So now that 1.16 has been released I was thinking lets just release 2.8.8.
No new features but lots of other changes.
- Fixes error spam when disabling ticket system.
- Fix "global" tabcomplete for the clearchat command.
- Fix error when unbanning or unmuting a player.
- Fixed issue when executing punishments using the API on spigot.
- If punishment is permanent %expires% will return Never.
- Added ProtocolLib as softdepend for spigot.
- Fixed error that could occur when looking up a player with a nulled IP.
- Fix for tab completing users in /party invite.
- Fixed %pluginprefix% for messages that were send to players through the spigot server.
- Fixed a couple issues with ticket command.
- Fixed %id% placeholder in TICKET_NOTIFY_NEW message.
- Fixed a couple of issues with the namecolors. They should work as expected now.
- Possible fix for nicknames with spaces between quotes.
- Minor changes to updating nicknames and reloading player data.
- 1.16 support.
- Lots of optimizations and improvements. Also converted a couple classes to Kotlin.