For those that don't know, Performance Optimizer is a feature that will periodically automatically excluded trusted players from Spartan's detections, hence saving performance and avoiding inconvenience.
In addition to the Syn membership feature that is now available to the public, I have also moved many of what I considered heavy schedulers, to non-main threads, which will significantly lower server lag.
Corrected several Exploits ascension falling false positives.
Made the PlayerViolationEvent run at all times.
Made the Syn membership Performance-Optimizer available to the public.
Increased the Syn membership max enable delay to 48 hours.
Improved the Performance-Optimizer's cache clear handler.
Implemented more information to the Error utilities.
Corrected a major issue with the Syn membership cache being repeatedly cleared.
Heavily improved the cache clearing capabilities upon disabling the plugin.
Moved all the heavy schedulers to another thread to critically save performance.
Added ViaRewind to the compatibility.yml configuration.
Corrected Fly, IrregularMovements, & Speed false positives caused by the ViaRewind plugins.