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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Going for component messages!
Hello everyone,

After a few beta tests it is finally time to release it on spigotmc. It is important that you read the whole changelog and take a backup of the database before performing the update!

I've decided to implement adventure minimessage ( this allows for more customization to the messages (hover and clickable messages). There are some places where legacy formatting is still being used (in-game input for example). %newline% has been replaced with <br> in the language messages.

Only Language messages and Announcements can be converted. You'll have to convert the motd, filters, commandblocker, etc yourself.

To convert the legacy language message I created a command /language update (NOTE: Only run this command once! Executing this command multiple times will break your messages.)
I did the same for announcements. With /announcementsmanager update you can update the announcements to the new format.

- Implemented minimessage. (Minimessage placeholders are still a W.I.P. The %placeholder% placeholders still work)
- Removed lang_party_invite_receive_json and lang_party_invite_receive_json_hover because they aren't neccesary with minimessage
- Changed the default lang_party_invite_receive to <gray>You have been invited by <red>%username% <gray>to join his party!<br><gray>Join the party by using the command <red><click:run_command:'/party join %playername%'>/party join %playername%</click><gray>!
- Converted the announcementmanager command to the new command system.
- Announcements no longer support legacy formatting. Only the minimessage formatting.
- Added announcementmanager update command to convert the announcements to the new format. (NOTE: Only run this command once! Executing this command multiple times will break your announcements.)
- Fixed filter by applying the command of the PlayerCommandExecuteEvent on the ChatEvent (Bungeecord)
- Staff and adminchat now uses components. (Legacy colorcodes still work in message parameter)
- Converted legacy colorcoding to components in all default messages that are configurable
- Commandblocker custom message now uses components. (Needs webbie update before it can be used)
- Added colorcode permission for staffchat and adminchat. networkmanager.command.adminchat.colorcodes & networkmanager.command.staffchat.colorcodes
- Removed
feature from announcements. This no longer works with components and only worked with the default font only so wasn't very pretty.
- The about command now shows the extensions too
- Changed "/nm test jsonmessage" to "/nm test minimessage" for quickly testing minimessage formats.
- Fixed plugin prefix placeholder.
- Some improvements to the KickListener on BungeeCord
- Added lang_command_invalid_syntax message.
- Should have fixed issues with several punishment messages and formatting
- Parse placeholders in minimessage tag format in admin and staff chat.
- Return empty string if luckperms prefix or suffix is null in placeholders
- Fixed some issues with formatting motd parts
- Some improvements to the KickListener on Velocity
- Don't send join notification if notifications module is disabled
- Added filter settings for staffchat and adminchat as requested.
- Updated kotlin to 1.6.21
- Added virtual host support for RabbitMQ.
- A lot of minor improvements and optimizations.​
----------, May 1, 2022
Resource Information
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First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
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