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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Minor additions and bug fixes
It's been almost a month since the last update so I thought it is time for a new update since the changes I've made have proven to be stable!

If you enjoy this update please leave a review!

- Fixed swear replacements not working.
- Improved Test Language Command
- Added expiration to announcements.
- Added last seen to the /sm server command
- Added GSendCommand (networkmanager.command.gsend) send players to a servergroup
- Added support for servergroups to announcements.
- Trigger FilterEvent when renaming item in anvil.
- Should fix issue with per-server blocked commands.
- Added global punishment commands to spigot. Only console can use these commands.
- Should fix issues with SimpleChat and possibly other extensions.
- Should improve usage of geoip
- Improved Chat Spam filter. When setting the cooldown to 0 a new experimental feature will be enabled which will block the messages if the player tries to spam.
- Should have fixed announcement permissions
- Fix issue with regex in the filter not detecting swearing when mixing lowercase with uppercase characters.
- Fix No value present error in punish command.
- Fixed announcements permissions not working correctly.
- Added lang_antispam_warning message
- Improved geoIP by adding a cache based on IP address and the entry will expire after 12 hours.
- Should solve some issues with the execute command.
- Added Hooks with version to /nm(b) about command.
- If json fails to parse, show what it was trying to parse.
- Fixed wrong time output in lang_punishment_cant_punish_longer_then.
- If server has been removed remove it from redis cache aswell.
- Fix UninitializedPropertyAccessException on playerSession close
- Should fix issue with not checking inherited nodes in LuckPerms permission checking
- Should fix issue with execute when sending command with arguments.
- Fixed issue with platform ServerId getting refreshed everytime it gets requested.
- Fixed some minor issues with nickname.
- General placeholders will work in more messages.
- Added setting_chat_delete_after_days. By default it is set to 0 which will prevent saved chat messages from being deleted. You should use this to prevent the nm_chat table from getting too big that it will have impact on the performance.
- Fix tabcomplete for /am send <id>
----------, Feb 7, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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