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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Punishment fixes and more!
Hey all,

Here is a quick update for the punishment system with bug fixes and some improvements. If you like it please consider to leave a nice review!



- Fixed a issue where PerServerPunishments wouldn't stop the players from joining when the servermanager module wasn't enabled.
- Fixed a issue where the %server% variable wouldn't work in the per server punishment success messages.
- Forgot to add the new Alert permissions networkmanager.punishment.gunban.alert and networkmanager.punishment.gunmute.alert
- Fixed the lang_punishment_unpunish_alert message not working when unbanning a player.
- Fixed a issue where the player would not get kicked from the server when the player would get banned, tempbanned, ipbanned or kicked (Per server bans).
- Improved the load time of the plugin with a couple of seconds.
- You will now be notified by the update checker in-game if you enabled the Update checker.
- Fixed a issue where you couldn't ban a player from multiple servers and global with multiple punishments running at the same time.
----------, May 2, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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