Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4
The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection
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Version History
Phase 485 - Introduced Configuration Synchronization Option
Created a new settings.yml option named “Cloud.synchronise_files” to toggle cloud file changes.
Removed the settings.yml option “Important.cloud_feature” as all Cloud features will fail properly if unavailable or not connected.
Moved the settings.yml option “server_name” to the newly created “Cloud” category while maintaining backwards compatibility with the 2 older options.
Awareness Notifications will now longer include the disabling message part when sent on Discord.
The messages.yml option “notifications_clickable_command” has been transferred to settings.yml as “Notifications.message_clickable_command”.
Improved the Auto Updater feature with universal variable outcomes.
Adjusted some material libraries in the Block utilities for the better.
Improved the notification of the Floodgate compatibility.
Implemented additional awareness notifications.
Potentially improved the compatibility of mcMMO & TreFeller plugins.
The synchronization algorithm will now understand the type of variable it is dealing with.
The synchronization algorithm will now be faster & account for when the server is unavailable.
Adjusted the Research Engine handler to use the YAML configuration more properly.
Custom check names will now be available for certain customers.
Slightly improved the functionality of some of the items in the Spartan inventory menu.
Changed how items are shown in the Spartan inventory menu to be simpler.
Removed the MinecraftServerWebsite compatibility due to the plugin becoming outdated.
Bedrock players will now be treated more leniently by the Lag Leniencies feature.
The Extra Functionality system will now longer attempt to verify existing customers.
The MorePackets check will now be more lenient with the CrackShot plugin features.
Adjusted the settings.yml configuration system creation algorithm to be more universal.
Some Awareness Notifications will now be sent in masses instead of one after another periodically.
The Customer Support feature will no longer always fail when there’s an insufficient amount of data.
Improved the Inventory utilities with new universal methods.
Oct 1, 2022
View on SpigotMC
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First Release:
Jul 9, 2016
Last Update:
Yesterday at 3:44 PM
All-Time Rating:
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