- Updated kotlin to 1.8.10
- Legacy placeholders are no longer supported in announcements.
- Changed default setting_anticaps_percent from 40 to 70
- Recoded swear filter and anti-caps. I deprecated the old methods that were used for the swear filter and anti caps.
- Switched to a new Inventory framework
- Added anti flood to the anti spam module. Use networkmanager.antiflood.bypass permission to bypass.
- Removed all Safe named methods from the CachedTags Interface since they are obsolete.
Added 2 new settings:
- setting_anticaps_send_warning
- setting_anticaps_lowercase_caps
Updated the following messages (Note that these will reset to their default value after updating):
- lang_punishment_join_warning
- lang_punishment_join_warning_entry
- lang_joinbanned_alert
- lang_language_change
- lang_language_current
- lang_punishment_cant_punish_longer_then