NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Another minor update
Make a backup of your database before updating!

Fixed rank placeholder in lookup command
Respect spaces in filter test command
Added experimental group clone command to clone permission group

Updated the following messages (These messages should automatically update!):
Code (Text):
lang_seen_success = <gray>The player <red><displayname> <gray>is <reset><online> <gray>since <red><time><gray>.
lang_lockdown_removed =
<gray>The server <red><servername> <gray>is no longer locked down!
lang_lockdown_already_locked =
<gray>The server <red><servername> <gray>is already locked down. You can remove the lockdown by executing <red>/lockdown [server] end
lang_lockdown_kick =
<red>The server <dark_red><servername> <red>is locked down!<br><br><red>Reason: <dark_red><reason>
lang_lockdown_success =
<gray>Successfully initiated lockdown on <red><servername><gray>.
lang_tickets_list =
<gray>Ticket <gold>#<red><id><gray>. Status: <red><status><gray>. Last response by <red><playername>
lang_tickets_respond_invalid =
<red>The ticket with id #<id> does not exist.
lang_tickets_create_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can create a new ticket!
lang_tickets_answer_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can answer on a ticket!
lang_tickets_resetpassword_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can reset your ticket password again!
lang_ticket_notify_reply_staff =
<yellow><st>---------------------<gold><bold> TICKET <yellow><st>---------------------<br><green><creator> <gray>responded on ticket with id: <red><id> <gray>and title <red><title><red><st>---------------------------------------------------
lang_chatlog_cooldown =
<gray>You have to wait <red><cooldown> <gray>before you can create a new chatlog.
lang_whereami_response =
<gray>You are currently playing on the <red><server> <gray>server.
lang_punishment_cant_punish =
<dark_red>»<red> You can't punish <displayname>
lang_realname_response =
<gold>The real name of <yellow><nickname> <gold>is <yellow><playername>
lang_ignore_list =
<dark_red>» <red>Ignored<gray>: <white><list>
lang_server_incorrect_version =
<gray>Disconnected<br><br><red>You need to use version <version> to join the <server> server.
lang_server_restricted =
<dark_red>» <gray>You are not allowed to join the <red><server> <gray>server!
lang_server_fallback_offline =
<red>The fallback lobby went offline.<br><br><gray>Reason: <red><reason>
lang_server_offline =
<dark_red>» <red><server> <gray>is offline, please try again later!
lang_server_kick =
<gray>You have been moved to the <fallbackserver> server. Reason: <reason>
lang_pre_punishment_invalid =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) is invalid.
lang_pre_punishment_invalid_server =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) has an invalid type or is missing it's servername.
lang_pre_punishment_invalid_duration =
<dark_red>» <gray>The PrePunishment with id (<red><id><gray>) has an invalid type or has an invalid duration.
----------, Nov 30, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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