The TPS protection now has its own individual handler inside of each check, ensuring more comparisons will be made to prevent false positives caused by server lag. This one is actually not very dependant in numbers, meaning it will almost never fail to assist the plugin's performance.
Corrected a major Jesus bug that caused several bypasses.
Corrected a major BoatMove bug that caused many bypasses.
Drastically improved the multi-threaded Spartan-Player object.
Corrected a few BoatMove vertical false positives.
Implemented compatibility support for a plugin named MythicMobs
Slightly optimized the methods of the Player utilities.
Potentially corrected a silent-check cancellation bug.
Greatly improved the Violation system with higher quality code.
Drastically improved the TPS protection with new handlers.
Slightly improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities
Corrected a Fly stable & neutral cauldron false positive.