The Sprint omnidirectional detection was improved and extended in a try to prevent bhop movements. Previously, it was only supporting sprint movements.
A new Nuker detection was implemented in a try to prevent omnidirectional block breaking. Previously, only the Ghosthand check could block this, but with several bypasses.
A new Exploits detection was implemented to prevent players from abusing the checks and their preventions. This will hopefully prevent spam, lag & crashes from occurring.
Corrected a minor bug in the violation system.
Corrected a console error with the check-bypass command.
Added more verbose information to the Sprint check.
Improved the Sprint check to block bhop movements.
Implemented a new Nuker detection named moves-in-between.
Improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
Optimized some methods of the Block utilities.
Implemented a new Exploits detection named Processed-Actions.
Improved old parts of the Jesus check.
Corrected a Jesus depth-strider & dolphin's-grace false positive.
Added more verbose information to the Jesus check.
Implemented a new checks.yml option. (Nuker.check_moves_in_between)
Improved the Piracy system to prevent dishonest PayPal cases.
Slightly optimized the IP utilities with the removal of redundant variables.