Spartan Anti Cheat for Java | Advanced AntiCheat Detection | 1.7-1.21.4
The intuitive solution when it comes to anti-cheat protection
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Version History
Phase 500 - Rewritten KillAura Check (Phase Two) & New FastBreak detections
Completely rewritten the KillAura Aimbot detection with the new utilities and a pattern-based code design.
Completely rewritten the KillAura rotations detection with new utilities and a historical-based code design.
Dramatically improved the KillAura distance detection with more lenient but organized requirements.
Implemented a new FastBreak detection named indirected-surroundings-per-second which studies blocks broken that are not close to the previous block.
Delayed the Punishment Discord webhook slightly so other Discord webhooks can take its place if configured.
The inventory menu of Spartan will now have its own entire thread so loading times are low.
The staff player counters will refresh at least every minute instead of always when opening the menu.
Increased the precision of the Movement utilities jump movement.
Improved the decimal precision of the IrregularMovements hop detection.
The Combat utilities will now use trigonometry instead of ray-tracing to accurately predict the location of a hit.
The Math utilities have now been renamed to Algebra utilities and have received new methods.
Created a new type of utilities named Trigonometry to help organize certain important equations.
The KillAura check will no longer run when a player is gliding with an elytra.
Implemented a new messages.yml option named “notifications_modified” for when changing the notification frequency.
The Block utilities will now use the block breaking time calculator to understand whether a block is sensitive in newer versions.
The difference between yaw and pitch will now be calculated entirely using trigonometry.
Stopped using weak hashmaps for detections as they didn’t save nearly enough memory but caused minor inconsistencies.
Checks will now clear their cache more properly by updating existing cache instead of removing it all together.
Implemented a new “untested” command meant to be used to execute BungeeCord commands. (/spartan proxy-command <command>)
Mar 22, 2023
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First Release:
Jul 9, 2016
Last Update:
Yesterday at 3:44 PM
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
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