Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Phase 536.3
[+] Added new description to the Player Info inventory menu.
[+] Updated the verification of the Cloud feature, update to maintain access to it.
[#] Fixed a few Speed ground-invalid false positives
[#] Fixed a non-such method console error when retrieving server TPS.
[#] Fixed an issue where punishments repeat themselves after player is logged out.
[#] Made the NoFall check more lenient as far as its violations and preventions go.
[#] Improved the prevention system to consider configuration options in more scenarios.
[#] Fixed a BlockReach false positive caused by bedrock players.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements step false positive caused by several velocities.
[#] Fixed an IrregularMovements gravity false positive caused by elytra gliding.
[#] Fixed FastBreak false positives caused by latency and haste effects.
[#] Fixed many GhostHand false positives by making the check not retain violations for long.
[#] Potentially fixed an ImpossibleActions scaffold random block placement false positive.
[#] The Exploits check now belongs to the World category.
----------, Jul 4, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
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