Even though the plugin is already very stable, I again focused on stability with this update to ensure nothing similar happens like the recent issue with players randomly dying by the teleportation handlers.
In this update unneeded detections have been removed, and existing ones were enhanced with code changes in a try to make them more stable. Downloading and installing this build is recommended.
Corrected a Jesus sprint-jumping false positive.
Improved the accuracy of the Player utilities.
Corrected a Building protection teleportation bug.
Removed the NoFall ground detection and it's configuration.
Corrected several MorePackets instant false positives.
Implemented a new automated protection to handle post-death false positives.
Corrected an API version-method console error.
Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement enderpearl false positive.
Corrected several Clip instant random false positives.
Corrected an ImpossibleActions interact false positive.
Improved the stability of the ground teleportation method.
Advanced some of the Ground utilities' methods.
Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks bed false positive.
Corrected an IrregularMovements bouncing-blocks logic bug.