NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Idk how to call it, but it's great!
- The NetworkManager update command works again!
- Removed debug message at the end of NetworkManager's startup.
- Added TabComplete support for several commands. This feature also supports RedisBungee!
- Fixed an issue with restricted servers using slashserver commands.
- Added a check if the server is online to ServerConnectEvent. This also adds a new message.
- Fixed Server restriction bypass permissions.
- Fixed PartyChatListener.
- Added PartyManager to NetworkManager on Spigot. This allows you to get party data through the NetworkManager API on Spigot. This only works using Redis.
- Added /nmticketsgui. This command is in early stage so it doesn't have all the features it will get yet. Only users with networkmanager.admin can use the gui for now.
- Fixed issue with 403 error codes with some motd url's.
----------, May 19, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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