Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Build 393 - Problematic Detections Analysis & Performance Improvements
  • Spartan users can access the Manage Checks inventory menu and receive recommendations by the Configuration Recommendations feature. With this update, this feature will also do an analysis for problematic detections and let you know if you need to modify something to improve stability. In addition, the False Positive Detection feature will dynamically support problematic detections.
  • In the past a cache implementation was attempted in the Spartan Location object but it did not work as expected. This update introduces a cache with a better design that will decrease the time a location takes to be retrieved by huge percentages.
  1. Corrected a few EntityMove speed donkey false positives.
  2. Corrected a few Fly block colliding bypasses caused by the Ground utilities.
  3. Slightly improved the Ground utilities with more dynamic methods.
  4. Slightly improved the File Logs feature with more consistent results.
  5. Corrected a few Fly false positives by increasing the checks’ cancel violation.
  6. Slightly optimised the FastBreak check with faster handlers.
  7. Slightly optimised the General Gameplay handler with faster methods.
  8. Corrected a minor Cloud Developer Report feature cooldown miscalculation bug.
  9. Set the checks.yml option “FastHeal.check_illegal” to false by default.
  10. Corrected several MorePackets latency false positives.
  11. Corrected a few BoatMove teleport bypasses caused by high thresholds.
  12. Noticeably improved the BoatMove & EntityMove checks with vehicle enter preventions.
  13. Noticeably improved the MorePackets check with a more stable detection.
  14. Corrected a Block utilities list size console error.
  15. Corrected a Violations feature null pointer console error.
  16. Noticeably optimised the Spartan Location object with a modification cache system & faster data retrieval.
  17. Implemented compatibility for Authentication plugins by temporarily disabling the Staff Chat feature.
  18. Slightly optimised the Notifications, Multi Version, Clickable Message & Ban features with faster methods.
  19. False Positive Notifications will now only appear when the frequency is manually or dynamically set to 1.
  20. Noticeably improved the Configuration Recommendations feature with analysis for problematic detections.
  21. Noticeably improved the False Positive Detection feature with dynamic support for problematic detections and better results.
  22. Noticeably improved the XRay check with more strict limits and uncertain notifications.
  23. Corrected a bug that prevented the Exploits undetected movement from working.
  24. Slightly optimised the Exploits check with faster detections.
  25. Corrected a bug where notifications wouldn’t be logged in the console if no staff player was available to receive them.
  26. Corrected a few FastBreak button & clay block false positives.
  27. Slightly improved the FastPlace check with faster detections.
  28. Greatly improved the Hack Prevention object with less aggressive preventions on low TPS servers & minor bug corrections.
  29. Noticeably improved the Cloud feature with IP based license verification & many structural upgrades.
  30. Corrected a few ImpossibleActions interact & Speed normal low TPS false positives.
  31. Corrected a few ImpossibleActions scaffold hoe item false positives.
  32. Noticeably improved the Cloud Developer Report feature with more information.
  33. Noticeably optimised the String utilities & File Logs feature with faster and more garbage collector friendly methods.
  34. Slightly improved the Spartan Player object with more specific methods.
  35. Corrected a few KillAura unsafe advantage false positives.
  36. Corrected a few IrregularMovements jump climbable block false positives.
  37. Corrected a few Criticals damage recent PvP mechanic false positives.
  38. Noticeably improved the Buffer object with partially scheduler free functionality.
  39. Noticeably optimised the Buffer object with less memory calls.
  40. Noticeably improved the Chunks system with more universal and fail safe methods.
  41. Noticeably improved the General Gameplay handler with a packet counter.
  42. Noticeably improved the Player utilities with bug corrections & new useful methods.
  43. Greatly improved the Ping Protection feature with a better exemption method.
  44. Corrected a few IrregularMovements step bypasses.
  45. Greatly improved the ProtocolLib compatibility with dynamic class identification & more universal structure.
  46. GhostHand check will no longer be included in Hacker/Legitimate player identification calculations.
  47. Brought back the NoSlowdown packets detection and resolved its issues.
  48. Greatly optimised the Hack Prevention object with faster methods.
----------, Feb 9, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
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All-Time Rating:
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