NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Not sure how to call it. It's just great!
- When a new server was added through the servermanager but not registered to BungeeCord it would no longer check for online/offline servers.
- Fixed an issue with pinging servers which could spam you with server went online messages.
- Added 1.14.4 support.
- Fixed an issue with /punish.
- Cleaned-up some code regarding creating punishments using the /punish and other punishment commands.
- From now on I use sockets to check if a server is online. This should and I hope this will work much better then the method I used before.
- Some code cleanup which also affected the API of networkmanager so it could be that this version might break some things that use the NetworkManager API so make sure to check that.
----------, Jul 20, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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