NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

The big 2.9.0! :O
IMPORTANT: If you're going to use this on a production server always make a back-up before updating! (Especially of your mysql database)
To install this update you have to reset your settings.yml on the servers you installed NetworkManager on. The plugin will create a new settings.yml that you'll have to reconfigure!

Another important thing is, if you use plugins that use the NetworkManagerAPI then make sure those plugins support NetworkManager 2.9.0 as the API has been changed by a lot!
And another very important thing is, make sure you update the plugin extensions!!! You can download them from the NetworkManager Discord.

All the changes:
- The plugin is now almost completely in Kotlin.
- Changed the storage system so NetworkManager can support other storage systems then MySQL and MariaDB in the future.
- Added tags to BungeeCord (not the extension). You can now use them in some messages that are sended from BungeeCord.
- If players have networkmanager.nickname.format they can use &l &o etc. Without that permission they can't use it.
- Fixed tabcomplete for party commands.
- Added IPv6 support for player IP addresses.
- Better support for hexcolor.
- Added .tv domain to the domain pattern.
- Improved dialogs in the permissions gui's.
- You can now change the displayname of a server in servermanager.
- Added `settings_nickname_allowed_characters_regex`. By default it only allows alphanumeric characters.
- Should have fixed some issues that could occur when using UltraPermissions.
- Added support for 1.16.4.
- Added a check in the nickname command that checks if someone already has a nickname in use. This check only checks online players at the moment.
- Added /realname command (networkmanager.realname)
- Added a Announcement builder to the API
- Fixed in-game spam caused by the join banned alert when players rapidly reconnect.
- Should have fixed some null issues with UltraPermissions.
- Might have fixed a memory leak when pinging a server for it's status.
- Changed the permission networkmanager.antiad.notify to networkmanager.notify.antiad
- Changed the permission networkmanager.antiswear.notify to networkmanager.notify.antiswear
- Also added networkmanager.antiad.notify.<server> and networkmanager.antiswear.notify.<server> to only receive those messages from a specific server.
- Added /networkmanager test filter <message> so you can check if your filter detects a word, sentence or complete message.
- Fixed missing lang_party_setpublic_syntax message.
- Implemented multiple icon caching. NetworkManager will now cache the motd icons based on the icon name. Make sure your motd icons have all different file names. icon1.png, icon2.png, etc.
- Also if the url of the motd icon is not reachable NetworkManager will use the cached (downloaded) icon.
- Optimized chat ignore on spigot.
- Fixed tabcomplete of /chatlock.
- Fixed tabcomplete of /clearchat
- Fixed the /networkmanager accounts reset command.

And last but not least. I've released 2 new extensions that can be downloaded from the NetworkManager Discord.
----------, Nov 17, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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