NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Many changes!
Hey everyone,

It's been quite a while again but here is another update with many changes.


NOTE: To make this update work without issues you MUST delete your nm_values table. If not errors will occure and lots of things won't work. If there is any issue contact me on discord asap!

- Fixed issue with /partychat and /party chat when you weren't in a party.
- /partychat and /party chat without other arguments will now toggle the party chat.
- Fixed some issues with the API that could be misleaded.
- Fixed a weird issue with the msg toggle command.
- Some minor optimizations with caching and SQL Queries.
- When ignoring or un-ignoring a player it should now update almost instantly on the spigot servers.
- When you toggle StaffChat or AdminChat it will be saved in the database so the next time you join it will still be toggled.
- Added PartyChatEvent to the API.
- Added new dependencyloader which has a better overview for me. (Also should load faster).
- Fixed small issue with the PlayerInfo Description in the MOTD.
- Possibly fix an issue with some lines not centered when seeing the kick/ban screen.
- Reorganized all Events in the API. Make sure to update your plugins if you use the NetworkManager API.
- Fixed typo in punishment exempt permission. The permission is now for example: networkmanager.gban.exempt, networkmanager.gmute.exempt
- Fixed an issue with Looking up UUID's by username which caused some error's with several commands.
- Fixed Kick/Ban issue while using RedisBungee.
- Fixed a small issue with player sessions.
- Removed the staff command. (It was pretty much useless anyway).
- It seemed very useless since there is a servermanager system which can do the exact same thing but with more possibilities.
- NM_Values table overhaul. You'll have to reset your NM_Values table for this update. There are lots of new settings and some old settings got removed.
- Added MySQL SSL options that only work if you have your DataStorage set to MySQL. I'm not sure how MariaDB takes care of this.
----------, Dec 8, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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