logs, one can assume how much more stable Build 359 is going to be.
- Slightly optimised the Movement utilities with less calls of external methods.
- Corrected a Velocity check long range false positive.
- Corrected a HitReach horizontal entity teleportation false positive.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan-Player object with more frequent caching to prevent vanilla false positives.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement vehicle exit false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step jump effect false positive.
- Corrected a bug in the Spartan-Location object that prevented the identification of water-logged blocks.
- Corrected a major cache bug in the RAM-Over-CPU feature that has caused dozens of bypasses & false positives.
- Brought back an improved version of the IrregularMovements hop detection and its configuration settings.
- Corrected a few word typos in the File, Console, SQL logs & awareness notifications.
- Stopped using the Hack-Prevention object for violation identification due to bugs.
- Corrected a Search-Engine feature max cache size bug related to Syn members.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by water-logged blocks.
- Noticeably improved the Performance-Optimizer feature by making it safer but also more lenient.
- Corrected a Spartan inventory menu command permission bug.
- Corrected several Speed ice-speed keyboard spam false positives.
- Corrected several movement soul-campfire & soul-lantern block false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Ground utilities with support for pistons & more 1.16 blocks.
- Corrected a Fly packets upwards movement bypass.
- Corrected a bug in the Mining-Notifications feature where gilded-blackstone & ancient-debris blocks wouldn't be logged.
- Slightly optimised the Exploits ping-spoof, Criticals position & KillAura comparison detections.
- Greatly improved the Cache system with more organized codes.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan, Manage-Checks & Player-Info inventory menu with better item placements & descriptions.
- Removed and replaced several language.yml configuration options.
- Renamed the language.yml configuration to messages.yml but kept compatibility for old one.
- Updated the plugin's overview page and online documentation.
- Slightly improved the Minecraft-Hosting inventory menu with a permission check.
- Slightly improved the Syn verification handler and its command.
- Slightly improved the Exploits undetected-movement detection with more stable preventions.
- Updated the plugin's slogan to "Powerful cheat prevention made simple.".
- Renamed the mysql.yml configuration to sql.yml but kept compatibility for old one.
- Greatly improved and optimised the FastBreak check with less lenient limits.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards identical jumping major bypass.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected movement player pushing false positive.
- Corrected several 1.15+ Speed limit walking & sneaking false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus speed edge-block jumping false positives.
- Slightly improved and optimised the MorePackets check with more recent methods.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant low-violation major bypass.
- Slightly optimised the Speed check with more final values.
- IP limitation has been decreased from 5 to 4 per license.
- Corrected a KillAura block-raytrace bypass caused by no support for multiple entities.
- Corrected a Nuker delay efficiency enchantment major bypass.
- Noticeably improved the Nuker delay detection with better limits.
- Corrected a bug where checks.yml options wouldn't affect the IrregularMovements step detection.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected movement & IrregularMovements step piston false positive.
- Corrected several ImpossibleInventory sprinting & sneaking toggle false positives.
- Greatly optimised the Piston protection with recent codes.
- Noticeably improved the Player utilities with better elytra handling.
- Corrected a Clip vector elytra false positive.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives by correcting the Shulker-Box protection.
- Unlisted the removed chat_protection.yml configuration from the Configurations inventory menu.
- Removed the command "/spartan diagnostics" which is no longer the preferred way of using this feature.
- Replaced the cancel-after-violation option & the configuration diagnostics feature with an automated system.
- Slightly optimised the False-Positive-Detection feature with better methods.
- Corrected a small method splitting bug in the BoatMove check & Hack-Prevention object.
- Slightly improved the Logging feature with faster SQL methods.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (Speed.minimum_limit_in_blocks)
- Corrected dozens of Speed soul-speed enchantment false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus speed & repeat boat false positives.
- Slightly optimised the Jesus check with less repetition of specific methods.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold block-face bypass.
- Corrected a Jesus walking water-logged block false positive.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan-Location & Spartan-Block objects.
Messages.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
- This version corrects over 10 bypasses, most of them related to movement. To achieve that, new detections have been implemented in several checks and old ones have be partially rewritten and maintained. Changes have excessively been tested and are expected to be stable.
- New detections to prevent aimbot and omnidirectional jumping should be expected in future updates.
- Corrected a Velocity check null-pointer console error that prevented the check from functioning.
- Corrected a Velocity check logical bug that prevented the check from functioning.
- Slightly improved the Self-Hit protection handler.
- Noticeably improved the IrregularMovements check with optimizations.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) jumping-after-falling bypass.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) place-jumping bypass.
- Slightly improved the ViaRewind plugin compatibility.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(high) high latency false positive.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold minor sensitive movement bypass.
- Greatly improved the ImpossibleActions scaffold detection with new limitations.
- Corrected several Nuker delay high efficiency enchantment false positives.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Player object with a better sneaking method.
- Corrected a Ground utilities null-pointer console error.
- Improved the ImpossibleInventory closed-inventory & cursor-usage detections to catch jumping.
- Greatly improved the Movement utilities with better tracking of a player's gameplay.
- Implemented a new IrregularMovements step detections named scheduler.
- Corrected several upwards motion bypasses with the new IrregularMovements detection.
- Slightly improved the Scheduler listener to allow for more accurate preventions.
- Noticeably improved the From-Location utilities to prevent abuse of a player's cached location.
- Corrected a minor cache clearance bug in the Violations system.
- Slightly improved the Cache system to allow for more dedicated memory keeping.
- Corrected a major bug in the Ground utilities that allowed for upwards motion bypasses such as Fly.
- Corrected a Fly stable no-hit-delay compatibility false positives.
- Corrected several Speed fall-distance(illegal) precision false positives.
- Corrected a toggle bug in the Teleport protection related to the worldGuard plugin compatibility.
- Corrected a Nuker delay warped-nylium & crimson-nylium blocks false positives.
- Noticeably improved the Block utilities with support for the 1.16 blocks warped-nylium & crimson-nylium.
- Corrected several Speed soul-speed enchantment false positives.
- Corrected a Fly up, stable & down shulker-box false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) & jump(unusual) shulker-box false positives.
- Slightly improved the WorldGuard compatibility with exemption of global regions.
- Slightly improved the Syn inventory menu with more universal descriptions and typo corrections.
- Corrected a Speed upwards side stairs & slab false positives.
- Corrected a BlockPlace place, break & interact strider vehicle 1.16 false positive.
- Corrected a Velocity long distance false positive caused by a logic bug.
- Improved the Player-Info inventory menu by not showing all cross-version information.
- Improved a HitReach horizontal player chasing false positive.
- Slightly optimised the settings.yml configuration with ignorance of NPCs.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Location object by making it more compatible with the native Location object.
- Noticeably improved the Hack-Prevention object with new methods for identifying upcoming detections.
- Made the Cloud Developer-Report feature notifications less sensitive due to higher masses of reports.
- Greatly improved the Latency system with recently updated codes and the removal of an unused object.
- Removed the IrregularMovements hop detections and its configuration options due to being unreliable and outdated.
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Corrected a 1.10 Llama entity no-such-method console error.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(high) no-hit-delay compatibility false positive.
- Slightly improved the Fly check with better tracing of potion effects.
- Corrected a Jesus walking slow-falling effect false positive.
- Noticeably improved the plugin's performance consumption by improving the RAM-over-CPU feature.
- Corrected a Chunks system rare console error caused by a failed math conversion.
- Updated the libraries of the "MinigameMaker" compatible plugin for error reassurance.
- Corrected a bug in the Request utilities that prevented the Developer-Report feature from functioning.
- Slightly improved the Spartan Syn verification handler with more proper methods.
- Slightly optimised the Request utilities with decreased RAM allocation.
- Slightly improved the Ground utilities with more accurate methods.
- Slightly improved the Player & Movement utilities with more reliable methods.
- Corrected a Velocity check self bow hit false positive.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements jump(illegal) & jump(unused) self bow hit false positives.
- Removed a forgotten debug message left in the Block utilities.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Player mutli-threaded object with more accurate methods.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown food-eating false positive caused by 1.16 server versions.
- Corrected a bug in the Mining-Notifications feature where it wouldn't gather netherite-scrap data.
- Corrected several X-Ray check bypasses caused by the netherite-scrap data bug in the Mining-Notifications feature.
- Corrected a BoatMove water(packets) relatively low TPS false positive.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by players entering a vehicle mid-air.
- Noticeably optimised and improved the False-Positive-Detection feature with more prevention handlers.
- Corrected a Velocity 1.16 netherite armor false positive.
- Increased Latency protection's max supported ping to correct more high latency false positives.
- Slightly improved the Recommended-Plugins inventory menu with better descriptions.
- Brought back an old settings.yml configuration option. (Chat.prevent_same_message)
- Slightly optimised the Chat-Protection feature with faster codes.
- Verbose notifications at maximum violation level will no longer be sent.
- Corrected a KillAura area player chasing false positive.
- Corrected a potential KillAura area minor bypass.
- Corrected an ElytraMove speed(normal) firework false positive.
- Corrected several ElytraMove front-block false positives.
- Corrected a Spartan inventory menu description categorisation bug.
- Maximum checked height has been moved from 256 to 272 to prevent unnecessary bypasses.
- Corrected several NoFall pattern low violation false positives.
- Corrected a potential issue that prevented the XRay, FastClicks & AutoRespawn checks from functioning.
- Prevented a few unnecessary calls of the CheckCancelEvent Spartan event.
- Greatly improved the Configuration system.
- Greatly improved the Hack-Prevention object with new methods and existing method improvements.
- Corrected a Jesus speed minor walking bypass.
- Corrected several ElytraMove firework boosting false positives.
- Updated the default config.yml configuration by setting NoFall.cancel_after_violation from 2 to 1.
- Drastically improved the Mining-Notifications feature with parts of its code completely rewritten.
- Drastically improved the Cache system with a more proper way of clearing cache when the plugin disables.
- Since the beginning of Spartan, I often receive compatibility requests I cannot fulfill, either because the other plugin doesn't have an API or it is not including my programming needs. This update introduces a new feature named "Support Incompatible Items" which uses my other resource named "MinigameMaker" to track the player's gameplay, identify an item in their inventory, and apply bypasses on specific checks. I am certain this feature will dramatically help many of you.
- 1.16 server compatibility has been noticeably improved with feedback submitted by many of you. Utility Libraries & Compatibilities are now properly updated with all new content.
- Noticeably improved the items, descriptions and functionality of the Spartan menu.
- Slightly improved the Search-Engine with more advanced methods.
- Noticeably improved the MinecraftServerWebsite plugin compatibility.
- Corrected a Nuker delay bypass caused by the TPS protection.
- Greatly improved the Combat utilities by removing unused methods.
- Noticeably improved the Player utilities with code consistency.
- Noticeably improved the Movement utilities with code consistency & higher accuracy.
- Noticeably improved the Cache system by cutting the RAM size in half.
- Slightly improved the Piston protection by removing unused methods.
- Corrected a KillAura rapid hits TPS lag false positive.
- Reorganised several parts of the plugin's code structure.
- Corrected several Velocity high latency false positives.
- Corrected a grammar mistake in the Mining-Notification feature.
- Removed a forgotten Search-Engine feature reports debug message.
- Slightly improved the Multi-Version feature with unused code removals.
- Greatly improved the Cloud feature with more usages being made.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement high violation false positive.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions item-usage 1.16 false positive.
- Corrected several NoSlowdown item-usage & food-eating 1.16 false positives.
- Corrected a bug in the Request utilities that prevented connections from going thru.
- Noticeably improved the Asynchronous-Detections feature with better code stability.
- Noticeably improved the Chunks system by correcting a math problem.
- Greatly optimised the Chunks system by preventing unnecessary access.
- Updated the plugin's online API jar file.
- Updated the official test server to 1.16 with backwards support to 1.7.
- Slightly improved the Piracy protection with higher security.
- Corrected a few IrregularMovements false positives caused by inaccurate calculations.
- Greatly optimised the UltimateStatistics compatibility with unused code removals and cache clearance.
- Corrected a Velocity long-distance major bypass.
- Updated the ViaVersion compatibility to 1.16.
- Corrected a Critical min-jump sprinting & sneaking false positive.
- Corrected an inactivity bug in the Move utilities sneaking-counter method.
- Slightly optimised the Reconnect-Cooldown feature.
- Slightly improved the Check-Protection handler.
- Slightly optimised the Violations system.
- Spightly improved the ProtocolSupport, ProtocolLib & Floodgate compatibility.
- Corrected a Fly bouncing-block glide bypass.
- Corrected a Nuker delay warped-wart & nether-wart block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-wart block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 nether-wart block.
- Slightly optimised the Fly check with removal of unused codes.
- Corrected a Fly stable block-edge false positive.
- Corrected a Ground utilities bug caused by going to the edge of a wall block.
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Implemented a new feature accessible via Spartan inventory menu named "Support Incompatible Items".
- Implemented a new compatibility for a plugin of my own named "Minigame Maker".
- Corrected a Speed limit upwards(default) semi-major bypass.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities with more accurate limits.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the Cancel-After-Violation feature from properly applying exceptions.
- Corrected a CraftBukkit fork clickable-message console error.
- Noticeably improved the individual cache of the Compatibility configuration.
- Noticeably improved the plugin's Register handler to prevent recurring processes.
- Noticeably improved the Search-Engine feature with bug corrections and more proper limits.
- Greatly improved the Player-Reports & Legitimate-Players inventory menus with unnecessary limit removals.
- Potentially corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object null-pointer console error.
- Greatly improved the Request utilities with more advanced methods.
- Greatly improved the Cloud feature by including the Developer-Report methods.
- Noticeably improved the RAM-Over-CPU feature.
- Replaced an unreliable multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown bow protection false positive.
- Corrected a NoSwing break false positive caused by the Vehicles compatible plugin.
- Corrected a Nuker false positive caused by the SuperPickaxe compatible plugin.
- Noticeably improved the AutoSync compatibility with error corrections and regular ban checks.
- Slightly improved the Syn & Piracy systems with better verifications.
- Noticeably improved the obfuscation of the plugin.
- Implemented version compatibility for the 1.16 ancient-debris block.
- Noticeably improved the X-Ray check with more blocks.
- Noticeably improved the Player-Info inventory menu with more mining history & accurate descriptions.
- Greatly improved the Chat-Protection feature with broader syntax support.
- Corrected a BoatMove server-join non-ground location false positive.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin of my own named MinecraftServerWebsite.
- Greatly improved the Spartan inventory menu with better items.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 soul-speed boots enchantment.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by the 1.16 soul-speed boots enchantment.
- Noticeably improved the Move & Player utilities with compatibility & precision improvements.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by twisting & weeping vine blocks.
- Slightly optimised the Sprint omnidirectional detection.
- Potentially corrected a KillAura area player chasing false positive.
- Implemented a new API method. [ void reloadPermissions() ]
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Slightly updated the Attempts utilities with faster methods.
- Slightly improved the Syn Violation-History feature with more accurate content.
- Greatly improved the Multi-Version feature with unneeded code removals.
- Corrected a database insert bug in the Developer-Report feature.
- Corrected an IrregularMovement jump(illegal) precision false positive.
- Noticeably improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object with proper fire tick handling.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement bypass caused by a bug.
- Greatly improved the Hack-Prevention multi-threaded object with exemptions for the Exploits check.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by climbing with barely liquid blocks.
- Corrected a bug where the Player-Info inventory menu wouldn't reset the player's violations.
- Corrected a lag issue caused by the UltimateStatistics plugin compatibility.
- Corrected a CheckCancelEvent asynchronous call console error.
- This was a relatively easy compatibility to implement and I strongly believe it is exceptionally stable. If you come across any issues, let me know.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 soul-torch block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 soul-campire block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 soul-fire block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 twisting-vine block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 weeping-vine block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 gilded-blackstone block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 nether-gold-ore block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-log block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-wood block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-door block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-trapdoor block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-plate block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-sign block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-button block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-fence block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-fence-gate block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-sapling block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-roots block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 warped-fungus block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-log block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-wood block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-door block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-trapdoor block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-plate block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-sign block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-button block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-fence block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-fence-gate block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-sapling block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-roots block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 crimson-fungus block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 soul-lantern block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 chain block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 nether-sprouts block.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 netherite-sword item.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 netherite-pickaxe item.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 netherite-shovel item.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 netherite-axe item.
- Implemented version compatibility for 1.16 netherite-hoe item.
- Corrected a bug where Syn customers couldn't pass their ID due to Spartan unloading.
- Corrected several Jesus walking dolphin's-grace effect false positives.
- Corrected a Jesus swimming dolphin's-grace effect false positive.
- Spigot 1.16 is in development and expected to be released within the upcoming days or very unlikely hours. Once it is out, expect my compatibility to be released within some days.
- Updated the contents of the Syn inventory menu.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(rapid) latency false positive.
- Completely restored the functionality of bStats metrics.
- Corrected a small bug in the Piracy system.
- Slightly improved the plugin's obfuscation.
- Greatly improved the KillAura & HitReach checks with faster handlers.
- Slightly improved the Cloud feature with more security.
- Removed the Exploits packet-overflow detection.
- Updated the default checks.yml configuration file.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown food eating dried-kelp false positive.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a Search-Engine feature mining history bug.
- Slightly improved the Player-Info inventory menu with better descriptions.
- Improved the PrinterMode plugin compatibility with false positive corrections.
- Slightly improved the Performance-Optimizer feature with safer handlers.
- Potentially corrected an AutoSync compatibility loading error.
- Potentially corrected several IrregularMovements step(rapid) false positives.
- Corrected a GhostHand break tripwire-hook block false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) bush block false positive.
- Potentially corrected a Speed limit turtle-egg block false positive.
- Corrected a major Fly bypass caused by a high-height teleportation exploit.
- Corrected a Nuker delay low TPS false positive.
- Corrected a Nuker delay high latency false positive.
- Corrected several potential FastPlace & FastBreak high TPS false positives.
- Corrected several FastPlace fast & medium scaffolding block false positives.
- Slightly optimised the Hack-Prevention multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a FastClicks click-consistency item dropping false positive.
- The previous update was a little unstable, so in this update I spent my time code polishing all possible handlers, features and detections, with a tremendous amount of issues being corrected.
- The Teleport protection has been greatly improved by having Spartan hook to the WorldGuard's API to identify denied entry & exit regions.
- Slightly improved the Version utilities.
- Corrected several unsupported height teleportation bypasses.
- Implemented an awareness notification in the KillAura check to improve detection transparency.
- Implemented a system to limit the amount of IPs Spartan can be loaded on.
- Greatly improved the Syn inventory menu with new items and better descriptions.
- Corrected the issue where you couldn't fully read the description of specific Syn inventory menu items.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements step jump-effect false positives caused by a broken calculation method.
- Slightly improved the Awareness notifications feature with more methods.
- Drastically improved the Spartan Cloud feature with more security and bug corrections.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the Chat-Protection feature from ultimate working.
- Corrected a console error caused by clickable-messages being sent on CraftBukkit servers.
- Corrected several FastPlace fast low TPS false positives.
- Drastically improved the Reports inventory menu with faster loading time.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu with improved descriptions.
- Slightly optimised the Cloud and Search-Engine features with fewer logic.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(rapid) bouncing block false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(rapid) self hit false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(rapid) jump effect false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) jump effect false positive.
- Slightly optimised the IrregularMovements jump detection.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks(calculated) low height false positives.
- Drastically optimised the Ultimate-Statistics plugin compatibility with less memory usage.
- Removed the Exploits location-crasher detection due to being unused for a long time.
- Removed all recovery codes of the CombatAnalysis check.
- Slightly improved the Hack-Prevention multi-threaded object with better codes.
- Greatly improved the Floor-Protection handler by preventing unnecessary calls.
- Drastically improved the Movement & Scheduler listeners with proper cache clearance.
- Slightly improved the Request utilities with more advanced methods.
- Drastically improved the Piracy system with more security handlers.
- Drastically improved the Teleport protection with WorldGuard compatibility.
- Corrected a BoatMove bypasss caused by having 2 passengers in a boat.
- Slightly optimised the Multi-Version feature with a faster caching system.
- Updated the contents of the Minecraft-Hosting inventory menu.
- Corrected a bug in the Search-Engine feature that prevented mining history from being calculated properly.
- Corrected a bug in the Search-Engine feature that prevented the Developer-Report feature from functioning.
- Corrected a rare issue where the Multi-Version feature would fail to detect the server's version.
- Major bugs have been corrected in the prevention system that patched several movement bypasses, but also helped synchronise locations across events and schedulers.
- Major bugs have been corrected in the MorePackets check that prevented the cache from refreshing properly, therefore negatively impacting the check's overall performance.
- Greatly improved the From-Location utilities.
- Drastically optimised the From-Location utilities.
- Slightly modified the Syn inventory menu.
- Corrected several ElytraMove fly(calculated) rapid direction false positives.
- Updated the AdvancedAbilities compatibility with recent codes.
- Corrected a minor bug in the Lag-Management utilities.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named Vehicles.
- Completely rewritten again the Item-Attributes compatibility.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by Item-Attributes.
- Corrected a bug in the Velocity protection with the recent teleportation cancelation changes.
- Asynchronous detections will function synchronously equal or below 32 players.
- Corrected an EntityMove vertical(instant) horse stairs false positive.
- Corrected an EntityMove speed horse stairs false positive.
- Slightly optimised the EntityMove check.
- Greatly improved the Speed, IrregularMovements, MorePackets, Jesus, Clip & Fly check with more calculations.
- Greatly improved the Move, Block & Ground utilities with more calculations & more accurate methods.
- Reorganised or relocated many utilities and removed many unused ones.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu.
- Corrected an asynchronous-task location console-error related to Paper forks.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named MineTinker.
- Potentially corrected an ImpossibleInventory world changing false positive.
- Drastically improved how check preventions are handled.
- Greatly improved the custom velocity after check teleportations.
- Implemented a new Exploits detection to prevent rapid disallowed building.
- Enabling verbose notifications will cause the plugin to ignore the cancel-after-violation threshold for you.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements rapid step bypasses.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing vine bypass caused by a detection bug.
- Added more verbose information to the Speed check to help with random false positives.
- Corrected a cache bug that prevented the MorePackets check from working at its fullest potential.
- Corrected a minor message bug in the Manage-Checks inventory menu.
- Corrected a Wave-Punished-Players inventory menu console error.
- Spartan handles movement checks and their detections in two ways, schedulers and events. Schedulers failed to update event locations, causing unnecessary bypasses such as clipping/phasing. This has now been corrected.
- Corrected a Velocity bypass caused by a Hack-Prevention multi-threaded object bug.
- Corrected several KillAura hit-consistency, hit-box & modulo height false positives.
- Brought back the number violations to the verbose notifications due to not liking them myself.
- Corrected several Teleport, Clip & IrregularMovements bypasses caused by a location handler's bug.
- Implemented more types of conditional commands. (not-equals)
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Updated the content of the Minecraft-Hosting inventory menu.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu.
- Corrected a Chat-Protection feature null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several ElytraMove speed(difference) & fly(calculated) false positives.
- Drastically improved the Shulker-Box protection with bug corrections.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by shucker-box blocks.
- Potentially corrected several ImpossibleActions tower passive building false positives.
- Corrected a Ground utilities lily-pad hit-box listing bug.
- Corrected dozens of 1.7-1.8 movement false positives caused by lily-pad blocks.
- Added a small amount of velocity after detection teleportation to force the server to properly update player locations.
- Slightly improved the cross-version compatibility of the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a small cache clearance bug in the Ban system.
- Greatly improved the Movement utilities with better effect handling methods.
- Corrected several potential Speed limit speed-effect false positives.
- Updated the separate API jar of Spartan with bug corrections.
- Humans are excellent at understanding small & categorised content. For that reason, verbose notifications will now show decimals instead of numbers in the violations-amount syntax. Every check has its own decimal divisor personally configured by me, so you no longer need to worry about high violations or bad configurations. Normally, decimals below 1-1.5 are within safe violations.
- The Chat protection has been removed and is now included in the settings.yml configuration. This will help optimise the protection's system, but to also make up for an easier and more understandable design for blocking words & commands.
- Implemented a new language.yml option. (awareness_notification)
- Replaced some language.yml color characters with configuration characters.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards wall-block step false positives.
- Drastically stabilised the Jesus check's recent changes.
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown food-eating high latency false positive.
- Corrected an IllegalPosition yaw building false positive.
- Corrected several Jesus speed random false positives.
- Potentially corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) step-block false positive.
- Potentially corrected a KillAura block-raytrace bypass caused by programming bugs.
- Drastically improved the Building protection with a spam protection.
- Corrected a Fly disallowed building spamming bypass.
- Slightly improved the Move utilities with method diversification.
- Drastically improved the Item-Attributes feature compatibility with cooldowns.
- Greatly improved the Invisibile-Block protection with vehicle handling.
- Verbose notifications will now show violations in decimals instead of numbers.
