Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Build 418 - Improved Lag Leniencies & KillAura Check Correction
  • Spartan’s lag leniencies have largely improved by having their purpose rearranged. Many calculations were removed where they were no longer needed or simply never needed. This will help with dealing with hackers that use ping-spoof modules to increase their latency in order to give themselves an unfair advantage.
  • A major was found in one of Spartan’s objects that caused a number to not increase, resulting in a big part of the KillAura check to not work properly or at all. This has been fixed, so you should expect better & faster detections.
  1. Completely rewritten the lag leniencies of the plugin to work in par with the server’s needs instead of limit calculations.
  2. Corrected several 1.17+ movement false positives caused by the brand new light block.
  3. Corrected a major bug in the Buffer object that prevented most of the KillAura check from working properly.
  4. Corrected several HitReach horizontal false positives caused by the MythicMobs plugin.
  5. Corrected a minor bug that kept unbanned players in the ban list.
  6. Greatly optimised the Violations feature & Player utils with unnecessary code removals & less memory usage.
  7. Slightly optimised the Permissions system & Hack Prevention object handler with less memory usage.
  8. Slightly optimised the Search Engine, Shulker Box handlers & Ground, Player utilities with faster methods.
  9. Slightly optimised the Timer, Cooldowns & Decimals objects with less method calls.
  10. Corrected a bug in the Latency system that allowed a small part of the protection to function regardless of being disabled.
  11. Corrected a cache bug in the Manage Checks inventory menu that prevented changes from taking place.
  12. Greatly improved the Math utilities by ditching java methods for more optimised custom methods.
  13. Slightly optimised the Movement listener with less variables per event.
  14. Slightly improved the Gamemode handler with prevention of unnecessary calls.
  15. Noticeably improved the Spartan Location & Spartan Block objects with storage for the Spartan Player object.
  16. Noticeably optimised the Block utilities with more optimised directional & traced locations algorithms.
  17. Corrected a major Fly stable horizontal bypass.
  18. Corrected a ProtocolLib compatibility no-such-method console error.
  19. Slightly optimised the Spartan Location object with more useful methods.
  20. Slightly optimised the Spartan Location object with a faster block retrieval method.
  21. Greatly optimised the Minigame Maker compatibility to search for less incompatible items when not enabled.
  22. Potentially corrected several MorePackets instant movement false positives.
  23. Noticeably improved the Violations feature with a safer tick skipping method.
  24. Potentially corrected a few remaining Jesus ypos false positives.
  25. Significantly decreased the amount of location calls and ground calculations by using light Bukkit methods when possible.
  26. Potentially corrected several IrregularMovements step false positives caused by the Building handler.
  27. Removed the secret way to delete a player’s violation history and added it apparently in the Player Info inventory menu.
  28. Implemented a new messages.yml configuration option. (player_stored_data_delete_message)
  29. Noticeably improved & optimised the GhostHand check with faster performance and more stable calculations.
  30. Noticeably improved the Developer API with prevention of some calls in test servers.
  31. Slightly improved the Spartan inventory menu with removal of unnecessary descriptions.
  32. The Cancel Violation handler will now always prevent a player when they are identified as hackers.
  33. The Punishment algorithm will now be considered with higher severity when a check is found to be problematic.
----------, Jul 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
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All-Time Rating:
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