Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Build 361 - Violation Divisor Option Removal
  • The config.yml violation-divisor option has been removed. Like the cancel-after-violation feature, existing options will remain compatible. The default violation-divisor has been chosen by me for each check, but custom ones are now supported by the verbose-notifications command.
  • Hot-fix updates now support decimal build numbers. However, Spartan's SQL "spartan_build" column only accepts integers. It's recommended you update the SQL "spartan_build" column to DOUBLE or ultimately delete the table and let it be recreated.
  • The RAM-over-CPU feature has once more caused lag issues. For this reason, it has now been disabled and expected to be removed in the near future with a small chance of a revival. Those having lag issues, this update will resolve them.
  1. Corrected several NoSwing, BlockReach & Nuker false positives caused by the MineBomb plugin compatibility.
  2. Updated the Piracy system to support not only integers but decimals as Build versions.
  3. Corrected a bug where the Notifications.cross_server_notifications settings.yml option would only work if set to true.
  4. Corrected an asynchronous console error caused by the Piracy protection.
  5. Corrected a bug where the Developer-Report Command feature would have no cooldown after successful execution.
  6. Corrected several IrregularMovements step & Speed limit trident false positives.
  7. Updated the default settings.yml configuration with more reliable options names.
  8. Moved a messages.yml configuration options to the settings.yml configuration. (staff_chat_character)
  9. Slightly optimised the Configuration & Punishment systems.
  10. Slightly improved the Syn inventory menu with description corrections.
  11. Noticeably optimised the Cancel-Violation handler by making it refresh when necessary.
  12. Corrected an EntityMove vertical horse jumping false positive.
  13. Slightly optimised the Movement listeners with redundancy prevention.
  14. Potentially corrected a HitReach horizontal 1.9+ combat mechanics false positive.
  15. Corrected a major lag issue caused by the RAM-over-CPU feature.
  16. Corrected a FastEat eat high player latency false positive.
  17. Corrected an issue in the Cloud feature where it wouldn't support decimals as plugin version.
  18. Corrected a major functionality bug in the SQL feature that was caused by decimals being used as versions.
  19. Chat messages sent using the Staff-Chat feature will now be logged and be cross-server compatible.
  20. Corrected a few movement false positives caused by lantern blocks.
  21. Implemented a new settings.yml option to toggle the permission cache.
  22. Noticeably improved the Verbose-Notifications feature with more advanced commands.
  23. Implemented a new Developer API method. setVerbose()
  24. Corrected a minor API bug that required Verbose notified players to also have the permission.
  25. Implemented compatibility for a plugin named WildTools.
  26. The config.yml violation_divisor option has been removed.
  27. Corrected several step jump boost effect false positives.
  28. Slightly improved the Configuration system with more proper codes.
  29. Corrected a Velocity check null-pointer console error.
  30. Corrected an EntityMove horse vertical false positive.
  31. Corrected an ElytraMove ratio false positive.
  32. Corrected a bug in the Syn inventory menu where it would refer to the wrong price.
  33. Corrected several movement false positives caused by Trident item use in a player weather.
  34. Corrected a Nuker mushroom-stem false positive.
  35. Updated the Block utilities material library to help correct false positives.
  36. Corrected a KillAura aimbot non-living-entity false positive.
  37. Corrected a KillAura aimbot multiple entities false positive.
  38. Potentially corrected a few Jesus swimming false positives.
  39. Corrected a Jesus ypos upward motion false positive.
  40. Corrected all remaining Speed soul-speed enchantment false positives.
  41. Potentially corrected several ElytraMove off-hand firework false positives.
  42. Incompatible-Items feature is no longer limited to 54 outside of the inventory menu.

Settings.yml Changes:
Code (Text):


----------, Aug 21, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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