The Chunk utilities have received several efficient new protections to ensure loaded chunks are cached on any words at any time, which will prevent false positives and obviously confusions between the customers.
The Developer-Report feature now has additional warning messages regarding TPS, to notify the customer of possible performance issues. This doesn't prevent the developer-report from being sent and eventually studied by the author.
Improved the precision of the Ground utilities.
Slightly improved the Permission system.
Corrected several Exploits undetected-movement false positives.
Corrected a Fly down false positive.
Corrected a ProtocolLib plugin-disable console error.
Implemented additional protections to the Chunk utilities.
Corrected an InventoryClicks shift-edit false positives.
Possibly corrected several InventoryClicks sensitive-material false positives.
Additional improvements have taken place in the KillAura heuristics.
Improved the Developer-report feature with additional warning messages.
Improved the Fly check's verbose notifications with additional information.
Corrected many Jesus walking-abnormal inappropriate-speed false positives.
Slightly optimised the Spartan-Player multi-threaded object.