- Removed some very old database upgrades.
- Added punish_player and delete_player web permissions.
- Implemented beter vanish checking with PremiumVanish on bungee and velocity
- Fixes db schema on bungee and added new web permissions to nm_account_groups
- Added support for Instant in Punishment Builder.
- Improved performance of the permission system.
- getPlayerOwnGroups should return non-null map.
- Made reload messages translatable
- Added force flag to the /sm reload command
- Transformed the actionbar, chat and title task classes into a single class.
- module_permissions_bungee is now disabled by default.
- Expanded the CachedTickets api class with some account methods.
- Added player server sessions and refactored some code.
- Removed name color function.
- Added lazy loading to the player settings, ignored players and player session data.
- Increase the length of the command field for the command blocker to 256 character.
- Allow UUID in online player command argument.
- Added postAsync to EventBus.
- Added PermissionPlayerRecalculateEvent, PermissionPlayerAddGroupEvent and PermissionPlayerRemoveGroupEvent.
- Added receiver field to nm_chat table for uuid of receiving player when logging msg or friends chat message.
- Added friends module (BETA).
- Added nickname prefix setting.
- Added new web interface permissions.
- Hotfix for error when using ticket register command
- Fixed some minor issues with the ProtocolVersion enum class.
- Catch sql exceptions when trying to clean up database.
- Reset online status in database of offline players when cleaning database.
- Allow searching permission through all groups through the permsgui.
- Had to drop support for the old ticket system to support the new ticket system so that's what I've done.
- Added 1.21.4 support.
- Bumped MariaDB client to 3.5.1.
You can find the new ticket system
here on GitHub.
NOTE: All old ticket accounts won't work anymore with the new ticket system. Your players will have to create a new account! Existing tickets won't be touched by this change!
- Only allow players to see the warnings of other players if they have the networkmanager.command.warnings.others permission.
- Made a few performance improvements to the permission system.
- Made ping async on velocity.
- Updated a few dependencies.
- Added playerLogin property to PlayerLoadEvent and PlayerLoadedEvent.
- Added new PlayerUnloadedEvent.
- Fixed typo in announcementsmanager start and stop command.
- Render 10 results instead of 15 in warnings command.
- Added isConsole method to LiteBansImporter to catch more variants of the console naming in litebans.
- Fixed permission logging to a file on velocity.
- Added runRepeatingAsync which ensures that the task is repeated async on each platform.
- Changed ChatTableCleanupTask to DatabaseCleanupTask.
- Clean command log, advanced analytics and server analytics table with setting to define after x days.
- Added support for 1.21.2 and 1.21.3 clients.
- Added groups to server info command
- Added setting_notify_banned_player_join_throttle to make sure you don't get spammed by joining players that are banned from the server.
- Added setting_chatlock_disabled_commands to block certain commands during chatlock.
- Added more placeholders in tag format.
- Make sure to set last_update when closing ticket.
- Log staff chat and admin chat.
- Fixed luckperms placeholders not working when player is offline.
- Fixed database connection leaks when using networkmanager about command.
- Added /notify staffchat and /notify adminchat to disable notifications from those chats.
- Added command logging with the option to ignore specific commands.
- Bump jedis to 5.1.5
- Added cooldown for notify banned player join
- Added lang_pagination_unknown_page message
- Bypass msg toggle with `networkmanager.msgtoggle.bypass`
- Fixed staffchat not being toggleable.
- Minor optimization in dupe ip check on join.
- Playtime top placeholder now respects the playtime top limit setting.
- Removed a lot of duplicated code, unused code and optimized some code.
- Bump jedis to 5.1.0
- Improved RedisBungee support.
- Only show Reloaded permission player console message when the permission player is online.
- Added setting to hide players from the playtime top.
- Should fix possible exploit when using PluginMessaging
- Set lastUpdate on ticket create.
- Fixed possible NPE when getting cached permission groups from permission player.
- Added player_highest_group_rank placeholder tag
- Punishment commands are now configurable. You can change the command to whatever you want.
- Bump adventure-platform to 4.3.4
- Should fix issues with configuration updates (Most notable when updating SimpleChat that the config was resetting).
- Fixed Argument Parse Failure for Extension commands
- Removed deprecated methods from ChatManager that were long overdue.
- Cleaned-up some code.
- Should fix non-global punishments commands when not using server manager module.
- Changed results per page to 10 for server manager command
- Fixed error when importing litebans punishments that were executed by console.
- Fixed issue with kicks after importing them from litebans.
- Fixed reload flag in /sm server create command not working.
- Fixed race condition with placeholders in minimessage.
- Minor optimization in the notify function of the ServerTask.
- Added player_ip placeholder
- Updated default lang_lookup_format to use new placeholders.
- Bump kotlin to 1.9.25
- Added missing permission to import commands
- Removed some commented code.
- Fixed typo in default command blocker data.
- Other minor changes
- Should fix commands not working on BungeeCord.
- /nm accounts is now /nm web account.
- Added /nm web group list command
- Improved the reports list command.
- Converted all commands to cloud v2 except for the permission and slashserver commands.
- Analytics tasks run less frequent then they used to.
- Added countdown placeholder to miniplaceholders expansion.
- Added format argument to countdown, first_login, last_login and last_logout miniplaceholders placeholders
- Fixed Vault prefix and suffix returning null when player or group doesn't have a prefix or suffix
- Added firstlogin_date, lastlogin_date and lastlogout_date placeholders
- Added LiteBans Importer on BungeeCord.
- Some code cleanup.
- Fixed duration argument missing from tempban and tempmute
- Added miniplaceholders expansion to velocity. You can find the placeholders here.
- Should fix NoSuchElementException on ProxyPingEvent velocity
- Added experimental importer for LiteBans on velocity.
- Added plugin_version placeholder.
- Added view_motd and edit_motd permission for the new web interface.
- Added description column to nm_values table (for future tooltips in the web interface)
- Don't show geoip api key warning when using maxmind but still have the default geoip api key
- Should fix error when servermode is set to mixed.
- Added luckperms meta placeholder.
- Added conditions to motd only supporting host_name and player_version condition.
- Fixed sound not playing when using velocity
- Added 1.21 protocol support
This update does not guarantee any compatibility with 1.21 clients. This update will only recognize 1.21 clients!
- Removed Could not find uuid in the database! message when new player joins
- Added support for Party and Friends to the velocity version of NetworkManager
- Removed Simple-Yaml.
- Some database changes regarding tags.
- Some minor code cleanup
- Fixed sql error during clean install.
- Show client version in about command.
- Added name property to filter and commandblocker.
- Updated a few dependencies.
- Little bit of code cleanup
- Added some new placeholders for lang_helpop_alert for real this time!
- Fixed slashserver module not working without servermanager module
- Should fix LoginListener took xxxms to process event PlayerDisconnectEvent
- Added support for maxmind geo country database. Set the license key in `setting_maxmind_license_key` to use it.
- Fixed BungeeCord and Spigot builds requiring Java 17. The new minimum java requirement for BungeeCord and Spigot is now Java 11.
- Nickname command now prefers the minimessage format but legacy still works. Permissions have also been expanded, see wiki!
- Fix permission wildcard usage could limit nicknames to 64 characters instead of 192
- NOTE: After the previous update the `use-ipinfo: true` and/or `disablePermissions: true` setting might have been removed from the settings.yml. If you were using this setting add it back.
- Improved slashserver module. When a server gets registered during runtime the command will be registered without restart or delay and vice versa.
- Added some new placeholders for lang_helpop_alert.
Before updating please take a backup of the networkmanager database because this version contains some database changes. If you don't do this there is no way to downgrade or recover if something happens during the update.
Also, if you use the DiscordBot or AutoBan extensions you must update those extensions if you want to use this version!
- Added /announcementsmanager start and /announcementsmanager stop
- Motd's can now expire
- Fixed tabcomplete for server argument in lockdown command
- Added lang_unknown and lang_global.
- ServerStatusChangeEvent is now an async event.
- Added new Balance Method. PROGRESSIVE_LOWEST.
- Deprecated Player#disconnect with string parameter.
- Added maintenance mode option to motd, so you can have multiple motd's in maintenance mode as well.
- Added MaintenanceModeToggleEvent to the api.
- Added lang_command_invalid_argument, lang_command_argument_failure_player message, lang_command_argument_failure_pre_punishment and some more.
- Players with the punish command can no longer punish players with the punishment exempt permission.
- Made prefix and suffix column character limit 256
- Added highest_group_rank placeholder
- The subscribe method in EventBus class now returns EventSubscription (This breaks java plugins and extensions using this method)
- Recognize the 1.20.5 client.
- Fixed custom version of motd not working on velocity.
- Fixed some sql errors that could occur when using MariaDB.
- Fixed maintenance mode not working when using MariaDB.
- Handle bulk language message updating different for mysql to fix errors.
- Use message with replacements applied when checking for swear words.
- Added ChatLock functions to ChatManager class
- Added ClearChatEvent (doesn't work with RedisBungee at the moment)
- Fixed error about missing permission table on start in some cases.
- Added new lang_chatlock_locked_server and lang_chatlock_unlocked_server message
- Changed luckperms context servergroup to server-group
- Updated Clearchat command to have the same command structure as chatlock. Meaning /clearchat will clear the chat on all servers and /clearchat \<server> will clear the chat on the defined server.
- Fixed playtime top next and previous buttons not working when changing playtime command
- Improved database code and updated MariaDB driver to 3.3.3 allowing which has java 21 support.
- Minor improvements to the playtime command
- Playtime top rows should be displayed in senders language now.
- Added support for placeholders from MiniPlaceholders in NetworkManager on Velocity and Paper.
- Updated lang_target_invalid and lang_target_offline to minimessage format. Be aware that this will reset these messages for all your languages.
- Removed legacy placeholder support from msg and reply messages.
- Fixed no no-permission message showing for playtime argument commands
- Added <sender_server_name> and <receiver_server_name> tag to show servername instead of display name
- Added premiumvanish_serverplayercount placeholder
- Allow testing minimessage as yourself, someone else or null sender in the test minimessage command.
- Added Player#ping to the API.
- Added database type and version in /nm about command
- Fixed permission group clone command not working
- Should fix error when using punishgui on online player.
Before updating please take a backup of the networkmanager database because this version contains some database changes. If you don't do this there is no way to downgrade or recover if something happens during the update.
- Changed nickname arguments to quoted to work around restricted arguments by mojang on platforms that use brigadier.
- Parse announcement message when sending it to sender.
- Moved ignored players data of players to separate table. Because of this make a backup of the database before updating!
- Fixed nmp verbose command not working on velocity.
- You can now click on the permission in the verbose output to copy the permission to your clipboard.
- Should fix /glist command not working on bungee
- Fixed /kick actually performing a gkick
- Fixed player not moving to fallback server on server kick or server ban
- Fixed tab complete on nm and nmp commands not always working
- Added setting to change helpop command name and aliases
* Added --broadcast flag to sendmessage command. This will send the message to all players that are currently connected to the server of the defined player.
* Added CachedPlayers#getPlayersByServer method.
* Made checks for temporary punishments more reliable.
* Bump kotlin to 1.9.22.
* Bumped adventure to 4.3.2
* Fixed \<pluginprefix> not working in lang_msg_yourself message.
* Added getLanguages() to CachedLanguages
* Added UltraPunishments Importer (untested)
* Hacky way to allow @ in placeholder tags. Example <players--at--lobby> eq players@lobby
* You can now disable individual filters. (Option to toggle will be added to the new web interface soon)
* You can now disable individual commandblockers. (Option to toggle will be added to the new web interface soon)
* A lot of code improvements
- Added 1.20.4 support for mainly the servermanager module.
- The lockdown list command is finally a decent looking command.
- Fixed error that can occur when placeholderapi is not installed.
- Removed a debug message when using redis.
- Added PremiumVanish support to maxplayers module on velocity.
- Improved the quality of the code in some areas.
- Bumped adventure to 4.15.0
- Removed support for raw json messages.
- Fixed playtime not being updated and fixed punishments not working on velocity
- Fixed punishments not being saved and other things that use future not working on velocity.
- Improved kick on login when maintenance mode is enabled.
- Don't save session and player data on disconnect when login is denied on velocity.
- Cache servergroups to redis on velocity.
- Don't cache login data but insert it directly on login.
- Added remember_token to nm_accounts tables. (For remember function of new panel)
- Removed extra > from Expired in banlist command.
- Added PremiumVanish support to Velocity module (Requires PremiumVanish 2.9.4, will cause errors with a older version).
- Send reason if server connection is unsuccessful when using slashserver command on velocity.
- Improved debug method in NMExtension class.
- Added 1.20.3 support.
- Added foreign key for relation between nm_language_messages and nm_languages
- Added lang_reports_already_closed message.
- Improved report close command.
- Fixed a caps issue with 1.19+ clients
- Added 1.20.2 support
- Fixed some minor bugs with the sendmessage command
- Added debug message on ping
- Added <servername> tag for report alert
- Fix nickname off commands
- Improved performance for banlist command.
- Allow placeholders to be used in hover and click events in reports_list message.
- Improved performance for ticket list command.
- Improved performance for warnings command.
- Removed lots of unused code.
- Fixed update inventory title errors on 1.20
- Added /nm sendmessage command.
- Don't require player as sender type for playtime commands with arguments.
- Fixed playtime top page argument not working.
- Added clearTitle method to the Player class
- Send staff notifications to console
- Fixed issue with displaynames on filter alerts
- Added SendAnnouncementEvent for automatic announcements.
- Changed displayName in Player class to a Component.
- Fixed error that could occur when listing accounts.
- Create a more detailed exception when player is not loaded in cache when executing command.
- Parse mapped punishment placeholders to tag resolver (To allow them to be used in hover and click events)
- Fixed wrong ip addresses showing up in the Most used Virtual hosts list when using Velocity
- Minor optimization in test language command.
- Should fix nickname command on Velocity.
- Allow msg and reply placeholders in click and hover events of msg and reply messages.
- Added more luckperms placeholders like primary_group_name.
- Added page argument to chatlock list command.
- Updated Kotlin to 1.9.0.
- In some cases PartyLeaveEvent was not being triggered.
- Fixed wrong placeholders in default reply messages
- Added support for servermanager in the announce command suggestions
- Fixed error on spigot when announcement command was being executed.
- Fixed player loading when using redis bungee.
- Fixed error when using msg while redis bungee is enabled.
- Updated kotlin to 1.8.22
- Updated Jedis to 4.4.3
- Added setbalancemethod command for servergroups.
- Fixed &f being shown in text of show groups command.
- Better logging for extensions and added a debug method.
- lang_reports_login no longer supports legacy placeholders. Use <displayname> and <count> instead.
- Should fix issues with loading motd icons from imgur.
- Fixed issue with prefix and suffix placeholders from luckperms.
- Fixed velocity builds not working without RedisBungee.
- Added support for the servermanager module to the clearchat command.
- Fixed incompatability with Geyser on Velocity.
- Added connect method to player for servergroup.
- Fixed lockdown reason in lockdown_kick message on velocity.
- Fixed java.util.NoSuchElementException: List is empty on ServerPreConnectEvent on Velocity.
- Added ServerConnectedEvent to the api.
- Only send web notification when punishment is active.
- Fixed message when maintenance mode is already enabled or disabled.
- 1.20 client support
- Added server group balance method in the info command
- Update adventure to 4.14.0
- Only send web notification when punishment is active.
- Fixed message when maintenance mode is already enabled or disabled.
- 1.20 client support
- Added server group balance method in the info command
- Update adventure to 4.14.0
- Test database command now return message in green color if database connection is fine.
- Return message in green color if database connection is fine.
- Improved language import command
- Check if player is online before trying to send message, actionbar or title.
- Removed language update command.
- Fixed and improved nm test messaging command.
- Improved the extensions list command.
- Don't try to close redis connection if it is already closed.
- Bump Jedis version to 4.4.1.
- Fixed default ticket notify message.
- Added support for RedisBungee 0.11.2 (Older versions are not supported)
- Added support for servergroups to the punishment system.
