Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Phase 534 - Machine Learning Pre-Detection Phase
This update once again brings huge improvements to Spartan.
  1. The Cancel Violation and False Positive Detection algorithms have been incorporated in the Live Violation algorithm, saving your server's resources in the process.
  2. The Machine Learning algorithm has been further developed and now uses less memory while running faster, plus I will be using to implement its first detections in the future.
  3. Violations are now uncapped where previously they would go up to 100 per minute and are time linear, meaning they will decrease as time passes if a player is not hacking. This will offer greater stability while improving long term statistics with undisputed evidence.
  4. Last but not least, the plugin was once again deeply maintained with outdated handlers and listeners being rewritten to track data better while consuming less resources from your server.
  5. The rest is history:
----------, Apr 16, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
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