NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Well what can I say, lots of changes!
- Fully recoded messaging system. This includes RabbitMQ, Redis and (Yes it is back!) plugin messaging.
- Fixed issue with punishments not being executed from the web interface.
- Fixed error when adding notifiction after server status was changed.
- Fixed several issues with the servermanager commands.
- The %uuid% placeholder now works in the punishment response messages.
- Removed nm test redis and rabbitmq command.
- Added nm test messaging command.
- Added a few more placeholders. (Also updated the wiki regarding placeholders).
- Added a /servermanager debug command to figure out why servers won't pop-up online. You can see the debugging in the console when it tries to ping the server.
- Fixed Connection leak on startup.
- Added redisbungee placeholder
- Fixed players and randomplayer placeholder.
- Warn player on swear if filter replacement is null or empty
- Updated the announce command. You can now announce chat, actionbar and titles. Placeholders and Chat colors are allowed. Titles also support the json format like in the configured announcement. Check the wiki for that. The command has to be executed now like /announce [chat/actionbar/title] [global/local/servername] [message]
- Fixed issue with banned players still being able to login after first attempt.
- Fixed a big bug which would allow players while banned or while the server was in maintenance mode in some cases.
- Fixed issue with CommandBlocker when blocking /? without regex.
- Fixed prefix formatting at some commands.
- Cleaned up a lot of code that was no longer in use.

If you like this update please leave a kind review :)
----------, Aug 7, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
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All-Time Rating:
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