- Corrected several Fly honey block false positives.
- Slightly improved the Wave feature's configuration.
- Greatly improved the AutoSync plugin compatibility with more synchronised files.
- Slightly improved the Spartan menu with updated item description.
- Slightly optimized the settings.yml configuration.
- Corrected the plugin's API jar file with outdated code removals.
- Implemented a new API method. getDecimalVL()
- Slightly improved the HitReach horizontal(long) detection.
- Corrected a HitReach horizontal(short) speed false positive.
- Drastically improved the X-Ray check with faster detections.
- Drastically improved & optimised the Chat-Protection system.
- Removed the old and outdated chat_protection.yml configuration.
- Replaced 3 and added 2 new settings.yml configuration options.
- Potentially corrected a Jesus speed false positive.
- Slightly improved the Lag-Management system.
Settings.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
- Scheduler handlers have now been optimised and will no longer repeat unnecessarily, ultimately causing a bunch of performance wasted.
- For those interested, the inventory menus have been reorganised and improved, ultimately adding new content. One of them is a Minecraft Hosting service I've launched.
- Corrected a Jesus speed building false positive.
- Removed the problematic Speed ice-speed(exit) detection.
- Corrected a Speed below-ice blocks false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks(calculated) piston false positive.
- Potentially corrected a damage-less plugin-disable multi-thread console error.
- Corrected a NoFall pattern liquid falling false positive.
- Slightly improved the Vloud feature with better queueing.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities with new advanced methods.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards(after) half-block false positive.
- Potentially corrected several Fly elytra false positives.
- Greatly improved the Player-Info inventory menu with better item redirections.
- Fixed a Cancel-After-Violation option dynamic-exception bug.
- Corrected a Search-Engine feature SQL non-existent table error.
- Potentially corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object no-such-method console error.
- Corrected a Wave-Punished-Players inventory menu null offline-player error.
- Corrected a Wave-Punished-Players inventory menu null offline-player issue.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards false positives.
- Corrected an ElytraMove fly(stable) false positive.
- Corrected an Invisible-Block protection scaffolding block issue.
- Corrected a BlockReach abnormal ender-crystal issue prior to 1.9.
- Corrected several NoSlowdown potion-type & food false positives.
- Drastically improved the Item-Atributes compatibility with better handling.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards wall-block false positives.
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements illegal TPS loss false positive.
- Corrected a Paper/PaperSpigot version-type identification bug.
- Drastically optimised the Scheduler handlers with proper location calculations.
- Greatly improved the Spartan, Configurations, Syn & Recommended-Plugins inventory menus.
- Slightly improved the plugin's Cache clearance system.
- Slightly improved the Awareness notifications for Syn members.
- Corrected a KillAura comparison latency false positive.
- Delayed the execution of punishments to account for players leaving.
- Corrected a Ground utility lily-pad hitbox height calculation bug.
- Corrected a Jesus depth-strider false positive.
- Applied a delay on all checks when world-save occurs.
- Implemented a new Syn inventory menu named Wave-Punished-Players. The Wave is an old feature that allows you to punish players all at once. This way, you can add players to the punishment wave and review them via this menu before executing it.
- Corrected a metrics error for unsupported server types.
- Greatly improved the SQL logging system with better codes.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions cactus building false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus swimming exit false positive.
- Greatly improved the Invisible-Block protection.
- Slightly improved the Lag-Management system.
- Greatly improved the Combat handlers.
- Corrected several 1.9+ pvp-mechanic KillAura & HitReach false positives.
- Corrected a bug where the checks.yml option ImpossibleActions.check_cactus wouldn't work.
- Corrected 2 ImpossibleActions cactus false positives.
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Implemented name support to custom Verbose notifications.
- Greatly improved the Search-Engine & SQL-Logging features.
- Corrected a major issue that prevented the Search-Engine from correctly caching information.
- Corrected several KillAura comparison false positives.
- Corrected an Elytramove ratio(instant) firework false positive.
- Brought back the Cloud false-positive collection feature.
- Corrected a Configuration menu broken message.
- Corrected a Jesus walking building false positive.
- Corrected a potential Jesus upwards building false positive.
- Corrected a Movement utilities null-pointer console error.
- Implemented a new language.yml configuration option. (mining_message)
- Implemented clickable messages on mining notifications.
- Slightly improved the Suspected-Players & Hacker-Finder inventory menus.
- Implemented a new Syn inventory menu named Wave-Punished-Players.
- A Spartan-Player multi-threaded object bug has been corrected that prevented the FastEat check from properly functioning.
- NoSlowdown has had its packets detection enabled for high violation players due to its unknown yet stability.
- Specific ProtocolLib codes have been improved and moved to another class to prevent general functionality disasters for customers who do not have ProtocolLib installed.
- The IrregularMovements has had its bouncing-blocks(calculated) detection rewritten, as the previous was unstable, outdated & overall badly changed over time.
- The Speed check will no longer falsely violate players who move one slabs, stairs or other stepping blocks.
- Corrected the description of 2 items in Spartan inventory menu.
- Corrected a Speed speed ice-block limit false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio ground false positive.
- Greatly improved the Jesus check with faster timers.
- Drastically improved the Jesus upwards detection with bug corrections.
- Greatly improved the Hack-Prevention multi-threaded object.
- Corrected 2 major bugs in the cancel-after-violation feature.
- Corrected a Noslowdown ProtocolLib console error.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement entity pushing false positive.
- Corrected several ElytraMove slow-falling effect false positives.
- Potentially corrected a Fly calculated honey-block false positive.
- Implemented support for a plugin named PrinterMode.
- Greatly improved & optimized the Chunk-Manager utilities.
- Greatly improved the Building protection with better bucket support.
- Greatly improved the Punishment utilities.
- Drastically improved the Version compatibility.
- Slightly modified the default language.yml.
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Implemented a new configuration syntax. {server:type}
- Corrected several Jesus speed dolphin depth-strider false positives.
- Greatly improved the Item-Attributes feature compatibility.
- Corrected several Speed limit Item-Attributes false positives.
- Corrected several Speed limit semi-block false positives.
- Enabled the NoSlowdown packets check.
- Implemented a new Location refreshing system to prevent exploitable teleport bypasses.
- Slightly improved the Movement utilities.
- Corrected a XRay check 1.7 no-such-method console error.
- Greatly improved the XRay check.
- Slightly modified the default config.yml configuration.
- Greatly improved the Ground utilities with better honey-block support.
- Completely rewritten the IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks(calculated) detection.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks(calculated) false positives.
- Slightly optimized the IrregularMovements check.
- Corrected a Movement utilities broken method.
- Corrected a Speed ice-speed(exit) false positive.
- Corrected a bug that prevented NoSlowdown & FastEat check from functioning correctly.
- Corrected a settings.yml wrong configuration option bug.
- Slightly improved the Invisible-Block protection.
- Corrected a few minor Block utilities material library bugs.
- Corrected a class initialisation issue.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected an Exploits packet-overflow asynchronous-entity error.
- Several major bugs have been corrected that prevented the correct functionality of the ElytraMove check. This check has been considered semi-advanced since it almost was released, so I decided to improve all its current detections and implement a new more advanced one.
- The NoSlowdown check has received 2 new detections. One aims to better handle potion usage, and the other will take advantage of ProtocolLib to detected packets. Please keep in mind that the packets detection is still slightly unstable and is not enabled yet.
- A huge bug has found in the X-Ray check related to Syn members, that prevented it from working correctly for the rest of customers. This has now been corrected and its detections has become noticeably more strict.
- Many reported the Developer-Report feature not working lately, so improvements have taken place in the web-server's part to make it more universally compatible, but also the Search-Engine will now properly calculate its memory usage and allow many more logs to be cached.
- The KillAura check has received major improvements in its timers, allowing them to count only when required, which means more time allocated for detections. For that reason, the CombatAnalysis check is deemed outdated and is therefore removed for good.
- The Exploits packet-overflow check has been drastically improved, hence making Spartan stronger against huge amounts of packets, and ultimately many server crashers.
- Slightly optimized the Move utilities.
- Greatly improved the Move utilities with new methods.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Greatly improved the Scheduler handlers.
- Corrected a CrackShot compatibility no-such-method console error.
- Drastically improved the Exploits packet-overflow detection.
- Corrected several bugs that prevented the ElytraMove check from functioning as expected.
- Corrected an ElytraMove speed(difference) ground false positive.
- Corrected an ElytraMove speed(difference) air false positive.
- Implemented a new ElytraMove detection named prediction.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with better material libraries.
- Corrected a BlockReach end-crystal false positive.
- Corrected several recurring boat false positives caused by a bug in the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Slightly optimized the Ground utilities.
- Implemented 2 new Noslowdown detections named packets & potion.
- Implemented 2 new checks.yml configuration options.
- Updated the online documentation of the plugin.
- Corrected a Search-Engine size limitation bug that also broke the Developer-Report feature.
- Slightly improved the Thread system.
- Slightly optimized the Lag-Management system.
- Implemented a new awareness notification about asynchronous detections.
- Corrected several bugs that prevented the XRay check from functioning as expected.
- Corrected a NoSwing trident false positive.
- Corrected a temporary UltimateStatistics compatibility lag issue by using the garbage collector.
- Corrected several null-pointer console errors caused by the NPC utilities.
- Replaced the settings.yml option that handles client-side block updates.
- Corrected a BoatMove 1.7 no-such-field console error.
- Drastically improved the Attempts utilities with new capabilities.
- Drastically improved the KillAura check with a more proper time counting system.
- Corrected a Configurations menu title length console error.
- Removed some unused code from the Configurations menu.
- Corrected a Speed normal soul-sand sneaking false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(high) slime false positive.
- Removed the CombatAnalysis check due to it being outdated.
- Corrected an Invisible-Block protection issue.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing(ladder/vine) low limit false positive.
- Corrected a Speed ice-speed(exit) false positive.
- Corrected a Clip vector ice false positive.
- Drastically improved the Combat utilities with more accurate methods.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(high) low TPS false positive.
- Slightly improved the No-Hit-Delay compatibility.
- Implemented support for all living entities in the Criticals check.
- Slightly improved the Debug feature.
- Corrected a KillAura comparison detection null-pointer console error.
- Slightly improved the KillAura area detection.
- Corrected a Fly stable honey-block false positive.
- Corrected several Clip ypos chorus-plant false positive.
- Slightly improved the Syn inventory menu.
Settings.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
Checks.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
- This update corrected dozens of issues, mainly in the form of movement false positives, caused by Spartan's handlers failing to properly detect players legitimately flying.
- Corrected a call bug with the player-violation event.
- Optimized the usage of semi-heavy Bukkit methods.
- Slightly optimized the CombatAnalysis event.
- Slightly optimized the plugin's Register handler.
- Slightly improved the TPS protection.
- Slightly improved the Punish utilities.
- Removed a repetitive Player utilities method.
- Corrected an entity damage cancellation bug.
- Corrected a FastClicks consistency item-drop false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) bypass.
- Slightly optimized the Configuration system.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements bed/slime step bypass.
- Greatly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Corrected an IllegalPosition pitch vehicle false positive.
- Corrected a bug where raw report & ban commands wouldn't work.
- Added /unban to the raw ban commands.
- Greatly improved the XRay check.
- Updated the MagicSpells compatibility.
- Slightly improved the Clip good(repeated) detection.
- Drastically improved the Velocity protection.
- Slightly improved & optimized the Ground utilities.
- Corrected several Fly neutral lag false positives.
- Implemented bStats metrics for server & player counting.
- Corrected an UltimateStatistics compatibility high memory usage.
- Replaced many Bukkit thread methods with custom methods.
- Corrected a KillAura hit-box & modulo height false positive.
- Corrected a Developer-Report feature web-server "Invalid Text" error.
- Corrected dozens of movement server flying false positives.
- Updated the Floodgate compatibility with recent codes.
- Corrected an Asynchronous Chat event console error.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Important.vl_reset_on_kick)
- Corrected a small logging bug in the Configuration-Diagnostics feature.
- Drastically improved & optimized the Move utilities.
- Slightly optimized the Piracy system.
Build 342 is broken for many customers and has had far too many hot-fix and silent updates. Please download this update for a functional plugin.
- The XRay check has been drastically improved, with many bug corrections and better compatibility when it comes to item enchants and potion effects. This should increase its speed and accuracy.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump (illegal) clear area false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) bypass caused by the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected the waterlogged-block compatibility in the Ground utilities.
- Corrected the waterlogged-block compatibility in the Jesus check.
- Corrected the waterlogged-block compatibility in the Liquid protection.
- Corrected a NoFall allow-flight ratio false positive.
- Slightly improved the Punish utilities verbose information.
- Slightly improved the Spartan menu item information.
- Corrected a Noslowdown bow protection false positive.
- Slightly improved the Move utilities.
- Drastically improved the XRay check.
- Slightly optimized the Logging system.
- Greatly improved the Search-Engine feature.
- Corrected a repetitive logging issue in the Performance-Optimizer feature.
- Drastically optimized the Syn scheduler.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) specific height false positive.
- Drastically optimized the Move & Player utilities.
- Drastically improved the Block utilities with more accurate locations & updated material library.
- Corrected a NPC damage console error.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) air ticks bypass.
- Corrected an EntityMove vertical (diff) pig step false positive.
- Further optimized the Spartan-Player scheduler.
- Corrected a Clip coral-fan block false positive.
- Build 340 was found to be broken, so I scratched it and all its hot-fix subversions to release this stable update.
- Corrected a Chunk utilities plugin loading issue.
- Corrected a BoatMove ground(packets) ice block false positive.
- Corrected a BoatMove ice(packets) false positive.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold(normal) building false positive.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold(normal) jumping false positive.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by a boat distance bug.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object
- Drastically optimized the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Inventory multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a HitReach horizontal(short) above-block false positive.
- Slightly improved the Player utilities.
- Drastically improved the Ground, Move, Math utilities.
- Drastically optimized the Speed check.
- Corrected several Speed stair false positives.
- Corrected a Fly up honey block false positive.
- Corrected 2 Event handler null-pointer console errors.
- Corrected a SmashHit compatibility potential null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several NPC utilities null-pointer console errors.
- Slightly improved the ProtocolLib compatibility.
- Corrected a small syntax bug in the Config utilities.
- Asynchronous detections will now disable when recording timings.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks none reason false positive.
- Drastically optimized the Spartan-Player scheduler.
- Corrected several potential FastHeal false positives.
- Removed the obfuscation for the scheduler classes.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected an Exploits ping-spoof check null-pointer console error.
- Slightly improved the Chunk-Manager utilities.
- Greatly improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) bounding-box bypass.
- Implemented compatibility for 1.15 immediate-respawn gamerule.
- Corrected potential AutoRespawn immediate-respawn gamerule false positives.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Open-Inventory multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object illegal-state console error.
- Slightly optimized the plugin's Register handler.
- Slightly improved the NoFall check.
- Corrected many movement cob-web false positives.
- Greatly optimized the Double utilities.
- Corrected a logic bug in the Movement scheduler.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions tower(normal) distance false positive.
- Corrected a Fly stable block-breaking false positive.
- Drastically improved the Block-Break protection.
- Slightly optimized the Fly check.
- Corrected a mcMMO compatibility enable bug.
- Corrected several NoFall ratio semi-solid block false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio teleport false positive.
- Drastically improved the Player utilities.
- Drastically improved the Move utilities.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) air-ticks frequency bypass.
- Corrected several movement height false positives.
- Corrected a HitReach horizontal multiple enemies false positive.
- Added more verbose information to the NoFall check.
- Corrected a Ground utilities entity boat identification problem.
- Corrected a Syn menu title-length console error.
- Drastically improved the Cloud feature with changes in the Developer-Report feature.
- Improved the information detail in the Spartan inventory menus.
- Corrected a Nuker delay efficiency false positive.
- Corrected a Player-Info inventory menu refresh problem.
- Drastically improved the Teleport protection.
- Corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object bug where fall-distance wouldn't update.
- Every now and then the anti-cheat will undoubtedly become unstable. Recently, I noticed it was one of these times, although it was nothing severe. As a reply, this update improves stability and optimises the plugin's performance.
- Corrected an IllegalPosition yaw vehicle false positive.
- Removed a forgotten KillAura comparison operator debug message.
- Corrected a FastHeal creative gamemode false positive.
- Drastically optimized the usage of the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Drastically improved many compatibilities.
- Greatly improved the CombatAnalysis check.
- Greatly improved the Sprint check.
- Greatly improved the KillAura check.
- Greatly improved the HitReach check.
- Drastically improved the Fly check.
- Greatly improved the AutoRespawn check.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) elytra false positive.
- Potentially corrected a major ElytraMove bypass.
- Drastically improved the Player utilities.
- Removed the unused Operator utilities.v
- Potentially corrected a Fly cob-web block false positive.
- Corrected a lag issue with the Lag-Management system.
- Corrected a bug where NoFall checks.yml options wouldn't be created.
- Drastically improved the Performance-optimizer feature with AFK handlers.
- Corrected a cache bug in the Movement utilities.
- Drastically improved the Teleport protection.
- Potentially corrected several NoFall teleportation false positives.
- Potentially corrected several Fly boat stepping false positives.
- Corrected a Syn menu disclaimer item description.
- Slightly improved the Violation system.
- Slightly improved the Settings.yml configuration.
- Slightly improved the Search-Engine feature.
- Updated the default log-file-limit from 5000 to 3500.
- Corrected several potential Fly neutral bypasses.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Block multi-threaded object.
- Drastically optimised the Event handlers by removing unnecessary listeners.
- Slightly optimised the Chunk-Manager system.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives caused by a location refresh bug.
- In this update I initially spent a good amount of time reorganising my classes, which ultimately let me to find many bugs and improve many handlers, features & detections.
- Corrected a small NoFall partial bypass caused by recent changes.
- Corrected a compatibility.yml option name.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities.
- Slightly improved the IrregularMovements check.
- Greatly improved the Ground utilities.
- Potentially corrected a Fly stable daylight-detector false positive.
- Potentially corrected a Fly neutral daylight-detector false positive.
- Slightly optimized the Speed check.
- Slightly optimized the KillAura check.
- Drastically improved the KillAura check.
- Brought back the functionality of the Killaura overall detection.
- Reorganized the Killaura detection names and checks.yml accordingly.
- Improved the verbose information of the Killaura check.
- Slightly optimized the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Slightly optimized the Cloud feature.
- Slightly improved the mcMMO compatibility.
- Drastically improved the Mining notifications.
- Corrected the functionality of the Killaura comparison detection.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Implemented automatic compatibility for a plugin named OldCombatMechanics.
- Corrected a Velocity infinite-double false positive.
- Corrected a bypass permission bug in the Permission system.
- Corrected a BoatMove separated ice-block false positive.
- Potentially corrected an IrregularMovements climbing(illegal) separated-ladder false positive.
- Greatly improved the Floor protection.
- Corrected several Speed limit Elytra false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall bypass caused by the floor protection.
- Potentially corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks(calculated) false positive.
Removed a forgotten Velocity check debug message.
- This is a huge update for almost all the combat checks. For the past week, I've taken a lot of time to debug, test and improve many combat checks, with the Velocity check being completely rewritten and the KillAura check now being more aggressive with animals, mobs, villagers & inactive players.
- Greatly optimized the KillAura check.
- Drastically improved the KillAura check in PvE/AFK combat situations.
- Drastically improved the Hack-Prevention multi-threaded object.
- Greatly improved the KillAura aim-accuracy detection.
- Greatly improved the KillAura direction detection.
- Greatly improved the KillAura precision detection.
- Greatly improved the KillAura targeted-area heuristic.
- Greatly optimized the HitReach check.
- Corrected a small bug in the Heuristics system.
- Drastically improved the HitReach check.
- Drastically improved the Combat utilities' listeners.
- Slightly improved the Speed check.
- Added more verbose information to the HitReach check.
- Potentially corrected a NoFall air rapid-falling false positive.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Made False-Positive-Detection logs to not be stored in console.
- Corrected a small colour text bug in the Syn menu.
- Verbose notifications are now enabled on logon by default.
- Corrected an Advanced-Reports feature no-such-method console error.
- Potentially corrected several Fly cob-web false positives.
- Added two plugins to the Recommended-Plugins inventory menu.
- Corrected a Fly stable honey-block false positive.
- Corrected several potential Fly honey-block false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio low-blocks false positive.
- Corrected a Fly neutral double-value false positive.
- Corrected a Damage protection NPC null-pointer console error.
- Drastically improved the FastClicks check.
- Corrected many major FastClicks bypasses.
- Corrected several Nuker honey-block false positives.
- Corrected several FastBreak honey-block false positives.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with new libraries.
- Corrected a Velocity check null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Velocity distance(sensitive) AFK false positive.
- Corrected a Velocity vertical AFK false positive.
- Potentially corrected a Velocity distance(sensitive) player-chasing false positive.
- Potentially corrected a Velocity horizontal player-chasing false positive.
- Potentially corrected a Velocity opposite player-chasing false positive.
- Greatly improved the MythicMobs compatibility.
- Corrected a Speed air limit MythicMobs compatibility false positive.
- Corrected the percentage of the discount in the Syn menu.
- Corrected several Jesus speed player-swimming false positives.
- Corrected a major 1.7 repeating null-pointer console error.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Punishments.enable_raw_ban_commands)
- Ban commands can now be executed without /spartan.
- Corrected a KillAura rapid-hits mob grinder false positive.
- Drastically improved the Water-Soul-Sand protection.
- Potentially corrected a Fly water upwards-buble false positive.
- Corrected several Criticals cob-web false positives.
- Corrected a gamemode handler null-pointer console error.
- Updated the codes of the public API jar file.
- Corrected an API obfuscation mistake.
- I completely broke my update schedule as it is no longer needed, the plugin is simply stable and well functional. In regards to Spartan Syn, it is no longer a subscription but a one-time purchase. It's revenue is expected to be less as its justification is now to help maintain the Cloud feature's servers.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards-before false positive.
- Corrected a Velocity vertical false positive.
- Improved the verbose information consistency in the Velocity check.
- Drastically improved the Ground utilities.
- Slightly improved the Block utilities.
- Drastically improved the Building protection.
- Corrected several inaccurate Ground utilities movement false positives.
- Corrected several IllegalPosition yaw false positives.
- Syn is no longer a subscription but a one-time purchase.
- Syn's existence is now also justified in the overview page to comply with SpigotMC rules.
- The IllegalPosition check was reported to not violate many times due to a bug in the violation handlers that would filter specific violations as verbose only. This problem has now been corrected.
- Corrected an Event-Handler detection blacklist bug.
- Corrected several IllegalPosition bypasses.
- Corrected a Block utilities block-vector method bug.
- Corrected several GhostHand false positives.
- Drastically improved the inventory menu handler.
- Drastically improved the Player-Info inventory menu with better descriptions & new functionalities.
- Potentially corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a BlockReach unused bed false positive.
- Corrected potential a BlockReach place false positive.
- Slightly improved & optimized the CombatAnalysis check.
- Drastically improved the No-Hit-Delay compatibility.
- Slightly improved the refresh handler of the Compatibility system.
- Spartan nows supports a plugin named AutoSync. This plugin can be used to synchronise the bans.yml file across a server network and then refresh the memory cache.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant unstable TPS false positive.
- Drastically improved the Recommend-Plugins inventory menu with better descriptions.
- Slightly improved the plugin.yml file with new optional dependencies.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named AutoSync.
- Drastically improved the Ban system with synchronisation features.
- Drastically improved the request of the Developer-Report feature.
- Drastically improved the Spartan inventory menu with new items & design.
- Slightly improved the Syn inventory menu with better descriptions & design.
- Drastically improved the Search-Engine with new advanced methods.
- All movement checks have been greatly improved due to changes in major handlers that directly affect their performance. Better stability should be expected.
- Slightly modified the Spartan Syn inventory menu.
- Corrected a MorePackets overall decimal value false positive.
- Corrected another Exploits packet-overflow console error.
- Corrected a Clip high latency false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step-high damage false positive.
- Removed the Movement-Analysis check from the Manage-Checks inventory menu.
- Potentially corrected a Jesus ypos-attempts repeated value false positive.
- Corrected a Speed ice-speed-blocks false positive.
- Corrected a Speed ice-speed-exit false positive.
- Corrected a Block utilities null-pointer console error.
- Potentially corrected another Block utilities null-pointer console error.
- Removed the Movement-Analysis check.
- Slightly optimized the Movement event handler.
- Updated the online documentation of the plugin.
- Potentially corrected an InventoryClicks console error.
- Implemented a specific discount to Spartan Syn.
- Potentially corrected a Spartan-Player concurrent console error.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a Packet-overflow 1.7 asynchronous console error.
- Slightly optimised the Configuration system.
- Slightly optimised the Register handler.
- Drastically improved the Piracy protection.
- Drastically improved the Syn handlers.
- Drastically improved the Developer-Report feature.
