Due to the recent bypass corrections, some stability problems started occurring, mostly with movement detections such as NoFall, Jesus & Sprint. These issues have now been corrected with this update.
Corrected a Self-Hit protection bow cancelled damage bug.
Corrected a possible Search-Engine unloaded plugin console error.
Corrected several movement false positives caused by the Ground utilities.
Corrected a Ground utilities climbable-block bug.
Improved the verbose information of the NoFall ratio detection.
Corrected several NoFall ratio false positives.
Slightly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities.
Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional auto-jump false positive.
Improved the NoFall ratio detection with a better damage handler.
Corrected a Jesus ypos 1.13 water-soul-sand false positive
Corrected a Sprint omnidirectional building false positive.
Improved the Jesus check's water-soul-sand handling.