NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

A new chapter
Hey all,

Not a long time ago Dunios (Konrad) decided to move on with other projects so he gave his Project NetworkManager to me. So I hope you guys will enjoy this new update.

If there are any issues with the new update please contact me in the Discord server. If you like this update or the whole resource please leave a nice review at the review section.

Thanks and enjoy the update!

NOTE: Don't forget to backup your data!

- Fixed some text bugs in the Permission Command System.
- Fixed some permission issues in the Permission Command System.
- Fixed issues with several commands returning multiple nopermission messages or returning a no permission message while you have permission.
- Fixed a bug in the IsLobby Function on join.
- Added a Task that checks every 10 seconds if the servers are online. This only works with the servermanager_module!
- Fixed the %liveplaytime% placeholder in the playtime commands.
- Fixed a formatting issue in the /nm servers list command.
- The MOTD Icon now ONLY loads on startup and when the url changes. Also when the MOTD is disabled it won't cache the MOTD anymore. This improved the reload times alot!
- Added a custom /glist command. You can enable it by enabling module_glist_command.
- Added new variable %until% for the response punishment messages. It displays the expire date of the punishment. You can edit the format by changing the setting lang_punishment_datetime_format
- Did some improvements to inserting a deleting new/old variables(Settings). This improves the load time of the plugin a bit.
- Added a Hoverable message to the /glist command which shows if the server is online or offline.
- Fixed an issue where every cache reload it would send a notification that x server has gona online.
- Fixed an issue where the PunishmentTask would expire permanent punishments!
- Fixed an issue where it would set the lastLogin and OnlineState to true and would open a session when the player is banned.
- Fixed a bug in the announcements. If an announcement would be inactive it would restart all announcements every cache reload.
- Added new permission networkmanager.color.rainbow. This will create a rainbow of your username (If you have module_playercolors enabled).
- Added allowed versions in the ServerManager. You can now specify what versions you want to allow on your servers. For example "1.8, 1.12.2". Will allow all 1.8 clients and the 1.12.2 client.
- Recoded a big part of the punishment system. Added Per server punishments like ban, tempban, mute, tempmute and kick. The global punishments start with g for example /gban or /gkick. This will reset some punishment messages and add a few new one!
- Removed module_permissions and added module_permissions_bungee and modules_permissions_spigot so you can decide if you want to use the permission system only on bungee or spigot or both.
- Changed the UUID of the console NM was using to the correct UUID of the console.
- Changed the Punishment Type ID of warn, reports and note.
- It is recommended to reset your punishments table if it is filled with data!
- Fixed a bug where LastLogin didn't set and sessions wouldn't open at login.
- Added a method to check if there is an update of the dependencies file. If there is it will automatically download the file on startup. (This requires internet connection)
- Added bStats.
- Did alot more but forgot it all ._.
----------, May 1, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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