- Removed a Movement-Analysis check forgotten debug message.
- Corrected another Movement-Analysis Llama method console error.
- Corrected a BlockReach mcMMO false positive.
- Slightly optimized the Killaura check.
- Corrected a KillAura targeted-area hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected a toggle bug in the Performance-optimizer feature.
- Corrected a consistency but in the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Slightly improved the information of the awareness notifications.
- Slightly adjusted the Spartan Syn listing.
- Corrected an IllegalPosition boat false positive.
- Potentially corrected an IllegalPosition Elytra false positive.
- Potentially corrected an IllegalPosition swimming false positive.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio rapid block-breaking false positive.
- Corrected a Fly calculated rapid block-breaking false positive.
- Potentially corrected a Fly illegal rapid block-breaking false positive.
- Potentially corrected a Fly pre rapid block-breaking false positive.
- The Movement-Analysis check has been heavily improved and trained. Once the training is finished, the detection will start being developed and ultimately implemented.
- Corrected a KillAura yaw-movement infinite variable false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step-high damage false positive.
- Corrected a Movement-Analysis method console error.
- Potentially corrected a Jesus speed boat stepping false positive.
- Added additional information to the Developer-Report feature.
- Drastically improved the IllegalPosition check.
- Greatly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Heavily trained the Movement-Analysis check.
- Drastically improved the Request utilities.
- Greatly improved the Thread processing system.
- Potentially corrected a plugin on-disable console error.
- Removed the Developer-report failure cooldown.
- Removed two laggy handlers from the Cloud feature.
- Drastically improved & optimized the Movement-Analysis check's training system.
- Drastically improved the Item-Attributes compatibility.
- Drastically improved the UltimateStatistics compatibility.
- Greatly improved the Search-Engine feature.
- Slightly organized the plugin's packages.
- Drastically improved the ViaVersion support.
- Potentially corrected several Jesus version false positives.
Drastically improved the Item-Attributes compatibility with better handlers and support in the compatibility.yml configuration.
- The IllegalPosition check has been greatly stabilised after correcting dozens of false positives, expected and caused by its new detection.
- The development of the MovementAnalysis check has been initiated. This update has completed the learning part of it, meaning the check will use your server to be taught progressively.
- Corrected dozens of IllegalPosition yaw false positives.
- Prevented the Cloud feature from lagging the server.
- Drastically improved the Thread processing system.
- Corrected a Block utilities null-pointer console error.
- Initiated the development of the Movement-Analysis check.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with library additions.
- Slightly optimized the EntityMove check.
- Greatly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- The IllegalPosition check has received its fair share of improvements to fight against clients such as Baritone, and more specifically limit movements such as auto-path and auto-mine.
- Corrected an Item-Attributes compatibility bug that caused unnecessary bypasses.
- Potentially corrected a Block utilities null-pointer console error.
- Potentially corrected several Clip instant bypasses.
- Drastically improved the IllegalPosition check.
- Improved the verbose information in the IllegalPosition check.
- Greatly optimized the IllegalPosition check with recent utility handlers.
- Drastically improved the Violation system with the consideration of plugin ticks.
- Corrected several MorePackets post-reload false positives.
- Improved the NoHitDelay compatibility.
- Improved the Velocity check.
- Improved the EntityMove check.
- Improved the Movement utilities.
- Improved the Violation system.
- Improved the Combat utilities.
- Improved the Item-Attributes support.
- Corrected an Item-Attributes 1.8 console error.
- Corrected a potential Item-Attributes 1.9 console error.
- The long awaited support for Item-Attributes is finally here. Please keep in mind that more testing may be required, and this is in now way the final stage of this compatibility. For now, checks will exempt people based on specific attributes found.
- Corrected a Spartan inventory-menu null-pointer console error.
- Slightly optimized the Clip check with recent codes.
- Slightly optimized the Register handler of the plugin.
- Potentially corrected a Clip ypos TNT false positive.
- Drastically improved the Movement utilities.
- Drastically improved the Combat utilities.
- Drastically improved the EntityMove check.
- Drastically improved the Violation system.
- Implemented support for Item-Attributes.
- Implemented support for a plugin named Floodgate.
- Greatly improved the plugin.yml file.
- Corrected a Velocity direction arrow false positive.
- Corrected an issue where the Exploits chunk-updates detection wouldn't disable.
- Corrected a Speed default detection explosion false positive.
- Slightly improved the ProtocolSupport compatibility.
- Potentially resolved a colour syntax issue in the MythicMobs compatibility.
- Greatly improved the String utilities with new methods.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos boat false positive.
- Corrected an EntityMove check donkey console error.
- The Spartan menu has received a new design, new items, analytical descriptions, and new accessible inventory menus. Additionally, you can now view the active protections via the "Debug Yourself" item, which will further help with resolving weird support cases.
- Drastically improved the Spartan menu with new items & design.
- Created a new inventory menu named "Recommend Plugins".
- Created a new object named Recommend-Plugin.
- Created a new object named Protection.
- Implemented additional description information to the Spartan menu items.
- Greatly improved some Event handlers.
- Corrected the Suspected-Players inventory menu that prevented the Player-Info menu from opening.
- The recent major changes done to the movement checks have been slightly reworked, specifically to improve the checks' stability. No bypasses or false positives were caused.
- Corrected a SQL feature console error.
- Potentially corrected an IrregularMovements jump-unusual liquid false positive.
- Drastically improved the Liquid protection.
- Greatly improved the IrregularMovements check.
- Stabilised the recent major changes of the Jesus check.
- Most of the movement checks went thru a deep analysis the past few days, and with the additional help of customer reports, I was able to correct many bypasses and false positives.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards specific-value false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump-illegal false positive.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant liquid-timer bypass.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with new methods.
- Reworked an IrregularMovements climbing sneaking false positive.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object by updating its data properly.
- Corrected a Jesus speed ground-swimming bypass.
- Corrected a Jesus repeated y-motion bypass.
- The Suspected-Players inventory menu is now up to date with the Legitimate-Players and Hacker-Finder inventory menus, meaning it offers pages and a more optimised look, both code and presentation-wise.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus repeated depth-strider false positive.
- Drastically improved the Suspected-Players inventory menu.
- Slightly improved the Suspected-Players chat notifications.
- Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu.
- I would like everyone to know that I am currently undergoing recovery from an eye laser operation. I cannot see very well and I am not allowed to push myself. Please be patient with support, be helpful, and let others know.
- Drastically improved the SQL feature with new abilities.
- Made the SQL feature auto-reconnect whenever connection is lost.
- Implemented a new option to the mysql.yml configuration. (use_SSL)
- Updated the online documentation with the plugin's recent configuration.
- You do not have to follow my update schedule religiously. I know updating often is too much for 90%+ of my customers. I recommend updating weekly which is a considerable amount of time passed.
- The Search-Engine feature will now work more efficiently, accept further outdated Spartan versions, and ultimately be more friendly to big and massive servers who do not have the ability to update Spartan so regularly.
- Drastically improved the Search-Engine feature.
- Introduced a new variable to the Search-Engine feature.
- Increased the amount of versions the Search-Engine feature can look back.
- Made the Search-Engine feature more friendly for big to massive servers.
- Slightly optimized the Search-Engine feature.
- Greatly improved the Fishing-Hook protection.
- Corrected a Fly rapid block breaking false positive.
- Potentially corrected several Speed sensitive detection false positives.
- Greatly improved the Block utilities with new advanced methods.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing web false positive.
- Drastically improved the mcMMO compatibility with full null-pointer protection handlers.
- Corrected a mcMMO compatibility null-pointer console error.
- Build 314 may severely malfunction due to a math calculation inside the Ping protection. In simpler words, many checks may not work at all, allowing bypasses to take place. This update is 100% recommended.
- Drastically improved the Latency utilities with new limitations.
- Drastically improved the Ping protection with better handling.
- Drastically improved the Violation system with better processing.
- Removed a malfunctioning Ping protection handler.
- Corrected a major Latency utilities max-integer bug.
- Corrected a major Clip instant upwards bypass.
- Dozens of bypass have been corrected in this update, also known as "disablers" by client developers. They find a vulnerability in an anti-cheat and they take advantage to make all sorts and types of bypasses.
- Drastically improved the Ground utilities.
- Drastically improved the Ping protection.
- Prevented instant latency Ping protection bypasses.
- Prevented ground spoofing Ground utilities bypasses.
- Corrected several Fly check bypasses.
- Corrected several Speed check bypasses.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements air-jump bypass.
- Potentially partially/fully corrected a major Clip bypass.
- The Ping protection has been improved and it will no longer cause unnecessary bypasses when a player's latency is near excellence.
- Corrected a Velocity endermite false positive.
- Corrected a potential Velocity silverfish false positive.
- Greatly improved the Violation system.
- Drastically improved the Ping protection.
- Greatly improved the TPS protection.
- The TPS protection has been improved and it will no longer cause unnecessary bypasses when TPS are near excellence.
- Slightly improved the Explosion protection.
- Greatly improved the Damage protection.
- Drastically improved the NPC compatibility.
- Drastically improved the TPS protection.
- Greatly improved the Violation system.
- A new command has been added to help customers use Spartan's reporting system in all cases, since it now greatly benefits the Search-Engine and most of the plugin's features. This command unlike others is dynamic, meaning it's not registered in the plugin's plugin.yml file, therefore preventing any kind of concurrent bugs from occurring, and will need to be enabled via the settings.yml configuration. Permissions apply per usual.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Punishments.enable_raw_report_command)
- Implemented a new dynamic command. (/report)
- Slightly improved the Command event-handler.
- Implemented a new very requested moderation feature.
- Removed the unused Patreon alternative licensing system.
- Updated the plugin's online documentation.
- Corrected an UltimateStatistics cps-counter null-pointer console error.
- Corrected the Spartan menu description of the Legitimate-Players feature.
- Corrected the Spartan menu description of the Reports-Menu feature.
- Corrected a bug where you could take items of the Reports-Menu feature inventory menu.
- Corrected an old server-version Spartan inventory-menu no-such-field console error.
- Corrected an old server-version Syn inventory-menu no-such-field console error.
- Under customer request, a new API method was presented and thought of being added. Eventually, it and a few others were created and are documented below. Old API versions will still work as expected.
- Implemented 3 new Developer API methods.
- Updated the local path of the plugin's API.
- Updated the public URL of the plugin's API.
- Greatly improved the Config system.
- Updated the documentation of the plugin's API.
API Changes:
Code (Text):
void getMaxPunishmentViolation(HackType hackType)
void getMinPunishmentViolation(HackType hackType)
Boolean mayPunishPlayer(Player p, HackType hackType)
- A new inventory-menu was pre-scheduled and is now added for Syn members. You will now be able to view all reports players have made and take action based on them.
- Corrected a cooldown utilities null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a potential attempt utilities null-pointer console error.
- Greatly improved the Cooldown utilities.
- Greatly improved the Attempt utilities.
- Greatly improved the Millis utilities.
- Potentially corrected a GhostHand bell false positive.
- Corrected some unnecessary bypasses caused by the Syn menus.
- Slightly improved the Advanced-Reports syn feature.
- Apparently modified the Syn & Spartan menus.
- Implemented a new Reports inventory-menu feature.
- Reports will now be logged like Bans and Kicks have been for a long time. This will help the Search-Engine feature trace them, hence drastically improving the hacker identification system and many features connected to it.
- Updated the official test server to also support 1.15 versions.
- Potentially corrected an old false positive caused by custom fishing rod damage.
- Greatly improved the Punish utilities.
- Drastically improved the Logs system by storing reports.
- Drastically improved the Search-Engine feature by including report calculations in the results.
- Drastically improved the Hacker-Finder inventory menu by including report calculations in the results.
- Drastically optimized the UltimateStatistics compatibility with prevention of recurrent variable setting and check.
- Organised the cache variables of the Search-Engine feature.
- Slightly optimised the Velocity check.
- Syn members now can allow their members to take use of 2 reporting systems. The default, requiring a player and a reason, and now the new, which only requires a player and then opens a menu with a fixed list of reasons controlled via the private reports.yml configuration.
- Corrected an Event handler null-pointer console error.
- Potentially corrected several Event handlers console errors.
- Implemented additional uses of the NPC identification system.
- Corrected an ProtocolLib handler null-pointer console error.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement block breaking false positive.
- Potentially corrected a rare KillAura rapid-hits false positive.
- Implemented an advanced report feature for Syn members.
- Slightly improved the configuration system.
- Modified the Syn membership inventory menu.
- Corrected a duplicate bug in the Reporting system.
- Slightly improved the Violation system.
- Drastically improved the TPS protection by adjusting its limitations.
- Drastically improved the Latency protection by adjusting its limitations.
- Corrected several bypasses caused by the TPS & Latency protection.
- Drastically improved the Movement scheduled handler.
- Potentially corrected a major packet movement bypass.
- Thanks to everyone that consistently makes developer-reports. You people are really helping the development of the plugin, making it even safer for others to use.
- Corrected several KillAura angle false positives.
- Corrected several KillAura rapid-hits false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements block-climbing vine bypass.
- Potentially corrected the Exploits packet-overflow unfixed console error.
- Slightly improved the Fly packets detection by making it faster.
- Greatly improved the FastBreak check with limitation adjustments.
- Drastically improved the NPC identification handler.
Pastebin.com is currently down and my services heavily depend on it. I corrected the Piracy protection and prevented it from malfunctioning, ultimately causing the plugin to disable.
- Corrected an Event handler NPC null-pointer console error.
- Drastically improved the Attempt utilities.
- Greatly improved the Millis utilities.
- Drastically improved the Cooldown utilities.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio feather-falling enchantment false positive.
- Slightly optimized the MorePackets check.
- Corrected a previously unfixed Exploits packet-overflow console error.
- Spartan will now identify water-logged blocks, also known as a type of block introduced in 1.13, which allows semi-solid blocks to also take the state of liquid and be surrounded with it instead of air.
- Corrected an Event handler null-pointer console error.
- Corrected an Exploits packet-overflow asynchronous-entity-add console error.
- Drastically optimized the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected dozens of movement false positives by detecting water-logged blocks.
- Improved the Block utilities liquid-block methods.
- Improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Improved the Spartan-Block multi-threaded object.
- Implemented support for water-logged blocks.
- The Velocity check has been drastically improved. Previously, most of the check's detections wouldn't support bow shots, while now enchanted bows will allow almost all detections to take place with even lenient configuration.
- Drastically improved the Velocity check with better knockback handlers.
- Potentially corrected a Velocity enchanted-bow damage bypass.
- Improved the plugin's online documentation with mistake corrections.
- Drastically improved the Chat protection with space handling.
- Slightly improved the 1.15 compatibility.
- Potentially corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold bypass.
- Added additional information to the ImpossibleActions verbose notifications.
- Slightly optimized the ImpossibleActions check.
- The Velocity check has been drastically improved. Previously, most of the check's detections wouldn't support bow shots, while now enchanted bows will allow almost all detections to take place with even lenient configuration.
- Drastically improved the Velocity check with better knockback handlers.
- Potentially corrected a Velocity enchanted-bow damage bypass.
- Improved the plugin's online documentation with mistake corrections.
- Drastically improved the Chat protection with space handling.
- Slightly improved the 1.15 compatibility.
- Potentially corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold bypass.
- Added additional information to the ImpossibleActions verbose notifications.
- Slightly optimized the ImpossibleActions check.
- It seems that 1.15 was a pretty simple and easy to do compatibility. Only difficulty was the honey blocks, which apparently share many similarities to the slime blocks, just in an opposite way.
- We are half way thru December, Christmas is close, and we will be soon entering a new year. I would you like to thank everyone who supported me by reporting issues, providing feedback, and purchasing my products. 2019 was my best year yet and I have huge plans for the future of my small company and its customers.
- Lastly, this is Build 300, which is like any other build, but clearly shows the progress and improvements Spartan has gone thru. I've been putting more work than ever daily for the past year, even if I was travelling for work or fun, I always had my laptop with me, assisting people whenever I find time.
- Slightly optimized the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Implemented 1.15 compatibility.
- Made the NoSlowdown food detection run only in survival and adventure gamemodes.
- Implemented 1.15 compatibility in the Version utilities.
- Implemented support for honey blocks in the Ground utilities.
- Implemented support for honey blocks in the Block utilities.
- Implemented support for the honey block in the Fly check.
- Implemented support for the honey block in the NoFall check.
- Implemented support for the honey block in the Speed check.
- Implemented support for the honey block in the IrregularMovements check.
- Implemented support for the honey block in the Speed check.
- Implemented support for fall-damage ganerule in the NoFall check.
- Slightly improved the Piracy protection.
- After reports of a customer having problems with the Cloud feature, specially their server crashing, I added an option to disable it. You should ONLY disable this feature if you face major issues, as removing it will disable parts of the False-Positive-Detection & Developer-Report features and will render the CombatAnalysis check useless.
- Drastically improved the Combat utilities.
- Potentially corrected many combat high-damage item bypasses.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (HitReach.account_speed_effect)
- Greatly improved the HitReach's check handling of speeds.
- Corrected several KillAura rapid-hits high latency false positives.
- Corrected a major bug in the False-Positive-Detection feature that allowed partially protected checks to be protected fully.
- Corrected a few KillAura direction false positives.
- Greatly improved the Piracy protection.
- Implemented a new settings.yml configuration option. (Important.cloud_feature)
- Potentially corrected a Cloud feature crash a customer faced.
- Corrected a major IrregularMovements block-climbing bypass.
- Improved the security of the TPS protection.
- Improved the security of the Ping protection.
- This update corrects a few but very annoying and resourceful console errors that caused servers to lag, a few crash, and many have their storage full from the recent server log files. Enjoy!
- Corrected an Exploits packet-overflow console error.
- Potentially corrected an Exploits packet-overflow console error.
- Corrected a ViaVersion compatibility console error.
- The settings.yml configuration of the plugin has been drastically simplified by having many unneeded options removed. Reseting the specific file or general configuration is not required.
- Removed the settings.yml option 'Important.developer_api_events' as it no longer serves a purpose of optimising the plugin.
- Removed the settings.yml option 'Notifications.violations_reset_message' due to the automated message being removed to reduce unnecessary spam.
- Removed the settings.yml option 'Logs.log_false_positives' as storing false positives is now necessary for the plugin's better performance.
- Removed. the settings.yml option 'Protections.prevent_same_chat_messages' as the plugin will now judge its correct use.
- Corrected a minor prevention bug in the Chat protection.
- Removed the settings.yml option 'Notifications.verbose_notifications' as it caused confusion.
- Use of custom Verbose notifications will now disable the automated version until the plugin is reloaded.
- Removed the settings.yml option 'Important.periodically_refresh_configuration' as it no longer serves a purpose of optimising the plugin.
- Included the KillAura block-raytrace detection in the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- All movement protections have been improved, optimised or both to prevent unknown (usually major) bypasses from occurring. Additionally, all of them will now reset properly, preventing false cache from being used.
- ViaVersion is already a compatible plugin. What this update changed is that Spartan will now use it to check a player's actual version and prevent false positives from occurring, such as those of fake swimming.
- Slightly optimized the File logging utilities.
- Implemented compatibility support for a plugin named ViaVersion.
- Implemented player-version support with the ViaVersion API.
- Improved the handling of the Version utilities.
- Potentially corrected many console errors caused by the Block utilities.
- Corrected dozens of Jesus swimming false positives with the ViaVersion compatibility.
- Drastically improved & optimized the Gamemode protection.
- Drastically improved the Death-n-Respawn protection.
- Drastically improved & optimized the Invisible-Block protection.
- Greatly optimized & optimized the Shulker-Box protection.
- Greatly improved & optimized the Item-Teleporter protection.
- Drastically improved the Move utilities with new method implementations.
- Greatly improved the Water-Soul-Sand protection.
- Greatly improved & optimized the Piston protection.
- Drastically improved & optimised the Teleport protection.
- Drastically optimised the Velocity check.
- Prevented unnecessary check cancellations that resulted in potential bypasses.
- Corrected a handler bug in the Exploits packet-overflow detection.
- The Ping protection has received major improvements to prevent latency manipulations which would lead to major bypasses, mostly movement related. Changes have taken place both in the main method and individual calls.
- Potentially corrected a Fly vertical slow bypass.
- Corrected a Command handlers null-pointer console error.
- Corrected an Event handler null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Spartan-Bukkit handler null-pointer console error.
- Corrected many movement high latency bypasses.
- Greatly improved the Latency utilities.
- Drastically improved all parts of the Fly check.
- Implemented two new checks.yml configuration options.
Checks.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
- Corrected a Damage protection console error.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Inventory multi-threaded object.
- Greatly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected several Jesus 1.8 swimming false positives with the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected several Jesus 1.8 walking false positives with the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected an Exploits ping-spoof(packets) high latency false positive.
- Corrected several HitReach horizontal latency false positives.
- Drastically improved the NoSlowdown now detection.
- Corrected a Legitimate-Players inventory menu console error.
- Corrected a Hacker-Finder invdntory menu console error.
- The False-Positive-Detection feature has dramatically been improved with handlers allowing it to identify players causing fake false-positives. Although the fake false-positives will be temporarily kept in cache, illegitimate players will be exempted by the feature, rendering the fake false-positives useless.
- Corrected an issue where bots would be unable to cause damage.
- Greatly improved the Violation system.
- Drastically improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Greatly improved the Search-Engine feature.
- Potentially corrected several Fly cobweb false positives.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Important.server_version)
- This update made me pay a lot of attention to the small but very important calculations of utilities and checks. The plugin is expected to perform much better with these changes.
- Corrected several ImpossibleActions scaffold false positives.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Detections.ignore_shields)
- Slightly optimized the ImpossibleActions check.
- Slightly improved the Piracy system.
- Updated the Ground teleportation method.
- Brought back the Jesus check in the False-Positive-Detection feature with specific arguments.
- Corrected dozens of 1.13+ Jesus swimming false positives.
- Drastically improved the Player utilities.
- Made more swimming positions compatible with outdated server versions.
- Drastically improved the accuracy of the Jesus calculations.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards false positives.
- Potentially corrected several movement ender-dragon false positives.
- Corrected a few remaining ImpossbileActions scaffold false positives.
- Corrected dozens of combat cancellations caused by the new protection malfunctioning.
- Made several improvements to the Velocity check.
- Greatly improved the Developer-report feature.
- Made the settings.yml option periodically-refresh-configuration set to false by default.
- Drastically improved the Combat protections.
- Corrected a bug in the NoFall check where configuration would be ignored and players damaged.
- Greatly improved the Hack-Prevention handler.
- Corrected a malfunctioning part of the MythicMobs compatibility.
- Corrected many NoFall ratio building false positives.
- Greatly improved the ImpossibleActions scaffold liquid detection performance.
- Drastically improved the ImpossibleActions scaffold limitation management.
- Implemented a new protection to handle block placement.
- Greatly improved the Move utilities with new advanced methods.
- Corrected dozens of ImpossibleActions scaffold false positives.
- Ping protection now received the same major update the TPS protection previously received. Additionally, the TPS protection has had several bugs corrected, hence improving the overall performance even further.
- Corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object null-pointer vehicle error.
- Implemented additional verbose information to the ImpossibleActions check.
- Made the Spartan inventory-menu permissions more consistently used.
- Implemented full compatibility for the MythicMobs plugin.
- Drastically improved the Ping protection with new handlers.
- Potentially corrected dozens of artificial swimming false positives.
- Drastically improved the Violation system.
- Implemented additional improvements to the TPS protection.
- Drastically improved the Ping protection with handlers inside if each check.
- Removed the Jesus check from the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected several BoatMove multiple-passenger false positives.
- The TPS protection now has its own individual handler inside of each check, ensuring more comparisons will be made to prevent false positives caused by server lag. This one is actually not very dependant in numbers, meaning it will almost never fail to assist the plugin's performance.
- Corrected a major Jesus bug that caused several bypasses.
- Corrected a major BoatMove bug that caused many bypasses.
- Drastically improved the multi-threaded Spartan-Player object.
- Corrected a few BoatMove vertical false positives.
- Implemented compatibility support for a plugin named MythicMobs
- Slightly optimized the methods of the Player utilities.
- Potentially corrected a silent-check cancellation bug.
- Greatly improved the Violation system with higher quality code.
- Drastically improved the TPS protection with new handlers.
- Slightly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities
- Corrected a Fly stable & neutral cauldron false positive.
- Implemented more null-pointer protections to the config.yml configuration.
- Greatly optimized the config.yml configuration's command cache system.
- Made the ban-info command to show the expiration date.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Important.periodically_refresh_comfiguration)
- Corrected several KillAura angle off-combat false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus bypasses caused by partially malfunctioning handler.
- After many requests over time by many customers, a temporary-ban command has been implemented as part of the plugin's moderation features. You can ban someone for minutes, hours, days, weeks or even years.
- Brought back the functionality of the GhostHand check.
- Drastically improved the Block utilities' methods.
