The 1.14 compatibility ended up working wonderful. Unfortunately, many errors were introduced to previous versions, which I hopefully corrected In this update. As always, feedback is appreciated.
A few buyers have reported having issues with the ground-teleportation feature. I've been working on this issue for a few updates now (including this), and unfortunately, I cannot confirm its correction by myself. Please report me any cases or false positives related to this.
Improved the Search-Engine's asynchronous task handling.
Corrected a possible disabled-plugin-task console error.
Improved the structure of the Block utilities' material library.
Possibly corrected a class initialisation console error.
Implemented and enabled a forgotten class of events.
Reworked parts of the ground teleportation method.
Corrected a cross-version shulker-box console error.
Corrected a Clip speed sign-block false positive.
Corrected several BoatMove bypasses.
Corrected several EntiryMove bypasses.
Corrected a Fly stable turtle-egg false positive.
Implemented turtle-egg compatibility in the Ground utilities.
Balanced some of the Player utilities' methods.
Implemented teleportation cooldown in the BoatMove check.
Corrected the inventory menus not working on older servers.
Corrected several Clip low-violation false positives.
Implemented new advanced methods to the Cooldown utilities.
Corrected some silent bugs in the utilities' handlers.
Corrected several IrregularMovements low-violation false positives.
Corrected several Jesus sprinting bypasses.
Implemented a new protection to handle low-violation false positives.
Corrected a NoFall air fast falling false positive.
Corrected an IrregularMovements hop fishing-hook false positive.
Prevented the Hacker-Finder menu from interfering with checks.
Implemented an item-description warning to the Main-Menu inventory.
Improved the accuracy of the Ground utilities when building.