Here is a small update with some requested features and bug fixes.
I hope you enjoy!
- Fixed several issues in the ServerManager Task.
- Added MySQL SSL option to config.
- Added permission based punishment timelimit restriction.
Because most Permission plugins use a event to allow checking permissions I had to use the API of several permission plugins to make this work.
So only NMPerms, LuckPerms, PowerfulPerms and the inbuild Bungee Permission system should work with this feature.
The permission is networkmanager.punishments.timelimit.x. For example you add the permission networkmanager.punishments.timelimit.3h to a group then they can only punish people for 3 hours max.
- In the lang_seen_success message I've changed something so you will have to replace %player% with %playername% or whatever placeholder you want to use the display the name. Make sure to do this in all languages!
- Added in some more messages support for %username% and %nickname%. If you want to know in which message you can use a placeholder you can ask it in our Discord!