This update was fairly delayed due to a trip I attended to Norway for 12 days. It was released to correct reported issues thru my inactive time. Another update will be released soon that's going to bring a big chance on how the movement checks are run and hopefully greatly minimize the performance.
Regarding the 1.13 compatibility... it will happen. Please let the SpigotMC developers work and release the official build and then it will be a matter of days for me to catch up.
Corrected a NoFall to invulnerable-landing false positive.
Updated the Syn advertising menu with upcoming features.
Corrected an Exploits ascension void-falling false positive.
Corrected some non-player-entity KillAura aim-accuracy false positives.
Corrected many movement false positives caused by dragon damage.
Corrected a Jesus ypos(attempts) boat false positive.
Corrected a lag issue with the Syn membership's authentication task.
Correct a few remaining Exploits ascension false positives.
Re-improved the stability of the ground utility.
Corrected an issue with the Jesus check not disabling.