- Corrected several GhostHand break & interact bypasses.
- Corrected a Velocity horizontal bypass.
- Removed the Syn Membership sponsored-servers feature.
- Brought back the functionality of the VeinMiner compatibility.
- Corrected an UltimateStatistics no-such-method console error.
- Prevented compatibilities from not loading correctly.
- Corrected a major Ground utilities inaccuracy handler issue.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by the Ground utilities.
- Drastically optimized the Ban system and its commands.
- Implemented a new moderation command. (/spartan tempban)
- Corrected several custom fishing-hook movement false positives.
- Corrected several Velocity ladder/vine false positives.
- Potentially corrected a Jesus horizontal sprinting bypass.
- Drastically improved the potion-effect calculations of the Jesus check.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jumping-unusual half-block false positive.
Corrected a FastClicks cps-counter stack-overflow console error.
- A major issue has been corrected that prevented the CombatAnalysis check from functioning correctly. This means for most buyers, the check was not working for a while now.
- After a few complaints, almost all of the URL connections are made asynchronously, hence preventing the main-thread from waiting the process to finish and ultimately cause the server to lag.
- Improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a Fly neutral head false positive.
- Implemented a new Developer API method. (setOnGround)
- Updated the public API version of the plugin.
- Corrected several potential FastClicks false positives.
- Improved the FastClicks check using the UltimateStatistics support.
- Corrected a Speed teleportation 1.9 entity-push false positive.
- Corrected a VeinMiner class-load compatibility warning.
- Implemented an additional lag protection to the UltimateStatistics support.
- Added the UltimateStatistics plugin to the compatibility.yml configuration.
- Optimized the CombatAnalysis cache handler by making it asynchronous.
- Slightly improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Optimized the Cloud feature cache handler by making it asynchronous.
- Optimized the Developer-report feature cache handler by making it partially asynchronous.
- Optimized the Search-Engine feature cache handler by making it partially asynchronous.
- Corrected a major issue where the CombatAnalysis check wouldn't function at all.
- Further optimized the support of the UltimateStatistics plugin.
- Corrected a potential lag issue with the UltimateStatistics plugin.
- Prevented unnecessary cache from taking place.
- Corrected a major teleportation movement bypass.
- Corrected an underground teleportation exploit.
- Improved the teleportation-location calculation.
- Drastically improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities when stepping on boats.
- Corrected several Ground utilities false results.
- Corrected several movement body false positives.
- Corrected a major MorePackets instant step bypass.
- Dozens of awareness notifications that may have produced spam have been removed. It's recommended to keep this feature enabled, as now you will only be notified in important cases.
- Removed many awareness notifications that my have produced spam.
- Revamped several of the few remaining awareness notifications.
- Corrected a Combat utilities null-pointer console error.
- Drastically improved the Ultimate-Statistics plugin support.
- Corrected a potential Ultimate-Statistics data-gathering lag issue.
- Greatly improved the Clip vector detection with new limitations.
- Corrected several potential Clip vector bypasses.
- Potentially finally corrected an mcMMO null-pointer console error.
- Potentially corrected an IrregularMovements wall-climb bypass.
- A new settings.yml option has been implemented to assist users with servers that have custom knockback. All you have to do is set the option to true and limitations will be automatically adjusted.
- Corrected several NoSlowdown item-usage high latency false positives.
- Corrected several Velocity wall false positives.
- Corrected several vanilla-fly movement false positives.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Protections.custom_knockback)
- Corrected a Velocity compatibility problem with custom knockback.
- Corrected several Fly calculated high latency false positives.
- Corrected several Velocity shield false positives.
- Greatly improved the Combat utilities.
- Corrected several Clip vector false positives.
- Corrected several KillAura targeted-area false positives.
- A few of the logs of this update were unfortunately lost. No apparent changes for most customers, just casual maintenance of the plugin.
- Corrected several KillAura targeted-area false positives.
- Corrected a misconfigured library in the Block utilities.
- Corrected an event-handler null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Velocity horizontal false positive.
- Corrected a Velocity combined false positive.
- Corrected several ImpossibleActions scaffold bypasses.
- Corrected several MorePackets instant false positives.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with new methods.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement bypass.
- Updated the plugin.yml version to the correct one.
- Corrected a False-Positive-Detection feature null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several KillAura targeted-area false positives.
- A new detection by the name "vector" was added to the Clip check. This detection will calculate all blocks in-between within a certain distance, hence understanding if the player has tried to exploit their way thru illegal paths.
- Increased the length of the "info" column in the SQL feature.
- Brought back the False-Positive-Detection feature to specific parts of the Fly check.
- Brought back the False-Positive-Detection feature to specific parts of the Exploits check.
- Corrected a NPC null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several low-ground Fly calculated false positives.
- Corrected several low-ground Fly illegal false positives.
- Implemented null-pointer handling to the command-related events.
- Implemented null-pointer handling to the chat-related events.
- Corrected several null-shooter arrow-damage movement false positives.
- Corrected several end-rods movement false positives.
- Implemented a new Clip detection named vector.
- Corrected a misconfigured library in the Block utilities.
- Corrected several movement chorus-flower false positives.
- Attempted to correct hitbox-bugged anvil movement false positives.
- Corrected a temporary lag caused by the compatibility between Spartan and UltimateStatistics.
- Corrected a Player utilities null-pointer console error.
- Made the BlockReach check more compatible with abstract features.
- Corrected a Velocity horizontal false positive.
- Corrected a Fly up random false positive.
- Corrected some malfunctioning Developer API methods.
- Removed a tutorial referral message from the Syn menu.
- Corrected a mcMMO null-pointer console error.
- Removed an unneeded settings.yml configuration option.
- Corrected all remaining ProtocolLib temporary-player console error.
- This update had me read countless of false-positive logs by customers in order to improve the hit-delay compatibility, so practice servers can have a more safe and stable gameplay.
- Drastically improved the KillAura targeted-area heuristic.
- Improved the Combat utilities by implementing tons of new methods.
- Implemented a new type of utilities to identify armor contents.
- Improved the compatibility of the No-Hit-Delay feature.
- Prevented certain parts of the configuration from spamming the log files.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump-unusual hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements hop hit-delay false positives.
- Corrected several KillAura targeted-area hit-delay false positives.
- Corrected a KillAura accuracy hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected dozens of Fly stable latency false positives.
- Corrected an inventory-opening asynchronous console error.
- Greatly improved the Jesus check with violation exceptions.
- Corrected a Jesus flooding water bypass.
- Possibly corrected several ImpossibleActions scaffold bypasses.
- Corrected several Speed entity pushing false positives.
- Slightly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a Fly down cobweb false positive.
- Prevented one of the Syn features from sending public notifications.
- The Fly & NoFall checks do no longer need to be part of the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected a Velocity check cobweb false positive.
- Reversed some recent NoFall changes to prevent several bypasses.
- Corrected a NoFall air semi-blockbfalse positive.
- Slightly improved the verbose information of the Killaura check.
- Corrected a KillAura hits-per-sec false positive.
- Corrected several MorePackets difference false positives.
- Drastically improved the Lag protection.
- Greatly improved the IrregularMovements climbing detection.
- Slightly improved the Client-Sided-Block library & protection.
- Greatly improved the ImpossibleActions scaffold check.
- Greatly improved the Move utilities with new methods.
- Possibly corrected a movement cancellation teleport exploit.
- Implemented support for Donkeys in the EntityMove check.
- Implemented support for Llamas in the EntityMove check.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements block-climbing bypass.
- Heavy syn-membership inventory menus will now be loaded asynchronously.
- Slightly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Implemented additional features dedicated to the Syn members.
- Corrected a major functionality in the FastEat check.
- Corrected a several KillAura incompatible false positives.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named RealDualWield.
- Slightly improved the Debug feature with more movement information.
- Implemented additional protections in the methods of the Player utilities.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop fishing-hook cudtom-damage false positive.
- Corrected a mcMMO compatibility null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several Exploits ping-spoof bypasses caused by the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Slightly improved the UltimateStatistics plugin support.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Implemented correction handlers to the fire-tick counter.
- Possibly corrected a bug that created several major BoatMove bypasses.
- Implemented new configuration syntax option. ( {vls:detectionName} )
- Greatly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Possibly corrected many movement bypasses by improving the Ground utilities.
- Implemented NPC support in all of Spartan's protections.
- Slightly improved the NPC utilities.
- Greatly improved the Violation system.
- Implemented two new Developer API methods.
- Corrected the cache clearance of the Violation system.
- Corrected a Jesus horse-mounting false positive.
- Corrected a Velocity check null-pointer console error.
- Slightly improved the Sprint check.
- Corrected a Violation system console error.
Developer API Changes:
Code (Text):
void enableSilentChecking (Player p, HackType hackType)
void disableSilentChecking(Player p, HackType hackType)
Removed two forgotten debug messages from the KillAura targeted-area heuristic.
- I would like to give my genuine thanks to @byVite, @XxTobiLP and SaubereSache for helping me resolve many false positives and bypasses in this and recent updates. This update is more than recommended.
- Prevented the Syn menu awareness notification from being spammed.
- Corrected a Velocity check null-pointer console error.
- Greatly improved the Combat utilities with library additions.
- Corrected a KillAura angle enderman false positive.
- Corrected a small NoFall ratio bypass.
- Removed all NoFall checks.yml configuration options.
- Removed all unneeded NoFall detections to save performance.
- Greatly improved the accuracy of the Movement & Ground utilities.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio liquid false positive.
- Corrected a major Jesus upwards-after false positive.
- Drastically improved the Block-Break protection.
- Corrected a FastClicks click-consistency block-breaking false positives.
- Corrected a FastClicks click-time block-breaking false positives.
- Corrected a FastClicks cps block-breaking false positives.
- Greatly improved the Player utilities with new methods.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement boat-exit false positive.
- Corrected a few Jesus speed limit false positives.
- Drastically improved the KillAura targeted-area heuristic.
- Corrected several Fly block breaking false positives.
- Greatly improved the heuristics handlers with new methods.
- Corrected a major Velocity check functionality issue.
- Improved the cache clearance of the Ground utilities.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected a Criticals latency false positive.
- Many major bypasses were corrected in this update, mainly in relation with movement checks. Additionally, the Syn membership has received additional awareness notifications, and new methods have been implemented in the Developer API.
- Implemented a new API object method. [ getViolationHistory() ]
- Greatly improved the compatibility with the UltimateStatistics plugin.
- UltimateStatistics will now drastically help find legitimate players.
- An additional awareness notification has been added to the Syn membership menu.
- Corrected several major NoFall bypasses.
- Corrected a major movement bypass caused by custom fishing-hook damage.
- Corrected a faulty prevention-teleportation issue with all movement checks.
- Possibly corrected a major movement bypass exploit.
- Drastically improved the Exploits undetected-movement detection.
- The ground utility has been heavily enhanced with better handlers, which will ultimately improve the stability of all the movement checks. Additionally, the API has had several corrections in some of its major but surprisingly recently broken features.
- Corrected a major bug in the client-sided-block API library.
- Corrected several null-pointer console errors caused by the client-sided-block API library.
- Greatly improved the Building protection.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named SuperPickaxe.
- Implemented additional features to the Syn Membership.
- Possibly corrected a ProtocolLib-related console error.
- Corrected several Velocity cobweb false positives.
- Corrected several Clip ice-block false positives.
- Drastically improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected several Fly ladder/vine false positives.
- Corrected a Fly above door false positives.
Corrected a HackPrevention multi-threaded Spartan object null-pointer console error.
- This update comes with additional bypass corrections that were found after a lot of research, or by very kind members in my community. Additionally, a prevention bug has been corrected, meaning silent mode and cancel-after-violation option will now function as expected.
- Corrected a major forced prevention bug for all checks.
- Reworked some parts of the Fly check.
- The BoatMove check will now function on all server versions.
- Corrected several BoatMove major bypasses.
- Corrected several Jesus moving-liquid false positives.
- Corrected a major NoFall bypass.
- Implemented a new language.yml option. (server_name)
- The replacement of the syntax {server-name} has been corrected.
- This updates corrects major bypasses in the NoFall, BoatMove, Jesus & MorePackets checks. Additionally, major false positives were corrected in the Fly, Speed & IrregularMovements checks. This update is extremely recommended.
- Moved some Implemented events to another thread to prevent console errors.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump-illegal carpet false positive.
- Corrected a teleport event null-pointer console error.
- Corrected several Fly stable false positives.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Logs.log_false_positives)
- Corrected a major prevention bug in the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected another Exploits packet-overflow null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Speed ice(exit) false positive.
- Corrected a BoatMove major bug that allowed bypasses.
- Corrected several NoFall major bypasses.
- Corrected several Jesus timer bypasses via the MorePackets check.
Corrected a Search-Engine feature null-pointer console error.
- This update caused me to deeply research the plugin's source and find bugs in the code, or even small parts of features that weren't working properly. Updating is recommended.
- Drastically optimized all schedulers with up-to-date code.
- Configuration will now be automatically reloaded every hour to prevent data corruptions.
- Slightly improved the NPC identification system.
- Corrected an Exploits packet-overflow false positive.
- Slightly improved the Nuker check's compatibility.
- Corrected several FastClicks click-consistency false positives.
- Corrected a FastClicks click-time false positive.
- Implemented a new configuration syntax option. ( {server-name} )
- Added description for the XRay check in the Manage-Checks inventory menu.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) carpet false positive.
- Spartan notifications can now be disabled via an option found in the settings.yml configuration. By default, they are enabled, ensuring their purpose of increasing awareness is served.
- Drastically improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected the Legitimate-Players menu from not responding to clicks.
- Drastically improved the Spartan-Location multi-threaded object.
- Improved many movement block-edge false positives.
- Greatly optimized & improved the Speed check.
- Drastically optimized & improved the Move utilities.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Notifications.awareness_notifications)
- Corrected several Clip end-world enter false positives.
- Corrected possible world-change false positives.
- Greatly improved the X-Ray check with new limitations.
- Greatly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Possibly corrected several Jesus boat false positives.
- The Developer-Report feature has been updated with additional notifications about TPS, letting a customer know the severity of the problem.
- Additionally, the Spartan-Cloud feature will now be able to retrieve percentages from the Developer-Report feature, hence it can better decide whether information should be stored and shared with all customers.
- Prevented certain notifications from affecting Syn members.
- Updated the messages of some of the notifications.
- Possibly corrected a Hacker-Finder menu loading crash.
- Greatly improved & optimized the Chunk utilities.
- Corrected several EntityMove horse-jumping false positives.
- Corrected several BoatMove tick-counting false positives.
- Corrected a Velocity combined false positive.
- Drastically improved the Developer-Report feature.
- Drastically improved the efficiency of the Spartan Cloud.
- The Syn Membership has received additional features requested by its customers. Feedback is crucial to my product's improvement, hence please don't hesitate to contact me.
- Additional notifications have been implemented to help customers increase their awareness in regards to the plugin's features.
- Implemented delay to server-join notifications.
- Corrected 2 small Main-Menu inventory-menu syn-membership bugs.
- Updated the description of the Syn membership.
- Updated the pricing of the Syn membership.
- Corrected a Damage protection null-pointer console error.
- Improved several Fly downwards detections.
- Possibly corrected a few Fly downwards bypasses.
- Corrected a HitReach mcMMO taming false positive.
- Greatly improved the punishment prioritization.
- Drastically improved the mcMMO compatibility.
- Implemented additional notifications bound to player violations.
- Possibly corrected several Fly liquid false positives.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement liquid false positive.
- Greatly improved the Permission utilities.
- Greatly improved the command handlers.
- Implemented a new language.yml option. (unknown_command)
- Implemented additional features to the syn membership.
- Spartan Cloud now archives developer-reports and notifies other customers of potentially malfunctioning checks. This will help prevent false positives by providing abstract awarenesses of the plugin's performance.
- Corrected a major Ground utilities chorus-flower bug.
- Corrected many movement false positives by correcting the Ground utilities.
- Corrected an InventoryClicks shift low-violation false positive.
- Permanent false positives can now be identified x2 times easier.
- Legitimate-Players inventory-menu now refreshes on plugin reload.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements climbing false positives.
- Developer-Reports are now archived in the Spartan-Cloud to notify customers of potential check malfunctions.
- Slightly improved the Syn membership inventory-menu.
- Corrected several mcMMO combat taming-ability false positives.
- Corrected an Exploits chunk-updates false positive.
- Improved the Error utilities with new methods.
- Implemented Main-Menu chat notifications.
- Corrected a NoFall air jump-effect false positive.
Reworked the building/interact cancellation issue, as it seemed to not have been resolved.
- This update was released earlier to possibly correct a building/interact cancellation issue. Additionally, semi-major false positive corrections took place in the KillAura & BoatMove check.
- Corrected a major vulnerability in the Latency/Ping protection.
- Slightly optimized several block-placing handlers.
- Possibly corrected a major ImpossibleActions building cancellation issue.
- Corrected a possible FastClicks Interact cancellation issue.
- Improved the Player utilities with new methods.
- Corrected a small problem with the Piracy protection.
- Took steps to ensure the BoatMove check's false positives are heavily moderated.
- Corrected many KillAura high speed-effect angle & direction false positives.
- Corrected a few KillAura speed-effect yaw-movement & targeted-area false positives.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib temporary-player console error.
- The Latency protection recently received several improvements. Some of them caused the protection to be too sensitive and malfunction, hence a hot-fix was released. This update ensures no sensitive part is triggered without proper ping calculation.
- Drastically improved the Latency protection's recent changes.
- Greatly optimized parts of the config.yml configuration.
- Slightly optimized some event handlers.
- Corrected a small config.yml mathematics feature bug.
- Corrected a previously-known Velocity behind-block false positive.
- Corrected a possible KillAura module false positive.
- Implemented additional features for Syn members.
- Updated the Syn membership menu.
- Corrected a Fly down building false positive.
- Increased some of the SQL features column limitations.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step building false positive.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards false positives.
- I would like to give a gigantic thanks to @Acenox for noticing a huge issue with the latency protection. This posed a vulnerability to all checks, causing them to not function at all.
- Removed an unneeded Spartan-Player multi-threaded object method.
- Corrected a major issue with a player's ping/latency not being refreshed.
- Corrected a major issue with the Latency utilities breaking and making all checks bypassable.
- Possibly corrected many latency false positives by correcting the Latency utilities.
- I am currently in a small trip for a few days, so I was unable to work on a recent NoFall bypass, as it requires a lot of testing. It's really hard for me to currently allocate time, and I am just trying to stay consistent with my 2-day minimum update schedule.
- Dozens of false positives have been corrected, including major ones many customers complained about. I hope you all enjoy this update, it is extremely recommended.
- Corrected several Speed bypasses caused by the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected a SQL feature connection console error.
- Corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object concurrent-modification console error.
- Sensitive parts of the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object are now thread-safe.
- Corrected several BoatMove packets latency false positives.
- Corrected several BoatMove jumping-movement false positives.
- Improved the Hacker-Finder menu-gui to account banned players.
- Implemented a new syn-membership menu to help find Legitimate players.
- Corrected several Velocity latency false positives.
- Improved the Latency utilities with irregular value handling.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing-jumping false positive.
- Improved the Ground utilities with additional protections.
- Corrected a major Jesus ground-spoof bypass.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump-illegal daylight-detector false positive.
- Finally corrected all the movement fence/wall false positives.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown bow-shot cancellation issue.
- Future updates will bring compatibility with item-attributes but also several improvements and bypass corrections to checks such as NoFall.
- The Chunk utilities have been drastically improved and optimised. They are now able to identify uncached worlds, but also use implemented-events instead of one-time processes to progressively adapt to complicated servers.
- Many major false positives were discovered, some in the movement checks related to lily-pads, and some in the combat checks related to non-combat interactions.
- Many major bypasses have been patched in this update, specifically in the IrregularMovements, Velocity & FastClicks check, which some of them were missing proper functionality.
- Corrected several boat stepping movement false positives.
- Corrected a KillAura block-raytrace distance false positive.
- Greatly improved the CombatAnalysis check.
- Drastically improved the accuracy of the Search-Engine feature.
- Took measures to prevent the False-Positive-Detection feature from rarely allowing bypasses.
- Corrected a KillAura yaw-movement false positive.
- Corrected a possible KillAura pitch-movement false positive.
- Corrected a Spartan-Player multi-threaded object last-played method console error.
- Corrected many movement lily-pad false positives.
- Greatly improved the Exploits undetected-movement detection.
- Possibly corrected an ImpossibleActions straight scaffold bypass.
- Corrected a Violation system null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a KillAura hit-box high latency false positive.
- Drastically optimized & improved the Chunk utilities.
- Corrected a major IrregularMovements climbing bypass.
- Partially restored the functionality of the Velocity check.
- Completely restored the functionality of the FastClicks check.
- The Syn membership's pricing has been updated, affecting all future purchases. Notifications have also been implemented to make the features known to unaware customers.
- A major swimming bug was found & corrected in the Fly check that potentially caused dozens of movement false positives.
- Corrected a potential Chunk utilities null-pointer console error.
- Slightly improved the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements climbing plant false positives.
- Corrected several 1.7 library-missing console errors.
- Updated the pricing of the Syn membership.
- Slightly optimized the Liquid protection.
- Implemented Syn membership notifications.
- Further improved the handling of clickable messages.
- Corrected several movement bypasses by correcting the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a possibly major bug in the Block utilities.
- Possibly corrected many fence-block movement false positives.
- Corrected several Fly swimming false positives.
- The Chunk utilities have received several efficient new protections to ensure loaded chunks are cached on any words at any time, which will prevent false positives and obviously confusions between the customers.
- The Developer-Report feature now has additional warning messages regarding TPS, to notify the customer of possible performance issues. This doesn't prevent the developer-report from being sent and eventually studied by the author.
- Improved the precision of the Ground utilities.
- Slightly improved the Permission system.
- Corrected several Exploits undetected-movement false positives.
- Corrected a Fly down false positive.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib plugin-disable console error.
- Implemented additional protections to the Chunk utilities.
- Corrected an InventoryClicks shift-edit false positives.
- Possibly corrected several InventoryClicks sensitive-material false positives.
- Additional improvements have taken place in the KillAura heuristics.
- Improved the Developer-report feature with additional warning messages.
- Improved the Fly check's verbose notifications with additional information.
- Corrected many Jesus walking-abnormal inappropriate-speed false positives.
- Slightly optimised the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.
Corrected a Spartan-Player object nearby-entities method null-pointer console error.
- Further improved the KillAura heuristics.
- Removed repeated materials from the Block utilities.
- Possibly corrected several Speed trap-door below-jumping false positives.
- Corrected many MorePackets difference false positives.
- Slightly improved the precision of the Chunk utilities.
- Reprogrammed a part of the Spartan-Player object to properly retrieve nearby-entities.
- Corrected a player-login null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a piston handler null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib plugin-disable console error.
- Spartan Cloud is a network available to all customers, where verified false positives are saved and shared to help optimise the plugin's performance and ultimately improve the stability.
- Several major movement bypasses were corrected after identifying huge flaws in the Ground utility, that allowed exploited packets to pass thru.
- Slightly adjusted the limits of the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected additional errors in the Exploits packet-overflow detection.
- Corrected a re-login bug with the Ban system.
- Corrected a nearbyEntities asynchronous chunk-calling error.
- Corrected a Jesus speed limitation bug.
- Corrected several Jesus speed-stable false positives.
- Slightly optimized cross-compatible parts of the Jesus check.
- Drastically stabilized the Jesus & ElytraMove check.
- Slightly improved the Request utilities.
- Drastically improved parts of the Killaura check.
- Corrected major movement bypasses.
- Implemented Spartan Cloud, a shared customer network.
- Corrected several Jesus vehicle false positives.
- The False-Positive-Detection feature is no longer just a user of the Search-Engine feature, but also a contributor. Repetitive false positives will now be identified from stored logs and cached in the Search-Engine, hence drastically improving the performance of the plugin.
- Corrected a Hack-Prevention object null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Chunk-Manager utility null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib packet-handling console error.
- Implemented exception-handling in the Exploits. packet-overflow check.
- Improved the Main-Menu inventory menu with additional item description.
- Corrected a small typo in the Piracy protection.
- Corrected several Combat null-pointer console errors.
- Possibly corrected a Spartan-Player object no-such-element console error.
- CombatAnalysis check now caches it's data automatically.
- Slightly improved the ElytraMove check. (More in near future)
- Slightly optimized some event handlers.
- Drastically improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Possibly corrected dozens of Fly false positives.
- Repeated false positives now become part of the Search-Engine's data.
- This update addresses many functionality issues created by recent updates, specifically in the combat and movement checks, as those were the ones that were the most affected. You should expect a smooth gameplay.
- Corrected many Exploits undetected-movement false positives.
- Corrected a KillAura block-raytrace console error.
- Slightly optimized the Hack-Prevention handler.
- Corrected a Hack-Prevention handler small data-retrieval bug.
