NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Finally it is here. It took me a long time!
Wow 800+ downloads!

Finally I'm ready to release 2.8.7 and it's a big one for sure.
Not many new things have been added. Some things had a little recode and have been changed to Kotlin to make the plugin better.

It is important for this update that you delete the lib folder in the NetworkManagers folder on every server you installed NetworkManager on.
If you use any extensions from NetworkManager I would recommend you that you check if those already received an update for 2.8.7 before updating.

Should have Fixed msg toggle when using RedisBungee.
Punishments now supports fully written out time units in commands. Like 1day, 10days
Fixed error commandblocker
Fixed error that can happen with gui's on 1.15
Minor improvements in mvdwplaceholderapi hook.
Fixed error caused by nicknames.
Updated joda-time lib
Fixed issues with permissions gui on 1.15.x
Changed some console logging to debug only.
Fixed issue with ip punishments.
Party command name and alias is now configurable
Fixed some minor issues regarding punishments.
Added networkmanager.ignore.exempt to prevent players from being ignored.
Added networkmanager.commandspy.exempt
If you execute an ip punishment it will now punish every player online with the punished ip.
Added /nm test placeholder and /nm test language
Fixed some issues with ignore not being bypassable for players with permission.
Fixed minor issue with regex in commandblocker.
Performance improvement in temp punishment commands.
Fixed time issue with broadcasting temp punishments.
Updated the ServerManager commands and fixed some issues.
Fixed issue with namecolor setting not functioning correct.
All modules, settings and commands are disabled by default from now on.
Should have fixed announcement sounds not functioning.
Converted Party commands to Kotlin.
When punishments expired console will no longer be the "unbanner"
You can now disable the lockdown command
Fixed error that could appear when punishing a player while using redis or rabbitmq
Fixed the error when using %json-jump-message% at the end of the report alert message.
Fixed some issues with Admin and Staff chat and made some minor improvements.
NetworkManager (spigot) can now block filtered words on signs, books and items in anvils.
Fixed an issue with the ticket respond command.
Added option to add customMessage to a block command. You can only change this in MySQL until the next update of the Web Interface is released.
Fix for the missing view_servers column
Should fix an error when leaving as party owner
Fixed issue with party join command.
Improved and changed the permission system commands to Kotlin. Also fixed some minor bugs. I will soon do more improvements regarding tab completion.
Minor performance improvment in geoip lookup method.
Fixed possible memory leak when downloading MOTD icon.
Updated some dependencies and fixed a dependency issue with SimpleYaml
Fixed issue with the %word% placeholder in the filter messages.
Added default filter replacement setting. If you want to apply a filter replacement message for all filtered words you can fill it in here.
Fixed an issue where you could bypass the report command cooldown.
Fixed error when trying to use gtempban and gtempmute without timeunit.
Fixed Announcement sounds not working.
gunban now works on gipbans
Fixed cooldown bypass with helpop command.
TabComplete for History Command
Fix %playername% placeholder in HistoryCommand
Fix bypass for Chat Filters.
Fix for issue with party chat and admin chat
Minor optimization for json files
Changed lots of classes to Kotlin.
Only do command spy if the commandspy command is enabled.
----------, Apr 23, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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