A new config.yml option was implemented to select the worlds a check will not run. Please read the overview's page configuration documentation to learn how you can use it. Use commas (,) to separate the worlds.
My new resource's video got released, so feel free to watch and share it
Corrected a KillAura direction no-hit-delay false positive.
Corrected a KillAura precision no-hit-delay false positive.
Corrected a KillAura hit-box no-hit-delay false positive.
Corrected a HitReach horizontal no-hit-delay false positives.
Improved the HitReach's check horizontal distance calculation handler.
Implemented a new config.yml text option. (disabled_worlds)
Corrected a SQL table creation console-utility error.
Corrected a teleport-event console error. (Already fixed in a silent update)
Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) magma-block false positive.
Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) downward movement false positive.
Corrected an IrregularMovements jump(illegal) air-ticks false positive.
Corrected a BlockReach block-placement vehicle false positive.
Made the verbose of the BlockReach check more clear and accurate.
Corrected a block-break-event cancellation issue with the GhostHand check.
Patched a GhostHand bed-fucker bypass caused by a code mistake.
Corrected an IrregularMovements hop(repeated) jump-effect false positive.