- Corrected a Hack-Prevention handler small data-removal bug.
- Slightly improved the Position object.
- Increased the priority on many of the implemented Bukkit events.
- Corrected potential false positives caused by cancelled Bukkit events.
- Possibly corrected a Hack-Prevention handler console error.
- Corrected an XRay check null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a dozen event-handlers null-pointer console errors.
- Corrected several BlockReach high latency false positives.
- Corrected a Nuker max-breaks-per-sec latency false positive.
- Corrected a major data-reset bug in the Ground utilities.
- Heavily improved all movement checks and corrected potential bypasses.
- Corrected an Exploits illegal-player-location false positive.
- Corrected a KillAura impossible-hits latency false positive.
- Corrected a FastBow bow-force spam false positive.
- Prevented the SQL feature from spamming connection messages.
Corrected many inventory console errors and item identification issues.
Corrected many inventory console errors and item identification issues.
- The False-Positive-Detection feature has so far been successfully preventing 33% of the false positives. This update implements additional improvements which will help this feature prevent up to 50% of false positives.
- Many remaining console errors have been corrected, and the cause of the removable-item bug has finally been discovered and prevented. Apparently, this issue persists in recent servers, 1.13 and above.
- Due to several improvements in the Spartan-Player object, the Jesus check can now detect abnormal movements with players riding entities, such as horses and pigs. Additionally, the Fly check has been drastically stabilized and synchronized.
- Additional Bukkit events have been implemented, which will help better update the recent Spartan objects, and ultimately increase the accuracy of information shared with checks and their detections.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib plugin-disable console error.
- Corrected several ProtocolLib incompatible packets errors.
- Attempted correcting all remaining combat handlers console errors.
- Greatly improved the prevention handling of the Movement checks.
- Corrected several Jesus cross-version false positives.
- Implemented entity compatibility in the Spartan-Player object.
- Corrected several EntityMove water bypasses with the Jesus check.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards depth-strider false positive.
- Corrected a Hack-Prevention handler console error.
- Privatized some Implemented Bukkit events.
- Implemented new handlers and Bukkit events.
- Corrected a removable-item inventory title inconsistency bug.
- Corrected a vehicle-entity bug in the Player utilities.
- Implemented consistent calls to sensitive utilities' methods.
- Corrected a Double utilities null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Block utilities null-pointer console error.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing solid-side false positive.
- Drastically stabilized and synchronized the Fly check.
- The plugin has been drastically stabilized but many users have always been concerned about false positives when it comes to anti-cheats. Even though I repeatedly keep improving my checks and their detections, I focus more on extending the statistical-analysis features and ultimately identifying almost all false positives. Continuous progress has allowed me to create remarkable libraries that I will use more in the future.
- Corrected many movement false positives caused by a broken utility.
- Made the plugin load after the world has been loaded, so chunks can be cached.
- Corrected a NoSwing stack-overflow console error.
- Attempted correcting all remaining null-pointer console errors.
- Greatly improved the Spartan-Player object.
- Corrected a repetition bug with the IP-Limitation feature.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement distance false positive.
- Corrected a major thread issue with the combat checks.
- Corrected a potential infinite-loop bug that would crash the server.
- Finally corrected the inventory issue where items would be removable.
- A new detection has been implemented as part of the Exploits check. It was named "Packet Overflow" and aims to prevent irregular packet spam, which may ultimately even crash a server. You must be using ProtocolLib to enable this detection.
- Corrected several NoSwing spam false positives.
- Corrected a few Hack-Prevention handler console errors.
- Corrected several KillAura yaw-rate false positives.
- Corrected several possible KillAura pitch-rate false positives.
- Asynchronous-detections option was brought back to false by default.
- Possibly corrected a NoSwing console error.
- Greatly improved the Chunk & Thread utilities.
- Prevented the memory from overflowing unnecessarily.
- Improved the Location synchronisation handler.
- Recovered the functionality of the Plugin-Ticks handler.
- Corrected several movement boat false positives.
- Corrected an issue where ProtocolLib handlers wouldn't enable.
- ProtocolLib handlers are now destroyed when the plugin is disabled.
- Corrected several Speed hop-illegal false positives.
- Corrected several compatibility errors in 1.7 servers.
- Corrected several Jesus walking-abnormal false positives.
- Greatly improved the Bow-Self-Hit protection.
- Slightly improved the Nuker delay detection.
- Spartan has successfully exited its improvement phase, bringing tons of improvements to all customers. The last updates have been a real challenge and required my full dedication, so I hope for the best and wish you enjoy them as much as I did making them.
- Corrected a Chunk utilities parse-double console error.
- Updated the faulty URL in the CombatAnalysis check.
- Asynchronous detections is now stable and the default option.
- Updated some of the documentations to be up to date.
- Prevented the scheduled movement checks from being called twice.
- Drastically optimised the Chunk verification utilities.
- Corrected dozens of null-pointer console errors.
- Corrected dozens of craft-task console errors.
- Corrected a few async-chunk console errors.
- Corrected a few false positives caused by movement in a block's edge.
Build 253 has come out and feedback is very mixed. Many customers have had their server's performance increased dramatically, while others had the opposite happen. I recommend to customers having big maps to use Build 250, until I find a stable solution. Have a great day!
- A new check has been implemented to fight against X-Ray modules. It is purely based on statistical analysis, therefore it is part of the Search-Engine feature. To use it you must have either file or database logs enabled, and you should expect it to catch hackers over a relatively short period of time.
- Huge improvements were made in both synchronous and asynchronous check performance. Chunks are now cached in Spartan's systems, preventing the plugin from accessing the world's data multiple times per tick and ultimately killing the performance.
- You may sometimes read console errors. That's totally fine, don't panic, they do not affect the plugin's functionality. Please report them and I will make sure to correct them in future updates.
- Corrected a few SpartanPlayer object errors.
- Greatly optimised the Player cache system.
- Implemented null-pointer protection to the Player cache system.
- Corrected a MorePackets game-mode switch false positive.
- Implemented a new configuration syntax option. ( {async} )
- Corrected the Syn membership functionality for MCMarket users.
- Modified the verbose notifications/log message.
- Corrected several entity identification bugs.
- Corrected several BoatMove false positives.
- Corrected a potential KillAura block-raytrace console error.
- Corrected a HitReach no-detection handler bug.
- Expanded the compatibility of the Combat utilities.
- Corrected 2 CombatAnalysis handler console errors.
- Made more tasks run asynchronously.
- Corrected a small bug in the Mining notifications.
- Created a new detection to handle x-ray modules.
- Possibly corrected a few remaining edge-block movement false positives.
- Brought back the functionality of many KillAura heuristics.
- Corrected a few shulker-box movement false positives.
- Corrected several Nuker delay efficiency false positives.
- Build 251 was fairly problematic and had many error and performance issues. In this Build I took my time to improve the Spartan objects, implement caching systems, account additional player data, and control how many threads were used, preventing the server from crashing.
- Asynchronous checks are disabled by default and will now only run in servers that have 4 or more available processors. This rule was established to prevent performance inconsistencies.
- Possibly corrected a Search-Engine console error.
- Drastically optimized the SpartanPlayer object to improve overall performance.
- Removed a few useless parts of code.
- Corrected a possible plugin disable console error.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the Jesus check from functioning.
- Designed and implemented a custom thread system.
- Restored several checks back to asynchronous mode.
- Updated the mode of the SpartanLocation object.
- Corrected several chorus-plant movement false positives.
- Slightly improved the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a broken Block utilities method.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements block-climbing bypasses.
- Corrected a Jesus underwater speed bypass.
- Improved the location teleportation of the movement handlers.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop same-value false positive.
- Corrected all block-edge movement false positives.
- Updated the features' description of the Syn membership.
- Implemented a partial auto-respawn feature compatibility.
- Drastically improved the TPS & latency protection.
- This was a huge update, hence many hot-fix releases were expected. I've had a few customers report having their server's crashed due to multi-thread implementation. If this update doesn't correct this problem, I've added a settings.yml option to disable asynchronous detections.
- Greatly optimised the SpartanPlayer object.
- Greatly optimised the SpartanBlock object.
- Greatly optimised the SpartanLocation object.
- Prevented events from accessing locations when not needed.
- Replaced many null-pointer protections with proper handlers.
- Corrected many faulty lines of code based on the new changes.
- Corrected a ScheduleHandlers null-pointer console error.
- Possibly corrected a Cooldown utilities null-pointer console error.
- Possibly corrected an Attempts utilities null-pointer console error.
- Implemented an additional null-pointer protection to the Player cache.
- Put a few combat checks back on the main-thread to prevent null-pointer console errors.
- Prevented the Violation-Queue system from clearing cache in certain cases.
- Corrected more SpartanLocation-object console errors.
- Slightly optimised the SpartanLocation object.
- Corrected several potion-effect movement false positives.
- Corrected a potion-effect list bug in the SpartanPlayer object.
- Implemented 2 new settings.yml option.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements hop void false positives.
Settings.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
Corrected several SpartanLocation-object null-pointer console errors.
- Before I start, I want to give my genuine thanks to BestMark, CRAFTRISE, @Cry_Legende , @nbtiwires for helping me test this huge update and get it stable for all other customers.
- This update officially makes the vast majority of Spartan's processes asynchronous. This means that a small part of Spartan's codes run in the main thread, hence preventing your server from lagging as it utilises most of your CPU's cores/threads.
- This update completely and fully took the last 6 days of my time, so any positive feedback/reviews would genuinely be appreciated. Heavy testing took place, but in case you find a problem, please avoid from using the review section and contact me directly.
- Slightly improved the Move utilities stability.
- Greatly improved & optimized the Cooldown utilities.
- Renamed the Main Menu to Spartan Menu to avoid malfunctions.
- Greatly optimized the Violation system.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement continuous false positive.
- Implemented a new type of utilities to handle worlds.
- Improved the client-sided-block library.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Protections.explosion_cooldown_seconds)
- Greatly improved the Nuker delay detection.
- Made the vast majority of processes to run asynchronously.
- Improved the Command Processing handler.
- Carefully inspected the code and improved dozens if checks.
- Blacklisted NPC players from accessing any implemented events.
- Slightly optimised and improved the FastHeal check.
- Improved the functionality of the Item-Usage handler.
- Greatly optimised the Shulker-Box protection.
- Greatly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a small bug in the Syn-Membership handler.
Corrected a SQL feature limited-length database error.
Database table must be reset once again. To avoid that, set the column "detection_information" to "VARCHAR(256)".
Corrected 2 SQL syntax errors that prevents logs from being stored in the database.
- The SQL feature has received a huge update thanks to customers making great suggestions. More information are now added and available in the database table, so it is required to delete/archive the old one to let Spartan generate the new improved version of it.
- Spartan's official test-server is back at supporting 1.14 Minecraft clients, meaning all almost all versions described on the plugin's overview page are available for testing.
- For the past months, I've been designing and working on an amazing Minecraft Hosting Service you should definitely try. Learn more at https://bedrockserver.com
- Improved the recent changes of the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Slightly improved the Piracy protection.
- Slightly improved all the Developer API events.
- Possibly corrected several Jesus walking running-water false positives.
- Possibly corrected a Jesus swimming running-water false positive.
- Hypothetically corrected a few Jesus in-n-out bypasses.
- Drastically improved the SQL feature with more information.
- Made the SQL feature run asynchronously to allow far data-centers to be in contact.
- Checks not supporting silent mode are now considered silent.
- The False-Positive-Detection feature has received some huge improvements that will let it detect and prevent more low-violation false positives.
- A major issue was found in the SQL feature that prevented information from being read. This has now been corrected and customers that were having issues should expect a smooth functionality.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards in-n-out false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus swimming in-n-out false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus horizontal in-n-out false positives.
- Corrected the Developer-report feature from not functioning.
- Improved the NoFall check damage calculation.
- Greatly improved the Piracy protection.
- Improved the Search-Engine's identification methods.
- Improved the accuracy of the SQL logs.
- Corrected a NoFall pattern jump-effect false positive.
- Possibly corrected a leash-hitch movement bypass.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos upwards-sprinting false positive.
- Corrected a major SQL feature access bug.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib missing class error.
- Corrected several movement riptide non-vanilla false positives.
- Corrected several BoatMove possible bypasses.
- Greatly optimized the Jesus check.
- Corrected several Jesus bypasses over running water.
- Drastically improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected several Attempt/Millis/Double utilities ProtocolLib console error.
- Corrected a Velocity horizontal behind-block false positive.
- My web-server https://vagdedes.com no longer supports non-secure http connections. In the past months, all my products were updated to be compatible with this change, and the same now occurs to the Developer-Report feature, meaning Spartan versions before this won't be able to use it.
- It is very recommended to join the official Discord server where you can find question & issue support, and many other useful but also entertaining channels. Join via the invite https://discord.gg/TTrqRkM.
- Possibly corrected an ImpossibleActions tower hitbox false positive.
- Corrected several FastBow crossbow false positives.
- Greatly optimized the Search-Engine's methods.
- Possibly corrected several Velocity false positives.
- Corrected several possible Velocity bypasses.
- Implemented ProtocolSupport support for bedrock players.
- Corrected a small Mining notifications bug.
- Slightly improved the Mining notifications feature.
- Implemented syntax support to the custom verbose feature.
- Implemented http-secure support to developer reports.
- Corrected several Jesus upwards in-n-out false positives.
- Updated the Developer API jar with recent codes.
- Possibly corrected a NoFall ratio bypass.
- I am currently attending a small vacation, so apologies if support is delayed. This update addresses a few quite bothering issues customers had.
- Corrected a few remaining ProtocolLib console errors.
- Prevented users with no Spartan permissions from accessing the Syn menu.
- Possibly corrected several KillAura block-raytrace false positives.
- Possibly corrected several FastClicks click-consistency false positives.
- Corrected a possible server-version identification issue.
- Corrected several Block utilities console errors.
- I am currently attending a small vacation, so apologies if support is delayed. This update addresses a few quite bothering issues customers had.
- Corrected several ProtocolLib console errors.
- Prevented users with no Spartan permissions from accessing the Syn menu.
- Possibly corrected several KillAura block-raytrace false positives.
- Possibly corrected several FastClicks click-consistency false positives.
- Corrected a possible server-version identification issue.
- Corrected several Block utilities console errors.
- Not many reports this time, which is a good factor. The corrections of this update are few but a lot of time has been put individually in each.
- It is very recommended to join the official Discord server where you can find question & issue support, and many other useful but also entertaining channels. Join via the invite https://discord.gg/TTrqRkM.
- Corrected a BoatMove water(packets) false positive.
- Corrected a HitReach horizontal illegal false positive.
- Corrected a Killaura block-raytrace illegal false positive.
- Corrected several movement chorus-plant false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall air semi-solid block false positive.
- Corrected several MorePackets rapid block breaking false positives.
- Corrected a MorePackets overall speed effect false positive.
- Corrected a Speed normal bow self-damage false positive.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib temporary-player console error.
- Several improvements took place in the Performance-Optimizer & False-Positive-Detections features, which aim to help them become more optimised and functional than before. Expect performance usage to decrease.
- This message will likely be in every update from now on. It is recommended to join the official Discord server where you can find question & issue support, and many other useful & entertaining channels. Join via the invite https://discord.gg/TTrqRkM.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option. (Exploits.check_undetected_movement)
- Greatly improved the Performance-Optimizer feature.
- Greatly improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Greatly improved the Search-Engine's identification system.
- Corrected a Lag-Management system cache problem with the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Slightly optimized the Violation system.
- Corrected a possible Block utilities console error.
- Updated the Syn request with http-secure connection.
- Implement support for ore pickups in the Mining notifications.
- Corrected several NoSlowdown dynamic-sprint utility false positives.
- Slightly optimized the NoSlowdown check.
- Corrected several CombatAnalysis no-hit-delay false positives.
- Corrected 2 Jesus upwards-after false positives.
- Corrected all remaining issues in the ground teleportation method.
- Made cancel-after-violation option not work with big travelling distances.
- Corrected a Velocity horizontal false positive.
- A new inventory menu was created which allows fast and easy interactions with the plugin's configuration files. Its purpose is to help players make changes without entering the process of accessing a file explorer.
- The Syn membership now offers its members the ability to join the official Discord server and gain access to a special text-channel which allows fast issue support to take place. Join via the invite https://discord.gg/TTrqRkM.
- Corrected a ProtocolLib support console error.
- Updated the pricing in the Syn membership menu.
- Greatly optimized the debug feature.
- Implemented universal fake-violation support.
- Improved the Essentials compatibility.
- Corrected a FastEat feed-command console error.
- Greatly optimized the Player utilities.
- Greatly improved the teleportation method.
- Disabled an unneeded IP cache handler.
- Added Discord issue support for Syn members
- Improved the Lag-Management feature.
- Created a new inventory which allows configuration management.
- Implemented new methods in the Inventory utilities.
- Corrected a few Exploits undetected-movement false positives.
- As you can tell from the update's title, check descriptions have been implemented, in order to help customers better understand how checks and their detections work. You can view them via the Manage-Checks inventory menu.
- In regards to the ground teleportation issue, I was unable to find the source, so the left ground utility was left untouched for working perfectly, and the ground teleportation method had its calculations revamped.
- Corrected a Jesus swimming depth-strider false positive.
- Corrected several EntityMove water limit false positives.
- Revamped the ground teleportation utility with new calculations.
- Possibly corrected an ImpossibleActions tower false positive.
- Further optimized the IrregularMovements check.
- Implemented check descriptions in the Manage-Checks inventory menu.
- Almost completely revamped the Piracy protection.
- Removed the IrregularMovements combat detection and its configuration options.
- Improved and organised the Lag-Management protection.
- Improved the IrregularMovements jump detection.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump-illegal bypass.
- Added an additional plan to the Syn membership.
- Improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Implemented additional checks to the Ground utilities.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements high step bypass.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards-after jumping false positive.
- Improved the stability of the Jesus check.
- Corrected a Sprint food-level low TPS false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos-normal false positive.
- Corrected a Player-Info inventory menu console error.
- Greatly optimized the Cooldown & Attempt utilities.
- Greatly optimized the IrregularMovements check.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option. (FastClicks.combat_mode_only)
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump-unusual low TPS false positive.
- Corrected a Speed hop-illegal low TPS false positive.
- Corrected several Syn inventory menu typos.
- Corrected a Speed air-decreased low TPS false positive.
- Removed the IrregularMovements step-advanced detection.
- Greatly improved the Elytra & Swimming support.
- This update was released to implement secure connection to the Piracy protection. The IP logging feature has been removed as well, and any logged IPs have been deleted.
- Improved the error handling of the MySQL feature.
- Corrected a console error caused by the Liquid protection.
- Corrected a semi-broken Block utility.
- Changed the piracy handler's connection to http-secure.
- Improved the Operators utilities with new methods.
- This update was fairly delayed compared to the previous and ultimately my schedule because I wanted to take the time and make my plugin more stable. Some unused detections have been removed and many others were enhanced.
- I would greatly recommend deleting all previous logs and enabling features such as Performance-Optimizer, so the plugin can use its new greater stability to better understand who's legitimate.
- I received reports from 3 people having lag issues. The rest were having a fine time running the plugin. Please send me feedback regarding this update's performance, and make sure to take my log-deletion advice.
- Removed the Exploits ascension detection.
- Corrected several NoFall air false positives.
- Added more blocks to the Block utilities material library.
- Corrected several Nuker & FastBreak bamboo false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus walking & swimming low TPS false positives.
- Corrected several NoSlowdown web breaking false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks false positive.
- Removed the MorePackets timer detection and its configuration.
- Drastically improved the stability of the IrregularMovements hop detection.
- Corrected all KillAura rapid-hits 1.9+ false positives.
- Drastically improved the stability of the Fly stable detection.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Protections.disallowed_building)
- Drastically improved the stability of the NoFall check.
- Drastically improved the stability of the EntityMove horse detection.
- Corrected a FastBreak low TPS false positive.
- Corrected a Fly neutral jumping-miscalculation false positive.
- Drastically improved the stability of the Fly calculated detection.
- Drastically improved the stability of the Jesus check.
- Corrected several major Clip inside-movements false positives.
- Added a missing shulker-box block to the Block utilities material library.
- Corrected several movement shulker-box false positives.
- Greatly improved the accuracy of the Ground and Move utilities.
- Corrected a partially broken Block utilities method that allowed Clip instant bypasses.
- Corrected several movement conduit block false positives.
- Improved the safety of the SQL compatibility.
- A Block utilities bug was found in the material library, which would not allow the server's available materials to be loaded in versions earlier than 1.13. This caused many false positives, many of which were reported for several versions. Apart from that, the update focuses on general corrections since a lot of big servers have lately started using this plugin.
- Improved the Block utilities' material library.
- Corrected several movement sign false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step repeated false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement low TPS false positive.
- Corrected a Fly packets liquid interaction false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement boat falling false positive.
- Corrected a NoFall air boat falling false positive.
- Corrected several Fly boat falling false positives.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement cobweb false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement ladder/vine false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards-after 1.13+ false positive.
- Improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Slightly optimized the Block utilities.
- Corrected another Clip inside-movements piston false positive.
- Corrected several movement fence-gate false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop cobblestone-wall false positive.
- Mining notifications will no longer notify about Redstone but about gold-ores.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step-low snow false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement shulker-box false positive.
- Corrected several FastEat dried-kelp false positives.
- Corrected a Jesus speed false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus limitation number bug.
- Corrected a Jesus horizontal 1.13+ false positive.
- Improved the Low-Violation protection with better results.
- Corrected many Ascension falling false positives.
- Implemented
- Corrected a major Block utilities material library bug.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Protections.interactions_per_tick)
- This update brings heavy optimisations by decreasing chunk calls by 40% and more. This was made possible by updating utilities that check around blocks to only check based on the player's location & direction.
- If you previously reported having lag problems with Spartan, or were dissatisfied with the performance you observed, please record some timings and let me know if you see improvements.
- Corrected a Nuker breaks-per-sec sensitive block false positive.
- Corrected several 1.13+ BoatMove false positives.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option. (BoatMove.compatibility_protection)
- Drastically optimized the Block utilities' methods.
- Implemented new advanced methods to the Block utilities.
- Corrected a Clip inside-movements fence false positive.
- Corrected several EntityMove vertical false positives.
- Corrected several movement bypasses caused by the Building protection.
- Corrected a FastEat interact dried-kelp false positive.
- Added more materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Possibly corrected several Speed low-violation false positives.
- Corrected a possible Block utilities method bug that allowed movement bypasses.
- Improved the correction accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards jumping motion false positive.
- The 1.14 compatibility ended up working wonderful. Unfortunately, many errors were introduced to previous versions, which I hopefully corrected In this update. As always, feedback is appreciated.
- A few buyers have reported having issues with the ground-teleportation feature. I've been working on this issue for a few updates now (including this), and unfortunately, I cannot confirm its correction by myself. Please report me any cases or false positives related to this.
- Improved the Search-Engine's asynchronous task handling.
- Corrected a possible disabled-plugin-task console error.
- Improved the structure of the Block utilities' material library.
- Possibly corrected a class initialisation console error.
- Implemented and enabled a forgotten class of events.
- Reworked parts of the ground teleportation method.
- Corrected a cross-version shulker-box console error.
- Corrected a Clip speed sign-block false positive.
- Corrected several BoatMove bypasses.
- Corrected several EntiryMove bypasses.
- Corrected a Fly stable turtle-egg false positive.
- Implemented turtle-egg compatibility in the Ground utilities.
- Balanced some of the Player utilities' methods.
- Implemented teleportation cooldown in the BoatMove check.
- Corrected the inventory menus not working on older servers.
- Corrected several Clip low-violation false positives.
- Implemented new advanced methods to the Cooldown utilities.
- Corrected some silent bugs in the utilities' handlers.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements low-violation false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus sprinting bypasses.
- Implemented a new protection to handle low-violation false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall air fast falling false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop fishing-hook false positive.
- Prevented the Hacker-Finder menu from interfering with checks.
- Implemented an item-description warning to the Main-Menu inventory.
- Improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities when building.
Corrected a class initialisation error caused only in 1.8 servers or older.
I want to clarify this so new customers aren't confused. I am currently trying to work with a compatibility that is directly bound to development Spigot builds, which are NOT meant for production as advised by md_5. Problems were and are expected. Do not overreact or post negative reviews. Downgrade to Build 237 if Build 238 isn't working well for you.
- The 1.14 compatibility seems to be working wonderful based on customer feedback. A few errors here and there caused by Spigot's api-version feature, which I hope this update corrects. Downloading and installing this version is recommended.
- Improved the accuracy of the ground utilities.
- Possibly corrected a bedrock-level teleportation issue.
- Downgraded the plugin.yml api-version from 1.14 back to 1.13.
- Corrected a Jesus horizontal conduit-power effect false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement rare 1.14 scaffolding-block false positive.