- Added RedisBungee support for the velocity builds.
- Support latest RedisBungee.
- Added networkmanager.servers.bypass.version permission to bypass version check.
- Register msgtoggle command on spigot based servers too. (Useful for toggling msg with "gui" plugins)
- Lots of code quality improvements.
- Should fix analytics not being correct when using RedisBungee
This update contains changes to the database. Creating a backup of the database is highly recommended!
- Updated AdminChat, StaffChat and Punishment messages to be fully minimessage. (These will reset to their default value after installing this update!)
- Don't load unnecessary caffeine dependencies. (Improved dependency loading times)
- Allow world and server arguments in clearperms command
- Improved groups permission command and added optional ladder argument.
- Fixed redis issue when password is empty.
- Fixed database setting not working correctly.
- Updated lang_maintenancemode_status and lang_maintenancemode_already_set which makes the status translatable as well. (These will reset to their default value after installing this update!)
- Couple of code improvements
- Fixed ticket create command.
- Fixed all commands not working after last update (velocity)
- Fixed commandblocker not working on velocity
- Added servermode to the about command output
- Fixed playtime top header
- Fixed commandblocker not working with servergroups correctly
- Removed quite some legacy colorcoding stuff internally.
- Set nickname column length to 192 by default
- Fixed error when banned player tries to join (velocity)
- Fixed error when checking for new punishments (velocity)
- Fixed user suffix tabcomplete in permission command
- Fixed no permission message not using the translation for a lot of commands.
- Bump joda-time to 2.12.5
- Fixed commandblocker not working (Velocity)
- Fixed some filter issues on velocity with 1.19+ clients.
- Allow mo (short for month) as a timeunit in permission commands.
- Sync tags on tag delete
- Fixed reported errors from the discord server
- Update adventure to 4.13.0
- Fixed multiple hex colors not being formatted (again)
- Fixed some placeholders not being parsed within click actions
- Formatted some console messages.
- Fixed a few testing command causing errors when used further without arguments
- Allow placeholder in placeholder by using brackets.
- Added /party list command.
- Fixed has_groups_on_ladder_ placeholder.
- Fixed default lang_joinbanned_alert.
- Removed debug message from punishment system
- Added player settings placeholders player_toggle_<msg,socialspy,commandspy,staffchat,adminchat>
- Fixed LiteBans compatability within the DiscordBot extension.
- Removed <username> usage in default messages. You should use <displayname> instead.
- Added lang_maintenancemode_join_notify message.
- Added networkmanager.nickname.length.<length> permission. This allows you to define the max lenght of the nickname using permissions.
- Added support for placeholderapi placeholders that return messages formatted using minimessage.
- PlaceholderAPI placeholders now require the papi: prefix. PlaceholderAPI placeholders like: <papi_placeholder> will no longer work! Use them like <papi

- Allow multiple values by separating the value by a comma in placeholder conditions. (Click
here for more information)
- Added 1.19.4 support (recognize the 1.19.4 client if players use them)
- Fixed party messages not being added from 2.13.0.
- Fixed multiple hex colors not working in nickname command.
- Fixed server placeholder for default lang_helpop_alert message.
- Updated lang_report_alert message to make use of minimessage (This message will reset after updating!)
- Fixed extensions no longer loading
- Fixed GTPS command not working.
- Fixed filter not being removed from cache when being removed from database.
- Fixed seen placeholders parsing sender instead of target.
- Added enabled field to motd to be able to enable/disable each individual motd.
- Parse message strings in test notification command.
- Added party leaderwarp command.
- Added 4 new party messages.
- Only show party commands the player has permission to use in /party.
- Some optimizations to the motd.
- Removed print message when servermanager is enabled on player login.
- Added servername placeholder to replacements for filter response and antiad notify.
- Removed getPrePunishmentSafe methods from CachedPunishments.
- Changed getPunishment into nullable Punishment instead of Optional.
- Removed getTicketById from CachedTickets
Since this update contains many changes to the database it is adviced that you backup your database before updating!
- Fixed lang_lockdown_kick message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_lockdown_success message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_tickets_resetpassword_cooldown message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_ticket_notify_reply_creator message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_punishment_cant_punish message not always replacing the placeholders.
- Legacy placeholders will no longer work in the tabheader and tabfooter.
- Fixed some bugs in the filter system after last update.
- Added experimental support for servergroups to the permission system.
- Updated mariadb driver to 2.7.8
- Should have fixed party chat not working during mute.
- Added /nm test notification to test web push notifications.
Updated the following messages (Note that these will reset to their default value after updating):
- lang_report_cooldown
- lang_party_invite_syntax
- lang_party_join_syntax
- lang_party_chat_syntax
- lang_party_jump_syntax
- lang_party_setowner_syntax
- lang_party_setpublic_syntax
- lang_party_leave_syntax
- lang_party_kick_syntax
- lang_party_status_syntax
- lang_history_header
- lang_party_leave
- lang_party_left
- lang_party_kicked
- lang_party_kicked_alert
- lang_party_invite_receive
- lang_party_invite_expired_owner
- lang_party_invite_expired_player
- lang_party_chatformat
- lang_party_newowner_found
- lang_party_newowner_set
- lang_party_invite_sended
- lang_party_join
- lang_party_status_header
- lang_party_status_owner
- lang_party_status_members
- lang_party_status_member
- lang_party_reached_limit
- lang_party_cant_invite_ignore
- lang_party_has_no_party
- lang_party_no_invitation
- lang_party_no_member
- lang_helpop_alert
- lang_helpop_success
- lang_helpop_cooldown
- lang_announce_announced_server
- lang_chatlock_locked_alert
- lang_chatlock_islocked
- lang_clearchat_server_success
- lang_clearchat_global
- lang_clearchat_server
- Updated kotlin to 1.8.10
- Legacy placeholders are no longer supported in announcements.
- Changed default setting_anticaps_percent from 40 to 70
- Recoded swear filter and anti-caps. I deprecated the old methods that were used for the swear filter and anti caps.
- Switched to a new Inventory framework
- Added anti flood to the anti spam module. Use networkmanager.antiflood.bypass permission to bypass.
- Removed all Safe named methods from the CachedTags Interface since they are obsolete.
Added 2 new settings:
- setting_anticaps_send_warning
- setting_anticaps_lowercase_caps
Updated the following messages (Note that these will reset to their default value after updating):
- lang_punishment_join_warning
- lang_punishment_join_warning_entry
- lang_joinbanned_alert
- lang_language_change
- lang_language_current
- lang_punishment_cant_punish_longer_then
- Updated cloud to 1.8.0
- Do swear filter checks before length check in nickname command
- Fixed some deprecation warnings
- Updated gradle to 7.6
- Added load fail check to bungeecord
- Fixed cachedPlayers variable naming
- Added displayname placeholder to lang_filter_notify and made it default
- Changed %nickname% in lang_realname_response to <nickname>
- Added on and off arguments as alias for enable and disable in the maintenance mode command.
- Added setting_playtime_top_limit to configure the max amount of playtimes being shown in /playtime top (I suggest you keep it under 50)
- Added Maintenance join notifications. Permission to receive these notifications is networkmanager.notify.maintenance_join.
- Servermanager command and aliases are now configurable.
- Changed size of version field in nm_values table from 6 to 8
- Improved permission expiry placeholders.
- Added method to get a list of prefixes and suffixes from permission player
- Added new placeholders to get multiple prefixes and suffixes from player on one or different ladders.
- Added several new antispam settings.
- Use regex for antispam whitelists.
- Added PermissionCheckEvent.
- Fixed playtime placeholders returning wrong playtime in playtime commands.
- Removed liveplaytime placeholders. Now just use playtime placeholders.
- Added support for 1.19.3 clients
- Updated Adventure to 4.1.2 and adventure platform to 4.2.0
- Updated several dependencies like jedis.
- Fixed language messages of 2.10.8 not being updated automatically.
- Updated some more messages with the new format:
- lang_server_connected
- lang_server_invalid
- lang_server_already_connected
- lang_server_status_alert
- lang_reports_closed
- lang_reports_title
- lang_nickname_disabled
- lang_nickname_setnick
- lang_nickname_nickis
- lang_nickname_no_nick_other
- lang_warnings_format
- lang_warnings_header
- lang_warnings_no_warnings_other
- lang_msg_disabled_target
- lang_msg_cant_ignore
- lang_socialspy_format
- lang_commandspy_format
- Added PermissionCheckEvent.
- Fixed playtime placeholders returning wrong playtime in playtime commands.
- Removed liveplaytime placeholders. Now just use playtime placeholders.
- Added support for 1.19.3 clients
- Updated Adventure to 4.12.0 and adventure platform to 4.2.0
- Updated several dependencies like mysql and jedis.
- Fixed language messages of 2.10.8 not being updated automatically.
- Updated some more messages with the new format:
- lang_server_connected
- lang_server_invalid
- lang_server_already_connected
- lang_server_status_alert
- lang_reports_closed
- lang_reports_title
- lang_nickname_disabled
- lang_nickname_setnick
- lang_nickname_nickis
- lang_nickname_no_nick_other
- lang_warnings_format
- lang_warnings_header
- lang_warnings_no_warnings_other
- lang_msg_disabled_target
- lang_msg_cant_ignore
- lang_socialspy_format
- lang_commandspy_format
Make a backup of your database before updating!
Fixed rank placeholder in lookup command
Respect spaces in filter test command
Added experimental group clone command to clone permission group
Updated the following messages (These messages should automatically update!):
Code (Text):
lang_seen_success = <gray>The player <red><displayname> <gray>is <reset><online> <gray>since <red><time><gray>.
lang_lockdown_removed =
<gray>The server <red><servername> <gray>is no longer locked down!
lang_lockdown_already_locked =
<gray>The server <red><servername> <gray>is already locked down. You can remove the lockdown by executing <red>/lockdown [server] end
lang_lockdown_kick =
<red>The server <dark_red><servername> <red>is locked down!<br><br><red>Reason: <dark_red><reason>
lang_lockdown_success =
<gray>Successfully initiated lockdown on <red><servername><gray>.
lang_tickets_list =
<gray>Ticket <gold>#<red><id><gray>. Status: <red><status><gray>. Last response by <red><playername>
lang_tickets_respond_invalid =
<red>The ticket with id #<id> does not exist.
lang_tickets_create_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can create a new ticket!
lang_tickets_answer_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can answer on a ticket!
lang_tickets_resetpassword_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can reset your ticket password again!
lang_ticket_notify_reply_staff =
<yellow><st>---------------------<gold><bold> TICKET <yellow><st>---------------------<br><green><creator> <gray>responded on ticket with id: <red><id> <gray>and title <red><title><red><st>---------------------------------------------------
lang_chatlog_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can create a new chatlog.
lang_whereami_response =
<gray>You are currently playing on the <red><server> <gray>server.
lang_punishment_cant_punish =
<dark_red>»<red> You can't punish <displayname>
lang_realname_response =
<gold>The real name of <yellow><nickname> <gold>is <yellow><playername>
lang_ignore_list =
<dark_red>» <red>Ignored<gray>: <white><list>
lang_server_incorrect_version =
<gray>Disconnected<br><br><red>You need to use version <version> to join the <server> server.
lang_server_restricted =
<dark_red>» <gray>You are not allowed to join the <red><server> <gray>server!
lang_server_fallback_offline =
<red>The fallback lobby went offline.<br><br><gray>Reason: <red><reason>
lang_server_offline =
<dark_red>» <red><server> <gray>is offline, please try again later!
lang_server_kick =
<gray>You have been moved to the <fallbackserver> server. Reason: <reason>
lang_pre_punishment_invalid =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) is invalid.
lang_pre_punishment_invalid_server =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) has an invalid type or is missing it's servername.
lang_pre_punishment_invalid_duration =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) has an invalid type or has an invalid duration.
- Should fix login servers are offline when being kick from login/fallback server.
- Should fix issue with maintenance motd not refreshing without changing the favicon url.
- Fixed find command returning the wrong playername.
- Should fix issue with lookup command formatting
- Updated 3 messages. Check below for their new default value.
Code (Text):
lang_commandblocked_isblocked = <dark_red>»<red> The command <command> is blocked!
lang_ping = <red>Your ping is <yellow><ping>ms
lang_ping_other = <red><displayname> has a ping of <yellow><ping>ms
- Fixed /maintenancemode status returning incorrect message
- Updated kotlin to 1.7.21.
- Updated commons-text to 1.10.0.
- Updated some messages to fully utilize minimessage. They will be listed below including their default value so you can update them.
Code (Text):
lang_lookup_format = <red>Lookup <dark_gray>» <red>Showing profile of <gold><playername><br><red>UserName <dark_gray>» <gray><username><br><red>NickName <dark_gray>» <gray><nickname><br><red>UUID <dark_gray>» <gray><uuid><br><red>Status <dark_gray>» <gray><status><br><red>Server <dark_gray>» <gray><server><br><red>Country <dark_gray>» <gray><country><br><red>Language <dark_gray>» <gray><language><br><red>Version <dark_gray>» <gray><version><br><red>IP <dark_gray>» <gray><ip><br><red>Alts <dark_gray>» <gray><alts><br><red>Joined <dark_gray>» <gray><firstlogin><br><red>Last login <dark_gray>» <gray><lastlogin><br><red>Last logout <dark_gray>» <gray><lastlogout><br><red>PlayTime <dark_gray>» <gray><playtime><br><red>Rank <dark_gray>» <gray><rank><br><red>Banned <dark_gray>» <gray><isbanned><br><red>Muted <dark_gray>» <gray><ismuted><br><red>Last 3 Notes <dark_gray>» <gray><notes>
lang_ignore_ignoring = <red>You are now ignoring <yellow><displayname>
lang_ignore_unignoring = <red>You are now ignoring <yellow><displayname>
lang_ignore_exempt = <red>You cannot ignore this player!
lang_antispam_cooldown = <gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can chat again.
lang_find_response = <dark_red>» <red><displayname> <gray>is online and on server <red><click:suggest_command:'/server <server>'><server></click><gray>!
lang_playtime = <red>Your playtime time is <playtime>
lang_playtime_other = <red><displayname> <gray>played <playtime>
lang_playtime_top = <green>#<dark_green><position> <red><displayname> <gray>played <playtime>
lang_maxplayers_full = <gray>You have been kicked from the server<br>The server is full: <online>/<maxplayers>
lang_maintenancemode_status = <gray>MaintenanceMode is <red><status>
lang_maintenancemode_already_set = <gray>MaintenanceMode is already <red><status>
- Removed BungeeAdminTools Importer
- Check platform type before checking if PlaceholderAPI is loaded. Some people installed PlaceholderAPI on their bungeecord or velocity server which caused errors.
- Some improvements to the feedback of the permission commands
- Fixed issues with ServerGroup Context Calculator for LuckPerms
- Fixed server displayname component being displayed as string in notifystaff messages
- Modified nickname length from 64 to 192.
- Use toIntOrNull in getBCBuild, so it won't cause issues on BungeeCord forks that f up the format.
- Staffchat and adminchat messages can now be fully in minimessage format.
- Fixed reports list command not being parsed. Also allow that message to be fully minimessage.
- Allow usage of %newline% and <br> in lang_notification_helpop.
- Allow usage of %newline% and <br> in lang_notification_join.
- Updated snakeyaml to 1.32 for velocity and bungeecord and which fixes error on start.
- Fixed /notifystaff help text.
- Removed commented code
- Fixed placeholders not parsing correctly in lang_ticket_notify_new, lang_antiad_notify and lang_filter_notify
- Sort groups by rank in ShowGroupsCommand.
- Fix replacements being overwritten by "normal" placeholders.
- Fixed issue where punishments will be executed twice when being done in PunishmentEvent. (This was an issue with the AutoBan Extension)
- Added fromserver placeholder to notifystaff command
- Fixed extension not being enabled after loading it through command.
- Made a wacky way to fix filter not working on 1.19.
