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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

2.0 IS OUT

- Update chcker sends notification to webinterface when new update will be released.
- HelpOP requests will be logged.
- Reports are now seperated from Punishments in the WebInterface.
- Added /nmperms haspermission <player> it won't check specific in the user permission but also in the groups that are assiged to the player.
- Improved some caching performance.
- Added CommandBlocker Module.
- Added per server support to Filter and CommandBlocker you can do that in the webinterface by entering for example "/gamemode 1:survival" So /gamemode 1 will now only be blocked on the survival server.
- Added SlashServer module. If this is enabled you can just enter /<servername> and it will send you to that server.
- Fixed some minor bugs in the Punishment system.
- Added an msg system with reply command and socialspy.
- Added maxplayers module. With this module you can handle the maxplayer limit on your bungeecord without restarting.
- Added RedisBungee support but this is not fully tested so it is in BETA.
- Added an language system to the webinterface. There are 2 languages available English and Dutch but you can add your own language if you want.
- Fixed UTF-8 encoding in the WebInterface.
- Fixed an small bug in the fallback server module.
- Added AntiCaps module.
- Fixed Playtime Time format. There was an mis calculation in the time format in-game.

Mainly updated by @ChimpGamer
----------, Sep 24, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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