Hey everyone,
Another new update with something new I want to introduce. With this new update and the new update of the Web Interface you will be able to punish player from the Web Interface. Isn't that cool?

I've tested this quite well so there shouldn't be any bugs but if you find any. Please let me know.
Enjoy this new update!
Change log:
- Fixed the issue that when you report someone the one you report get's notified.
- Fixed a issue on shutdown with saving player data.
- Added support for the WebInterface punishments. With the new WebInterface update you can punish players

. (It can take up to 10 seconds before the player will receive their punishment.)
- Fixed the module_anticaps and module_antispam causing error's.
- Added support for the languages in the API.
- Added a few new Events. LanguageChangeEvent, GroupPermissionExpiredEvent, PlayerGroupExpiredEvent and PlayerPermissionExpiredEvent.
- Added /nm servers setlobby command.