- Changed the following placeholders from %placeholder% to <placeholder>
- lang_gtps_max_memory
- lang_gtps_free_memory
- lang_gtps_total_memory
- lang_gtps_used_memory
- lang_gtps_up_time
- lang_ticket_notify_new
- lang_antiad_notify
- lang_filter_notify
It is important you update these messages in the languages you're using otherwise the placeholders won't be parsed.
- Added support for 1.19.x
- Added support for the latest UltraPermissions.
- Added bold closing tags to default admin and staffchat message
- Command Invalid Syntax message now works on Velocity and Spigot as well
- Stop Tab Header update task when it gets disabled.
- Changed %pluginprefix% to <pluginprefix> in default lang_nopermission message. (You need to update this manually if you're updating)
- Changed default size of text field in nm_motd to 384
- Added Platform version to /nm about command
- Removed deprecated getRandomServerFromServerGroup from CachedServers and some other deprecated code.
- You can no longer use msg on offline players.
- Fixed nickname always saying that it is already in use when two or more players are online.
- Allow tag placeholders in helpop alert message.
- Fixed loop of trying to enable extension when they fail
- Added minimessage papi tag to allow the use of papi specific placeholders and also to to allow the use of placeholders with a colon symbol
- Updated RedisBungee support to 0.7.3
- Added %time% placeholder
- Added --null to allow a null target when testing a placeholder
- Minor internal improvements.
- Added support for PartyAndFriends to log chat [] (BungeeCord)
- Added PartyLeaderChangedEvent to the API.
- Added TranslatableMessage interface to the API which allows the usage of the message methods through the API.
- Updated default Tags messages to use new placeholders.
- Fixed error in TicketListener when ticket has no messages.
- Recoded servermanager commands using the newer command framework that I've been using for the other commands as well.
- Fixed servermanager group create and delete command
- Fixed typo in color in front of Extensions in the about command.
- Some minor performance improvements.
- Fixed error when trying to chat through shortcut when filter setting(s) for staff or admin chat are enabled.
- Fixed %sender% placeholder in lang_party_chatformat.
- Fixed lang_command_invalid_syntax being invalid.
- Fully applied the filters correctly on staffchat and adminchat. Also made use of their events to prevent duplicated code.
- Apply parseLegacy on the reason of punishments so that when colorcodes are used in the ban reason they will work properly.
- Added online as alias placeholder for status. This fixes the issue with /seen.
- Minor performance improvements in the tickets list command.
- Should fix error in sendMessageToStaff methods which causes the filter to break.
- Updated gradle to 7.4.2.
- Updated default lang_tabheader and lang_tabfooter to use new placeholders
Hello everyone,
After a few beta tests it is finally time to release it on spigotmc. It is important that you read the whole changelog and take a backup of the database before performing the update!
I've decided to implement adventure minimessage ( this allows for more customization to the messages (hover and clickable messages). There are some places where legacy formatting is still being used (in-game input for example). %newline% has been replaced with <br> in the language messages.
Only Language messages and Announcements can be converted. You'll have to convert the motd, filters, commandblocker, etc yourself.
To convert the legacy language message I created a command /language update (NOTE: Only run this command once! Executing this command multiple times will break your messages.)
I did the same for announcements. With /announcementsmanager update you can update the announcements to the new format.
- Implemented minimessage. (Minimessage placeholders are still a W.I.P. The %placeholder% placeholders still work)
- Removed lang_party_invite_receive_json and lang_party_invite_receive_json_hover because they aren't neccesary with minimessage
- Changed the default lang_party_invite_receive to <gray>You have been invited by <red>%username% <gray>to join his party!<br><gray>Join the party by using the command <red><click:run_command:'/party join %playername%'>/party join %playername%</click><gray>!
- Converted the announcementmanager command to the new command system.
- Announcements no longer support legacy formatting. Only the minimessage formatting.
- Added announcementmanager update command to convert the announcements to the new format. (NOTE: Only run this command once! Executing this command multiple times will break your announcements.)
- Fixed filter by applying the command of the PlayerCommandExecuteEvent on the ChatEvent (Bungeecord)
- Staff and adminchat now uses components. (Legacy colorcodes still work in message parameter)
- Converted legacy colorcoding to components in all default messages that are configurable
- Commandblocker custom message now uses components. (Needs webbie update before it can be used)
- Added colorcode permission for staffchat and adminchat. networkmanager.command.adminchat.colorcodes & networkmanager.command.staffchat.colorcodes
- Removed
feature from announcements. This no longer works with components and only worked with the default font only so wasn't very pretty.
- The about command now shows the extensions too
- Changed "/nm test jsonmessage" to "/nm test minimessage" for quickly testing minimessage formats.
- Fixed plugin prefix placeholder.
- Some improvements to the KickListener on BungeeCord
- Added lang_command_invalid_syntax message.
- Should have fixed issues with several punishment messages and formatting
- Parse placeholders in minimessage tag format in admin and staff chat.
- Return empty string if luckperms prefix or suffix is null in placeholders
- Fixed some issues with formatting motd parts
- Some improvements to the KickListener on Velocity
- Don't send join notification if notifications module is disabled
- Added filter settings for staffchat and adminchat as requested.
- Updated kotlin to 1.6.21
- Added virtual host support for RabbitMQ.
- A lot of minor improvements and optimizations.​
- Fixed glist not separating player names
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when caching to redis.
- Added 1.18.2 support (untested)
- Minor improvements in some places.
- When player settings are missing from the database it will just create them and load them instead of preventing you from logging in at all.
- Added some extra protection to prevent player data being overwritten with default data.
- Minor tweaks to the ServerGroup class.
- Add cloudCommandManager to NMExtension class.
- Moved accounts commands to command-proxy to use them on velocity as well.
- Fixed gsend not working correctly.
- Register get and set nickname commands.
- You can now set the BalanceMethodType of a servergroup in the database per-group.
- Updated mysql-connector-java to 8.0.28
- Fixed maintenance mode favicon not working.
- Improved announcement server checks.
- Removed commented code.
- Minor improvement to the ticket task
- Improved the handling of kicked players when using servermanager.
- Warn when PremiumVanish is detected but failed to start.
- Improved the players on server placeholder when using servermanager.
- Fixed issue inserting users into database when using mysql
- Added resetTag method to player class
- Added expiration to the servermanager data placed into redis.
- Added clickEvent to servername in glist command.
- Minor performance improvement in glist command.
- Made more stuff usable for both bungeecord and velocity
- Several improvements to the premiumvanish hook.
- Improved placeholder performance for accessing the amount of unique player joins
- Servername in ServerStatus notify message is now clickable when the server goes online and will send you to that server.
- Log messages sent using party commands.
- Improved the wildcard permission performance.
- Fixed lockdown kicking the players that have the bypass permission instead of those who don't have the bypass permission.
- Added commands to export and import in-game languages /language export and /language import.
- Show extension status in the extensions list command.
- Improved tab-completion for a few permission commands (nmperms).
- Added 2 new party message and added message for the realname command response. (lang_party_no_leader, lang_party_cannot_jump_to_leader, lang_realname_response)
Note: Test this build first before using it in production if you want to be 100% sure.
- Added support for regex permissions. You can now add permissions with regex by adding r=<permission> or R=<permission>. As an example adding r=networkmanager\.commands.(find|lookup) will give permissions for /lookup and /find.
- Improved the /announce command to use the internals of the announcement system to prevent code duplication and keep things simple.
- Added AnnounceEvent.
- Added PermissionLogger to bungeecord
- In the last update I forgot to register the nickname command. It will now be registered again.
- Check for invalid punishments when loading them.
- Fixed exempt permissions not working when punishing a player.
- Made a lot of code usable for both BungeeCord and Velocity which allowed me to build a version for Velocity as well which is available for testing on the NetworkManager discord server.
- Updated Kotlin to 1.6.10
- Added in_group and inherits_group placeholder to check if player has a specific group or inherits a specific group.
- Fixed playernames not updating on login
- Updated several libraries.
- Made a few changes to the api that might break things.
- Added has_groups_on_ladder, next_group_on_ladder, previous_group_on_ladder, next_group and previous_group placeholders.
- Some optimizations to the permission system.
- Added support for redis authentication with usernames.
- Added ServerManagerBridge command to send players to a servergroup using commands on the spigot server.
- Added subscribe method to EventBus with PostOrder argument.
- Added support for 1.18
Hot fix for users that use the ServerManager Module.
- Fixed possible issue with servermanager that prevented players from joining the server. Also added more debugging to find the exact cause of issues when joining the server when using servermanager with.
Sorry for the long wait. This update should have come sooner. Next update I hope I can release a Velocity version of the plugin.
- Update kotlin to 1.6.0
- Added connect method to player class to send a player to another server
- Fixed issue with loading gson dependency.
- Fixed permission check for setting nickname on other players. (again)
- Fixed tabcomplete for announcement type in announcement add command.
- Fixed error for those people that install PlaceholderAPI on BungeeCord. (PlaceholderAPI plugin is not supported on BungeeCord)
- Added a player balancing system to ServerManager. Only usable through API for now.
- Added ExtensionEnabledEvent and ExtensionDisabledEvent.
- Fixed error when not providing report reason
- Some performance and qol improvements.
- Removed MVdWPlaceholderAPI support.
- Fixed non player depending premiumvanish placeholders not working when player is null
- Added Redis database option in settings.yml
- Fixed permission check for setting nickname on other players.
- When creating tags in-game it will notify the servers about a new tag and load this tag.
- Should fix recent issue with it trying to download gson for some reason.
- Fixed premiumvanish hook issue again
- Fixed Player cast exceptions in announce server commands when using console.
- Fixed reloading server when server has not been cached yet.
- Fixed issue with single argument reasons when requiring reasons.
- Should fix error when executing extensions list command without any extensions enabled.
- Add support for %newline% for titles in announce title command
- Fixed json format not working correctly for sending titles through command.
- Ignore case sensitivity for command tabcomplete
- Debug punishment data when new punishment has been found
- Fixed PremiumVanish hook not working correctly
It's been a very long time. Actually too long and I'm very sorry for that. I was struggling with adding java 16 support but everything is sorted and stable now.
With these changes for java 16 I had to make some project changes as well. I had to seperate the "spigot version" (you can call it brige I guess) from the main jar.
This jar is now available for download from the discord server after verification (You can verify by tagging me and telling me your spigotmc username in the general chat).
I suggest you read the whole changelog before updating!
Anyway I hope you all enjoy this update while I continue working on the Velocity implementation.
- Cleaned up NMLanguageMessage class
- Minor improvement to some messages.
- Fixed socialspy for msg.
- Fixed server displaynames not working.
- Only handle player stuff on disconnect if player was actually loaded.
- Fixed issue where sender would receive socialspy message on reply.
- Don't create tables if platform is not a proxy.
- Fixed error with nm accounts list command.
- Fixed error when trying to set group for account.
- Fixed other minor issues with account commands.
- Fixed issue with getting timestamp when they row has invalid data.
- Fixed lateinit property playerSession has not been initialized
- Added new variables to in-game notify messages for tickets (%message%, %responder% and %response%).
- Made previous and next page buttons prettier in in-game menus.
- Added Never Variable message.
- Fixed errors that could appear in some situations when IP of player in database is null.
- Fix /nm accounts list showing usergroup as username aswel.
- Implemented a new commandframework and applied it to most of the commands (See note at the bottom regarding permissions for commands).
- Added better pagination to /banlist and /history.
- Added a new command /msgtoggle [playername] [true/false] which will replace the old /msg toggle command. (networkmanager.command.msgtoggle, networkmanager.command.msgtoggle.others)
- Fixed a bug with announcements where after reloading announcements would be missing.
- If NICKNAME_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS_REGEX is empty then don't check for allowed characters.
- Code improvements to the built-in menus.
- Fixed issue with ping command when aliases are defined.
- Fixed error when using ViaVersion.
- Applied pagination system to /tickets list command
- Fixed bug with tabcompletecommands getting removed from cache when reloading.
- Fixed sql errors with tickets
- Fixed {newline} not working properly in MOTD.
- Fixed stripping hex from string.
- If mainHand is empty use offHand for itemComponent (simplechat)
- Fixed error on join on spigot/paper.
- /nmpermsgui -> /permsgui (networkmanager.command.permsgui)
- changed punishgui command permission to (networkmanager.command.punishgui)
- changed ticketsgui command permission to (networkmanager.command.ticketsgui)
- Should fix tags menu file issues.
- Added support for 1.17 clients.
- Fixed maintenancemode commands not working in console.
- New staffchat shortcut permission networkmanager.staffchat.shortcut
- New adminchat shortcut permission networkmanager.adminchat.shortcut
- New party chat shortcut permission
- Added better Party help overview when you do /party
- Fixed some issues with staffchat, adminchat, announcement and playtime
- Apply nickname on join (spigot) as displayname
- New pagination system for servermanager commands
- Should fix announce command not working correctly.
- Fixed issues with staffchat, adminchat and partychat.
- Fixed playtime permissions.
- Applied new pagination system to servermanager commands.
- Added lang_joinbanned_alt_alert message
- Fixed issue with party toggle and party shortcut.
- Added partyprefix placeholde to party syntax messages.
- Added use-ipinfo setting that can be used to make use of the "new" geoip api.
- Fixed report command reporting wrong player
- Added 1.17.1 support
- Remove sender requirement from execute command.
- Added java 16 support
- Separate jar file per-platform because when Velocity support will be added the jar will be too big.
- Fixed some issues with dependencies
- Fixed a few of the /nm accounts commands
- Improved PremiumVanish support
- Fixed issues with server restriction through default server command
- Fixed issues when executing commands without PremiumVanish
- correct incorrect placeholders for receiver_server message
- Fix command exceptions not working
- Some code cleanup with permission plugins
- added lang_clearchat_global_success and lang_clearchat_server_success messages
- Fixed issue with lang_clearchat_server_access not working
- Should have fixed error with configurations
- nm_accountgroups name should never be null
- Fixed servermanager reload not working
- Remove sender type restriction from announce command
- Replaced my own event system with kyori's event bus api.
- Changed the way senders hold a language object.
- Added luckperms contexts as described in github issue #84
- Minor internal and api changes
- Fixed error regarding LuckPerms contexts by NetworkManager (again)
- Fixed cast error in execute command
- Minor improvement to the about command
- Minor optimizations and cleanup
- Added conditions to announcements. At the moment it only supports placeholder based conditions. An example of such condition would be %playername% == ChimpGamer. At the moment the only way to apply conditions would be through the database directly.
- Disable party chat on serverswitch if player does not have permission
- Fixed %luckperms_suffix% returning prefix
- Many changes regarding the networkmanager placeholders. A lot of placeholders have been implemented internally.
- Added hasLoggedInBefore to AsyncPreLoginEvent
- Fixed displayname placeholder
- Catch IIOException when loading motd icon from url
- I might have forgotten some things...
NOTE: permission for the "new" commands are networkmanager.command.<command>
All beta builds of extensions should still work but just to be sure they will be released on discord in their own extension channels.
Hey everyone, I'm sorry about the weird issue with Java 8. For some reason it compiled the java classes in Java 11. This update will fix that issue.
- Fix Java code being compiled as java 11 code instead of java 8.
- Fix sql error(s) when generating tables.
- Minor improvements to PremiumVanish checks.
- Should fix concurrent modification exception on startup for some users.
- There was a ticket warning that would appear for fresh tickets. This is fixed now.
- Removed annoying Vault debug message.
- ChatTableCleanupTask now runs every 6 hours instead of every hour.
- Only the first letter of a timeunit would work when punishing players for example. Now they all work.
- Minor code cleanup.
It is important to read the changelog if you use the msg system!
NOTE: For some reason it doesn't run on Java 8. A fix can be downloaded in the bugs channel of the NetworkManager Discord. This will be fixed in the next release.
- Fixed issue with registering incorrect punishment commands on spigot.
- Fix issue with redis caching.
- Fix wrong response in find command when player is no longer online.
- Should fix issue with msg and spam module
- Disable socialspy and commandspy on login without permissions.
