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NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Java 16 and a whole lot of stuff
It's been a very long time. Actually too long and I'm very sorry for that. I was struggling with adding java 16 support but everything is sorted and stable now.
With these changes for java 16 I had to make some project changes as well. I had to seperate the "spigot version" (you can call it brige I guess) from the main jar.
This jar is now available for download from the discord server after verification (You can verify by tagging me and telling me your spigotmc username in the general chat).
I suggest you read the whole changelog before updating!
Anyway I hope you all enjoy this update while I continue working on the Velocity implementation.

- Cleaned up NMLanguageMessage class
- Minor improvement to some messages.
- Fixed socialspy for msg.
- Fixed server displaynames not working.
- Only handle player stuff on disconnect if player was actually loaded.
- Fixed issue where sender would receive socialspy message on reply.
- Don't create tables if platform is not a proxy.
- Fixed error with nm accounts list command.
- Fixed error when trying to set group for account.
- Fixed other minor issues with account commands.
- Fixed issue with getting timestamp when they row has invalid data.
- Fixed lateinit property playerSession has not been initialized
- Added new variables to in-game notify messages for tickets (%message%, %responder% and %response%).
- Made previous and next page buttons prettier in in-game menus.
- Added Never Variable message.
- Fixed errors that could appear in some situations when IP of player in database is null.
- Fix /nm accounts list showing usergroup as username aswel.
- Implemented a new commandframework and applied it to most of the commands (See note at the bottom regarding permissions for commands).
- Added better pagination to /banlist and /history.
- Added a new command /msgtoggle [playername] [true/false] which will replace the old /msg toggle command. (networkmanager.command.msgtoggle, networkmanager.command.msgtoggle.others)
- Fixed a bug with announcements where after reloading announcements would be missing.
- If NICKNAME_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS_REGEX is empty then don't check for allowed characters.
- Code improvements to the built-in menus.
- Fixed issue with ping command when aliases are defined.
- Fixed error when using ViaVersion.
- Applied pagination system to /tickets list command
- Fixed bug with tabcompletecommands getting removed from cache when reloading.
- Fixed sql errors with tickets
- Fixed {newline} not working properly in MOTD.
- Fixed stripping hex from string.
- If mainHand is empty use offHand for itemComponent (simplechat)
- Fixed error on join on spigot/paper.
- /nmpermsgui -> /permsgui (networkmanager.command.permsgui)
- changed punishgui command permission to (networkmanager.command.punishgui)
- changed ticketsgui command permission to (networkmanager.command.ticketsgui)
- Should fix tags menu file issues.
- Added support for 1.17 clients.
- Fixed maintenancemode commands not working in console.
- New staffchat shortcut permission networkmanager.staffchat.shortcut
- New adminchat shortcut permission networkmanager.adminchat.shortcut
- New party chat shortcut permission
- Added better Party help overview when you do /party
- Fixed some issues with staffchat, adminchat, announcement and playtime
- Apply nickname on join (spigot) as displayname
- New pagination system for servermanager commands
- Should fix announce command not working correctly.
- Fixed issues with staffchat, adminchat and partychat.
- Fixed playtime permissions.
- Applied new pagination system to servermanager commands.
- Added lang_joinbanned_alt_alert message
- Fixed issue with party toggle and party shortcut.
- Added partyprefix placeholde to party syntax messages.
- Added use-ipinfo setting that can be used to make use of the "new" geoip api.
- Fixed report command reporting wrong player
- Added 1.17.1 support
- Remove sender requirement from execute command.
- Added java 16 support
- Separate jar file per-platform because when Velocity support will be added the jar will be too big.
- Fixed some issues with dependencies
- Fixed a few of the /nm accounts commands
- Improved PremiumVanish support
- Fixed issues with server restriction through default server command
- Fixed issues when executing commands without PremiumVanish
- correct incorrect placeholders for receiver_server message
- Fix command exceptions not working
- Some code cleanup with permission plugins
- added lang_clearchat_global_success and lang_clearchat_server_success messages
- Fixed issue with lang_clearchat_server_access not working
- Should have fixed error with configurations
- nm_accountgroups name should never be null
- Fixed servermanager reload not working
- Remove sender type restriction from announce command
- Replaced my own event system with kyori's event bus api.
- Changed the way senders hold a language object.
- Added luckperms contexts as described in github issue #84
- Minor internal and api changes
- Fixed error regarding LuckPerms contexts by NetworkManager (again)
- Fixed cast error in execute command
- Minor improvement to the about command
- Minor optimizations and cleanup
- Added conditions to announcements. At the moment it only supports placeholder based conditions. An example of such condition would be %playername% == ChimpGamer. At the moment the only way to apply conditions would be through the database directly.
- Disable party chat on serverswitch if player does not have permission
- Fixed %luckperms_suffix% returning prefix
- Many changes regarding the networkmanager placeholders. A lot of placeholders have been implemented internally.
- Added hasLoggedInBefore to AsyncPreLoginEvent
- Fixed displayname placeholder
- Catch IIOException when loading motd icon from url
- I might have forgotten some things...

NOTE: permission for the "new" commands are networkmanager.command.<command>
All beta builds of extensions should still work but just to be sure they will be released on discord in their own extension channels.
----------, Sep 7, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
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All-Time Rating:
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