Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Build 357 - Performance Improvements
  1. Corrected a 1.10 Llama entity no-such-method console error.
  2. Corrected an IrregularMovements step(high) no-hit-delay compatibility false positive.
  3. Slightly improved the Fly check with better tracing of potion effects.
  4. Corrected a Jesus walking slow-falling effect false positive.
  5. Noticeably improved the plugin's performance consumption by improving the RAM-over-CPU feature.
  6. Corrected a Chunks system rare console error caused by a failed math conversion.
  7. Updated the libraries of the "MinigameMaker" compatible plugin for error reassurance.
  8. Corrected a bug in the Request utilities that prevented the Developer-Report feature from functioning.
  9. Slightly improved the Spartan Syn verification handler with more proper methods.
  10. Slightly optimised the Request utilities with decreased RAM allocation.
  11. Slightly improved the Ground utilities with more accurate methods.
  12. Slightly improved the Player & Movement utilities with more reliable methods.
  13. Corrected a Velocity check self bow hit false positive.
  14. Corrected several IrregularMovements jump(illegal) & jump(unused) self bow hit false positives.
  15. Removed a forgotten debug message left in the Block utilities.
  16. Slightly improved the Spartan-Player mutli-threaded object with more accurate methods.
  17. Corrected a NoSlowdown food-eating false positive caused by 1.16 server versions.
  18. Corrected a bug in the Mining-Notifications feature where it wouldn't gather netherite-scrap data.
  19. Corrected several X-Ray check bypasses caused by the netherite-scrap data bug in the Mining-Notifications feature.
  20. Corrected a BoatMove water(packets) relatively low TPS false positive.
  21. Corrected several movement false positives caused by players entering a vehicle mid-air.
  22. Noticeably optimised and improved the False-Positive-Detection feature with more prevention handlers.
  23. Corrected a Velocity 1.16 netherite armor false positive.
  24. Increased Latency protection's max supported ping to correct more high latency false positives.
  25. Slightly improved the Recommended-Plugins inventory menu with better descriptions.
  26. Brought back an old settings.yml configuration option. (Chat.prevent_same_message)
  27. Slightly optimised the Chat-Protection feature with faster codes.
  28. Verbose notifications at maximum violation level will no longer be sent.
  29. Corrected a KillAura area player chasing false positive.
  30. Corrected a potential KillAura area minor bypass.
  31. Corrected an ElytraMove speed(normal) firework false positive.
  32. Corrected several ElytraMove front-block false positives.
  33. Corrected a Spartan inventory menu description categorisation bug.
  34. Maximum checked height has been moved from 256 to 272 to prevent unnecessary bypasses.
  35. Corrected several NoFall pattern low violation false positives.
  36. Corrected a potential issue that prevented the XRay, FastClicks & AutoRespawn checks from functioning.
  37. Prevented a few unnecessary calls of the CheckCancelEvent Spartan event.
  38. Greatly improved the Configuration system.
  39. Greatly improved the Hack-Prevention object with new methods and existing method improvements.
  40. Corrected a Jesus speed minor walking bypass.
  41. Corrected several ElytraMove firework boosting false positives.
  42. Updated the default config.yml configuration by setting NoFall.cancel_after_violation from 2 to 1.
  43. Drastically improved the Mining-Notifications feature with parts of its code completely rewritten.
  44. Drastically improved the Cache system with a more proper way of clearing cache when the plugin disables.
----------, Jul 16, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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