- Finished Dao system for MySQL and MariaDB.
- Block .gg domain in Anti-Ad
- Fix issue with punishment time limits. Now it will always use the longest time possible.
- Fix errors when reloading servermanager.
- Added support for servergroups to the commandblocker.
- Cleanup glist a tiny bit and use displayName
- Fixed issue with announcements expiring over and over again.
- Should fix errors when generating tables.
- Updated default `lang_msg_sender` and `lang_msg_receiver` to `&c| &8[&6%sender_server%&8] &b%sender% &7> &8[&6%receiver_server%&8] &b%receiver%&7: &f%message%` and `&c| &8[&6%server-sender%&8] &b%sender% &7> &8[&6%server-receiver%&8] &b%receiver%&7: &f%message%`. Make sure to update the placeholders you're currently using.
- Updated msg and reply command to support more placeholders.
- Various changes that should fix some issues and clean up code
- Added a new placeholder type which allows you to use a lot more placeholders in msg for example. `%parseother_{playername placeholder}_{luckperms_prefix}%` (luckperms_prefix is a placeholder in this example and the placeholder has to be without the percent %)
- Format displayname when applying nickname to prevent issues with default /glist for example.
- Improved code when loading player data.
- Updated dependencies.
- General code cleanup
- Fixed Discordbot not giving roles when using NetworkManager permissions.
- Improved / simplified the find command. Change %target% to %playername% in lang_find_response.
- Added /nm accounts setgroup command.
- Changed the command arguments to create a server which will make more sense.
- Added command to unregister server. /sm server <server> unregister.
- You can no longer remove a server using commands if there are players on that server to prevent issues.
- Added --reload argument tabcomplete to server create command.
- Improved Server status check task.
It's been almost a month since the last update so I thought it is time for a new update since the changes I've made have proven to be stable!
If you enjoy this update please leave a review!
- Fixed swear replacements not working.
- Improved Test Language Command
- Added expiration to announcements.
- Added last seen to the /sm server command
- Added GSendCommand (networkmanager.command.gsend) send players to a servergroup
- Added support for servergroups to announcements.
- Trigger FilterEvent when renaming item in anvil.
- Should fix issue with per-server blocked commands.
- Added global punishment commands to spigot. Only console can use these commands.
- Should fix issues with SimpleChat and possibly other extensions.
- Should improve usage of geoip
- Improved Chat Spam filter. When setting the cooldown to 0 a new experimental feature will be enabled which will block the messages if the player tries to spam.
- Should have fixed announcement permissions
- Fix issue with regex in the filter not detecting swearing when mixing lowercase with uppercase characters.
- Fix No value present error in punish command.
- Fixed announcements permissions not working correctly.
- Added lang_antispam_warning message
- Improved geoIP by adding a cache based on IP address and the entry will expire after 12 hours.
- Should solve some issues with the execute command.
- Added Hooks with version to /nm(b) about command.
- If json fails to parse, show what it was trying to parse.
- Fixed wrong time output in lang_punishment_cant_punish_longer_then.
- If server has been removed remove it from redis cache aswell.
- Fix UninitializedPropertyAccessException on playerSession close
- Should fix issue with not checking inherited nodes in LuckPerms permission checking
- Should fix issue with execute when sending command with arguments.
- Fixed issue with platform ServerId getting refreshed everytime it gets requested.
- Fixed some minor issues with nickname.
- General placeholders will work in more messages.
- Added setting_chat_delete_after_days. By default it is set to 0 which will prevent saved chat messages from being deleted. You should use this to prevent the nm_chat table from getting too big that it will have impact on the performance.
- Fix tabcomplete for /am send <id>
Lots of bug fixes and some minor features and improvements. I hope you enjoy it and let's hope this year will be better!
- Fixed issues with punish command.
- Fixed issues with the punishgui.
- Fixed LuckPerms placeholders no longer working.
- Added AFK system for playtime. This will only work with servermanager. You'll have to create a server group called "afkservers" and add the servers to that group where players aren't allowed to gain any onlinetime.
- Made improvements to the language system.
- Fixed error when reloading a specific server. /sm reload <server>
- Made some changes to the settings.yml and added storage properties.
- Fixed error when editing permission that was searched in the gui.
- Fixed issue with Punishment task not running when executing punishment from panel.
- Fixed issue with /nm test filter <message> command.
- Fixed issue with servermanager server tabcomplete.
- Fixed namecolors not working.
- Fixed some issues with error handling of the geoip api.
- Vault groups will now be sorted descending by group rank.
- Fixed per-server blocked commands not working.
- Get name of alts that are offline in the /lookup command.
- Added /nm test commandblocker <command> to test blocked commands.
- You no longer have to wait for servermanager to check the servers before joining.
- Fixed tabcomplete of the /nm extensions load command.
- Make all vhost entries lowercase when adding to cache.
- Only send warnings on join header when there are active warnings.
- Added previous and next button to parents menu
- Fixed issue with ignore not working correctly when switching server.
- Fixed the issue with the icons folder not being generated.
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in several more extensions commands.
- Fixed an issue with the /punish command when using id.
- Fixed issue with joinban alt notification
- Remove motd from cache if it has been removed from the database.
- Should have fixed the exempt permission for punishments.
- Should have fixed mysql and mariadb conflicts with other plugins.
- Fixed error when saving login data (vhost).
- Should have fixed issues with country lookup.
- Fixed Caps issue with in msg when nickname has a few capital letters.
- Fixed the issue that the NetworkManager folder did not generated. (again)
- Added name field to pre punishments which allows you do to /punish ChimpGamer Killaura for example instead of /punish ChimpGamer 1. Both ways are valid now.
- Fixed errors when clicking Previous or Next button when on the first or last page of some ticket menus
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in /nm(b) extensions reload.
- Little bit of code cleanup.
Fixed the issue that the NetworkManager folder did not generated.
Fixed incorrect RabbitMQ port by default
Fixed issue with permissions tables with new database.
IMPORTANT: If you're going to use this on a production server always make a back-up before updating! (Especially of your mysql database)
To install this update you have to reset your settings.yml on the servers you installed NetworkManager on. The plugin will create a new settings.yml that you'll have to reconfigure!
Another important thing is, if you use plugins that use the NetworkManagerAPI then make sure those plugins support NetworkManager 2.9.0 as the API has been changed by a lot!
And another very important thing is, make sure you update the plugin extensions!!! You can download them from the NetworkManager Discord.
All the changes:
- The plugin is now almost completely in Kotlin.
- Changed the storage system so NetworkManager can support other storage systems then MySQL and MariaDB in the future.
- Added tags to BungeeCord (not the extension). You can now use them in some messages that are sended from BungeeCord.
- If players have networkmanager.nickname.format they can use &l &o etc. Without that permission they can't use it.
- Fixed tabcomplete for party commands.
- Added IPv6 support for player IP addresses.
- Better support for hexcolor.
- Added .tv domain to the domain pattern.
- Improved dialogs in the permissions gui's.
- You can now change the displayname of a server in servermanager.
- Added `settings_nickname_allowed_characters_regex`. By default it only allows alphanumeric characters.
- Should have fixed some issues that could occur when using UltraPermissions.
- Added support for 1.16.4.
- Added a check in the nickname command that checks if someone already has a nickname in use. This check only checks online players at the moment.
- Added /realname command (networkmanager.realname)
- Added a Announcement builder to the API
- Fixed in-game spam caused by the join banned alert when players rapidly reconnect.
- Should have fixed some null issues with UltraPermissions.
- Might have fixed a memory leak when pinging a server for it's status.
- Changed the permission networkmanager.antiad.notify to networkmanager.notify.antiad
- Changed the permission networkmanager.antiswear.notify to networkmanager.notify.antiswear
- Also added networkmanager.antiad.notify.<server> and networkmanager.antiswear.notify.<server> to only receive those messages from a specific server.
- Added /networkmanager test filter <message> so you can check if your filter detects a word, sentence or complete message.
- Fixed missing lang_party_setpublic_syntax message.
- Implemented multiple icon caching. NetworkManager will now cache the motd icons based on the icon name. Make sure your motd icons have all different file names. icon1.png, icon2.png, etc.
- Also if the url of the motd icon is not reachable NetworkManager will use the cached (downloaded) icon.
- Optimized chat ignore on spigot.
- Fixed tabcomplete of /chatlock.
- Fixed tabcomplete of /clearchat
- Fixed the /networkmanager accounts reset command.
And last but not least. I've released 2 new extensions that can be downloaded from the NetworkManager Discord. You might think what happened to and Those versions were released in the discord server and now I'm releasing on spigotmc to prevent issues with BungeeCord that supports 1.16.3.
- Added 1.16.3 support.
- Added global punishment commands to spigot. They can be used by the console or anticheat plugins.
- Fixed issue with stripping hex colors from strings when neccesary.
- Fixed issue with title announcements.
- Fixed issue with mysql 64 character limit in nicknames
- Fixed an issue with some functions used by extensions.
I was waiting for 1.16.2 to come out before I release this version.
- Added 1.16.1 and 1.16.2 support.
- Added support for BungeeTabListPlus.
- Fixed error that could occur when tabcompleting kick command of party.
- Added dupeip join notification (networkmanager.notify.dupeip_join)
- Added --reload argument for server create command to reload it after creating it.
- Added announcementsmanager send command.
- Fixed issue with java 11 and extensions.
- Show amount and list all players on a server /sm server <server>
- Tab complete imporvements for NetworkManager commands.
- Added option to only allow local or global msg.
- Added Playtime top header (lang_playtime_top_header).
- Fixed some issues with Filter for Sigs and Books.
- Updated to PlaceholderAPI to 2.10.9.
- Added serverplayercount placeholder to premiumvanish placeholders in NetworkManager.
- Lots of optimizations and code cleanup.
So now that 1.16 has been released I was thinking lets just release 2.8.8.
No new features but lots of other changes.
- Fixes error spam when disabling ticket system.
- Fix "global" tabcomplete for the clearchat command.
- Fix error when unbanning or unmuting a player.
- Fixed issue when executing punishments using the API on spigot.
- If punishment is permanent %expires% will return Never.
- Added ProtocolLib as softdepend for spigot.
- Fixed error that could occur when looking up a player with a nulled IP.
- Fix for tab completing users in /party invite.
- Fixed %pluginprefix% for messages that were send to players through the spigot server.
- Fixed a couple issues with ticket command.
- Fixed %id% placeholder in TICKET_NOTIFY_NEW message.
- Fixed a couple of issues with the namecolors. They should work as expected now.
- Possible fix for nicknames with spaces between quotes.
- Minor changes to updating nicknames and reloading player data.
- 1.16 support.
- Lots of optimizations and improvements. Also converted a couple classes to Kotlin.
Wow 800+ downloads!
Finally I'm ready to release 2.8.7 and it's a big one for sure.
Not many new things have been added. Some things had a little recode and have been changed to Kotlin to make the plugin better.
It is important for this update that you delete the lib folder in the NetworkManagers folder on every server you installed NetworkManager on.
If you use any extensions from NetworkManager I would recommend you that you check if those already received an update for 2.8.7 before updating.
Should have Fixed msg toggle when using RedisBungee.
Punishments now supports fully written out time units in commands. Like 1day, 10days
Fixed error commandblocker
Fixed error that can happen with gui's on 1.15
Minor improvements in mvdwplaceholderapi hook.
Fixed error caused by nicknames.
Updated joda-time lib
Fixed issues with permissions gui on 1.15.x
Changed some console logging to debug only.
Fixed issue with ip punishments.
Party command name and alias is now configurable
Fixed some minor issues regarding punishments.
Added networkmanager.ignore.exempt to prevent players from being ignored.
Added networkmanager.commandspy.exempt
If you execute an ip punishment it will now punish every player online with the punished ip.
Added /nm test placeholder and /nm test language
Fixed some issues with ignore not being bypassable for players with permission.
Fixed minor issue with regex in commandblocker.
Performance improvement in temp punishment commands.
Fixed time issue with broadcasting temp punishments.
Updated the ServerManager commands and fixed some issues.
Fixed issue with namecolor setting not functioning correct.
All modules, settings and commands are disabled by default from now on.
Should have fixed announcement sounds not functioning.
Converted Party commands to Kotlin.
When punishments expired console will no longer be the "unbanner"
You can now disable the lockdown command
Fixed error that could appear when punishing a player while using redis or rabbitmq
Fixed the error when using %json-jump-message% at the end of the report alert message.
Fixed some issues with Admin and Staff chat and made some minor improvements.
NetworkManager (spigot) can now block filtered words on signs, books and items in anvils.
Fixed an issue with the ticket respond command.
Added option to add customMessage to a block command. You can only change this in MySQL until the next update of the Web Interface is released.
Fix for the missing view_servers column
Should fix an error when leaving as party owner
Fixed issue with party join command.
Improved and changed the permission system commands to Kotlin. Also fixed some minor bugs. I will soon do more improvements regarding tab completion.
Minor performance improvment in geoip lookup method.
Fixed possible memory leak when downloading MOTD icon.
Updated some dependencies and fixed a dependency issue with SimpleYaml
Fixed issue with the %word% placeholder in the filter messages.
Added default filter replacement setting. If you want to apply a filter replacement message for all filtered words you can fill it in here.
Fixed an issue where you could bypass the report command cooldown.
Fixed error when trying to use gtempban and gtempmute without timeunit.
Fixed Announcement sounds not working.
gunban now works on gipbans
Fixed cooldown bypass with helpop command.
TabComplete for History Command
Fix %playername% placeholder in HistoryCommand
Fix bypass for Chat Filters.
Fix for issue with party chat and admin chat
Minor optimization for json files
Changed lots of classes to Kotlin.
Only do command spy if the commandspy command is enabled.
I was hoping to push an update out today but due to lots of issues I noticed which I couldn't fix for today I decided not to upload it. I hope the update will be ready this week so stay tuned and
- Like the title says, this build should be more stable.
- Fixed an issue with servermanager that would cause 'You are already connected to this server'.
- Changed some classes to kotlin.
- Fixed some minor issues regarding punishment messages.
- Cleaned-up some code (you might notice the file size had shrunk.
- 1.15.1 support.
- Better null safety checks.
- Some code clean-up.
- Fixed issue with silent punishments.
- Hotfix for error on start when using Spigot.
- Solved NPE exception in /unban and /unmute.
- Lockdown kick message is now configurable.
- Fixed rank placeholder not working in lookup command.
- If a player tries to create a ticket without an account he will receive the register message.
- Fixed some issues when using LuckPerms placeholders.
- Redone the MOTD system. You can now create more then 1 MOTD. The MOTD's will be shown randomly to the player in the server list. (If you used the beta version of networkmanager with this feature it is recommended to reset the nm_motds table due to some changes).
- Added Kotlin and changed some classes to Kotlin.
- Cleaned-up some things. Improved some things and made some methods safer.
- Added Chat Type field to the chat log. Current chat types are Chat, PM and Party.
- Added /p as alias for party.
- You can now give unban and unmute reasons.
- Improved NullPointer safety.
- Send message if all login servers are offline in lobby server command.
- Fixed issue with nickname off/reset message.
- You can no longer respond to any ticket without permissions. Give staff for access to that.
- Fixed error when trying to use months or years as time in punishments.
- Improved the Messaging system and added
RedisBungee (Not Redis) support to it but it does require you to use connect NetworkManager to Redis or RabbitMQ. It improved the end user experience when using RedisBungee a lot.
I didn't knew I already had fixed so many issues in this build other wise I would have uploaded it before. Anyway, here they are with a few new features.
Enjoy it and if you liked this update please leave a nice review!
- Corrected ping and playtime permissions.
- Fixed an NPE when checking if player is banned.
- Fixed an NPE when checking if player is banned on a server.
- Fixed error when addeding language and/or languagemessage.
- Don't take interitances of player groups when using LP for placeholders.
- Added BanList, History and Warnings Command.
- Added Lockdown system.
- Fixed error when creating or resetting user account.
- Allow UUID in several commands.
