Title says it all. Lots of bug fixes in this update.
Let me know if there are still issues after this update!
- Fixed ReportsCooldown issue.
- Fixed error with all server punishments like /ban, /tempban, etc when not all args were being used.
- Fixed AntiSpam issue with party chat.
- Fixed an permission issue with party status. Nothing really serious tho.
- Ignore command messages are now configurable.
- Cleanedup some code in the ServerManager classes.
- Fixed GUI's for 1.8.x servers.
- Fixed error when using non loaded server in servermanager reload command.
- Fixed error when trying to join BungeeCord's default server while being banned for the default server.
- Fixed %unbanner% placeholder showing punisher instead of unbanner in punishment messages.
- Fixed UUID of unbanner not being uploaded to database due to wrong SQL statement.
- Fixed PluginMessage Channel Name being too long for 1.7.x servers.