The settings.yml configuration has been gratefully organized with categories, making it easier to browse thru and choose which information to change. Please delete the old syntax of the configuration, as they will no longer provide a functionality.
Some of you may wonder why I didn't do the same with the language.yml configuration. The settings.yml configuration is mostly perfect by default and not many buyers touch it, compared to the language.yml which everyone changes based on their likings.
Added 6 new materials to the Block utilities' library.
Corrected several Fly non-solid block false positives.
Corrected several NoFall non-solid block false positives.
Corrected several Clip non-solid block false positives.
The RAMoverCPU feature will now enable at 2GB of ram, instead of 1.5GB
Minimized the resources the RAMoverCPU feature uses.
Corrected an ElytraMove ratio instant false positive.
Renamed one of the ElytraMove's ratio detections.
Completely revamped the settings.yml configuration.
Corrected a RAMoverCPU error that would slowly crash the server.
Implemented message cases for the Hacker-Finder menu.