- Removed Leaderheads hook since it's has no use with the latest version of LeaderHeads.
- Warns will now automatically expire after 7 days.
- Added lang_banned_message_appeal_message and added %appeal-message% for punishment kick messages.
- Fixed issue with clearchat and fixed issues with %pluginprefix% placeholder.
- Improved TabComplete in several commands.
- Fixed issue with punishment task when punishments are disabled.
- You can now search for permissions applied on a specific server or world in the permissiongui.
- Changed lots of things in the nickname command. Added NICKNAME_USE_FILTER setting to apply the filter to the nicknames.
- Fixed error that could occur when someone with a server ban would connect while using servermanager. Also fixed the issue that you wouldn't get kicked if you were banned from the login/authentication server.
- Fixed NPE in LoginListener when LoginEvent got cancelled with null reason.
- Fixed permission issue in ServerManager Command.
- Fixed permission issue in AnnouncementsManager Command.
- Fixed NPE and improved lookup command. The rank placeholder now supports luckperms and ultrapermissions.
- Fully recoded messaging system. This includes RabbitMQ, Redis and (Yes it is back!) plugin messaging.
- Fixed issue with punishments not being executed from the web interface.
- Fixed error when adding notifiction after server status was changed.
- Fixed several issues with the servermanager commands.
- The %uuid% placeholder now works in the punishment response messages.
- Removed nm test redis and rabbitmq command.
- Added nm test messaging command.
- Added a few more placeholders. (Also updated the wiki regarding placeholders).
- Added a /servermanager debug command to figure out why servers won't pop-up online. You can see the debugging in the console when it tries to ping the server.
- Fixed Connection leak on startup.
- Added redisbungee placeholder
- Fixed players and randomplayer placeholder.
- Warn player on swear if filter replacement is null or empty
- Updated the announce command. You can now announce chat, actionbar and titles. Placeholders and Chat colors are allowed. Titles also support the json format like in the configured announcement. Check the wiki for that. The command has to be executed now like /announce [chat/actionbar/title] [global/local/servername] [message]
- Fixed issue with banned players still being able to login after first attempt.
- Fixed a big bug which would allow players while banned or while the server was in maintenance mode in some cases.
- Fixed issue with CommandBlocker when blocking /? without regex.
- Fixed prefix formatting at some commands.
- Cleaned up a lot of code that was no longer in use.
If you like this update please leave a kind review

- Fixed error's that could occur on startup (BungeeCord)
- Fixed some issues with the ServerManager module.
- When a new server was added through the servermanager but not registered to BungeeCord it would no longer check for online/offline servers.
- Fixed an issue with pinging servers which could spam you with server went online messages.
- Added 1.14.4 support.
- Fixed an issue with /punish.
- Cleaned-up some code regarding creating punishments using the /punish and other punishment commands.
- From now on I use sockets to check if a server is online. This should and I hope this will work much better then the method I used before.
- Some code cleanup which also affected the API of networkmanager so it could be that this version might break some things that use the NetworkManager API so make sure to check that.
- Fixed error on first run.
- Fixed issue with party chat command.
- A couple of issues with punishments should be fixed now.
Please leave a nice review!
- Fixed issue with tempban and tempmute command
- Show server when listing player groups in permissions menu
- Set permission networkmanager.punish for punish command
- Fixed issue with Vault on spigot.
- Fixed a tiny issue when updating announcements.
- Added /whereami command. requested by Tech_Bot_7.
- Added error message when commandblocker regex has a syntax error.
- Don't send players to the server they were connected to last time when forcehost setting is invalid.
- You can now overwrite punishments and you will no longer get this player is already punished bla bla.
- Fixed the big issue with dependencies clashing with each other. Thanks to jar-relocator, something great that luck made I was able to fix this issue!
- Little code clean-up.
This release wasn't actually planned for today but because mojang dropped 1.14.3 today I had to release it as soon as possible.
- Tabcomplete for remove server from group server command works again
- Fixed tabcomplete announcement id in remove and preview command of announcementsmanager.
- Fixed cast error in Announcer command on Bungee
- If Server Motd is empty use normal MOTD
- Fixed an issue where punishment wouldn't expire.
- Some small improvements when reloading all players on spigot which might improve performance a bit.
- Added 1.14.3 support.
- Fixed issue with colorcodes when broadcasting chatlock messages globally.
- Fixed an issue with the servermanager group remove command.
- Added new cool stuff to the API to make some extensions a lot better.
- Some small improvements in general.
- Fixed an big issue with unloading players on spigot.
- Updated the api.
- Fixed an error that could occur on load.
- Fixed an issue with the motd icon on first use.
- Fixed issue with %newline% placeholder in the lang_server_loginservers_offline message.
- For some reason the nm_servers table was missing the allowed_versions collumn.
- Fixed color code formatting for the lang_proxy_only_kick message.
- Improved some code regarding the notification of staff when a new ticket has been created.
- Added new setting "setting_servermanager_status_check_interval".
- Fixed the missing web permission view_accounts.
- Added a new table to log the failed web login attempts.
For some reason there was an error with the messages. Should be fixed now.
Flash sale! NetworkManager will cost only €7.50 for just one day!. If you haven't bought it yet then this is your chance!
- Fixed in-game server status change messages.
- Fixed formatting of local announcements by command.
- Improved the tab function of the announce, chatlock, clearchat, find, punish and seen command.
- Improved Message methods of the language system which should also prevent an error.
This is an pretty important update and I've made some changes to the database structure but NetworkManager is able to apply thope changes by itself. So it's important to back-up the NetworkManager database before updating to this version of NetworkManager. If you have any issue please contact me on Discord or send me a PM.
- Fixed another issue with the server restricted check on serverswitch.
- Added new message lang_server_incorrect_version. This will be sended to the player when he joins a server with a blocked version.
- Added new message lang_server_loginservers_offline. This will be sended to the player when all your login servers are offline.
- Fixed an issue with unloading players when they logout.
- Made use of regex expressions in the default list of blocked commands which performs better and is simply cleaner.
- Fixed an error with the fallback server system.
- The Ticket gui cuts the message of tickets in the preview after 36 characters. If you click on it you will receive the full message in your chat.
- /tickets is now an alias for /ticket.
- Fixed message lang_report_yourself not being updated.
- Updated TicketsGui and PermissionGui, they both have some new features and improvements but it's still not fully complete.
- Added support for Minecraft 1.14.2.
- Performance improvements when creating new players.
- The NetworkManager update command works again!
- Removed debug message at the end of NetworkManager's startup.
- Added TabComplete support for several commands. This feature also supports RedisBungee!
- Fixed an issue with restricted servers using slashserver commands.
- Added a check if the server is online to ServerConnectEvent. This also adds a new message.
- Fixed Server restriction bypass permissions.
- Fixed PartyChatListener.
- Added PartyManager to NetworkManager on Spigot. This allows you to get party data through the NetworkManager API on Spigot. This only works using Redis.
- Added /nmticketsgui. This command is in early stage so it doesn't have all the features it will get yet. Only users with networkmanager.admin can use the gui for now.
- Fixed issue with 403 error codes with some motd url's.
I release this update because 1.14.1 has been released today so I've added support for that in this update.
Enjoy it!
- Fixed weird error when loading NetworkManager on spigot.
- Removed setting_cache_motd_icon setting as it is useless.
- Added a new setting setting_antiswear_warn_if_replace. If enabled it will warn the player that he used a word that is not allowed when the word will be replaced and the message won't be cancelled.
- Improved temporary ban command which now supports weeks, month and years to determine the lenght of the punishment. I've also improved this check which also should be more accurate.
- The Filter will now ignore empty filter words to prevent issues.
- Fixed lang_target_invalid messages in unpunish commands.
- Fixed default lang_punish_command message for new installations.
- Fixed issues with IP punishments.
- Added 1.14.1 support.
- Some optimizations regarding the usage of MySQL in the ServerManager module.
- Some optimizations in the Announcements Module.
Title says it all ^^
- Fixed weird error when loading NetworkManager on spigot.
- Removed setting_cache_motd_icon setting as it is useless.
For some reason the jar was corrupted and wouldn't start on spigot server. The problem should be solved now.
Hey everyone,
I've made some big changes to make sure that adding support for Velocity (a new proxy server) soon will be a piece of cake. I've also fixed some bugs and made some performance improvements.
All extensions will require an update to work with this version of NetworkManager!
This updated and been tested quite well so no issues or bugs should occur.
Still found an issue or bug? Contact me on Discord!
I hope you enjoy this update!
- relocation of packages
- some big implementation changes
- Fixed an issue with Msg where you couldn't message other players on the same bungee when using RedisBungee.
- Fixed an issue with placeholders that could cause errors in the console.
- From now on extensions that cause errors when they load won't break the plugin anymore.
- Fixed an issue that caused error spam when trying to use some commands while not having permission to use them.
- Added -p argument to the notifystaff command on spigot which indicates you want to use a custom permission
- Fixed MOTD icon not updating when reloading.
- NetworkManager will no longer use the DefaultServer option for the motd.
- Optimized permission group collections.
- Changed the permissions networkmanager.<punishmentType>.exampt to networkmanager.punishment.<punishmentType>.exampt
- Fixed a performance and caching issue on spigot regarding player data.
- Fixed Maintenance Motd not working after switching to maintenance mode.
- Fixed error caused by playtime when reloading on spigot servers.
- Removed an debug message that spammed the UUID of all cached players. (Woops)
- Relocated some packages internel which will make more sense.
- Fixed MOTD favicon not working.
- Cleaned-up some code.
- Fixed issue with Sounds when using title announcements.
- Fixed issue with MOTD CustomVersion no longer working if not empty.
- Made some changes in the API that could break extensions or other plugins that use the NetworkManager API. Make sure to update those too.
Last hotfix for today. Sorry guys!
- Fixed error on login after playing for 25 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes and 23 seconds.
Title says it all.
- Fixed Announcements sounds not working correctly.
- Fixed /am preview command bugging and causing kick/errors when using sounds.
- Fixed a big bug where playtime would become negative after playing for 25 days, 20 hours, 31 minutes and 23 seconds.
- Updated the API.
Nothing really exciting in this update but it is recommended to update if you were having errors when players were pinging your server.
- Fixed an error when players pinging the servers while MOTD module was disabled.
- Added RedisBungee support to /msg and /reply.
- Fixed some issues with player data when using RedisBungee.
- Added Notifications for tickets in the WebInterface.
- Added /nm accounts reset <userName> <password> so you can reset the password of a user when neccesary.
Just a quick update because minecraft 1.14 has dropped today!
- Added 1.14 Client & BungeeCord support (I'm not sure if I'll have to make some changes to support spigot 1.14)!
- Fixed an issue where maintenance mode would only kick players if the motd was enabled. (When enabling maintenance mode through the panel)
- Fixed an issue where it would take a few minutes before the motd would switch between default and maintenance mode when toggling maintenancemode in-game.
Hey everyone!
A new update has arrived today. I've done some performance improvements when it comes to caching players and some other data. I've also added some really nice features like announcement sounds. You should really check it out!
Anyway, I hope you like this update and if you want add a nice review!
- A lot more messages now support the %newline% placeholder.
- Added support for PremiumVanish to the /find & /seen command.
- Added support for %isvanished% placeholder to lang_find_response & lang_seen_success.
- LockChat & ClearChat now support RedisBungee.
- You can now center announcements by putting
infront of the line
- Fixed tab not updating for 1.8.8 players.
- Added Configurable messages to the /punish command.
- Added 6 new placeholders. Check the documentation.
- Fixed an issue with LuckPerms throwing an error on Login when using the DiscordBot.
- Fixed %lastlogout% showing first login in /lookup command.
- Fixed error caused by AntiSpam.
- The Motd module now supports ForcedHosts with the ServerManager.
- Updated the Motd system. Some new features for normal & maintenance motd.
- You can now play sound effects with announcements!
Hey everyone,
So, pretty important update. This brings more security as I replaced md5 hashing with BCrypt for the password. I've also made some changes to the language system which makes it easier for me to maintain the messages. All extensions need an update to support NetworkManager 2.6.2.
I hope you enjoy this update!
NOTE: You make sure this update works smooth you need to drop the following tables: nm_accounts nm_languages and nm_language_messages before updating the plugin.
- Fixed issue with the reason of warn and note command.
- Added NetworkManagerReady Event. You can use this event to make sure NetworkManager is ready when you run code on startup using the NetworkManagerAPI.
- AnnouncementsManager command can now also be used by console except for the preview argument.
- Updated the extensions system. All extensions require an update.
- Some minor code improvements.
- Fixed bug with /party jump. You could just jump to restricted servers.
- Changes in the language tables. I've changed variable to key and renamed or added some new messages.
- Fixed playtime position. It started from 0 now it starts from 1.
- Fixed aliases not working for maintenance mode command.
- Fixed maintenance toggle command not working.
- Fixed LeaderHeads nm_playtimetop stat.
- Fixed usage message of 2 networkmanager extensions commands.
- Added BungeeCord build check so you can't use NetworkManager on BungeeCord builds that aren't support (Forks are excluded from this check).
- Fixed lang_ticket_notify_new, lang_ticket_notify_reply_staff, lang_ticket_notify_reply_creator messages not working correctly.
- Replaced lang_playtime_list with lang_playtime_other and lang_playtime_top.
- Fixed issue with Sessions.
- Added /nm extensions reloadconf <extension> command. None of the extensions support this command yet.
It's almost a month ago since the last update and here I'm back with a new great update! It's recommended to back-up your database as always just in case.
The WebInterface and some extensions also received an update because older versions weren't compatible anymore. Check it out on the Discord.
- Fixed wrong socialspy message key usage in msg and reply command.
- Cleaned up lots of code which should shrink the size of the plugin a little and improve the performance.
- Removed Debug message that would appear in the console when unbanning a player.
- Sessions that didn't take longer then 1 second will now be removed and ignored.
- Fixed an issue that could cause missing player data.
- Updated the UltraPermissions hook to the latest version.
- Introducing the new PlaceholderSystem. You can find all working placeholders here:
Found a placeholder that does not work? Just let met know!
- Words that are detected as swearing can now be replaced with a word or sentence.
- Performance improvements in the BAT importer on Bungee.
- Fixed issue with UTF-8 characters not showing up in chat
- ServerManager now supports Forced Hosts! You can now use servernames and servergroups in the BungeeCord config for forced hosts. (Note: Servernames and groupnames are case sensitive).
- Added Silent option in punishment commands. You can use -s before entering the punishment reason. Example: /gban ChimpGamer -s Silent Punishment!
- Fixed issue with Extensions trying to load Placeholders into NetworkManager.
- Fixed weird characters when using %newline% on servers which run on Windows.
- Added support for RabbitMQ.
- Sorted some Events in the API.
- Added User events.
- You can now use /language all <language> to change the language of every player.
- Added CommandSpy. You can enable/disable it in the Settings of the WebInterface. /cmdspy - networkmanager.commandspy
- Fixed a warning on login when not using the permission system on Bungee.
- Fixed Announcements permissions not working.
- Fixed another bug with player sessions.
Hey everyone,
It's been a while again since the latest update but here is a new update! There are some quite imported bug fixes in this version so it's highly recommended that you install it on all your servers.
Change log:
- Fixed Party toggle commands.
- The Filter now supports regex expressions.
- Fixed error with Inventories when using version 1.8.8.
- Updated the Socialspy system.
- Updated several libraries.
- Added Settings to disable AntiAd, AntiSpam, AntiCaps and/or AntiSwear for PartyChat.
- Added Whitelist for AntiSpam.
- Fixed error with Announcements preview command.
- Fixed bug with /sm reload <server>
- Added option to enable announcement permission. Permission is: networkmanager.announcement.<announcementId>
- Fixed a big bug with sessions not saving correctly.
- Removed some debug messages.
Title says it all. Lots of bug fixes in this update.
Let me know if there are still issues after this update!
- Fixed ReportsCooldown issue.
- Fixed error with all server punishments like /ban, /tempban, etc when not all args were being used.
