NetworkManager icon

NetworkManager -----

[Bungee/Velocity] WebInterface, TicketSystem, Permission System, BanManager, Analytics, much more!

Hey everyone,

After working a while on the Language system for NetworkManager and NetworkManagerBridge It is finally here. You can create as much languages as you want and change almost every message.

If there is any problem please contact me on Discord. If you like the plugin and/or this update please leave a rating!


WARNING: Delete your nm_values table in the database because all messages in that table aren't used anymore so useless. Also read the change log below it is important

Change log:
- Fixed a issue where it would not show the Proxy only message if the servermanager or fallback module was enabled.
- Changed a lot in the nm_values table I tried to convert it as good as it is HIGHLY recommended that you reset it so it will be cleaner, less messier and you lower the risk for issues!
- Fixed some tiny issues with several commands.
- Fixed a issue with colorcodes in the reason of Punishments. Now it will insert the message with & instead of ยง.
- Added Language system. All messages has been moved from the Settings to Language.
- You can change the language with nm language <language> permission: networkmanager.language
- Improved some code in the ServerTask that check if the servers of the servermanager are online or offline.
----------, May 9, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,333
First Release: Aug 30, 2016
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
135 ratings
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