Hey everyone,
Today I got a update ready that I've wanted to push earlier but we are still working hard on the Web Interface. Only the biggest addition in this update needs Web interface update that will come soon.
- Fixed a issue with the punishment commands checking if the server you've entered does exists or not.
- Added 3 new messages and 3 new settings regarding cooldown for creating a ticket, answering a ticket and resetting ticket password.
- Added a RestAPI that is disabled by default. Soon there will be a couple of addons that can be used with the RestAPI. One of the addons provide a console to the BungeeCord server. For now it is useless unless you know how to use it

. Will be explained in the Wiki soon.
- Added Exceptions to the API for Languages. LanguageNotFoundException and LanguageMessageNotFoundException I'll add more exceptions to the API soon.
- The ServerManager Servers will now be cached into Redis if you use redis. The Spigot servers that are running the bridge with redis will grab the servers from Redis when they need them. This will save some ram and will also be used for more things in the future.
- Creating a player when it joins for the first time takes now a little less time.
- Added /joinme if module_joinme is enabled. (This was requested). The command has no settings and is not customizable yet.
- Added /execute. With this command you can execute commands on other server with the bungee console. So you can do /execute lobby kick ChimpGamer. This will execute kick ChimpGamer on the lobby server. This commands uses the server name you defined in the settings.yml of the NetworkManagerBridge.
- Fixed some bugs I don't remember anymore.