- Fixed AntiSpam issue with party chat.
- Fixed an permission issue with party status. Nothing really serious tho.
- Ignore command messages are now configurable.
- Cleanedup some code in the ServerManager classes.
- Fixed GUI's for 1.8.x servers.
- Fixed error when using non loaded server in servermanager reload command.
- Fixed error when trying to join BungeeCord's default server while being banned for the default server.
- Fixed %unbanner% placeholder showing punisher instead of unbanner in punishment messages.
- Fixed UUID of unbanner not being uploaded to database due to wrong SQL statement.
- Fixed PluginMessage Channel Name being too long for 1.7.x servers.
- Fixed spam issue with GeoIP.
- Fixed casesensitivity when checking the chat for swearing.
- Fixed /nm extensions load command. It also supports tabcomplete now.
- Fixed Illegal characters causing error's and bugs in the chat logger. (These illegal characters will from now be removed from the chatlog)
- Updated a few dependencies.
- Fixed a bug with /party chat <message>. It was ignoring spaces.
- Made some progress with the PermissionsGUI. Redone the ParentsGUI and you can now edit, add and delete parents and permissions.
- Chat should now be saved when a player swears, advertises, spams or uses too much caps.
- Fixed NetworkManager Account create command.
- Fixed a bug with the Filter. When you add a filter
Hey everyone,
I have made a new update to kick off the new year, and it looks pretty good to me so far. I hope you will enjoy this update and leave a nice and kind review!
- Fixed issue with DefaultServerCommand when multiple lobby/hub servers were online.
- Updated and improved Tags API.
- Performance improvement in PunishmentSystem.
- Announcements get restarted automatically when interval has been changed.
- You can now get BukkitPlayer and ProxiedPlayer from the NetworkManager Player in the API.
- Cleaned-up some stuff.
- Added new message lang_server_group_offline
- Added new message lang_filter_notify
- Added new message lang_antiad_notify
- You can now bypass the commandblocker with networkmanager.commandblocker.bypass./commandhere
- Added /nmpermsgui (networkmanager.permissions). This GUI is still in WIP (Work In Progress) so it is not fully developed. It can only be used when module_permissions_spigot is enabled. I would love to hear some feedback about it while I continue developing it.
Hey everyone,
This update contains a pretty important update for GUI bugs but I've also got some news about the Christmas sale. That didn't really went well because for some reason the resource wasn't premium anymore so I couldn't change the price and none was able to buy it. Because of this I decided that the sale will last until January 2nd so it will be a Christmas-New Year's sale.
I hope you still enjoy my resource and have a nice day!
Merry Christmas
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. NetworkManager has now a 25% off Christmas sale so if you haven't bought it yet then this is your chance!
In this update I've added the extension load command. /extensions load <extensionName>. This allows you to load extensions that haven't been loaded yet.
EDIT: I've some issues with the resource settings so I can't change the price yet.
EDIT(2): Issue has been fixed. The Chirstmas sale is now active!
- Fixed setport command in the servermanager commands.
- Fixed reply command bug.
Fixed an SQL error on first run! Sorry for that.
Hey everyone,
Another update here with basically only bug fixes.
- Fixed unban commands.
- Added /chatlock list so you can see which server have a chatlock.
- Added /nm reload config This will reload the config but will not restart the MySQL or Redis Connection. You can use it to enable/disable debug during runtime for example.
- Renamed ChatLogEvent to ChatLogCreateEvent.
- Added ChatLogCreatedEvent.
- Fixed an issue where Players wouldn't get banned when punishment data from BungeeAdminTools or AdvancedBans was imported and they tried to join for the first time (With NetworkManager).
Hey everyone,
Another update has arrived. I've learned some new interesting things that I applied in this update of NetworkManager which should improve the start-up time a lot. It actually should load all data after enabling the plugin and not when the server is done with starting. I've also found a few bug that I was able to fix and cleaned-up some code.
That's it for today.
Change log:
- Fixed SQL error when reloading server in servermanager by command.
- NetworkManager loads it's data now faster on startup (a lot faster on spigot).
- Fixed some issues when hooking into NetworkManager and fetching data on server startup.
- Excluded Apache Commons-IO library from the NetworkManager jar and added it as library that will download it on start-up.
- Extended the ExtensionManager in the API with more methods.
- Cleaned-up some useless code.
Hey everyone,
Last patch for 2.5.3.x. (I hope)
NOTE: Read the update log of v2.5.3 to make sure you won't get into any issues when updating!
- Fixed an issue on spigot servers with MySQL.
- Fixed an issue with player settings on spigot servers.
- Fixed an issue with the PluginHooks on spigot servers.
- Fixed an issue with BungeeCord Extensions.
Fixed a error caused by the EventHandler.
Hey everyone,
It's been quite a while again but here is another update with many changes.
NOTE: To make this update work without issues you MUST delete your nm_values table. If not errors will occure and lots of things won't work. If there is any issue contact me on discord asap!
- Fixed issue with /partychat and /party chat when you weren't in a party.
- /partychat and /party chat without other arguments will now toggle the party chat.
- Fixed some issues with the API that could be misleaded.
- Fixed a weird issue with the msg toggle command.
- Some minor optimizations with caching and SQL Queries.
- When ignoring or un-ignoring a player it should now update almost instantly on the spigot servers.
- When you toggle StaffChat or AdminChat it will be saved in the database so the next time you join it will still be toggled.
- Added PartyChatEvent to the API.
- Added new dependencyloader which has a better overview for me. (Also should load faster).
- Fixed small issue with the PlayerInfo Description in the MOTD.
- Possibly fix an issue with some lines not centered when seeing the kick/ban screen.
- Reorganized all Events in the API. Make sure to update your plugins if you use the NetworkManager API.
- Fixed typo in punishment exempt permission. The permission is now for example: networkmanager.gban.exempt, networkmanager.gmute.exempt
- Fixed an issue with Looking up UUID's by username which caused some error's with several commands.
- Fixed Kick/Ban issue while using RedisBungee.
- Fixed a small issue with player sessions.
- Removed the staff command. (It was pretty much useless anyway).
- It seemed very useless since there is a servermanager system which can do the exact same thing but with more possibilities.
- NM_Values table overhaul. You'll have to reset your NM_Values table for this update. There are lots of new settings and some old settings got removed.
- Added MySQL SSL options that only work if you have your DataStorage set to MySQL. I'm not sure how MariaDB takes care of this.
Hey everyone,
Small update with some tiny bug fixes. Next update will include some performance improvements regarding MySQL.
- Fixed error when unbanning player by console.
- Fixed some issues with the GeoIP API.
- Added some notification messages for the GeoIP API.
Hey everyone,
Just a small update but it contains several bug fixes that are quite important. I hope you enjoy the update as some of you were really waiting for this.
- Fixed an error that could occur when trying to toggle maintenance mode without permission.
- Fixed an error when create a new server (ServerManager).
- Fixed formatting error when player didn't load correctly and got kicked.
- Fixed error when reloading a server by command.
- Should have fixed several issues regarding the punishment system.
- Fixed some other minor issues.
NOTE: Make sure you set-up the geoip api key. More info
Hey everyone,
It's been a while since the last update but here it finally is the final 2.5.0 version of NetworkManager. Almost a total recode. I hope you enjoy!
- Recoded almost the whole plugin. The plugin is now universal so that means you got one jar that contains NetworkManager and NetworkManagerBridge. The NetworkManagerBridge 2.0.1b and older is no longer supported.
- Added 1.13.2 support.
- ServerManager has now more settings and servergroups. The isLobby column got removed. You can set authentication servers and login servers in the settings. For more information checkout the wiki link down below.
- Added Support for Mixed mode. If you're server is in Mixed mode you can now change setting_servermode to mixed. This will also activate a pie chart in the web interface which contains the amount in percent of how many players are premium and how many are cracked.
- Added a command /announcementsmanager or /am. This command isn't complete yet but It was added so you can test the announcements you've added so you don't have to wait for them to come along.
- The language API can now fully support third party plugins. So you can hook into the API and add messages to it for your plugin and they will be saved in the database so you can edit them. Of course you can also pull them from the API.
- Added HikariCP MySQL Pooling. The settings for MySQL have been changed a bit and it got a storage setting now. NetworkManager supports MySQL and MariaDB.
- Added several new options and fixed lots of bugs.
- Changed lots of things in the API.
For more information check the new wiki
here or please contact me in the
networkmanager discord.
Also if I forgot to add your request into the update please remind me of it so I'll try to make sure it will be added in the next update!
Hey everyone!
Some more bug fixes for several issues that have been reported. Also added 2 new messages.
- Fixed a error when executing a punishment command in the Notification Listener.
- Fixed %playername% placeholder in lang_target_not_found message in the unban/unmute commands.
- Fixed the %expires% placeholder in punishment messages.
- Added lang_party_prefix message.
- Added lang_ticket_help message.
Hey everyone,
Only several bug fixes this update. There will also be a update for the NetworkManagerBridge and the Web Interface today.
- Corrected %time% placeholder in the /seen command (lang_seen_success) (AGAIN).
- Fixed IPBan and IPMute issues.
- Fixed a issue with Server Chat Announcements.
- Tiny Code cleanup.
- Fixed issue with showing info when Import fails.
- Fixed several bugs in the MOTD.
- Updated API.
- Updated Extension system.
Hey everyone,
Here is a small update with some bug fixes that were reported last 24 hours.
- Fixed a issue with some commands that still had the static plugin prefix.
- Corrected the errors from the tickets. It will throw a warning if the data is not what it should be.
- Corrected %time% placeholder in the /seen command (lang_seen_success).
- Fixed hook placeholders like %up_prefix%, %rb_onlineplayers%, etc.
Hey Everyone,
Today I had some time to make some real progress and a little big update and here it is so enjoy!
Note: There is also a update for the Web Interface.
- Recoded Announcement system. Added support for titles. It is faster now, requires less CPU and RAM, Supports multiple servers by seperating the Servers with ", " (without quotes).
Old Types:
New Types:
If you want to keep your current announcement messages you have to convert the type ID's. You can also just reset the table. Announcements will automatically apply every reload without interrupting the announcement task.
- Added the "all" argument to the execute command.
- Change the way how the TabHeader applies. It should work now much better and faster.
- Added ticket caching.
- Added 3 new Events for Tickets. TicketCreateEvent, TicketRespondEvent and TicketCloseEvent.
- Updated the UltraPermissionsHook to support the latest version of UltraPermissions. (The hook broke in version 3.0.0).
- Removed static prefix in lang_nopermission messages. If you want the plugin prefix back in the message just add %pluginprefix%. This prefix is editable btw.
- Fixed issues with /nm servers reload command.
- Fixed a issue with /nm test redis when only using multiple proxies.
- The command /nm accounts is back! You can now create, delete, check and list accounts. (These accounts are WebInterface accounts) NOTE: This command is console only!
- Added /notify command. This will disable notification for the command executor. Notifications like punishment alerts, tickets and other things.
- Staff will receive notifications of new tickets if they have the correct permission (Permissions in the wiki) or don't have notifications toggled off.
- If the creator of a ticket replies on the ticket the one that is assigned to the ticket will receive an in-game notification if he has the correct permission (Permissions in the wiki) or does not have notifications toggled off.
- If a staff member replies on a ticket the creator of the ticket will receive an in-game notification.
Update for NetworkManagerBridge will be online soon!
- Fixed a bug with the PremiumVanishHook
- Fixed a issue with the msg module when using a fresh database.
- Updated the API.
The title says it all ^^. Enjoy!
Hey everyone,
Sorry that this update took so long but I was trying to add NetworkManager's first extension with this update. Unfortunately I couldn't make it because it is still under development and still needs some testing. But there are still other good things in this update so enjoy!
- The /nm update command won't replace the old jar with the new jar but instead it will remove the old jar and download the new jar with it's correct name and version to prevent confusion.
- Fixed a weird issue with the ServerManager system.
- Fixed the default server command.
- Improved performance of the ServerManager and also changed the API.
- Added ServerStatusChangeEvent.
- The Report module should work perfectly fine without the punishment module from now.
- Fixed a issue with populating a new/clean database.
- Added support for random lobbies in the default server command. You can enter "random" (without quotes) in the setting command_defaultserver_name. NOTE: this function requires the servermanager_module.
- Added support for PremiumVanishBungee. Also added 3 new placeholders that require premiumvanish to work. %PV_isvanished%, %PV_vanishedplayers% and %PV_bungeeplayercount%
- You can now reload specific Modules with the reload command.
- Added an Extension system. At the moment there is a extension in Development. (It's a pretty cool extension

- Changed lots of things in the API.
- Fixed several other bugs.
Hey everyone!
Sorry that this update took so long but here is is now.
If you enjoy the plugin don't forget the leave a 5 star review. It means a lot!
- Added /gtempipban, /gtempipmute, /tempipban and /tempipmute. They have not been fully tested yet.
- Fixed a issue with several commands that would send a message to all online staff members.
- Fixed a issue with the nm_chat table.
- Added BungeeAdminTools and AdvancedBan Importer. They import all bans except IPBans because of the way they save their IPBans in the database.
- Fixed several issues with the arguments of punishment commands.
- Fixed a issue where /nm servers reload could make the proxy crash/stop.
- Added support for the 1.13 update that is comming out soon!
- Added support for nicknames in the argument of /seen. So you can now use /seen <username/nickname>.
- Added motd_description. When you hover over the amount of players you will see the server description. You can set a description yourself at the MOTD settings.
- Chat Announcements now Support Json.
- The Filter will now check Party Messages for Swearing if the filter list isn't empty.
The depencyloader broke again so here is the hotfix :d
- Fixed /unmute help message.
- Fixed several issues with the lenght of the punishment commands. Help messages should be okay now and also the issue with reasons are fixed now.
- Fixed a issue with the mute command.
- Thanks to an API made by MVdW I was able to add a new command /nm update. All you have to do is configure the updater in the settings.yml. (Note: you have to restart the server after updating)
- Added support for nicknames in the lookup command. You can now do /lookup <nickname> unfortunately this also requires the colorcodes used in the nickname.
- Replaced %until% with %ends% in lang_type_response (type = ban, tempban, mute, report etc).
- Fixed an issue with all punishment commands no using lang_punishment_noreason as reason when no reason was provided.
- Fixed missing lang_antispam_cooldown_message message.
- Added 5 new placeholders that you can use in Several messages if you use Ultra Permissions. %UP_ownprefix%, %UP_ownsuffix%, %UP_groupprefix%, %UP_groupsuffix% and %UP_group%. Thanks again
@TechsCode !
- Fixed a issue when using the placeholder %redisbungeeonlineplayers%.
Hey everyone,
Sadly I made a tiny mistake yesterday which the plugin (Fresh installations).
This fixes the issue!
- Fixed DependencyLoader not updating anymore.
- Fixed a MySQL Query error that occured when creating new Tables.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for another update so shortly after the previous one but it was kinda important. So here it is! I hope you enjoy!
- I noticed there was another debug message I forgot to remove so now It is removed!
- Fixed missing lang_gunmute_command and lang_unmute_command messages. Somehow they dissapeard.
- Fixed a issue with the ID of warnings.
- All messages from /language are now fully configurable.
- Improved the Performance of the punishment system.
- Updated the API
Hey everyone,
Small update but still important because this fixes an issue that could lagg your server because I forgot to remove debug messages. Sorry about that but here is the fix! I hope you enjoy!
- The Dynamic MOTD Icon should be much faster now. You can enable the dynamic MOTD by disabling setting_cache_motd_icon. With this option enabled it allows you to use %playername% and %playeruuid% in the motd_icon url.
- Fixed NPE in the KickListener when the bridge isn't installed.
- Forgot to remove debug messages when pushing the cachedPlayer data to the database.
- Added /language command (Alias is /lang). Permission networkmanager.language. You can change your own language with /language <Language>. Admins can change the language of other players with /language <Player> <Language>. You can enable the command by enabling module_language_command.
- Small optimization at startup.
