- Update adventure to 4.13.0
- Fixed multiple hex colors not being formatted (again)
- Fixed some placeholders not being parsed within click actions
- Formatted some console messages.
- Fixed a few testing command causing errors when used further without arguments
- Allow placeholder in placeholder by using brackets.
- Added /party list command.
- Fixed has_groups_on_ladder_ placeholder.
- Fixed default lang_joinbanned_alert.
- Removed debug message from punishment system
- Added player settings placeholders player_toggle_<msg,socialspy,commandspy,staffchat,adminchat>
- Fixed LiteBans compatability within the DiscordBot extension.
- Removed <username> usage in default messages. You should use <displayname> instead.
- Added lang_maintenancemode_join_notify message.
- Added networkmanager.nickname.length.<length> permission. This allows you to define the max lenght of the nickname using permissions.
- Added support for placeholderapi placeholders that return messages formatted using minimessage.
- PlaceholderAPI placeholders now require the papi: prefix. PlaceholderAPI placeholders like: <papi_placeholder> will no longer work! Use them like <papi

- Allow multiple values by separating the value by a comma in placeholder conditions. (Click
here for more information)