Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4
The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection
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Version History
Build 386 - Many Error Corrections
Slightly improved the Item Attributes compatibility with longer cache retention.
Corrected a few Speed false positives caused by the Item Attributes compatibility.
Corrected a few Speed false positives caused by the Item Attributes & Mythic Mobs compatibility.
Corrected a few Spartan Player object world entities retrieval concurrent-modification console error.
Corrected a few Attempts utilities null-pointer console error.
Noticeably improved the Attempts utilities with less memory calls & a new scheduler system.
Corrected several ImpossibleActions liquids semi-solid block placement false positives.
Corrected a distant teleportation bug in the From Location stability handler.
Corrected several IrregularMovements jump & step water elevator false positives.
Corrected several Jesus exit water elevator false positives.
Slightly improved the Liquid & Bouncing Blocks protection handlers with more frequent cache updates.
Corrected a few Velocity zero distance knockback enchantment false positives.
Corrected a few IrregularMovements step CMI plugin false positives.
Corrected a few KillAura hits-per-second CPS false positives.
Corrected several Fly calculated ladder falling false positives.
Potentially corrected a few ElytraMove speed semi-solid block false positives.
Corrected a few climbable block movement false positives caused by the Ground utilities.
Corrected a Scheduler listeners rare ignorance bug that allowed for a few movement bypasses.
Corrected dozens of ElytraMove Skript plugin false positives.
Noticeably improved the Spartan Player object with a new scheduler system.
Corrected a few KillAura false positives caused by cancelled damage listeners.
Slightly improved the False Positive Detection with more simplified & secure methods.
Jan 6, 2021
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Resource Information
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First Release:
Jul 9, 2016
Last Update:
Yesterday at 3:44 PM
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
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