Hey everyone,
A tiny bug that could cause big problems with player data sneaked into the code and could cause issues with saving playerdata like playtime and such.
Hey everyone,
Thanks to
@TechsCode I was able to add special Support for UltraPermissions. The permission
networkmanager.punishments.timelimit.x now supports BungeeCord's default Permission system, NMPerms, PowerfulPerms, LuckPerms and UltraPermissions. I've also changed and added some tiny things in the plugin.
- Added new setting setting_server-kickreason_exceptions so it won't try to move you if you got kicked for ban, whitelist or whatsoever.
- Added a new setting in the settings.yml. The LogLevel for the RestAPI. Can be useful when debugging the RestAPI.
- Fixed a NPE caused by the Nickname.
- Added %cooldown% placeholder to the lang_chatlog_err_1 message.
- Fixed Chatlock bypass permissions.
- Added a server exists check to the chatlock command.
- If you use chatlock servername it will only send the chatlock message to the players on that server.
- Changed the %time% variable of punishments _success and _alert to %expires% and the %time% will now show the date when the punishment was issued. I also added a new placeholder %ends% which shows the ending date. MAKE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR PUNISHMENT MESSAGES!
- Fixed missing messages for maintenance command.
- Added special support for UltraPermissions.
- Added new language message lang_clearchat_commands.
- You can now you the placeholder %newline% in your punishment reason.
- Added a console message. When the plugin hooks info PowerfulPerms, LuckPerms or UltraPermissions.
- Added a warning message. When a player executes a NetworkManager command without permission it will be logged in the console.
Hey everyone!
Small update today. I've been working on the msg and reply commands between multiple proxies a lot but it's not going too well and there are still some things not working so I hope I will get this ready by next update.
I hope you guys will enjoy!
- Fixed the %time% placeholder for the punishments timelimit message.
- The punishments timelimit now supports group inherits.
- You can now define the timelimit like "5d,2h" 5 days and 2 hours. Result: networkmanager.punishments.timelimit.5d,2h
- JoinMe Command is now customizable.
- Fixed tiny bug in msg and reply command.
- Preparing for supporting msg and reply between multiple Proxies.
Hey everyone,
Here another update with some optimizations and bug fixes.
Hope you enjoy!
NOTE: API has some important changes. Make sure that if you use the API for any of your plugins that you edit them to the latest version to prevent any issues.
- Fixed the issue with the wrong name in the lang_party_join message.
- Caching of players should now be faster.
- When a player leaves the server the player will be removed from the cache.
- Optimized caching of CommandBlocker commands, Filter words and TabCompleteCommands.
- API changes because I optimized caching of Languages, LanguageMessages and Values(Settings).
- Fixed a issue with the ServerManager. If all lobbies are offline and you tried to join it would set the player online, start a new session and would set a new LastLogin.
- Possibly fixed a color formatting issue in the MOTD. Also improved Motd Placeholders.
- Fixed a bug with the maxplayers module in the motd.
- Added support for RedisBungee to the /execute command. You can now enter /execute <proxyname/servername> <command>
- Added new test command /nm test restapi
Hey everyone,
Sorry for all the hotfixes. I hope this is the last hotfix for 2.2.9.x.
- Fixed a error on shutdown when the restAPI is disabled.
- Fixed another issue with the nicknames of new players.
- Fixed a issue with creating the nm_players table.
Hey everyone,
Quick hotfix today that fixes some small and big issues. Read the Changelog because it is important!
- Fixed a issue where you could get some messages twice if you have the same permission multiple times or different permission of the same thing. (I'm really bad at explaining things).
- When I introduces the party system. I switched lang_party_invite_expired_owner with lang_party_invite_expired_player. I've fixed this for those who generate the language messages table but you can just switch them in the panel.
- Fixed a issue with the nicknames for new players again. They won't turn into NULL anymore but you might want to run this SQL Query in your database to fix the issue for existing players
- Fixed a huge issue with Redis that could cause players to time out or crash the server.
Hey everyone,
Quick hotfix today that fixes some small and big issues. Read the Changelog because it is important!
- Fixed a issue where you could get some messages twice if you have the same permission multiple times or different permission of the same thing. (I'm really bad at explaining things).
- When I introduces the party system. I switched lang_party_invite_expired_owner with lang_party_invite_expired_player. I've fixed this for those who generate the language messages table but you can just switch them in the panel.
- Fixed a issue with the nicknames for new players again. They won't turn into NULL anymore but you might want to run this SQL Query in your database to fix the issue for existing players
- Fixed a huge issue with Redis that could cause players to time out or crash the server.
Hey everyone,
Today I got a update ready that I've wanted to push earlier but we are still working hard on the Web Interface. Only the biggest addition in this update needs Web interface update that will come soon.
- Fixed a issue with the punishment commands checking if the server you've entered does exists or not.
- Added 3 new messages and 3 new settings regarding cooldown for creating a ticket, answering a ticket and resetting ticket password.
- Added a RestAPI that is disabled by default. Soon there will be a couple of addons that can be used with the RestAPI. One of the addons provide a console to the BungeeCord server. For now it is useless unless you know how to use it

. Will be explained in the Wiki soon.
- Added Exceptions to the API for Languages. LanguageNotFoundException and LanguageMessageNotFoundException I'll add more exceptions to the API soon.
- The ServerManager Servers will now be cached into Redis if you use redis. The Spigot servers that are running the bridge with redis will grab the servers from Redis when they need them. This will save some ram and will also be used for more things in the future.
- Creating a player when it joins for the first time takes now a little less time.
- Added /joinme if module_joinme is enabled. (This was requested). The command has no settings and is not customizable yet.
- Added /execute. With this command you can execute commands on other server with the bungee console. So you can do /execute lobby kick ChimpGamer. This will execute kick ChimpGamer on the lobby server. This commands uses the server name you defined in the settings.yml of the NetworkManagerBridge.
- Fixed some bugs I don't remember anymore.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for another update today but I really had to fix these issues.
- Fixed some small issues with creating in-game tickets.
- Fixed a bug that prevented creating new users on first login!
Hey guys,
Quick update today because of the bug fix. I hope you will enjoy it!
- Added edit_permissions permission for the WebInterface. (Will work with the next Web Interface release).
- Fixed a issue with creating new players. It would set the nickname of players to null which would caused a NPE. Because of this you might want to run the following MySQL Query ONCE (Open the pastebin link):
- Added a new Placeholder System. It should be cleaner then the old one.
- Added a new Placeholder %message_{message_name}% Replace {message_name} in the example with a message name from the language. Like %message_lang_time_months%. Soon this will also gonna work in PlaceholderAPI With the Bridge.
Just a quick hotfix for those who had/have issues with fresh databases.
- Fixed Language Messages not working in /partychat toggle command.
- Added something new to the API for the language system that will prevent the messages from being removed every reload. Also changed a couple of things. Will be explained in the Wiki.
- Added support for PowerfulPerms placeholders %PP_ownprefix%, %PP_ownsuffix%, %PP_prefix%, %PP_suffix%, %PP_primarygroup%. You can use them in several messages.
- Added support for %nickname% to a lot of party messages.
- If you use the %nickname% placeholder and the player doesn't have a nickname it will retun the username.
- Added Party API and 2 Party Events. PartyJoinEvent and PartyLeaveEvent. More events soon!
- I hope I've fixed the MySQL connection bug/issue on startup.
Hey everyone!
I've been working on this for almost a whole week but now it is here. The party system! If there is anything wrong or not working please contact me on the NetworkManager Discord server. I hope you guys enjoy it and if you have a suggestion just hit me up!
Leave a review behind to let me know your thoughts about the plugin!
- Fixed a issue with the punishment reasons. It doesn't have that extra space at the end of the reason anymore!
- Added command_msg_alias and command_reply_alias because it was requested. You can remove all aliases if you don't want any.
- Changed the default lang_report_alert. Better design and formatting. (It won't be replaced automatically).
- Added new message lang_report_alert_jump. This is also for the new design and formatting of the lang_report_alert message.
- Added a Party system! /party is the command. All commands and permissions are in the wiki. I tried to make everything possible and include some Json messages. Also the Party system fully supports the language system. To use the party chat you can use the # Like "#Your message here" and it will send the message to the party chat. You can also use /partychat or /pc with the message or toggle the party chat with /partychat toggle so you can just talk in the chat and it will send the message into the party chat. If you have the party chat toggle and you want to send a message to the normal chat you can use ! in front of your message.
- Added some new methods to the API but there is no API for the Party system YET. This will be in the next version with some events.
Hey everyone,
Here is a small update with some requested features and bug fixes.
I hope you enjoy!
- Fixed several issues in the ServerManager Task.
- Added MySQL SSL option to config.
- Added permission based punishment timelimit restriction.
Because most Permission plugins use a event to allow checking permissions I had to use the API of several permission plugins to make this work.
So only NMPerms, LuckPerms, PowerfulPerms and the inbuild Bungee Permission system should work with this feature.
The permission is networkmanager.punishments.timelimit.x. For example you add the permission networkmanager.punishments.timelimit.3h to a group then they can only punish people for 3 hours max.
- In the lang_seen_success message I've changed something so you will have to replace %player% with %playername% or whatever placeholder you want to use the display the name. Make sure to do this in all languages!
- Added in some more messages support for %username% and %nickname%. If you want to know in which message you can use a placeholder you can ask it in our Discord!
Hey everyone!
Just a quick update to fix 2 error's that might occur when new players join.
This should fix it!
Change log:
- Fixed 2 error's on Login of a new player
Hey everyone,
Another new update with something new I want to introduce. With this new update and the new update of the Web Interface you will be able to punish player from the Web Interface. Isn't that cool?

I've tested this quite well so there shouldn't be any bugs but if you find any. Please let me know.
Enjoy this new update!
Change log:
- Fixed the issue that when you report someone the one you report get's notified.
- Fixed a issue on shutdown with saving player data.
- Added support for the WebInterface punishments. With the new WebInterface update you can punish players

. (It can take up to 10 seconds before the player will receive their punishment.)
- Fixed the module_anticaps and module_antispam causing error's.
- Added support for the languages in the API.
- Added a few new Events. LanguageChangeEvent, GroupPermissionExpiredEvent, PlayerGroupExpiredEvent and PlayerPermissionExpiredEvent.
- Added /nm servers setlobby command.
Hey everyone,
Quick hot fix for the first run of the plugin.
Change log:
- Finally fixed the issue with the first run error's.
- Fixed a issue with the nm_language_messages table not being filled with data.
Hey everyone,
Today I only got a small update with some bug fixes.
Change log:
- Fixed a issue with the Announcements module causing an exception.
- Fixed a issue with the setting_notify_banned_player_join. The message would be sended in the wrong language for the one who receives it.
- Fixed a issue with the Update checker.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the update spam today, but here is another update with some nice things. Last update for today!
Change log:
- Fixed a issue on login caused by maintenance mode.
- Fixed the maxplayers module not working.
- Fixed a issue with the MOTD not working in some cases.
- Added a new setting setting_language_default. You can now set a default language for every new player but the Language has to exist if it doesn't it will use English.
Hey everyone,
Here is another update to fix some tiny issues caused by previous updates.
Change log:
- Fixed a issue with the tempban command.
- Might have fixed the No task with id error caused every 2 minutes by the tabheader.
- Fixed the report command. Now it should fully function.
- Fixed a issue with existing users causing error's when receiving a message.
- Added the language webinterface permissions. I forgot to add them in the previous update.
Hey everyone,
After working a while on the Language system for NetworkManager and NetworkManagerBridge It is finally here. You can create as much languages as you want and change almost every message.
If there is any problem please contact me on Discord. If you like the plugin and/or this update please leave a rating!
WARNING: Delete your nm_values table in the database because all messages in that table aren't used anymore so useless. Also read the change log below it is important
Change log:
- Fixed a issue where it would not show the Proxy only message if the servermanager or fallback module was enabled.
- Changed a lot in the nm_values table I tried to convert it as good as it is HIGHLY recommended that you reset it so it will be cleaner, less messier and you lower the risk for issues!
- Fixed some tiny issues with several commands.
- Fixed a issue with colorcodes in the reason of Punishments. Now it will insert the message with & instead of §.
- Added Language system. All messages has been moved from the Settings to Language.
- You can change the language with nm language <language> permission: networkmanager.language
- Improved some code in the ServerTask that check if the servers of the servermanager are online or offline.
This contains a small hotfix
- Fixed a issue where /playtime top would spam the chat if you have a lot players in the database.
- Permission System should now use the Plugin messaging channel to communicate with the other servers if redis is not enabled.
- Some tiny improvements that may prevent commands from bugging
Hey all,
Here is a quick update for the punishment system with bug fixes and some improvements. If you like it please consider to leave a nice review!
- Fixed a issue where PerServerPunishments wouldn't stop the players from joining when the servermanager module wasn't enabled.
- Fixed a issue where the %server% variable wouldn't work in the per server punishment success messages.
- Forgot to add the new Alert permissions networkmanager.punishment.gunban.alert and networkmanager.punishment.gunmute.alert
- Fixed the lang_punishment_unpunish_alert message not working when unbanning a player.
- Fixed a issue where the player would not get kicked from the server when the player would get banned, tempbanned, ipbanned or kicked (Per server bans).
- Improved the load time of the plugin with a couple of seconds.
- You will now be notified by the update checker in-game if you enabled the Update checker.
- Fixed a issue where you couldn't ban a player from multiple servers and global with multiple punishments running at the same time.
Hey all,
Not a long time ago Dunios (Konrad) decided to move on with other projects so he gave his Project NetworkManager to me. So I hope you guys will enjoy this new update.
If there are any issues with the new update please contact me in the Discord server. If you like this update or the whole resource please leave a nice review at the review section.
Thanks and enjoy the update!
NOTE: Don't forget to backup your data!
- Fixed some text bugs in the Permission Command System.
- Fixed some permission issues in the Permission Command System.
- Fixed issues with several commands returning multiple nopermission messages or returning a no permission message while you have permission.
- Fixed a bug in the IsLobby Function on join.
- Added a Task that checks every 10 seconds if the servers are online. This only works with the servermanager_module!
- Fixed the %liveplaytime% placeholder in the playtime commands.
- Fixed a formatting issue in the /nm servers list command.
- The MOTD Icon now ONLY loads on startup and when the url changes. Also when the MOTD is disabled it won't cache the MOTD anymore. This improved the reload times alot!
- Added a custom /glist command. You can enable it by enabling module_glist_command.
- Added new variable %until% for the response punishment messages. It displays the expire date of the punishment. You can edit the format by changing the setting lang_punishment_datetime_format
- Did some improvements to inserting a deleting new/old variables(Settings). This improves the load time of the plugin a bit.
- Added a Hoverable message to the /glist command which shows if the server is online or offline.
- Fixed an issue where every cache reload it would send a notification that x server has gona online.
- Fixed an issue where the PunishmentTask would expire permanent punishments!
- Fixed an issue where it would set the lastLogin and OnlineState to true and would open a session when the player is banned.
- Fixed a bug in the announcements. If an announcement would be inactive it would restart all announcements every cache reload.
- Added new permission networkmanager.color.rainbow. This will create a rainbow of your username (If you have module_playercolors enabled).
- Added allowed versions in the ServerManager. You can now specify what versions you want to allow on your servers. For example "1.8, 1.12.2". Will allow all 1.8 clients and the 1.12.2 client.
- Recoded a big part of the punishment system. Added Per server punishments like ban, tempban, mute, tempmute and kick. The global punishments start with g for example /gban or /gkick. This will reset some punishment messages and add a few new one!
- Removed module_permissions and added module_permissions_bungee and modules_permissions_spigot so you can decide if you want to use the permission system only on bungee or spigot or both.
- Changed the UUID of the console NM was using to the correct UUID of the console.
- Changed the Punishment Type ID of warn, reports and note.
- It is recommended to reset your punishments table if it is filled with data!
- Fixed a bug where LastLogin didn't set and sessions wouldn't open at login.