- Optimised the Violation system with 2x faster schedulers.
- Optimised the Attempts, Cooldown & Millis utilities with 2x faster schedulers.
- Possibly corrected a Fly stable Shulker-box false positive.
- I was going to release this update after the production builds had been released, but due to many requests and curious people, I decided to do this prior with the development builds.
- I was collecting information for a long time from Mojang's changelogs, YouTube videos, and some forums to be able to release this update so early. I will call it BETA but I doubt it will be unstable.
- Please contact me via a SpigotMC conversation or the discussion thread to report problems/issues. Avoid from posting negative reviews as this was in no way an easy update and I would love more feedback.
- Improved the Latency utilities with universal limits.
- Corrected a Sprint food-level high latency false positive.
- Added many 1.14 materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Implemented 1.14 general compatibility in the Version utilities.
- Implemented 1.14 general compatibility in the Block utilities.
- Implemented 114 block compatibility in the Clip check.
- Implemented 1.14 block compatibility in the FastBreak check.
- Implemented 1.14 block compatibility in the Nuker check.
- Implemented 1.14 block compatibility in the IrregularMovements check.
- Implemented 1.14 block compatibility in the BlockReach check.
- Implemented 1.14 interaction compatibility in the ImpossibleActions check.
- Implemented 1.14 interaction compatibility in the GhostHand check.
- Implemented 1.14 combat compatibility for the ravanger mob.
- Implemented 1.14 general compatibility in the Ground utilities.
- Implemented 1.14 block compatibility in all movement checks.
- Implemented 1.14 general compatibility in the Move utilities.
- Corrected a Debug feature console error.
- Corrected several 1.14 console errors caused by the Block utilities.
- Heavily improved the accuracy of the Ground utility when not long falling.
- Corrected a 1.14 inventory-menu clicking issue.
- Even though the plugin is already very stable, I again focused on stability with this update to ensure nothing similar happens like the recent issue with players randomly dying by the teleportation handlers.
- In this update unneeded detections have been removed, and existing ones were enhanced with code changes in a try to make them more stable. Downloading and installing this build is recommended.
- Corrected a Jesus sprint-jumping false positive.
- Improved the accuracy of the Player utilities.
- Corrected a Building protection teleportation bug.
- Removed the NoFall ground detection and it's configuration.
- Corrected several MorePackets instant false positives.
- Implemented a new automated protection to handle post-death false positives.
- Corrected an API version-method console error.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement enderpearl false positive.
- Corrected several Clip instant random false positives.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions interact false positive.
- Improved the stability of the ground teleportation method.
- Advanced some of the Ground utilities' methods.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks bed false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks logic bug.
- I am releasing this update prior compared to the others due to the recent stability issues a few buyers complained about. This update does not introduce anything new, but only applies corrections, so it is fully recommended to download and install it.
- Teleportation fall-damage has been disabled in the settings.yml configuration by default, and will no longer be applied unless the player surpasses 3 violations. This will help moderate this feature and allow server owners to not worry.
- Corrected a Jesus ice-breaking false positive.
- Corrected a FastBreak coral-fans false positive.
- Improved the Block utilities methods with corrections.
- Corrected a FastBreak cut-redstone false positive.
- Added new materials to the Block utilities's library.
- Corrected several Clip instant random false positives.
- Disabled settings.yml teleportation fall-damage by default.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant latency false positive.
- Improved the latency limitation of the Ping protection.
- Moved the NoSlowdown check from scheduler to listener handlers.
- Corrected a major NoSlowdown web(speed) false positive.
- Improved the Lag-Management system.
- Improved the Player utilities with new methods.
- Corrected a Jesus exit sprinting false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus speed sprinting false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits chunk-updates false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) trapdoor false positive.
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional diagonal-jumping false positive.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant elytra false positive.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant bouncing-block false positive.
- Possibly corrected a disabled-plugin configuration console error.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension void falling false positive.
- Corrected a MorePackets instant liquid false positive.
- Corrected several MorePackets instant block stepping false positives.
- Corrected a few NoFall ratio random false positives.
- Corrected a Clip instant post-death false positive.
- Improved the method accuracy of the Player utilities.
- Improved the Damage protection with new methods.
- The NoFall ratio false positives have been corrected. This has been a major issue of the last update, by severely damaging or killing players randomly. Please notify me if you encounter it again.
- A new MorePackets detection has been introduced, to hopefully battle short uses of timer that don't usually get detected.
- Improved the Block utilities with new methods.
- Corrected possible Nuker breaks-per-sec false positives.
- Corrected a Config plugin-disable console error.
- Lowered the damage of the NoFall ratio detection.
- Possibly corrected the NoFall ratio false positives.
- Implemented a new MorePackets detection named "instant".
- Made the TPS & Ping/Latency protections universally available to all checks.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (MorePackets.
- Due to the recent bypass corrections, some stability problems started occurring, mostly with movement detections such as NoFall, Jesus & Sprint. These issues have now been corrected with this update.
- Corrected a Self-Hit protection bow cancelled damage bug.
- Corrected a possible Search-Engine unloaded plugin console error.
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a Ground utilities climbable-block bug.
- Improved the verbose information of the NoFall ratio detection.
- Corrected several NoFall ratio false positives.
- Slightly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional auto-jump false positive.
- Improved the NoFall ratio detection with a better damage handler.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos 1.13 water-soul-sand false positive
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional building false positive.
- Improved the Jesus check's water-soul-sand handling.
- Yet another massive update with multiple bypass corrections. Thanks to the few who kept the reports coming, and especially @yorik100 . This time, the bypass corrections are vastly related to the movement checks and their detections.
- Corrected a HitReach Player utilities' console error.
- Corrected a major IrregularMovements jump(illegal) bypass.
- Corrected a Sprint food-level sprint-jumping bypass.
- Corrected a 1.9+ HitReach horizontal inconsistency bypass.
- Improved the MorePackets difference detection for low latency players.
- Implemented 2 new configuration syntax.
- Improved the ground-teleportation handler.
- Corrected a possible Clip ypos(illegal) false positives.
- Corrected a Clip instant post-fly false positive.
- Improved the accuracy of the Player utilities' schedulers.
- Corrected many NoFall bypasses by correcting a broken detection.
- Possibly corrected several NoFall ratio bypass es .
- Corrected many major post-join movement bypasses.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) spider bypass.
- Improved the legitimacy of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected a mcMMO compatibility console error.
- Corrected a fall-damage correction handler.
- Corrected a FastClicks click-consistency rapid block breaking false positive.
- Corrected several NoFall ground boat standing false positives.
Syntax Changes:
Code (Text):
- This update addresses a lot of bypasses ranging from combat to movement detections, such as HitReach, Jesus, Fly & MorePackets. It is greatly recommended to download & install.
- The Search-Engine has received a few corrections that will prevent it from refreshing its cache rapidly, and outputting error messages such as "Too few rows/logs".
- The RAM clearance system has been massively improved as it can know clear garbage from individual handlers, not visible before, that may had the potential to lag a server.
- Corrected an AutoRespawn Player utilities console error.
- Improved the Lag-Management protection for low-latency players.
- 0-level violations combined with cancel-after-violation set to 0 will now still prevent a player.
- Implemented new methods in the Player utilities.
- Improved the HitReach check's horizontal detection for 1.9+ servers.
- Corrected several Fly combat bypasses.
- Corrected a NoFall ground boat standing false positive.
- Corrected many Jesus 1.13 bypasses caused by disabled detections.
- Improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
- Added more verbose information to the Jesus check.
- Corrected many MorePackets bypasses by correcting the broken difference detection.
- Corrected a Search-Engine double cache refresh caused by the Syn membership.
- Improved the Search-Engine's initial cache system.
- Implemented a new Exploits detection named Chunk-Updates.
- Massively improved the RAM clearance upon reloading/disabling the plugin.
- Many long-distance false positives have been partially corrected, as they will now output verbose notifications instead of violations. A long-distance is considered one that surpasses the length of a chunk.
- The Lag-Management feature has received improvements that will help big servers clear garbage in the cache without causing significant performance loss.
- Corrected an IllegalPosition location stuck false positive.
- Corrected a Speed liquid dolphin's-grace effect false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension latency false positives.
- Improved the Velocity check's knockback-item handling.
- Corrected several movement vehicle-exit false positive.
- Corrected a Clip brain-coral-fan false positive.
- Corrected a Lag-Management many-players lag issue.
- Corrected several Velocity knockback-item bypasses.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (HitReach.exempt_player_chasing)
- Implemented violation protection for over-chunk distances.
- I recently found out that many 1.13 servers fail to update the player's location when using a boat as vehicle. This version takes that into consideration and applies calculations in a try to correct the travelled-distance.
- Many Fly false positives caused by random inaccuracies of the ground utilities have been corrected, so expect a smoother gameplay in terms of movement handling.
- A number of users below 5 reported having moderate to severe lag issues, so the Performance-Optimizer feature has been configured to enable from a fewer amount of players to help the identification process finish earlier.
- Corrected a KillAura angle latency false positive.
- Corrected a HitReach horizontal no-hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown web-speed false positive.
- Corrected a Fly illegal remaining-block false positive.
- Corrected a Fly change remaining-block false positive.
- Corrected a Fly pre remaining-block false positive.
- Corrected all NoFall ground 1.7 false positives.
- Corrected all Fly neutral 1.7 false positives.
- Improved the Fly check's support for unknown server versions.
- The Performance-Optimizer feature is now enabled from 5 players instead of 20.
- Corrected several movement spammed-teleport false positives.
- Possibly corrected almost all BoatMove 1.13 false positives.
- New checks.yml configuration options have been implemented to allow customers to be more specific with the KillAura check and its detections/heuristics.
- The SmashHit compatibility has been improved as several false positives caused by the plugin combination have been corrected in this update.
- Improved the void-fall handler of the Teleport protection.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension stairs false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension grass-path false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension soil block false positive.
- Corrected several BoatMove water-horizontal false positives.
- Corrected several bugs of the Ground utilities.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump ground false positive.
- Corrected a Fly illegal ground false positive.
- Heavily optimized the Plugin-Ticks utilities.
- Heavily optimized the AutoRespawn check.
- Implemented 2 new checks.yml options.
- Corrected 3 KillAura SmashHit false positives.
- Updated the Syn membership's error messages.
Configuration Changes:
Code (Text):
- The release of Minecraft 1.14 is getting very close, and I am happy to let everyone know that I've been paying close attention to the changes, which will result in a stable release from just 1 to 2 updates.
- This update is recommended as it heavily improves the no-hit-delay feature compatibility. Many false positives were found in gameplays such as "combo" and were corrected in a fine level.
- Corrected several Exploits ascension latency false positives.
- Corrected several Exploits undetected-movement latency false positives.
- Corrected several NoFall latency false positives.
- Corrected several KillAura targeted-area latency false positives.
- Possibly corrected several NoFall dragon damage false positives.
- Improved the Chat protection prevent-same-message feature.
- Corrected a False-Positive-Detection array-list console error.
- Updated the domain of the CombatAnalysis configuration URL.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements combat no-hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected several NoFall no-hit-delay false positives.
- Corrected a Nuker delay snow-block false positive.
- Add 1 new material to the Block utilities' library.
- Made the Clip verbose information more consistent.
- Removed unneeded methods from the Fly check.
- Improved the Fly check's no-hit-delay compatibility.
- Improved the Clip inside-movements detection.
- SmashHit seems to be a fairly popular pvp-mechanics plugin, and upon a buyer's request, I've implemented support for it in this update. Please note that using that compatibility will move most of Spartan's combat processes to custom events, controlled by that plugin's developer.
- More new users will be able to enjoy the features of the Search Engine, as it now enables from just 100 rows of logs, instead of 500 it was previously.
- Lastly, protections were improved and the Exploits check is now better compatible with protocol plugins that add support for multiple versions, such as ViaVersion & ProtocolSupport.
- Corrected a movement handlers console error.
- The Search-Engine's least rows were decreased from 500 to 100.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named SmashHit.
- Corrected an Exploits illegal-chat-message-length false positive with ProtocolSupport & ViaVersion.
- Corrected an Exploits illegal-player-location 1.9+ false positive.
- Improved many event-handler inconsistencies & minor bugs.
- Made the Chat-Protection feature also block console commands.
- The compatibility.yml configuration was updated due to more plugins being supported.
- Many customers want a player banned after an amount or a single kick. Even though this can be achieved with Spartan's violation system, it is complicated and will not always function as expected. With this update, I implemented {kicks}, a configuration syntax that you can use in a conditional command. An example follows: https://pastebin.com/ZAdrwmU8.
- Corrected a Tree-Feller incompatibility with the mcMMO plugins.
- Corrected 2 Clip verbose information mistakes.
- Improved the Lag-Management system.
- Possibly corrected many BoatMove latency false positives.
- Corrected many BoatMove passenger false positives.
- Corrected a Syn membership Search-Engine cache bug.
- Corrected a Search-Engine false positive cache bug.
- Improved the Search-Engine's mining notification collection.
- Corrected a player-info command console error caused by the Search-Engine.
- Greatly stabilised the sprinting & walking identification handlers.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension random false positive.
- Implemented new configuration syntax. ( {kicks} )
- Made several improvements & corrections to the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected several Nuker moves-in-between false positives.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown cake-eating handler bug.
- Corrected a possible NoSlowdown fishing-rid false positive.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown web(repeated) walking false positive.
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional Crackshot-scope false positive.
Removed the Exploits Processed-Actions detection due to the unknown bug being repeated.
- Removed the argument-less version of the Developer-Report command due to lack of understanding and gigantic amount of log results. In addition, the forgotten cool down was implemented back.
- Recent detections such as the Nuker moves-in-between & Sprint omnidirectional have been greatly stabilised. In addition, the NoFall Ratio detection has had some big improvements.
- The Exploits Processed-Actions detection had its lag/crash issue resolved. Codes were also rearranged to provide best possible performance.
- The Search-Engine will now load its data asynchronously, so expect less delays when loading or reloading the plugin.
- Corrected several Sprint omnidirectional false positives.
- Stabilised the recently improved Sprint check.
- Re-enabled the forgotten cooldown of the Developer-Report feature.
- Removed the from log-rows limitation the Developer-Report feature.
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional CrackShot false positive.
- Slightly optimized old detections of the Nuker check.
- Corrected a Nuker moves-in-between sensitive block false positive.
- Corrected a Nuker moves-in-between efficiency enchantment false positive.
- Corrected a Search-Engine cache clearance bug.
- Corrected several BoatMove packets false positives.
- Removed the argumentless developer-report command.
- Potentially corrected all NoFall ratio false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio bypass by fixing a bug in the handler.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension falling false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension jumping false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits lag/crash console error.
- Corrected an Exploits processed-actions check-toggle bug.
- Made the Search-Engine load it's data asynchronously.
- The Sprint omnidirectional detection was improved and extended in a try to prevent bhop movements. Previously, it was only supporting sprint movements.
- A new Nuker detection was implemented in a try to prevent omnidirectional block breaking. Previously, only the Ghosthand check could block this, but with several bypasses.
- A new Exploits detection was implemented to prevent players from abusing the checks and their preventions. This will hopefully prevent spam, lag & crashes from occurring.
- Corrected a minor bug in the violation system.
- Corrected a console error with the check-bypass command.
- Added more verbose information to the Sprint check.
- Improved the Sprint check to block bhop movements.
- Implemented a new Nuker detection named moves-in-between.
- Improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Optimized some methods of the Block utilities.
- Implemented a new Exploits detection named Processed-Actions.
- Improved old parts of the Jesus check.
- Corrected a Jesus depth-strider & dolphin's-grace false positive.
- Added more verbose information to the Jesus check.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option. (Nuker.check_moves_in_between)
- Improved the Piracy system to prevent dishonest PayPal cases.
- Slightly optimized the IP utilities with the removal of redundant variables.
- I received several reports that claimed several movement checks to not be working correctly or partially being disabled. This was caused by a leniency bug in the False-Positive-Detection feature. This update hopefully fixes the issue, and if not a hotfix update will be released.
- Corrected a Jesus dolphin's-grace false positive.
- Corrected a BoatMove blue & frost ice false positive.
- Improved the Search-Engine's hacker identification handlers.
- Made the False-Positive-Detection feature less lenient.
- Possibly corrected many Exploits ascension false positives.
- Added 2 materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Possibly corrected several Clip inside-movement false positives.
- Made the Performance-Optimizer feature enable only after 20 players.
- Improved the text syntax of the MySQL logs.
- Improved the Player utilities with new methods.
- Corrected several Speed elytra false positives.
- Heavily improved the Elytra identification handlers.
- Heavily improved the Swimming identification handlers.
- Corrected several NoFall ratio false positives.
- Corrected all NoFall invulnerable-player false positives.
- Corrected a Clip inside-movement building false positive.
- Added support for the NoSlowdown check in the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected a HitReach mcMMO false positive.
- Implemented plugin support for mcMMO-Overhaul.
- Possibly corrected several EntityMove step false positives.
- Improved the Violation system with new methods.
- Thanks to the new feature, developer-reports, I was able to reduce spam and get a more clear view of the plugin's state. Dozens of false positives were corrected, and huge improvements were made to the False-Positive-Detection feature as additional support.
- Added 11 materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected several Clip coral false positives.
- Corrected a NoSwing break liquid-bloxk false positive.
- Corrected a developer-report command server crash.
- Updated the domain of the Search-Engine's URL.
- Made the Search-Engine not cache when plugin is being loaded.
- Corrected a Speed bow self-hit major bypass.
- Corrected all the malfunctions of the Self-Hit protection.
- Corrected a Clip sugar-cane false positive.
- Corrected several BoatMove 1.13 false positives.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown 1.13 repeated false positive.
- Corrected several NoSwing sensitive-block false positives.
- Slightly improved the Clip check's performance via the teleport protection.
- Improved the limit calculation of the Speed check.
- Checks.yml ImpossibleInventory sprinting & walking limits are now disabled by default.
- Corrected a Jesus speed calculation false positive.
- Removed the Exploits ping-spoof(event) detection.
- Corrected many Exploits ascension false positives.
- Corrected many Clip inside-movement false positives.
- Improved the Search-Engine's limitation calculations.
- Changed Settings.yml enable_verbose_on_login to enable_verbose_notifications_on_login.
- Slightly improved the hacker identification of the Performance-Optimizer feature.
- Corrected a minor bug in the Performance-Optimizer feature.
- Heavily improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Added more information to the verbose of the NoSwing check.
- Updated the data syntax of the CombatAnalysis check.
- Developer reports will now gather logs only from the current version.
- Added more default information to the developer-report's text.
- Corrected a timers-utilities null-pointer console error.
- Improved the Player utilities' elytra-gliding method.
- Implemented new Player utilities' methods.
- Reworked the elytra's functionality in the Speed check.
- Corrected a Liquids place kelp-plant false positive.
- Corrected several FastBreak surface-block false positives.
- You can now report false positives via a simple command. A developer report will automatically be sent to me and I will make sure to study even the issues you thought you didn't have. We are entering a new support era.
- Added 8 material to the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected several Clip false positives due to the Block utilities' changes.
- Disabled the Liquids break detection for 1.13 servers.
- Corrected a NoSwing interact item-frame false positive.
- Improved the Explosion protection with more entities & causes.
- Corrected a NoFall ground entity-vehicle false positive.
- Corrected 2 Main-Menu inventory lore typos.
- Corrected a Jesus upwards(after) 1.13 false positive.
- Corrected several ElytraMove random false positives.
- Corrected the RAM cache cleaning process for elytra users.
- Heavily optimized the UltimateStatistics data cache process.
- Possibly corrected all the new NoSwing false positives.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named MineBomb.
- Implemented 3 new commands to execute Developer Reports.
- Made cached logs to be saved when disabling the plugin.
- The plugin's Search-Engine can be improved over time with statistical data from another plugin named 'Ultimate Statistics'. This will help Spartan identify hackers from legitimate players more precisely and safer. Please visit https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/60868/ to check the other plugin.
- Corrected a null-pointer-exception console error.
- Corrected several NoFall false positives due to the Bouncing-Blocks protection's changes.
- Corrected a Bouncing-Blocks protection ground bug.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown web(full-block) jumping false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks calculated piston false positive.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio respawn false positive.
- Removed some unused Boolean utilities.
- Implemented a new type of utilities to count plugin ticks.
- Improved the Search-Engine's hacker identification methods.
- Made the Hacker-Finder inventory more accurate.
- Implemented more notifications to the Main-Menu inventory.
- Implemented false-positive counting to the Daily-Progress feature.
- Added 1 material to the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected several Clip false positives due to the Block utilities' changes.
- Corrected several Killaura pitch-movement close combat false positives.
- Corrected several Killaura direction close combat false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(advanced) vine false positive.
- The Search-engine can now be improved with the plugin UltimateStatistics.
- Improved the Self-Hit protection's methods.
- Corrected a Speed liquid dolphin's-grace false positive.
Language.yml changes:
Code (Text):
- Added 1 material to the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected a dragon-head console error.
- Corrected several Clip false positives due to the Block utilities' changes.
- Corrected a NoFall ratio cancelled-damage false positive.
- Improved the collision stability of the Ground utility.
- Removed an unneeded method from the Piracy protection.
- I am extremely happy to announce that I have successfully developed a new ground utility that is 50% smaller in code, 50% more accurate, and will do 1-5 chunk-calls per player, compared to the old one which was well over 50. That's an impressive over 500% improvement in performance over the old one.
- Removed 1 material from the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected some Clip & Jesus sea-lattern false positives.
- Corrected a cache clearance Search-Engine feature bug.
- Improved the movement scheduler's leave cache clearance.
- Implemented a new smaller, more efficient, more accurate ground utility.
- Created new and improved the current Block utilities' methods.
- Prevented materials from being repeatedly saved by the Block utilities.
- Added 3 materials to the Material utilities' library.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step anvil false positive.
- Made slight changes to the default config.yml configuration.
- Implemented greater decimal & integer value compatibility for the conditional-commands.
- Slightly modified the teleport protection. (Currently experimenting)
- Corrected several IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks false positives.
Finally found that annoying PlayerMoveEvent console error. 

- Made some minor configuration changes. (No need to reset)
- Added 2 materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Made some critical changes in the checks.yml creation method.
- Corrected several Clip false positives due to the Block utilities' changes.
- Corrected a random RAMoverCPU error many users experienced.
- The Configuration-Recommendations feature has been reported by many members to be unfair, as everyone should have a good configuration by default. I agree with you, so it is now available to the public, also as the default configuration.
- Prioritized the message cases of the Hacker-Finder menu.
- Added 7 materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Removed 1 material from the Block utilities' library.
- Further removed more redundant messages of the Search Engine.
- Corrected a minor issue with a file being created as piracy.Piracy.
- Added support for 6 more movement detections to the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected many movement liquid-plant false positives.
- Reorganized the plugin's packages and classes.
- Heavily improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos water-climbing false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus swimming water-climbing false positive.
- Possibly corrected a random RAMoverCPU error many users experienced.
- Disabled the ItemDrops check for 1.13 servers due to 1.13 rapid dropping and 1.9 inventory protection changes.
- Corrected several ElytraMove fly false positives by improving the player-glide handlers.
- Added more information to the Jesus check's verbose information.
- Corrected a Jesus repeated 1.13 false positive.
- The Configuration-Recommendations feature is now available to the public, also as the default configuration too.
- Reorganized the plugin's packages and naming structure.
- Made the ElytraMove & BoatMove checks less lenient.
- The settings.yml configuration has been gratefully organized with categories, making it easier to browse thru and choose which information to change. Please delete the old syntax of the configuration, as they will no longer provide a functionality.
- Some of you may wonder why I didn't do the same with the language.yml configuration. The settings.yml configuration is mostly perfect by default and not many buyers touch it, compared to the language.yml which everyone changes based on their likings.
- Added 6 new materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected several Fly non-solid block false positives.
- Corrected several NoFall non-solid block false positives.
- Corrected several Clip non-solid block false positives.
- The RAMoverCPU feature will now enable at 2GB of ram, instead of 1.5GB
- Minimized the resources the RAMoverCPU feature uses.
- Corrected an ElytraMove ratio instant false positive.
- Renamed one of the ElytraMove's ratio detections.
- Completely revamped the settings.yml configuration.
- Corrected a RAMoverCPU error that would slowly crash the server.
- Implemented message cases for the Hacker-Finder menu.
- At this point, I have spammed several updates, so I am going to leave a delay for the next one, so buyers get to update to the latest version and things can generally calm down.
- Corrected several ElytraMove ratio firework false positives.
- Corrected the redundant messages of the Search Engine.
- Corrected the functionality of the Attempt & Cooldown utilities.
- Added 3 more materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected a few remaining Clip false positives.
- Corrected several BoatMove air false positives.
- Corrected a Search Engine cache clearance bug in the Configuration Diagnostics.
