Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Build 414 - Player Profiling & Convenient Notifications
  • For years now, Spartan has been storing almost all its interactions with players in YAML files & SQL databases. Data such as this is then analysed, separated & cached by the Search Engine, which powers Spartan’s statistical analysis. This update ditches the Search Engine to a great extent and implements Player Profiling, which is fully object oriented, more organised, more scalable, and most importantly dramatically faster. On the outside, it may look the same, but on the inside a huge leap has just taken place.
  1. Noticeably improved the Search Engine with a completely rewritten base.
  2. Noticeably optimised the Search Engine with faster caching.
  3. Corrected a few IrregularMovements step buffer false positives.
  4. Removed the Developer API method getViolationHistory() due to handler changes.
  5. Corrected some more typos in the Spartan Inventory menu.
  6. Noticeably optimised all the Syn inventory menu features with faster loading times & more universal methods.
  7. Slightly optimised the Low Violation, Cancel Violation & Violation Divisor handlers with faster methods.
  8. Corrected a ProtocolLib no-such-field console error.
  9. Implemented several new objects to handle the Player Profiles.
  10. Slightly improved the Cache system with more accurate results.
  11. Slightly improved the Incompatible Item object with unique identifiers.
  12. The Player Info inventory menu will now show the Player’s IP and will be available with offline players for Syn members.
  13. Corrected several FastPlace false positives caused by the Vehicles plugin tractor vehicle.
  14. Notifications will now contain less information unless set to the lowest frequency.
  15. Slightly improved the MorePackets check with more ways to increase confidence and detect.
  16. Noticeably improved the KillAura check with a new detection named advantage.
  17. Added a new checks.yml configuration option. (KillAura.check_advantage)
  18. Greatly improved the Block utilities with more organised methods and updated libraries.
  19. Corrected dozens of Fly calculated jumping down hill false positives.
  20. Noticeably improved the Ground with more organised & accurate methods.
  21. Corrected an EntityMove major bypass caused by a bug in the Hack Prevention object & Player utilities.
  22. Corrected a few Criticals damage sharpness 6+ enchantment false positives.
  23. Greatly improved the Math utilities with new & more universal methods.
  24. Trident riptide enchantments beyond the 3rd level will no longer be handled.
  25. Greatly improved the KillAura distance & aimbot detections for 1.9+ pvp mechanics.
  26. Noticeably improved the Hack Prevention object with optimisations, less methods & bug corrections.
  27. Corrected several KillAura block-raytrace sweeping edge enchantment false positives.
  28. Corrected a bug where the player latency/ping would not be calculated in 1.17 servers.
  29. Corrected a major KillAura bypass with the brand new advantage detection.
  30. Slightly improved the Register class with more accurate methods.
  31. Slightly improved the Cloud feature with usage of safer & more secure separators.
  32. Corrected a few movement 1.17 cave vine block false positives.
----------, Jun 19, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
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All-Time Rating:
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