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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

More support for the new formatting
Since this update contains many changes to the database it is adviced that you backup your database before updating!

- Fixed lang_lockdown_kick message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_lockdown_success message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_tickets_resetpassword_cooldown message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_ticket_notify_reply_creator message not replacing the placeholders.
- Fixed lang_punishment_cant_punish message not always replacing the placeholders.
- Legacy placeholders will no longer work in the tabheader and tabfooter.
- Fixed some bugs in the filter system after last update.
- Added experimental support for servergroups to the permission system.
- Updated mariadb driver to 2.7.8
- Should have fixed party chat not working during mute.
- Added /nm test notification to test web push notifications.

Updated the following messages (Note that these will reset to their default value after updating):
- lang_report_cooldown
- lang_party_invite_syntax
- lang_party_join_syntax
- lang_party_chat_syntax
- lang_party_jump_syntax
- lang_party_setowner_syntax
- lang_party_setpublic_syntax
- lang_party_leave_syntax
- lang_party_kick_syntax
- lang_party_status_syntax
- lang_history_header
- lang_party_leave
- lang_party_left
- lang_party_kicked
- lang_party_kicked_alert
- lang_party_invite_receive
- lang_party_invite_expired_owner
- lang_party_invite_expired_player
- lang_party_chatformat
- lang_party_newowner_found
- lang_party_newowner_set
- lang_party_invite_sended
- lang_party_join
- lang_party_status_header
- lang_party_status_owner
- lang_party_status_members
- lang_party_status_member
- lang_party_reached_limit
- lang_party_cant_invite_ignore
- lang_party_has_no_party
- lang_party_no_invitation
- lang_party_no_member
- lang_helpop_alert
- lang_helpop_success
- lang_helpop_cooldown
- lang_announce_announced_server
- lang_chatlock_locked_alert
- lang_chatlock_islocked
- lang_clearchat_server_success
- lang_clearchat_global
- lang_clearchat_server
----------, Feb 28, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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