- Corrected a directory bug in the Search Engine's reading method.
- Implemented a new Syn membership menu named "Live Search Engine".
- Removed the RAM_over_CPU settings.yml option, which will now automatically enable if your server has 1.5 or more GB of RAM.
- Corrected several ElytraMove ratio false positives.
- Finally corrected the Block utilities console error.
- Replaced some redundant methods with a few universal ones.
- The TPS protection is now enabled by the default configuration.
- Optimized the RAM usage of the Cooldown & Attempts utilities.
- Applied new protections for low TPS to some detections.
- Improved the Syn membership Violation History feature with more information.
- Possibly corrected the Search Engine not caching database logs.
- Corrected a Clip 1.13 void-air false positive.
- Added more materials to the Block utilities' library.
- Corrected the wrong folder & file directory creation issue.
- Removed an unused file regarding the Syn's activation ID.
- This update will hopefully fix all the "few" remaining false positives in the Clip & ElytraMove check. New ElytraMove detections were added and old unstable ones were permanently removed.
- Corrected a Nuker snow-block false positive.
- Corrected a Clip speed fern false positive.
- Corrected a Clip speed flower false positive.
- Corrected a Clip speed vine false positive.
- Corrected a Clip speed red-tulip false positive.
- Updated the Block utilities library with more materials.
- Corrected an ItemDrops console error.
- Corrected an EntityMove 1.13 console error.
- Corrected a Block utilities console error.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named CrackShotPlus.
- Improved the current compatibility of a plugin named CrackShot.
- Removed the ElytraMove speed(stable) detection.
- Removed the ElytraMove fly(change) detection.
- Implemented a new variety of new ElytraMove detections named Ratio.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (ElytraMove.check_ratio)
- Corrected the MySQL logs not being cached by the Search Engine.
- The Search Engine will no longer cache logs that are more than 5 updates old, or are considered false positives.
- Heavily optimized the movement handlers by taking advantage of the Performance Optimizer feature.
- Corrected a minor cache clearance bug in the Performance Optimizer & False Positive Detection features.
- Further improved the Ram clearance on Disable/Reload.
- Changed the file's directory with the Bukkit's dynamic one.
- Corrected a Clip 1.13 void-air false positive.
- Removed an unused class regarding the Syn's activation ID.
- Removed the RAM_over_CPU settings.yml option, which will now automatically enable if your server has 1.5 or more GB of RAM.
- Replaced some redundant methods with a few universal ones.
- The TPS protection is now enabled by the default configuration.
- Applied new protections for low TPS to some detections.
- Improved the Syn membership Violation History feature with more information.
- A new detection named Ratio was added in the NoFall check. It will inevitably block all NoFalls and apply accurated calculate fall-damage.
- I and many new buyers are tired of the first configuration. Spartan's config.yml configuration now comes with pre-configured cancel-after-violation thresholds to ensure stable gameplay. (If you have run Configuration Diagnostics, there is no need for your configuration's reset.)
- I recently found out a heavy performance loop in the Performance-Optimizer and False-Positive-Detection. It will now repeat only once, hence saving lots of performance resources.
- Removed 2 data duplications from the Block utilities material-library.
- Corrected a Clip false positives caused by 1.13 grass.
- Updated the Block utilities library with more materials.
- Corrected a NoFall pattern false positive.
- Corrected an EntityMove step bypass.
- Improved the Movement utilities with new methods.
- Implemented a new NoFall detection named Ratio.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (NoFall.check_ratio)
- Corrected an IrregularMovements verbose information typo.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements block-climbing ladder false positive.
- Corrected a Velocity verbose information typo.
- Made the Performance-Optimizer and False-Positive-Detection run without "saved" logs.
- Heavily optimized the Performance-Optimizer and False-Positive-Detection.
- Removed the prediction detection from the Velocity check.
Corrected an issue where the plugin would not load correctly.
- Removed the MorePackets motion detection.
- Made the Search engine not enable if logs are disabled.
- Added a new compatibility.yml option to control ProtocolLib support.
- Reworked parts of the Speed check's limit calculations.
- Slightly improved and updated the Piracy handlers.
- Corrected all main-thread's scheduler task errors.
- Corrected an Automated Configuration-Diagnostics console error.
- Corrected a block-break event console error.
- Corrected several Speed 1.13 liquid false positives.
- Slightly improved the data synchronization of movement checks.
- Improved the Reload/Disable RAM cleaning process.
- Corrected 4 major bugs in the Movement handlers.
- Corrected the EntityMove check's functionality.
- Corrected several BoatMove boat-entering false positives.
- Corrected a library bug in the Block utilities.
- Corrected a syn-membership bug in the Performance Optimizer feature.
- Implemented 2 new settings.yml configuration options.
- Corrected a Search Engine daily-progress console error.
Settings.yml Changes:
Code (Text):
- Thanks for everyone's support and feedback. The false positive detection seems to be working flawlessly. Greater updates are scheduled to come. This is my last update of 2018, so have a happy new year.
- Allowed the False-Positive detection to cancel out any following checks to save performance.
- Updated the Search Engine's logging information.
- Implemented a more proper cache-cleaning handler for the False Positive Detection.
- Added an already existing compatibility to the compatibility.yml configuration. (RecentPvPMechanics)
- Updated the SpartanAPI.jar file with the recent changes.
- Corrected a NoSwing turtle damage false positive.
- Updated the NoSwing's supported entity library.
- Corrected 2 FastBreak seagrass false positives.
- Corrected 2 Nuker mushroom-block false positives.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration option. (FastBreak.check_surface_blocks)
- Made the Search engine clear its data if it's not enough.
- This is possibly the greatest feature ever released. Spartan now offers a False Positive Detection that will automatically prevent most inconsistencies to players the plugin statistically knows they are legitimate. (Fly, IrregularMovements, Speed, MorePackets)
- Configuration Diagnostics has been out for some time and has solved a lot of time to both me and you. Syn members will now be able to have its service automatically. The plugin will simply pick a perfect timing and execute the process.
- Updated the PlayerViolationEvent developer-api event with new methods.
- Improved the Configuration Diagnostics with console history logging.
- Implemented automated Configuration Diagnostics for the Syn members.
- Implemented a new major feature named False-Positive-Detection.
- Implemented more methods for the Math utilities.
- Improved the plugin's ram clearance when being disabled.
- Heavily optimized the Search's log caching engine.
- Slightly reduced the RAM usage of the Performance-Optimizer.
Developer API changes:
Code (Text):
Added getViolation()
Added isFalsePositive()
- Limited the number of log files that can be cached.
- Disabled the Performance-Optimizer feature for servers with low RAM.
- Corrected all errors left from the previous two updates.
- Changed some faulty item materials in the Manage-Checks inventory menu.
- Corrected a bug where the Hacker-Finder inventory menu wouldn't respond.
- Put back some unavoidable schedulers to the main thread.
- Implemented main thread handling inside of non-main threads.
- Limited the number of log files that can be cached.
- Disabled the Performance-Optimizer feature for servers with low RAM.
- Corrected all null-pointer-exception errors left from the previous two updates.
- Changed some faulty item materials in the Manage-Checks inventory menu.
- Corrected a bug where the Hacker-Finder inventory menu wouldn't respond.
- For those that don't know, Performance Optimizer is a feature that will periodically automatically excluded trusted players from Spartan's detections, hence saving performance and avoiding inconvenience.
- In addition to the Syn membership feature that is now available to the public, I have also moved many of what I considered heavy schedulers, to non-main threads, which will significantly lower server lag.
- Corrected several Exploits ascension falling false positives.
- Made the PlayerViolationEvent run at all times.
- Made the Syn membership Performance-Optimizer available to the public.
- Increased the Syn membership max enable delay to 48 hours.
- Improved the Performance-Optimizer's cache clear handler.
- Implemented more information to the Error utilities.
- Corrected a major issue with the Syn membership cache being repeatedly cleared.
- Heavily improved the cache clearing capabilities upon disabling the plugin.
- Moved all the heavy schedulers to another thread to critically save performance.
- Added ViaRewind to the compatibility.yml configuration.
- Corrected Fly, IrregularMovements, & Speed false positives caused by the ViaRewind plugins.
- 1.13's trident boosting feature was already supported. Thanks to @guerryer, I was able to correct some major false positives, mainly related to bouncing blocks.
- Corrected several Jesus swimming high-latency false positives.
- Corrected several Jesus walking high-latency false positives.
- Corrected many Jesus ypos(attempts) high-latency false positives.
- Corrected a Nuker delay beetroot-seeds false positives.
- Updated the Block utilities 1.13-library with with more materials.
- Added some forgotten information to the checks.yml online configuration.
- Corrected a Speed liquid limit 1.13 false positive.
- Patched a major all-version Enchant exploit.
- Made the Syn membership search engine manually reloadable.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown food-eating liquid false positive.
- Corrected several Fly, Exploits & IrregularMovements trident boosting false positives.
- Implemented more data handling to the Lag management system.
- Corrected a Nuker dead-tube-coral-fan false positive.
- Corrected a FastBreak dead-tube-coral-fan false positive.
- Corrected a NoSwing damage trident boosting false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus speed slow-falling effect.
- Corrected an issue where hoi66‘s parents would hate him.
- If you are on the Discord server, please read the #news or #about channel regarding the region roles. You can choose between Europe, America, Asia, Oceania & Africa.
- Possibly corrected a block-explosion fall-damage cancellation issue.
- Updated the Block utilities 1.13-library with more materials.
- Corrected a FastEat eat dried-kelp false positive.
- Corrected a Nuker delay kelp-plant false positive.
- Corrected some NoSwing vein-miner false positives.
- Updated the plugin's scheduler system and input information.
- Possibly corrected several array-list console errors.
- Updated the console command list with forgotten commands.
- Updated the player command list with the new command.
- Implemented a new universal command. (/spartan diagnostics)
- Slightly optimized the player command list.
- Updated the inventory menus with forgotten permission checks.
Updated the plugin's version to the correct number.
- For those that have joined my Discord server and read my announcements, I am still considering the NoFall detection to protection changes.
- Corrected a FastBreak wheat-seeds false positive.
- Implemented more materials to the Block utilities 1.13-library.
- Corrected all Jesus 1.13 horizontal false positives.
- Extended at maximum the block limit of the water soul-sand protection.
- Corrected all 1.13 water soul-sand false positives due to the maximum limit changes.
- Corrected several Fly 1.13 false positives caused by water soul-sand.
- Corrected a Speed piston above-blocks limit false positive.
- Corrected a KillAura targeted-area case-3 false positive.
- Corrected several Fly stable 1.7 false positives.
- Corrected a Punish utilities violation-divisor arithmetic console-error.
- Corrected a FastClicks boat vehicle false positive.
- Corrected a Speed above-block ice-speed(exit) false positive.
- Corrected a Velocity combined combat-inactivity false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(micro) bouncing-block false positive.
- Corrected a FastHeal type-unusual latency false positive.
- The HitReach check's value logic has been changed to Minecraft's original logic. Therefore, the new default checks.yml generated limits are 3.5 for horizontal and 4.0 for vertical. The horizontal limit has an additional 0.4 limit protection by default, hence its lowest value can be 3.1.
- Implemented proper universal handlers in the Register event.
- Corrected an issue where the plugin would try to load listeners when disabled.
- Corrected an issue with the VeinMiner compatibility not loading correctly or at all.
- Corrected some ypos(normal) water soul-sand false positives.
- Corrected some ypos(attempts) water soul-sand false positives.
- Made several reach logic-value changes to the HitReach check.
- Apologies for missing a weekly update. There haven't been enough issues to work on, and the changes weren't enough for me to post an update.
- The tab-completion event not being blocked by the Chat protection has not been corrected yet. The issue is still under investigation and will likely be fixed within the next update(s).
- Corrected an event-handler console error.
- Implemented compatibility for a plugin named GrapplingHook.
- Made the Spartan command toggleable by default.
- Removed the Syn membership Command-Disablement feature.
- Implemented a new settings.yml opinion. (output_silent_check_verbose)
- Corrected several movement false positives caused by an unfinished Block utilities library.
- Improved the Ghosthand interact detection with a verbose protection.
- Corrected an issue with the Ghosthand interact detection not functioning.
- Corrected the verbose system not outputting logs correctly.
- Corrected an ImpossibleInventory cursor-usage 1.13 swimming false positive.
- Implemented a delay to the Ping protection when a player joins the server.
- Made the Ping & TPS protection update often via a scheduler instead of a player's violations.
- Slightly optimized some of the Piracy handler's methods.
- Made the Ping protection's data run regardless of a player's protective state.
- Replaced the logical handlers of the Lag-Manager with mathematical handlers.
- Removed a forgotten debug message left in the TPS protection handlers.
- Corrected another ground-teleport issue with the Move utilities.
- Separated the VeinMiner compatibility in 1.12-or-older and 1.13.
- Implemented VeinMiner compatibility for 1.13 or greater.
- Implemented more information to the verbose log saving. (language.yml)
- Slightly improved the Configuration-Diagnostics for better results.
- Implemented a new configuration syntax. ( {online} )
- Improved the Log-Search engine to offer more reputable results.
- Replaced various unneeded methods to save file size.
- Highly improved the TPS protection with a new system.
- Executed another try to correct problems with ground teleporting.
- Possibly corrected a ProtocolLib temporary-player console error.
- Improved the Syn membership feature Performance-Optimizer.
- Corrected a permission bug in the Verbose utilities.
- Corrected a permission operator bug in the Violation system.
- Corrected a problematic executable part of the Self-Hit protection.
- Corrected IrregularMovements & Jesus false positives caused by the Self-Hit protection.
- Implemented ground support for the 1.13 sea-pickle block.
- Corrected several Fly false positives caused by the ground utility.
- Heavily optimized and improved the Latency utilities.
- Slightly optimized the Cache handlers.
- Made the EntityDamageEvent update upon ground-teleport with fall-damage.
- Syn membership now offers an extraordinary feature which allows the anti-cheat to completely exclude certain players from being checked. Overall, saving server-performance and offering a perfect environment for legitimate players.
- Spartan is the first anti-cheat to offer automatic configuration-diagnostics, which will save so much time, both for me and the buyers having minor to big false positives.
- Slightly optimized the NPC real-player gathering utilities.
- Possibly corrected a glass teleport-thru cancel issue.
- Corrected a MySQL closed-connection problem.
- Corrected a 1.13 swimming Jesus ypos(normal) false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements step(high) damage false positive.
- Corrected several IrregularMovements & Fly false positives via the Damage protection.
- Updated the Combat utilities with recent methods.
- Corrected a Nuker delay efficiency-enchantment false positive.
- Implemented a new Syn-Membership feature named Performance Optimizer
- Implemented a new feature named Configuration Diagnostics.
- Implemented more block-changes to the Material utilities.
- Implemented the ability to concurrently update data in the Syn membership.
- Corrected some critical KillAura targeted-area false positives.
- Fairly improved the CombatAnalysis check with distance handlers.
- Telling from the update title and following logs, a new heuristic was implemented. It uses brand new utilities and a smart design for maximum efficiency, stability and speed. The targeted area of a hit is calculated and then is compared to environmental cases based on the player's location.
- The Syn membership now supports log gathering from the MySQL database. When the settings.yml "log_mysql" option is enabled, it will gather from the database, otherwise locally.
- Updated the Syn inventory-GUI menu.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension world-border false positive.
- Brought back the functionality of the item-use utility in 1.12 & 1.13.
- Corrected the command help description.
- Implemented Error utilities to handle custom exceptions.
- Corrected many movement false positives with a teleport-event bug correction.
- Implemented new advanced methods for the Block utilities.
- Corrected many Speed & IrregularMovements stair-like-block false positives.
- Corrected a 1.13 skull-material issue with the Block utilities library.
- Implemented a new heuristic named Targeted-Area.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option. (KillAura.check_targeted_area)
- Replaced many static with dynamic calculations in the heuristics handlers.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension air-falling false positive.
- Corrected a Fly stable glass-pane false positive by correcting a bug in the Block utilities.
- Slightly optimized the register handler of the plugin.
- Corrected a Player-Info inventory-GUI item gathering bug.
- Implemented more methods to the MySQL database API.
- Implemented MySQL log support for the Syn membership.
- Corrected many Velocity prediction false positives.
- Corrected various block-breaking false positives caused by the VeinMiner compatibility.
- Corrected many Jesus ypos(normal) dolphins-grace false positives.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) semi-block false positive.
- Slightly improved the verbose information of the IrregularMovements check.
- Removed the Syn membership's last upcoming feature for a new one to soon come.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) head-block false positive.
- Updated some broken IrregularMovements modified block libraries.
- Slightly optimized and improved the Time utilities.
Advanced Syntax:
Code (Text):
- The MachineLearning check has been renamed to CombatAnalysis. Please make sure to rename your machine_learning.yml to combatAnalysis.yml or download a brand new data configuration from my website. Links are listed on the overview page.
- In the meanwhile, the Spartan test-server has received some system improvements, making it run with the double amount of RAM than before. Smoother testing is expected.
- Corrected 1.7 Exploits ascension false positives for eternity.
- Slightly optimized the Block utilities with less RAM use.
- Slightly optimized the Clip check with fewer handler checkings.
- Corrected a FastBreak grass-path material console error.
- Corrected many FastBreak shovel false positives.
- Implemented more 1.13 materials to the Material utilities.
- Implemented support for the blue-ice block in the Block utilities.
- Corrected a Speed 1.13 blue-ice block false positives.
- Updated the sensitive block list to help with block breaking limits.
- Correct many FastBreak conduit-power effect false positives.
- Correct many Jesus dolphins-grace effect false positives.
- Corrected many Fly water magma-block false positives.
- Implemented compatibility support for the 1.13 conduit-power effect.
- Implemented compatibility support for the 1.13 dolphins-grace effect.
- Implemented compatibility support for the 1.13 bubble-column block.
- Corrected many IrregularMovements hop 1.13 coral-fan block false positives.
- Corrected many Exploits undetected-movement 1.13 coral-fan block false positives.
- Corrected a few Fly up 1.13 coral-fan block false positives.
- Corrected a NoSwing break 1.13 wood-stripping false positive.
- Corrected an ImpossibleInventory closed-inventory 1.13 swimming false positive.
- Corrected many BlockReach, Nuker, NoSwing 1.13 VeinMiner compatibility false positives.
- Corrected an ItemDrops irregular item-receiving false positive.
- Corrected an ender-dragon bug inside of the Damage protection.
- Implemented two brand new checks.yml configuration options.
- Corrected an operator permission bug with the Essentials compatibility.
- Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement tower building false positive.
- Corrected many Velocity prediction false positives.
- Corrected an external inventory issue with the PlayerInfo GUI.
checks.yml changes:
Code (Text):
- The new configuration under the name compatibility.yml will allow you to disable compatibilities or force them to be loaded instead of having the server automatically detect them. As always, very simple and basic syntax.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos(repeated) 1.13 false positive.
- Possibly corrected an ItemDrops close-inventory console error.
- Corrected a NoFall ground elytra-gliding false positive.
- Corrected many FastBreak certain block false positives.
- Implemented more materials to the Material utilities' library.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold 1.13 liquid false positive.
- Implemented a new configuration named compatibility.yml.
- This update tries to make the plugin and specifically the 1.13 plugin changes more stable. False positives have been corrected, libraries have been updated, and utilities have had small parts rewritten.
- As for the Build 196 issues, they all seem to have been addressed with the previous update and its hot-fix. Greetings to the few that contributed with many analytical reports.
- Corrected a NoFall ground boat walking false positive.
- Corrected a KillAura block-raytrace cave-air material false positive.
- Updated some of the Block utilities' libraries with new 1.13 blocks.
- Slightly stabilized the Nuker check for all compatible server versions.
- Corrected some FastBreak grass, sand, gravel false positives.
- Corrected a NoFall bypass with a new detection named Pattern.
- Implemented a protection to prevent false/irregular fall-damage.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option. (NoFall.check_pattern)
- Changed a checks.yml option. (NoFall.check_fall -> NoFall.check_air)
- Corrected a Fly stable farmland-block false positive.
- Updated the Ground utility's semi-solid block libraries.
- Corrected a NoFall air elytra server-join false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovement jump(illegal) jump-effect false positive.
- Corrected a Fly neutral value corruption false positive.
- Corrected a Speed ground-limit repeated value false positive.
- Improved the Move utilities' ground teleportation handler.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension void-falling false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension water falling/entering false positive.
- Corrected an inventory-click-event console error related to the inventory menus.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension mathematical-exponent false positive.
- Corrected some FastBreak grass false positive by correcting the Block utilities.
- Corrected a player-command-event console error related to the Chat protection.
- The false positives of the previous version have been corrected in this update. If not, please report the remaining ones to me via a conversation. The sooner the better.
- This version implements full support for 1.13 server versions by updating the libraries, handling the new mechanics, and painfully dealing with the API changes. Please don't get overwhelmed if any problems come into existence as it still remains my first try of supporting 1.13.
- I apologize for the fair delay it took to release this update. I haven't been able to go home for the last many days due to life responsibilities and personal amusement.
- Implemented version support in the Version utilities.
- Implemented a new type of utilities to handle the material compatibility.
- Implemented version support in the Combat utilities.
- Implemented version support in the Jesus check.
- Updated the plugin.yml's information to support 1.13.
- Implemented version support in the Syn membership.
- Implemented version support in the mcMMO compatibility.
- Implemented version support in the Client-Sided-Blocks library.
- Implemented version support in the inventory menus.
- Implemented version support in the FastEat check.
- Implemented version support in the Nuker check.
- Moved some movement checks from schedulers to events.
- Corrected countless Jesus and Exploits false positives.
- Implemented version support in the TreeFeller compatibility.
- Implemented version support in the Ground utility.
- Implemented version support in the Fence-Click bug protection.
- Implemented version support in the Inventory utilities.
- Implemented version support in the ImpossibleInventory check.
- Implemented version support in the ItemDrops check.
- Implemented version support in the FastBreak check.
- Implemented version support in the NoSlowdown check.
- Implemented version support in the EntityMove check.
- Implemented version support in the Liquids check.
- Implemented version support in the IrregularMovements check.
- Implemented version support in the Clip check.
- Implemented version support in the MorePackets check.
- Implemented new advanced methods to the Block utilities.
- Implemented version support in the BoatMove check.
- Implemented version support in the NoFall check.
- Implemented version support in the BlockReach check.
- Implemented version support in the GhostHand check.
- Implemented version support in the Speed check.
- Slightly optimized all inventory menus with beneficial handlers.
- Implemented support for 1.13 slow-falling potion effect.
- Corrected some KillAura false positives caused by the MagicSpells plugin.
- Increased and optimized the log caching-timer of the Syn membership.
- Implemented support for the 1.13 soul-sand water pushing feature.
- Improved and combined the Velocity protection with other important protections.
- Fixed a slow Fly bypass caused by the recent event-to-scheduler changes.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension respawn false positive.
- Corrected various Clip instant false positives.
- Moved checks back and forth in schedulers.
- Corrected a distance-calculation console error.
- Furtherly optimized the Move utilities with data clearance.
- Corrected various IrregularMovements false positives.
- Corrected a few Fly gravitational false positives.
- Updated the Syn membership's command syntax.
- As promised previously, this update implements the vast majority of the movement processes in schedulers instead of events. This improvement will drop their short-term usage by 2-3 times and long-term usage by 4-5 times.
- Since a scheduler runs once per tick but an event up to 20 times per tick, mathematics is used to smartly calculate divisors that will bring values down to their original path.
- If you had lag issues previously, please send me timings with the results of this update. I am genuinely hyped to see how much this will help your server's performance.
- Corrected a console error with the NoFall check.
- Corrected an execution issue with the IllegalPosition check.
- Implemented new universal methods to the Move utilities.
- Moved most of the movement processes from events to schedulers.
- Corrected a verbose typo in one of the Speed check's detections.
- Corrected an issue with the Jesus check not disabling.
- Corrected a Speed fishing-rod dragging false positive.
- Removed an unneeded distance handler of the Velocity protection.
- This update was fairly delayed due to a trip I attended to Norway for 12 days. It was released to correct reported issues thru my inactive time. Another update will be released soon that's going to bring a big chance on how the movement checks are run and hopefully greatly minimize the performance.
- Regarding the 1.13 compatibility... it will happen. Please let the SpigotMC developers work and release the official build and then it will be a matter of days for me to catch up.
- Corrected a NoFall to invulnerable-landing false positive.
- Updated the Syn advertising menu with upcoming features.
- Corrected an Exploits ascension void-falling false positive.
- Corrected some non-player-entity KillAura aim-accuracy false positives.
- Corrected many movement false positives caused by dragon damage.
- Corrected a Jesus ypos(attempts) boat false positive.
- Corrected a lag issue with the Syn membership's authentication task.
- Correct a few remaining Exploits ascension false positives.
- Re-improved the stability of the ground utility.
- Corrected an issue with the Jesus check not disabling.
