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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

UltraPermission Support and tiny additions + bugfixes!
Hey everyone,

Thanks to @TechsCode I was able to add special Support for UltraPermissions. The permission
networkmanager.punishments.timelimit.x now supports BungeeCord's default Permission system, NMPerms, PowerfulPerms, LuckPerms and UltraPermissions. I've also changed and added some tiny things in the plugin.


- Added new setting setting_server-kickreason_exceptions so it won't try to move you if you got kicked for ban, whitelist or whatsoever.
- Added a new setting in the settings.yml. The LogLevel for the RestAPI. Can be useful when debugging the RestAPI.
- Fixed a NPE caused by the Nickname.
- Added %cooldown% placeholder to the lang_chatlog_err_1 message.
- Fixed Chatlock bypass permissions.
- Added a server exists check to the chatlock command.
- If you use chatlock servername it will only send the chatlock message to the players on that server.
- Changed the %time% variable of punishments _success and _alert to %expires% and the %time% will now show the date when the punishment was issued. I also added a new placeholder %ends% which shows the ending date. MAKE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR PUNISHMENT MESSAGES!
- Fixed missing messages for maintenance command.
- Added special support for UltraPermissions.
- Added new language message lang_clearchat_commands.
- You can now you the placeholder %newline% in your punishment reason.
- Added a console message. When the plugin hooks info PowerfulPerms, LuckPerms or UltraPermissions.
- Added a warning message. When a player executes a NetworkManager command without permission it will be logged in the console.
----------, Jun 21, 2018
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