Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 icon

Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4 -----

The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection

Build 363 - KillAura Check Huge Improvements
  • The KillAura check has had almost all its detections revamped with more reliable methods, more sensitive limits, higher accuracy & functionality corrections. In total, about 3 detections, one of them being major, were brought back to life. Expect noticeable improvements in detection speed.
  1. Slightly improved the Syn menu with better description.
  2. Noticeably improved the Hack-Prevention object with better exclusions on high distances.
  3. Corrected a Nuker delay verbose information typo.
  4. Corrected several Nuker delay low violation false positives.
  5. Corrected a ProtocolLib temporary-player remaining console error.
  6. Greatly improved the Cache system with better clearance.
  7. Implemented a new type of utilities named Tracking.
  8. Corrected a few GhostHand break wire block false positives.
  9. Corrected the functionality of the KillAura combined, aim-consistency & aim-accuracy detection.
  10. Noticeably improved the KillAura check with more sensitive & functional detections.
  11. Greatly improved the ItemDrops check with better command prevention compatibility.
  12. Slightly improved the plugin's obfuscation with less exceptions made.
  13. Corrected an IrregularMovements step allow-flight false positive.
  14. Corrected several movement grindstone block false positives.
  15. Noticeably improved the Ground utilities with support for more hit-boxes & solid blocks.
  16. Potentially corrected several ElytraMove fly ender-dragon entity false positives.
  17. Removed the settings.yml option Detections.run_asynchronously and left it as a secret option.
  18. Corrected dozens of ElytraMove ratio firework boost false positives.
  19. Corrected an IrregularMovements step scaffolding block false positive.
  20. The Search-Engine feature will no longer consider zero numbers as statistics.
  21. Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement low distance false positive.
  22. Potentially corrected an ImpossibleActions scaffold direction false positive.
  23. Slightly optimised the Spartan-Player object with less CPU usage.
  24. Slightly optimised the Player utilities with removal of unused methods.
  25. Slightly optimised the Elytra-Gliding handler with broader identification.
  26. Corrected a Velocity jumping zero distance false positive.
  27. Corrected an Exploits undetected-movement damage situation false positive.
  28. Corrected a Fly calculated remaining cobweb block false positive.
  29. Corrected a Fly down & IrregularMovements jump above block false positive.
  30. Corrected an IrregularMovements step & bouncing-blocks long fall bouncing block false positive.
  31. Corrected several FastClicks directional block breaking false positives.
  32. Corrected a Fly packets long fall false positive.
  33. Corrected an issue where the plugin would shortly after disable for Songoda users.
  34. Noticeably improved the speed and reliability of the Syn verification handler.
----------, Sep 4, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,829
First Release: Jul 9, 2016
Last Update: Yesterday at 3:44 PM
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All-Time Rating:
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