Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4
The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection
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Version History
Phase 489 - Rewritten Exploits detection & Corrections
Rewritten the Exploits undetected-movement detection.
Removed unused methods from some objects.
Made the chunk cache more thread safe by decreasing recurrency.
Updated the Move utilities with more universal variables.
Listed more dependent plugins in the plugin.yml file.
Made some changes to the API’s events to adapt to the rewritten systems.
Improved the management of the Cloud feature’s exceptions.
The plugin will now update profile permission knowledge when permissions are checked.
The Research Engine will now need both profile and log requirements to start functioning.
Rebalanced the permissions that would identify staff players.
Optimized the permissions feature by decreasing memory calls.
Checks will not be silent by default, which was a mistake of the past update.
Checks who do not support silent mode will not have the option, just like past the previous update.
Removed the spartan.punishment permission as it was malfunctioning and wasn’t being used in general.
Living entities will now need to have their AI enabled to be supported by Spartan’s checks.
Removed the Low Violation handler as this is no longer considered a proper way to deal with violations.
The API will now support giving bypass permissions to players via the addPermission method.
The Player Info inventory menu will no longer update when there is no change in violations.
The Check object’s silent method will no longer try to check world data twice.
The entity AI method will no longer be used in versions that don’t offer it.
Improved the SQL feature with better errors, less variables/memory used, and more protections against mistakes.
Adjusted an invalid SQL query when deleting player information from the database.
Implemented a new checks.yml option for the Exploits check to manage the building detection.
Mining notifications will no longer be logged in the console.
Improved how the plugin identifies player swimming.
An API event will no longer be triggered asynchronously.
The Speed & IrregularMovements will now be more lenient towards bouncing blocks in certain scenarios.
Implemented a new type of utilities to manage characters in Java.
Drastically improved & optimized the way the plugin handles its check data.
Implemented a new awareness notification about the Discord Webhooks feature.
Adjusted the colors of the Spartan command’s content depending on certain scenarios.
Adjusted a Player Data utilities method that caused the Speed potion effect to not always be accounted.
Dec 5, 2022
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Resource Information
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First Release:
Jul 9, 2016
Last Update:
Yesterday at 3:44 PM
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
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