- Added a method to check if there is an update of the dependencies file. If there is it will automatically download the file on startup. (This requires internet connection)
- Added bStats.
- Did alot more but forgot it all ._.
- Removed Old API.
- Added even more stuff to the API.
- Fixed %newline% sometimes not working in the MOTD.
- Fixed Plugin sometime or for some people not working at all.
- Fixed the reports list command.
- Fixed Chat error when Filter module is enabled
- Fixed Punishment system!
- Fixed CaseSensitive name support for Tabcompleting /nmperms user <username>
- Added a Dependency Injector
- Added a Punishment Check Task. This task will run every 10 seconds Async if the punishment module is enabled.
- Fixed Announcements not loading after re-enabling in the panel
- Fixed formatting for some messages. (Colorcode stopped on new line).
- Removed alot of redundant code in the Permission system.
- Added more help messages to the Ticket commands.
- Fixed bug where playername would be broadcasted when you reply on a msg.
- Fixed error when reloading server by name.
- Created a whole new API with even more methods the before.
- Redesigned /nm about.
- You can now click on the server of the staff in the staff list to teleport to their server.
- Fixed error when NetworkManager shutsdown.
- The redis test command now shows the ServerName instead of the ServerID.
- Updating from NM 2.0.2 or lower to this version is not possible with this version!
- Changed old (Not working anymore) logo to the NM logo when saving the default settings.
- Fixed some weird issues with Redis which caused some commands to stop working or even kick players.
- Fixed unban and unmute commands not showing their help when no argument was entered.
- Fixed an issue in the %type% placeholder of the unban and unmute messages.
- Fixed alot of code issues in the Permission system.
- Fixed helpop and punishment notifications.
- Fixed issue with some command that when getting a player that isn't loaded takes too long to load.
- Added networkmanager.nickname.colorcodes to allow players using colorcodes in their nickname
- Fixed issue with the TabHeader in the new BungeeCord builds 1300 and up.
- Chatlog has now server support. You can now define a server like /chatlock <server>
- added 4 new variables: lang_notification_helpop, lang_permissions_datetime_format, lang_unmute_command, lang_unban_command
- Added ReportCloseEvent.
- Now you can do /nick <nick> and /nick off
- Added a BungeeCord Server system.
- Added networkmanager.nickname.other to use /nick [username] [nickname]
- Fixed permission bug in slashserver commands
- Fixed issue in slashserver commands when you try to join a restricted server.
- Fixed NPE in the GeoIP when it could get the location by ip.
- Fixed issue with logging chat messages.
- Changed the way how restricting servers work. You can bypass restricted servers with: networkmanager.server.servername or networkmanager.servers.bypassrestricted
- Fixed bugs in Servers system. The servers won't be reregisterd every reload to prevent weird issues like Chat plugins that use BungeeMessageChannel.
- Added /nm servers reload (server)
- Added WebInterface Permissions for Servers (view_servers and edit_servers)
- Added lobby option to the server system which makes the fallback module useless if you use this system.
- Fixed the way Fallback server works. Now if the fallback is down you will be kicked from the proxy.
- Fixed issue where Announcers wouldn't work when more then 2 players would be online.
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Fixed ANOTHER issue with the GeoIP API.
- Added new message "lang_server_no_access"
- Fixed tiny issue with GeoIP API.
- Added new setting "setting_notify_banned_player_join".
- New GeoIP API again but without limitations.
- Fixed issues with TabCompleteListeren (Again but last time I hope).
- Fixed default chatlog creation URL.
- Fixed trigger of message "lang_joinbanned_alert".
- New UUIDFetcher that uses GSON instead of "Json".
- Another attempt to fix the NPE in the tabcomplete listener.
- Fixed issue with the UUIDFetcher.
- Fixed issue with the GeoIP API.
- Fixed NPE in the TabCompleteListener if the CommandBlocker List is Empty.
- Fixed bug with Player Sessions.
- Fixed issue with Player country (New API). Someone needs to test this.
- Fixed order of Playtime top command.
- Added OfflineMode support. You can change between online and offline mode in the Settings. The setting is called: "setting_servermode" and you can choose between ONLINE or OFFLINE.
- Fixed Nullpointer when uploading the AdvancedAnalytics Data.
- New Permission System (The PowerfulPerms system) I asked Gustav (Author of PowerfulPerms for permission). I changed a couple of things and improved some code that should make some parts a bit smoother. There will be more features and improvements for it in the future!
- Finally fixed the Redis issues (I think I did) it should crash the servers anymore or would cause any timeout.
- Some minor fixes and improved the boot time of the plugin.
- Removed unused imports
- Fixed some performance issues.
- Fixed issue with Punishment reasons.
- Removed Debug module
- Removed CustomTabList Module.
- Renamed MsgEvent to PrivateMessageEvent.
- Added setMessage Method to the PrivateMessageEvent
- CommandBlocked should not be bypassable anymore.
- All punishments except report do not require a reason anymore.
- Recoded the RedisBungeePubSubListener for NM.
- Changed Cache for Values.
- Fixed some caching bugs.
- Fixed double Message when using RedisBungee in staffchat and adminchat command
- Added ChatLogEvent.
- Added Announcer System. Only Global chat announcements work!
- Added module_maintenace_command. So you can enable/disable the maintenance command.
- Fixed the punishment commands.
- Fixed some tiny bugs.
- Added /nmperms group [groupname] setweight [weight]
- Fixed issue with Notifications.
- Fixed issue with reloading CachedChat.
- Fixed issue that the message lang_server_kick might lose color on line break.
- Added a max lenght to the nickname command of 15 characters including colorcodes. There is also a message you can customized called: "lang_nickname_toolong".
- Fixed Error when unbanning a player.
- Rewrote the part in Redis that catches all "Messages".
- Added the datbase updates for 2.0.8.
- Added more debugging messages.
- Creating a player goes a bit faster now when the player logs in for the firt time.
- Improved the networkmanager test command
- Disabled &k for nicknames. It made them really buggy in some cases.
- Added %newline% to all punishment success and alert messages.
- Added PluginMessagingListener to receive message from NetworkManagerBridge when Redis isn't used.
Updated by
- Every MySQL Query should now run async.
- Fixed Unban permissions. networkmanager.punishment.unban & networkmanager.punishment.unmute.
- Rewroted the Permission system. You need to remove your old permission tables.
- Added fully Redis support.
- Fixed some huge bugs with playtime. It is recommended to reset your data.
- Fixed TPS not working.
- When BungeeCord shutsdown CORRECTLY it will upload some cached data to the database before it will shutdown so there won't be any data loss.
- When a player got reported. The id in /reports list won't be 0 anymore but the correct ID.
- Added an setting to set the tabheader refresh time (In Seconds).
- You can now show the live playtime %liveplaytime%.
- Fixed alot errors that might occure random.
- Fixed Maintenance mode permissions when using NMPerms.
- Better MySQL Reconnect handling.
- You can't kick offline players anymore.
- The permission networkmanager.* now works for redisbungeeplugin messages.
- Fixed error when using /lookup [username].
- Moved the events package to the api package. (This is for Developers that hook into NetworkManager).
- Arguments of blockedcommands can't be tabcompleted anymore. This is to prevent others from seeing your plugins on a sneeky way. bypass networkmanager.commandblocker.bypass || networkmanager.*
- Added new Placeholder %pluginprefix% that works in 80% or more of the messages. The Placeholder %pluginprefix% is the message lang_prefix.
- You can now use NetworkManager Placeholders in the /announce command.
- Added /nickname as alias for /nick
- Improved the msg system a bit and the Anti-Caps will now work in the msg system.
- Added option to disable nick command.
- Added seen command. Permission: networkmanager.seen.
- Made AntiCaps Caps percent configureable. Default is 40%.
- Added JSON support for the message lang_reports_list. If this works well more messages will follow. Create JSON messages at: (1st JSON message. JSON support for other messages will follow).
- Recoded Tabcomplete. It now works with and without commands. If you want to use it for commands you can add the command including permission in the webinterface. If you don't enter a permission it will work without. For Chat TabComplete the permission is: networkmanager.tabcompletechat or networkmanager.*. For adding a tabcomplete command with permission enter command!permission.
- If you use RedisBungee and you would punish a player on a bungee server he won't be able to login anymore on the other one because when he gets punished the other bungee server will cache the punishment now.
- If you change the nickname of a player it will update every server right away. (Redis (Not RedisBungee))
- Added NoPermission message (customizable).
- Fixed Online display in /lookup command.
- Fixed errors that might occure when using report, staffchat or someother commands.
- Improved some MySQL Queries at startup.
- Fixed error when creating groups with command and API.
- /nmperms reload global will now use the Bungee Message channel if redis is not connected.
- Fixed error when using group prefix/suffix variable when player has no primary group.
- Fixed issue with double messages when using staffchat and RedisBungee.
- Added AdminChat You can use it like /adminchat or @<message>
- Added StaffChat toggle command /staffchat toggle (Also works for AdminChat).
- The permissions networkmanager.slashserver.* should now work.
- New Setting setting_cache_motd_icon. If you disable this you can use the variable %playername% and %playeruuid% in the link of the motd icon.
- The CustumTablist now updates every 2 seconds. (This doesn't mean the variables will also update every 2 seconds)
- You can now close reports in the reportgui.
- Added NoPermission message (customizable).
- Added an chatformatting system that supports PlaceholderAPI.
- Added fully Redis support.
- Rewroted the Permission system. You need to remove your old permission tables. (If you use this and want per-server permission make sure to set the correct servername in the settings.yml).
- Added LookupGUI. Check information about all players in 1 GUI or a Specific player.
- Recoded the Placeholders for MVdWPlaceholderAPI
- Added Support for Vault Permissions. (This is not tested quite well and might be a bit buggy).
- Added new Placeholders MVdW {networkmanager_primarygroup} PAPI %networkmanager_primarygroup% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_id% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_weight% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_prefix% & %networkmanagergroup<group>_suffix%
- Fixed TPS not working.
- Fixed an error when refreshing refreshTabList while reload cache.
- Player will not be loaded when the login is allowed and not blocked by whitelist or anything else that disallows logging in.
- Improved MySQL Query at starup.
- Might have fixed an error that occures when hooking into Vault.
- Recoded filter check. It will now check if the word is equal to a word in the filter.
- The lang_filter_response message now supports the variable %word% that will be replaced with the filterd word.
- Did more improvements to the MySQL Queries at startup.
- Should have fixed spammy error.
- Fixed Vault error on startup again
- Fixed issue when using redis and changing nickname would not work well.
- If you use the NetworkManagerBridge ChatFormatting system you can use the permission networkmanager.chatcolors to use chatcolors in chat.
- Fixed issue when using redis and changing nickname would not work well.
- The NetworkManagerBridge Chat system now supports JSON. You can create your own JSON messages using this tool:
- Removed a debug messsage I forgot to remove.
- Added /lookupgui <username>
- You can now click on a player to open lookupgui for a specific player.
- Because the Website is down. The default login background is not working. So I added a temporary background.
- Fixed Delete Ban Button text not using the Language file.
- Added Per server group permission suppoprt.
- Added Per server group member support.
- Added "Add Permission" button for groups.
- Added "Add Members" button for groups.
- Added ClearChat button with confirmation.
- Added Playerhead to Helpop -> Requester.
- New Permission to Edit Chat (ClearChat).
- Improved alot MySQL Queries and methods.
- Cleaned up some code.
- Added Configurable search message in the language file.
- Updated English and Nederlands language file. Deutsch is a bit outdated.
- Added TabCompleteCommands page. To add a command just enter /command if you want to add a command that requires a permission to tabcomplete enter /command!permission. Just the ! to seperate.
- Fixed Title not changing (It kept it on Analytics)
- Fixed language name save button for changing language
- Added notes to player page.
- Added nickname to player page.
- Added Online/Offline state to player page.
- Fixed punishments still containing reports.
- Improved loading speed Analytics but is still slow with really big Data.
- New Permission system.
- Fixed Issue when filter word gets deleted the list would be empty.
- Fixed issue with switch when setting a group to default or not.
- Fixed Changing settings when using the search function.
- Added a confirmation box for deleting Groups and Users Accounts.
- Added a Settings system that can be managed through the WebInterface.
- Settings has been split in 2. WebInterface and Plugin. You can find the WebInterface Settins under the WebInterface button and the plugin settings under the Plugin button.
- Added option for default-language.
- Added option for date-format.
- Updated the Permission System pages. It now supports the Language system.
- Updated English and Nederlands (Dutch) Languge Files.
NOTE: Delete te old settings.php located at /inc/php/dep/settings.php and make sure the file /inc/json/settings.json has write permissions so you can edit it from the WebInterface.
WebInterface bugs? Clear your browser cache.
- New Setting setting_cache_motd_icon. If you disable this you can use the variable %playername% and %playeruuid% in the link of the motd icon. NetworkManagerBridge:
- Applied the same fixes for the permissionmanager as on NetworkManager. I forgot to do it on the Bridge too.
- Removed a debug messsage I forgot to remove.
- Fixed Changing settings when using the search function.
- Added a confirmation box for deleting Groups and Users Accounts.
- Added a Settings system that can be managed through the WebInterface.
- Settings has been split in 2. WebInterface and Plugin. You can find the WebInterface Settins under the WebInterface button and the plugin settings under the Plugin button.
- Added option for default-language.
- Added option for date-format.
- Updated the Permission System pages. It now supports the Language system.
- Updated English and Nederlands (Dutch) Languge Files.
NOTE: Delete the old settings.php located at /inc/php/dep/settings.php and make sure the file /inc/json/settings.json has write permissions so you can edit it from the WebInterface. WebInterface bugs? Clear your browser cache.(edited)
Updated by
- Fixed CommandBlocker and ChatFilter
- Fixed MSG and MSG reply commands not working.
- Fixed Server Kick Error - Added Notes.
- New Command /note. Permission networkmanager.note
- Preperation for Redis (Not RedisBungee) you can enable it but it won't do anything else then connecting to the redis server you provided in the config. You will also notice it in the plugin size.
- Improved The Nickname command.
- Fixed New players not working in the webinterface (Yes this was an issue caused by the plugin) - Few performance tweaks.
- Playtime will update a bit more often.
- Added Nicknames - new command /nick - /nick - Shows current nickname - /nick (username) - Shows current nickname of the provided username - /nick (username) (nick|off/reset) - Set the nickname or disable/reset it. - Added an new Event; CommandBlockerEvent - Fixed uptime in the /gtps command - Fixed an problem in the /lookup command that only showed 1 alt account.
- Fixed Staff Chat when enterign !before msg
- Fixed uptime in /gtps - Removed the Lang_serverkick messages - Added lang_server_kick message that will replace lang_serverkick and supports new variables. All variables for this message are: %reason% %kickedfrom% %fallbackserver%
- Fixed some bugs with messages
- Fixed more IP issues
- staffchat event
- filter event
2.0 IS OUT​
- Update chcker sends notification to webinterface when new update will be released.
- HelpOP requests will be logged.
- Reports are now seperated from Punishments in the WebInterface.
- Added /nmperms haspermission <player> it won't check specific in the user permission but also in the groups that are assiged to the player.
- Improved some caching performance.
- Added CommandBlocker Module.
- Added per server support to Filter and CommandBlocker you can do that in the webinterface by entering for example "/gamemode 1:survival" So /gamemode 1 will now only be blocked on the survival server.
- Added SlashServer module. If this is enabled you can just enter /<servername> and it will send you to that server.
- Fixed some minor bugs in the Punishment system.
- Added an msg system with reply command and socialspy.
- Added maxplayers module. With this module you can handle the maxplayer limit on your bungeecord without restarting.
- Added RedisBungee support but this is not fully tested so it is in BETA.
- Added an language system to the webinterface. There are 2 languages available English and Dutch but you can add your own language if you want.
- Fixed UTF-8 encoding in the WebInterface.
- Fixed an small bug in the fallback server module.
- Added AntiCaps module.
- Fixed Playtime Time format. There was an mis calculation in the time format in-game.
Mainly updated by