This update was fairly delayed compared to the previous and ultimately my schedule because I wanted to take the time and make my plugin more stable. Some unused detections have been removed and many others were enhanced.
I would greatly recommend deleting all previous logs and enabling features such as Performance-Optimizer, so the plugin can use its new greater stability to better understand who's legitimate.
I received reports from 3 people having lag issues. The rest were having a fine time running the plugin. Please send me feedback regarding this update's performance, and make sure to take my log-deletion advice.
Removed the Exploits ascension detection.
Corrected several NoFall air false positives.
Added more blocks to the Block utilities material library.
Corrected several Nuker & FastBreak bamboo false positives.
Corrected several Jesus walking & swimming low TPS false positives.
Corrected several NoSlowdown web breaking false positives.
Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks false positive.
Removed the MorePackets timer detection and its configuration.
Drastically improved the stability of the IrregularMovements hop detection.
Corrected all KillAura rapid-hits 1.9+ false positives.
Drastically improved the stability of the Fly stable detection.
Implemented a new settings.yml option. (Protections.disallowed_building)
Drastically improved the stability of the NoFall check.
Drastically improved the stability of the EntityMove horse detection.
Corrected a FastBreak low TPS false positive.
Corrected a Fly neutral jumping-miscalculation false positive.
Drastically improved the stability of the Fly calculated detection.
Drastically improved the stability of the Jesus check.
Corrected several major Clip inside-movements false positives.
Added a missing shulker-box block to the Block utilities material library.
Corrected several movement shulker-box false positives.
Greatly improved the accuracy of the Ground and Move utilities.
Corrected a partially broken Block utilities method that allowed Clip instant bypasses.
Corrected several movement conduit block false positives.