- Corrected some Exploits ascension false positives.
- Stabilized the recent improvements of the ground utility.
- Corrected many ladder/vine/liquid-block movement check false positives.
- Corrected an ElytraMove fly(calculated) liquid-block false positive.
- Corrected an ElytraMove speed(repeated) liquid-block false positive.
- Improved the support for elytra movements in the Move utilities.
- Corrected a Fly neutral bouncing-block false positive.
- Corrected an Attempt utilities console error.
- Improved the Main menu to prevent lag with Syn members.
- Corrected a log caching issue with the Syn membership command.
- Drastically improved the ground utility's performance.
- Added more key variables to the Lag management handler.
- Patched all the latest Fly glide movement-packets bypasses.
- Patched all the latest NoFall movement-packets bypasses.
- Patched a semi god-mode bypass with the Exploits check.
- Implemented a new Exploits detections named Ascension.
- Corrected a Speed normal limit false positive.
Corrected a console error and a major Fly glide bypass.
- Applied some changes to the FastHeal check to improve its accuracy.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing(ladder/vine) false positive.
- Patched 2 Speed bypasses with new IrregularMovements detections.
- Renamed an IrregularMovements hop detection from "repeated" to "frequent".
- Implemented two new IrregularMovements hop detections.
- Corrected a console error caused by the Debug menu when a player went offline.
- Patched a Speed bypass with a limit correction inside the Speed check.
- Corrected a possible Mathematics utility console error.
- Drastically improved the Jesus swimming detection.
- Corrected a major Jesus swimming speed bypass.
- Possibly corrected a plugin loading issue.
- Implemented a new config.yml feature for silent checks per world.
- Corrected a utility error that caused false positives in the Exploits undetected-movement check.
- Corrected a utility error that caused false positives in the KillAura accuracy check.
- A critical VL system vulnerability was corrected. In the past, I had made the system to allow only 1 violation to pass per tick, resulting in 20 violations per second max. I realized that this limit was hurting checks such as KillAura and HitReach, by preventing them from outputting all their violations.
- The Attempt, Double, and Millis utilities have received inside and outside method updates. They now use less RAM, work more efficiently, are independent, and no longer promote repeating RAM calls.
- Drastically decreased the RAM & CPU usage of the Attempt, Double, Millis utilities.
- Prevented blocked commands from loading when pressing tab.
- Corrected some Speed & Fly ender-dragon damage false positives.
- Implemented more disclaimers to the Damage & Velocity protections.
- Updated the Syn menu with a price offer and more improved information.
- Listed the Syn command with all the other already existing commands.
- Removed a code disclaimer that prevented the ElytraMove check from working properly.
- Most of the following optimizations and changes will help Spartan's schedulers to run at greater speeds and with higher precision, hence improving the overall performance of the anti-cheat.
- Optimized the Move, Attempt, Cooldown, Ground and Latency utilities.
- Corrected an issue with the Main menu not refreshing with the Syn membership.
- Corrected a HitReach Bukkit entity-height utility console error.
- Made the Syn membership request not execute if not configured.
- Removed dozens of useless handling codes related to the Attempt utilities.
- Fixed the mining-notifications not being logged unless someone is using them.
- Started handling exceptions in some of the plugin's commands.
- Implemented Mining-History-Information for Syn members.
- Improved the Logging system by making it run executions faster.
- Corrected an issue with some information not being logged to the files.
- Fairly improved the security of the Syn membership's website request.
- Slightly optimized and improved the Piston protection.
- Made the Manage-Checks menu not output the whole command if it exceeds a certain length.
- Patched a Sprint omnidirectional bypass in collaboration with the Speed check.
- Removed the on-join message advertisement.
- Corrected a chat & console error with the "/spartan syn" command.
- Made the Syn membership request, print the full error in case of failure.
- In this update, I am releasing a monthly subscription that unlocks many brand-new great features aimed to enhance the experience of this plugin. Please load the new version onto your server, and dispatch the command "/spartan syn" to learn more.
- My Discord account has been disabled. Fortunately, my server still exists and I am now back in the community. A friend gave me his account that was promoted to the moderator role. Please avoid contacting me in my old account as you will not get a reply.
- Implemented the ability to disable the player-limit-per-ip feature.
- Corrected a HitReach enderman/tall-entity false positive.
- Corrected a console error caused by the IP utilities.
- Corrected a Nuker mcMMO pickaxe-ability false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus speed depth-strider false positive.
- Implemented a new permission to bypass the player-limit-per-ip feature. (spartan.ip_limit)
- Implemented player-history description in the player-info menu. (Syn)
- Implemented daily-progress description in the main menu. (Syn)
- Implemented configuration-recommendations in the manage-checks menu. (Syn)
- Implemented the ability to remove the blocked Spartan command. (Syn)
- Implemented a new item-accessed menu named Suspected-Players. (Syn)
- Corrected a BoatMove water(packets) tick related false positive.
- Corrected an Exploits check undetected-movement console error.
- Corrected some HitReach server-flying false positives.
- Improved the Inventory utilities with up-to-date new methods.
- Optimized, minimized, and corrected the codes of the inventory menus.
- Removed the ability of some Exploits check's protections working regardless of the configuration.
- Corrected some HitReach horizontal high-latency false positives.
- Corrected some FastClicks click-time low cps false positives.
- Corrected some MachineLearning false positives
- Corrected a MachineLearning percentage result code bug.
- Adjusted again the available RAM space of the Caching utilities.
- Corrected a Speed ice-speed(exit) false positive.
- Slightly improved the outcome result of the Ping protection.
- Drastically optimized the checks' movement events.
- Implemented advanced methods for the Double utils.
- Implemented advanced methods for the Config system.
- Improved the Caching utilities' object selection/choice.
- Improved and optimized the mcMMO compatibility.
- Implemented two new settings.yml options.
- Balanced the Chat protection's canceling priorities.
- Implemented two new language.yml messages.
- Corrected some Speed above-block false positives.
- Patched a massive bypass with the Nuker check.
- Implemented a feature to limit player use per IP.
settings.yml changes:
Code (Text):
language.yml changes:
Code (Text):
- In a previous update, the settings.yml option RAM_over_CPU was implemented. Obviously, since then, it has been slightly improved and stabilized. I urge many of you to try it because it "might" improve your performance. However, If your server has less than 1GB of RAM, avoid touching this option at any cost.
- Implemented a new checks.yml option. (BoatMove.check_packets)
- Slightly improved the BoatMove check with new code disclaimers.
- Corrected a packet-issue related to kicking fake-players.
- Increased the RAM space of the Caching utilities.
- Slightly increased the creation speed of the Caching utilities.
- Made the Ping protection not send packets when disabled. (restart required)
Corrected a Block utilities console error.
- As expected, some of you had issues with the caching utilities, so I worked to optimize them and implemented a configuration option to disable them completely. Use them at your own responsibility.
- Made the caching utilities use less RAM space.
- Made the caching utilities toggleable & usable.
- Limited the caching utilities' available RAM space.
- Corrected a server crash caused by the crashing utilities.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (RAM_over_CPU)
- Updated the Floor protection to support wither damage.
- Generally corrected Speed wither-damage false positives.
- Generally corrected IrregularMovements wither-damage false positives.
- Improved the verbose information of the Speed check.
- Possibly corrected a NoSwing mcMMO false positive.
- This update will hopefully correct the violation-reset lag issue, and possibly minimize the lag caused by the movement handlers, detections, and listeners. Feedback is always much appreciated. More is expected from future updates.
- I have brought back the caching utilities, but this time they are more optimized, take less RAM, base themselves in objects instead of text, and only collaborate with a few heavy commonly called methods. If you face any lag issues, let me know with a timings report.
- Drastically optimized and synchronized the bouncing-block handlers.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) slime false positive.
- Implemented =, <, > shortcuts for the conditional commands.
- Corrected a PlayerData utilities item-id console error.
- Improved the detections of ImpossibleInventory when sliding on ice.
- Possibly corrected a critical lag issue with the violations-reset method.
- Improved the Exploits check's verbose information and detections.
- Possibly corrected an issue with NPCs / fake-players being disconnected.
- Corrected many ElytraMove fly(calculated) firework false positives.
- Corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold non-solid-block false positive.
- Corrected a Liquids place non-solid-block false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements calculated(slime) false positive.
- Implemented more than previously optimized caching utilities.
- Implemented more advanced Block utility methods.
- Corrected a KillAura block-raytrace no-hit-delay false positive.
- Possibly corrected some Fly stable & up no-hit-delay false positives.
- Corrected a Clip ypos(normal) falling to cocoa-beans false positive.
Corrected a SQL table-creation console error.
- A new config.yml option was implemented to select the worlds a check will not run. Please read the overview's page configuration documentation to learn how you can use it. Use commas (,) to separate the worlds.
- My new resource's video got released, so feel free to watch and share it
- Corrected a KillAura direction no-hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected a KillAura precision no-hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected a KillAura hit-box no-hit-delay false positive.
- Corrected a HitReach horizontal no-hit-delay false positives.
- Improved the HitReach's check horizontal distance calculation handler.
- Implemented a new config.yml text option. (disabled_worlds)
- Corrected a SQL table creation console-utility error.
- Corrected a teleport-event console error. (Already fixed in a silent update)
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) magma-block false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) downward movement false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) air-ticks false positive.
- Corrected a BlockReach block-placement vehicle false positive.
- Made the verbose of the BlockReach check more clear and accurate.
- Corrected a block-break-event cancellation issue with the GhostHand check.
- Patched a GhostHand bed-fucker bypass caused by a code mistake.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) jump-effect false positive.
- I've been focusing on stability lately, and that caused me to allow certain types of bypasses. In this update, I did my best to keep the stability, and at the same time correct many false positives, and patch various major bypasses.
- The SQL table has been redesigned, so it is highly recommended you delete your old table or rename it, so the plugin can generate the new one.
- This update provides a settings.yml option to toggle the Developer API events. By default, it is set to false. It is recommended to set it to true if you are using my API events or any addition related to Spartan.
- Corrected a teleportation issue with the Exploits check.
- Implemented an advanced debug feature activated via command.
- Implemented a new command. (/spartan debug [player])
- Implemented a 4 new language.yml options for the debug feature.
- Implemented a new inventory menu for the debug feature.
- Patched an IrregularMovements fly step-up bypass.
- Patched various ImpossibleActions tower bypasses.
- Drastically improved the ImpossibleActions tower detection.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) dragon-breath false positive.
- Corrected and improved many parts of the EntityMove check.
- Corrected a console error with Spartan reporting command.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) soul-sand false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) chest false positive.
- Patched 2 Fly upward bypasses with the neutral detection.
- Patched a Fly partially stable bypass with the neutral detection.
- Corrected many Velocity no-hit-delay false positives.
- Made the Velocity check disable in case of no-hit-delay feature usage.
- Redesigned the SQL table with many index advances.
- Implemented two new settings.yml configuration options.
- Implemented a command for custom verbose notifications. (/spartan verbose <player> <module> <info>)
- Possibly corrected a lag issue with the violation-reset and other event-related methods.
settings.yml changes:
Code (Text):
Language.yml changes:
Code (Text):
- This update is excessively recommended because it features many false positive corrections that evenly bring down stability doubts about the detections.
- Also, make sure to check the new heuristic "Precision" that has been retested and slightly reprogrammed to feature better speeds and stability.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) fire false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) half-block false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) self-hit false positive.
- Corrected an ElytraMove fly(calculated) firework false positive.
- Improved the Elytra firework handlers.
- Corrected a KillAura precision no-velocity false positive.
- Removed a useless handler from the KillAura precision heuristic.
- Corrected a Fly stable high-speed false positive.
- Corrected many Fly shulker-box false positives.
- Implemented new useful methods to the Block utilities.
- Improved the ground utility's shulker-box support.
- Rethought some parts of the Piracy protection.
- Corrected a file creation bug with the Logging system.
- Optimized the Config utilities' directory method.
- Implemented a new settings.yml option. (update_blocks_upon_teleport)
- Corrected an IrregularMovements climbing(jumping) block placement false positive.
- Improved the combat-chasing method of the Move utilities.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) jump-effect false positive.
- Corrected a Jesus liquid exit false positive.
- Corrected some trivial bugs in the Lag-Management protection.
- Corrected many violations-reset movement false positives.
- Made the Disallowed-Building protection more accurate.
- Improved the violation method of the Violation system.
- Improved the check-cancel-event Developer API event.
- Made the Clip check execute more precise teleports.
- Corrected a cancelation issue with the IrregularMovements check.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) slab false positive.
- Implemented a new KillAura heuristic named "Precision".
- Corrected a MachineLearning behind-block false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) fire false positive.
- Implemented a new checks.yml configuration setting. (KillAura.check_precision)
Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(jump) false positive that prevented players from casually jumping. Pfff, someone actually made a "roasting" video on my false positive. This what I go thru for you guys xD.
- I have released a new video for my new premium resource. Watch it here:
- Corrected a problem with the IrregularMovements teleports.
- Corrected a Jesus swimming falling-water false positive.
- Patched a Speed y-pos bypass with the IrregularMovements check.
- Implemented 2 new hop detections to the IrregularMovements check.
- Corrected 2 IrregularMovements jump(illegal) normal false positives.
- Corrected 2 IrregualrMovements jump(illegal) jump-effect false positives.
- Corrected an iron-golem IrregularMovements jump(unusual) false positive.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements hop detection allowance bug.
- Patched an IrregularMovements hop-detection bhop bypass.
- For the past few months, I've been also working on a new plugin that goes by the name Minigame Maker. It recently got uploaded and thankfully approved, so if you are a fan of custom gameplays, purchase it from here.
- Corrected the support for decimals in the conditional commands.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown web speed false positive.
- Simplified handlers and methods in the Piracy protection.
- Corrected an inventory-GUI hackType renamed check error.
- Removed a secondary firework item-holding handler.
- Patched an ElytraMove firework flying bypass.
- Corrected a GhostHand block breaking check issue.
- Patched a way of bypassing the Piracy check.
- Removed useless Piracy protection variables.
- Improved the Reflection utilities for better version compatibility.
- Optimized the vast majority of registered Java maps.
- Removed some Java maps that were unneeded or useless.
- Implemented a forgotten Velocity check teleport handler.
- Corrected a speed(teleport) bypass caused by the teleport protection.
- Added new configuration syntax. ( {plib} )
Fixed a damage issue with the KillAura entity-raytrace detection.
- As I mentioned in a previous update... a tiny minority of buyers were still having severe lag issues, and ultimately, this update will either correct or genuinely improve their current situation. If you happen to be one of them, please let me know with timings feedback "privately".
- Removed the Phase check due to the Speed check covering its detections.
- Removed the PerTickCaching utilities due to high RAM consumption.
- Individually improved utilities to reach the performance the PerTickCaching utilities were offering.
- Removed built-in detections that were repeating the same checkings in other ways.
- Removed useless verbose information from the MachineLearning check.
- Rewritten some of the information in the verbose logging system.
- Concurrently optimized and improved the ground utility.
- Corrected some WorldGuard denied entry region false positives.
- Made the Teleport protection more cross-plugin compatible.
- Corrected a NoSwing hit-damage cancellation issue.
- Added one more feature to config.yml's violation divisor.
- Fairly optimized the initial caching of the config.yml configuration.
- When Spartan was initially created, it was meant to be free. After I took the decision to sell copies, I kept that thought so it was affordable. I recently decided to restore the price back to 16 EUR.
- I am aware that regardless of the recent updates, there is a tiny minority of buyers that are still experiencing lag issues. If you happen to be one of them, I sympathize with you, but please give me time to research.
- Corrected a combat distance hit-register issue.
- Removed codes by combining them together.
- Corrected a calling problem with the Explosion protection.
- Corrected the ground utility's cache breaking apart again.
- Improved the ground utility's non-ground accuracy.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(unusual) false positive.
- Added more in-depth code disclaimers to the IrregularMovements check.
- Changed the main command's IDs feedback.
- Patched an ElytraMove firework flying bypass.
- Added a shorter sub-command to reload the plugin.
The update logs were unfortunately lost due to my trip in Italy. As expected, this release offers error & bug corrections, performance stabilization, and bypass & false positive patches. Based on the increase of the file's size, this update is meant to be kindly big. If Spartan has helped you or your server, please feel free to post a review as it really helps.
- I am releasing this update sooner than expected due to some utilities being messed up by wrong or forgotten arguments that mainly caused movement false positives.
- I will be on a trip to Italy for 15 days from 21st of February, so expect me to be kindly less active. I will be taking a laptop with me, but due to the project I will be working on, my time will be limited.
- Events' performance seems to have been fixed, so I worked on correcting the main thread's much worse performance.
- Optimized the Millis, Attempts, Double, Cooldown utils.
- Reviewed and improved the main thread's performance.
- Implemented new optimized methods in the Move, Player utils.
- Prevented the Latency protection from repeating certain processes.
- Improved some disclaimers of the Player-Info inventory menu.
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional semi-ice false positive.
- Corrected some ground-util location caching issues.
- Implemented the main thread's processes in individual handlers.
- Corrected a HitReach ladder/vine false positive.
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional ice false positive.
- Made the PerTickCaching utils more method compatible.
- Fixed the Fly check from not being disallowed by any handler.
- I transferred almost all handlers to a few major events inside a new java class. This will drastically help with RAM waste as there will be no longer repeated saving of the same location, movement patterns, etc.
- Due to the code removals, the file has got realistically smaller.
- Corrected some MachineLearning calculation false positives.
- Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional ice-block false positive.
- Slightly optimized the PerTickCaching utilities.
- Removed some useless handlers from the Clip check.
- Improved and slightly optimized the Config system.
- Corrected a Silent mode bug in the Config system.
- Added more verbose information to the Exploits check.
- Improved the RAM use of the PerTickCaching utilities.
- Prevented an accuracy heuristic handler from loading twice.
- Removed some leftover ProtocolLib codes.
- Transferred almost all listeners to one major class.
- Corrected ElytraMove false positives related to firework item loss.
- Added more code disclaimers to the Player utils.
- Updated the ground-util with the PerTickCaching utils.
- Forced the LagManagement system to allocate and use less RAM.
- Prevented the TPS protection from repeating certain processes.
This hotfix corrects the lag, detection, and error issues many buyers came across with the currently released update. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Made a forum thread in regards to what is happening with anti-cheats and their community currently. Feel free to participate, rate the thread and let us know about your opinion.
- Designed a new utility that will cache other utilities' repeated information in the RAM to prevent performance waste in the low level, mostly per tick. 40%+ improvement has been confirmed via testing.
- Worked on correcting many minor MachineLearning issues that would cause the detection's final result to be a failure. Corrections took place in the configuration, basis, and calculations.
- Corrected a flying teleport issue with the ImpossibleActions check.
- Corrected a flying teleport issue with the DissallowedBuilding protection.
- Removed many useless event-priorities.
- Updated the KillAura's accuracy detection with a new custom event.
- Added an interact false positive protection to the GhostHand check.
- Added back various null-pointer protections to hashmap based utils.
- Corrected a Cooldown utils null-pointer console error.
- Corrected two major wall-climb combined-module bypasses.
- Corrected a MachineLearning minor configuration cache bug.
- Improved Velocity check event(extreme) limit calculations.
- Added more verbose information to the Velocity check.
- Improved one of the MachineLearning's basic percentages.
- Improved an ElytraMove firework-based calculation.
- Corrected an ElytraMove fly(calculated) firework-based false positive.
- Optimized some variables from the Player, Block & Move utils.
- Reprogrammed the jump(illegal) detection of the IrregularMovements.
- Corrected an IrregularMovements half-block running step(advanced) false positive.
- Corrected a Speed ice related bypass caused by inaccurate limit calculations.
- Improved the plugin's performance by limiting how many times-per-tick a movement detection can handle. Additionally, players that are considered suspicious will eventually bypass this limitation.
- Thanks to everyone who joined our discord community. We have reached over 400 members. Join at https://discord.me/Spartan.
- Corrected a NoSlowdown web-related speed false positive.
- Corrected a Combat utils null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a Cooldown utils null-pointer console error.
- Added back a few null-pointer protections to some utils.
- Optimized and Improved the Chat protection's events.
- Added overall violating counting to the Move utils.
- Lowered some of the Speed's check air limit values.
- Corrected a VeinMiner GhostHand false positive.
- Corrected an EntityMove horse null-pointer console error.
- Corrected a minor bug in the Player utils vehicle handler.
Performance Improvements in detail:
- First of all, let's welcome the new update log style with 2018.
- The MachineLearning has received dramatic changes which will help it check more players with even faster and greater ways.
- Shortened and improved many of the MachineLearning utils.
- Connected the MachineLearning check with the KillAura violations.
- Implemented value rounding to the MachineLearning check.
- Implemented cancelled-hit-checking to the HitReach check.
- Added more verbose information to the MachineLearning check.
- Fixed a Combat utils null-pointer console error.
- Fixed a Speed LiquidBounce y-port bypass.
- Removed a pointless null protections from some checks.
- KillAura accuracy false positive against velocity hacks.
- KillAura aim-accuracy false positive against velocity hacks.
- Fixed an EntityMove skeleton-horse null-pointer console error.
- Fixed a SelfHit velocity protection null-pointer console error.
- Fixed a Velocity combined bouncing-block false positive.
- Added a new developer event named MachineLearningEvent.
- Optimized the detection thread of the Velocity check.
Code (Text):
public void Event(MachineLearningEvent e) {
Player p = e.getPlayer();
double default = e.getDefaultPercentage(); // Returns the default legitimacy percentage.
double average = e.getAveragePercentage(); // Returns the average legitimacy percentage.
Boolean combat = e.isCombatRelated(); // Returns a boolean depending if the player is in combat.
Boolean contact = e.isContactRelated() // Returns a boolean depending if the player is starting some combat.
This is not Spartan's MachineLearning check but simply the basis of it. Each developer can individually use these variables differently to create a custom detection. How Spartan generates the percentages and what it does next in the original check will stay as a secret. Feel free to make free or third-platform paid additions with this event.
In the next update, I will be focusing on major MachineLearning improvements.
This update mainly focuses on performance improvement. Many pointless codes were removed, many were rewritten and others were greatly optimized to reach the current flawless standards. Clearly, the file's size was slightly reduced.
MachineLearning, IrregularMovements, Fly, InventoryClicks, Criticals, KillAura, FastBreak, Exploits check.
Cooldown, Combat, Move, Player, Attempt, Double, Millis, Permission, Punish, Config, Message, Latency, Math, Plugin utils.
Elytra, Lag-Management protection.
Settings, Checks configuration.
Violation, Menu, Permission system.
Essentials, TreeFeller support.
Added a new setting.yml option.
Added a new settings.yml option.
Implemented custom events for better performance results.
Optimized various utils, handlers, systems, and detections.
Added more verbose information to the InventoryClicks check.
Removed silent mode support for the KillAura check.
Updated the block utils sensitive material library.
Removed countless of pointless null protections.
Removed a useless project package.
FastBreak sensitive block false positives.
Fly high-level speed effect false positives.
InventoryClicks rapid shift clicking false positives. (possibly)
Many minor performance issues regarding almost all classes.
Happy new year to everyone.
Speed, MachineLearning, EntityMove, Fly check.
Config, Movement system.
Latency, Move utils.
Floor protection.
Created an actual ping latency util.
Added latency calculations to the MachineLearning percentage.
Made the EntityMove check more version compatible.
Optimized and fixed a renamed check bug in the Manage-Checks GUI.
Fixed some recent method bugs in the configuration system.
Made various Developer API background method changes.
Updated many old messages built into the logging system.
Made the Floor protection ignore check related actions.
Speed ice-speed(ground) block layer false positives.
Possibly fixed MachineLearning latency related false positives.
Config.yml possible check-name related console error.
EntityMove wrong horse object-cast console error.
Fly minor few-second bypass caused by broken util.
IrregularMovements inaccurate checks.yml naming.
I apologize for partially breaking the Machine-Learning check for over 2 updates. The problem has been corrected. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all buyers.
ImpossibleActions, MachineLearning, KillAura check.
Settings, Language, Checks configuration.
Violation, Config, Enum, Ban system.
Combat, Block, Player, Config utils.
Added RAM capacity to some caching systems.
Made the MachineLearning ping limits more lenient.
Updated some semi-solid block util libraries.
Prevented the checks.yml cache system from overloading.
Made a combat util detect fights between players faster.
Removed many null handlers to improve overall performance.
Renamed NormalMovements to IrregularMovements.
Added the ability to rename any of the available checks.
Added a new configuration syntax option. {detection:real}
Disallowed combat checking on player NPCs.
Added two new Developer API methods.
ImpossibleActions liquid scaffold bypass.
KillAura NPC checking unknown false positives.
KillAura block-raytrace grass breaking false positives.
KillAura accuracy non-fightable players false positives.
New Developer API methods:
Code (Text):
String getConfiguredCheckName(HackType HackType)
void setConfiguredCheckName(HackType HackType, String name)