Thanks to the new feature, developer-reports, I was able to reduce spam and get a more clear view of the plugin's state. Dozens of false positives were corrected, and huge improvements were made to the False-Positive-Detection feature as additional support.
Added 11 materials to the Block utilities' library.
Corrected several Clip coral false positives.
Corrected a NoSwing break liquid-bloxk false positive.
Corrected a developer-report command server crash.
Updated the domain of the Search-Engine's URL.
Made the Search-Engine not cache when plugin is being loaded.
Corrected a Speed bow self-hit major bypass.
Corrected all the malfunctions of the Self-Hit protection.
Corrected a Clip sugar-cane false positive.
Corrected several BoatMove 1.13 false positives.
Corrected a NoSlowdown 1.13 repeated false positive.
Corrected several NoSwing sensitive-block false positives.
Slightly improved the Clip check's performance via the teleport protection.
Improved the limit calculation of the Speed check.
Checks.yml ImpossibleInventory sprinting & walking limits are now disabled by default.
Corrected a Jesus speed calculation false positive.
Removed the Exploits ping-spoof(event) detection.
Corrected many Exploits ascension false positives.
Corrected many Clip inside-movement false positives.
Improved the Search-Engine's limitation calculations.
Changed Settings.yml enable_verbose_on_login to enable_verbose_notifications_on_login.
Slightly improved the hacker identification of the Performance-Optimizer feature.
Corrected a minor bug in the Performance-Optimizer feature.
Heavily improved the False-Positive-Detection feature.
Added more information to the verbose of the NoSwing check.
Updated the data syntax of the CombatAnalysis check.
Developer reports will now gather logs only from the current version.