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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Good update? I hope so :P
Hey everyone,

Sorry that this update took so long but I was trying to add NetworkManager's first extension with this update. Unfortunately I couldn't make it because it is still under development and still needs some testing. But there are still other good things in this update so enjoy!

- The /nm update command won't replace the old jar with the new jar but instead it will remove the old jar and download the new jar with it's correct name and version to prevent confusion.
- Fixed a weird issue with the ServerManager system.
- Fixed the default server command.
- Improved performance of the ServerManager and also changed the API.
- Added ServerStatusChangeEvent.
- The Report module should work perfectly fine without the punishment module from now.
- Fixed a issue with populating a new/clean database.
- Added support for random lobbies in the default server command. You can enter "random" (without quotes) in the setting command_defaultserver_name. NOTE: this function requires the servermanager_module.
- Added support for PremiumVanishBungee. Also added 3 new placeholders that require premiumvanish to work. %PV_isvanished%, %PV_vanishedplayers% and %PV_bungeeplayercount%
- You can now reload specific Modules with the reload command.
- Added an Extension system. At the moment there is a extension in Development. (It's a pretty cool extension :D)
- Changed lots of things in the API.
- Fixed several other bugs.
----------, Jul 18, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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